// // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "uhd_dpdk_fops.h" #include "uhd_dpdk_udp.h" #include "uhd_dpdk_driver.h" #include "uhd_dpdk_wait.h" #include <rte_ring.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #define MAX_UDP_PORT 65535 /************************************************ * I/O thread ONLY */ static int _alloc_txq(struct uhd_dpdk_port *port, pthread_t tid, struct uhd_dpdk_tx_queue **queue, size_t num_bufs) { *queue = NULL; struct uhd_dpdk_tx_queue *q = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(*q), 0); if (!q) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot allocate TX queue\n", __func__); return -ENOMEM; } q->tid = tid; LIST_INIT(&q->tx_list); char name[32]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "tx_q%u.%0lx", port->id, (unsigned long) q); q->queue = rte_ring_create( name, num_bufs, rte_socket_id(), RING_F_SC_DEQ | RING_F_SP_ENQ ); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "free_q%u.%0lx", port->id, (unsigned long) q); q->freebufs = rte_ring_create( name, num_bufs, rte_socket_id(), RING_F_SC_DEQ | RING_F_SP_ENQ ); /* Set up retry queue */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "redo_q%u.%0lx", port->id, (unsigned long) q); q->retry_queue = rte_ring_create( name, num_bufs, rte_socket_id(), RING_F_SC_DEQ | RING_F_SP_ENQ ); if (!q->queue || !q->freebufs || !q->retry_queue) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot allocate TX rings\n", __func__); if (q->queue) rte_ring_free(q->queue); if (q->freebufs) rte_ring_free(q->freebufs); if (q->retry_queue) rte_ring_free(q->retry_queue); rte_free(q); return -ENOMEM; } do { struct rte_mbuf *bufs[UHD_DPDK_TXQ_SIZE]; num_bufs = rte_ring_free_count(q->freebufs); if (num_bufs > 0) { num_bufs = num_bufs > UHD_DPDK_TXQ_SIZE ? UHD_DPDK_TXQ_SIZE : num_bufs; int buf_stat = rte_pktmbuf_alloc_bulk(port->parent->tx_pktbuf_pool, bufs, num_bufs); if (buf_stat) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot allocate packet buffers\n", __func__); goto unwind_txq; } unsigned int enqd = rte_ring_enqueue_bulk(q->freebufs, (void **) bufs, num_bufs, NULL); if (enqd != num_bufs) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot enqueue freebufs\n", __func__); goto unwind_txq; } } } while (num_bufs > 0); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&port->txq_list, q, entry); *queue = q; return 0; unwind_txq: while (!rte_ring_empty(q->freebufs)) { struct rte_mbuf *buf; if (rte_ring_dequeue(q->freebufs, (void **) &buf) == 0) rte_free(buf); } rte_ring_free(q->freebufs); rte_ring_free(q->queue); rte_ring_free(q->retry_queue); rte_free(q); return -ENOENT; } /* Finish setting up UDP socket (unless ARP needs to be done) * Not multi-thread safe! * This call should only be used by the thread servicing the port * In addition, the code below assumes simplex sockets and unique receive ports * FIXME: May need some way to help clean up abandoned socket requests (refcnt check...) */ int _uhd_dpdk_udp_setup(struct uhd_dpdk_config_req *req) { int retval = 0; struct uhd_dpdk_socket *sock = req->sock; struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *pdata = sock->priv; struct uhd_dpdk_port *port = req->sock->port; struct uhd_dpdk_ipv4_5tuple ht_key = { .sock_type = UHD_DPDK_SOCK_UDP, .src_ip = 0, .src_port = 0, .dst_ip = 0, .dst_port = pdata->dst_port }; /* Are we doing RX? */ if (sock->rx_ring) { /* Add to rx table */ if (pdata->dst_port == 0) { /* Assign unused one in a very slow fashion */ for (uint16_t i = MAX_UDP_PORT; i > 0; i--) { ht_key.dst_port = htons(i); if (rte_hash_lookup(port->rx_table, &ht_key) == -ENOENT) { pdata->dst_port = htons(i); break; } } } /* Is the port STILL invalid? */ if (pdata->dst_port == 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: No available UDP ports\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, -EADDRINUSE); return -EADDRINUSE; } ht_key.dst_port = pdata->dst_port; if (rte_hash_lookup(port->rx_table, &ht_key) > 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot add to RX table\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, -EADDRINUSE); return -EADDRINUSE; } size_t num_bufs = (pdata->xferd_pkts < (UHD_DPDK_RX_BURST_SIZE + 1)) ? UHD_DPDK_RX_BURST_SIZE + 1 : pdata->xferd_pkts; pdata->xferd_pkts = 0; char name[32]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "rx_ring_udp_%u.%u", port->id, ntohs(pdata->dst_port)); sock->rx_ring = rte_ring_create( name, num_bufs, rte_socket_id(), RING_F_SC_DEQ | RING_F_SP_ENQ ); if (!sock->rx_ring) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot allocate RX ring\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, -ENOMEM); return -ENOMEM; } struct uhd_dpdk_rx_entry *entry = (struct uhd_dpdk_rx_entry *) rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(*entry), 0); if (!entry) { rte_ring_free(sock->rx_ring); RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot create RX entry\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, -ENOMEM); return -ENOMEM; } entry->sock = sock; entry->waiter = NULL; retval = rte_hash_add_key_data(port->rx_table, &ht_key, entry); if (retval != 0) { RTE_LOG(WARNING, TABLE, "Could not add new RX socket to port %d: %d\n", port->id, retval); rte_free(entry); rte_ring_free(sock->rx_ring); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, retval); return retval; } _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, 0); } /* Are we doing TX? */ if (sock->tx_queue) { size_t num_bufs = (pdata->xferd_pkts < (UHD_DPDK_TX_BURST_SIZE + 1)) ? UHD_DPDK_TX_BURST_SIZE + 1 : pdata->xferd_pkts; pdata->xferd_pkts = 0; sock->tx_queue = NULL; struct uhd_dpdk_tx_queue *q = NULL; // FIXME Not sharing txq across all thread's sockets for now //LIST_FOREACH(q, &port->txq_list, entry) { // if (pthread_equal(q->tid, sock->tid)) { // LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&q->tx_list, sock, tx_entry); // sock->tx_ring = q->queue; // sock->rx_ring = q->freebufs; // break; // } //} if (!sock->tx_queue) { retval = _alloc_txq(port, sock->tid, &q, num_bufs); if (retval) { _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, retval); return retval; } sock->tx_queue = q; } /* If a broadcast type, just finish setup and return */ if (is_broadcast(port, pdata->dst_ipv4_addr)) { LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&q->tx_list, sock, tx_entry); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, 0); return 0; } /* Otherwise... Check for entry in ARP table */ struct uhd_dpdk_arp_entry *entry = NULL; int arp_table_stat = rte_hash_lookup_data(port->arp_table, &pdata->dst_ipv4_addr, (void **) &entry); if (entry) { /* Check for null entry */ if ((entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes[0] == 0xFF) && (entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes[1] == 0xFF) && (entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes[2] == 0xFF) && (entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes[3] == 0xFF) && (entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes[4] == 0xFF) && (entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes[5] == 0xFF)) { arp_table_stat = -ENOENT; } } else { /* No entry -> Add null entry */ entry = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(*entry), 0); if (!entry) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot allocate ARP entry\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, -ENOMEM); return -ENOMEM; } memset(entry->mac_addr.addr_bytes, 0xFF, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); LIST_INIT(&entry->pending_list); if (rte_hash_add_key_data(port->arp_table, &pdata->dst_ipv4_addr, entry) < 0) { rte_free(entry); RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot add entry to ARP table\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, -ENOMEM); return -ENOMEM; } } /* Was there a valid address? */ if (arp_table_stat == -ENOENT) { /* Get valid address and have requestor continue waiting */ int arp_stat = 0; do { /* Keep trying to send request if no descriptor */ arp_stat = _uhd_dpdk_arp_request(port, pdata->dst_ipv4_addr); } while (arp_stat == -EAGAIN); if (arp_stat) { /* Config request errors out */ RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Cannot make ARP request\n", __func__); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, arp_stat); return arp_stat; } /* Append req to pending list. Will signal later. */ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&entry->pending_list, req, entry); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&q->tx_list, sock, tx_entry); } else { /* We have a valid address. All good. */ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&q->tx_list, sock, tx_entry); _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, 0); } } return 0; } int _uhd_dpdk_udp_release(struct uhd_dpdk_config_req *req) { struct uhd_dpdk_socket *sock = req->sock; if (req->sock == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: no sock in req\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } struct uhd_dpdk_port *port = req->sock->port; struct uhd_dpdk_config_req *conf_req = NULL; struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *pdata = (struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *) sock->priv; if (pdata == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: no pdata in sock\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } if (sock->tx_queue) { // FIXME not sharing buffers anymore LIST_REMOVE(sock->tx_queue, entry); rte_ring_free(sock->tx_queue->queue); rte_ring_free(sock->tx_queue->retry_queue); /* Remove from tx_list */ LIST_REMOVE(sock, tx_entry); /* Check for entry in ARP table */ struct uhd_dpdk_arp_entry *entry = NULL; rte_hash_lookup_data(port->arp_table, &pdata->dst_ipv4_addr, (void **) &entry); if (entry) { LIST_FOREACH(conf_req, &entry->pending_list, entry) { if (conf_req->sock == sock) { LIST_REMOVE(conf_req, entry); break; } } } // FIXME not sharing buffers anymore // Remove outstanding buffers from TX queue's freebufs */ unsigned int bufs = rte_ring_count(sock->tx_queue->freebufs); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bufs; i++) { struct rte_mbuf *buf = NULL; if (rte_ring_dequeue(sock->tx_queue->freebufs, (void **) &buf)) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Could not dequeue freebufs\n", __func__); } else if (buf) { rte_pktmbuf_free(buf); } } rte_ring_free(sock->tx_queue->freebufs); rte_free(sock->tx_queue); /* Add outstanding buffers back to TX queue's freebufs */ //struct rte_mbuf *freebufs[UHD_DPDK_TXQ_SIZE]; //int status = rte_pktmbuf_alloc_bulk(port->parent->tx_pktbuf_pool, freebufs, sock->tx_buf_count); //if (status) { // RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%d %s: Could not restore %u TX buffers in bulk!\n", status, __func__, sock->tx_buf_count); //} //unsigned int enqd = rte_ring_enqueue_bulk(sock->rx_ring, (void **) freebufs, sock->tx_buf_count, NULL); //if (enqd != (unsigned int) sock->tx_buf_count) { // RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: Could not enqueue TX buffers!\n", __func__); // return status; //} } else if (sock->rx_ring) { struct uhd_dpdk_ipv4_5tuple ht_key = { .sock_type = UHD_DPDK_SOCK_UDP, .src_ip = 0, .src_port = 0, .dst_ip = 0, .dst_port = pdata->dst_port }; struct uhd_dpdk_rx_entry *entry = NULL; rte_hash_lookup_data(port->rx_table, &ht_key, (void **) &entry); if (entry) { if (entry->waiter) uhd_dpdk_waiter_put(entry->waiter); rte_free(entry); } rte_hash_del_key(port->rx_table, &ht_key); struct rte_mbuf *mbuf = NULL; while (rte_ring_dequeue(sock->rx_ring, (void **) &mbuf) == 0) { rte_pktmbuf_free(mbuf); } rte_ring_free(sock->rx_ring); } _uhd_dpdk_config_req_compl(req, 0); return 0; } int _uhd_dpdk_udp_rx_key(struct uhd_dpdk_socket *sock, struct uhd_dpdk_ipv4_5tuple *key) { struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *pdata = (struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *) sock->priv; if (!pdata) return -EINVAL; key->sock_type = UHD_DPDK_SOCK_UDP; key->src_ip = 0; key->src_port = 0; key->dst_ip = 0; key->dst_port = pdata->dst_port; return 0; } /* Configure a socket for UDP */ void uhd_dpdk_udp_open(struct uhd_dpdk_config_req *req, struct uhd_dpdk_sockarg_udp *arg) { if (!req) return; if (!arg) { req->retval = -EINVAL; return; } struct uhd_dpdk_socket *sock = req->sock; sock->tid = pthread_self(); /* Create private data */ struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *data = (struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *) rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(*data), 0); if (!data) { req->retval = -ENOMEM; return; } sock->priv = data; data->dst_ipv4_addr = arg->dst_addr; if (arg->is_tx) { data->src_port = arg->local_port; data->dst_port = arg->remote_port; sock->tx_queue = (struct uhd_dpdk_tx_queue *) sock; data->xferd_pkts = arg->num_bufs; } else { data->src_port = arg->remote_port; data->dst_port = arg->local_port; sock->rx_ring = (struct rte_ring *) sock; data->xferd_pkts = arg->num_bufs; data->filter_bcast = arg->filter_bcast; } /* TODO: Add support for I/O thread calling (skip locking and sleep) */ /* Add to port's config queue */ int status = uhd_dpdk_config_req_submit(req, -1, sock->port->parent); if (status) req->retval = status; if (req->retval) rte_free(data); } void uhd_dpdk_udp_close(struct uhd_dpdk_config_req *req) { if (!req) return; uhd_dpdk_config_req_submit(req, -1, req->sock->port->parent); rte_free(req->sock->priv); } /* * Note: I/O thread will fill in destination MAC address (doesn't happen here) */ static void uhd_dpdk_ipv4_prep(struct uhd_dpdk_port *port, struct rte_mbuf *mbuf, uint32_t dst_ipv4_addr, uint8_t proto_id, uint32_t payload_len) { struct ether_hdr *eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct ether_hdr *); struct ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr = (struct ipv4_hdr *) ð_hdr[1]; ether_addr_copy(&port->mac_addr, ð_hdr->s_addr); eth_hdr->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv4); ip_hdr->version_ihl = 0x40 | 5; ip_hdr->type_of_service = 0; ip_hdr->total_length = rte_cpu_to_be_16(20 + payload_len); ip_hdr->packet_id = 0; ip_hdr->fragment_offset = rte_cpu_to_be_16(IPV4_HDR_DF_FLAG); ip_hdr->time_to_live = 64; ip_hdr->next_proto_id = proto_id; ip_hdr->hdr_checksum = 0; // Require HW offload ip_hdr->src_addr = port->ipv4_addr; ip_hdr->dst_addr = dst_ipv4_addr; mbuf->ol_flags = PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM | PKT_TX_IPV4; mbuf->l2_len = sizeof(struct ether_hdr); mbuf->l3_len = sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr); mbuf->pkt_len = sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + payload_len; mbuf->data_len = sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + payload_len; } int uhd_dpdk_udp_prep(struct uhd_dpdk_socket *sock, struct rte_mbuf *mbuf) { struct ether_hdr *eth_hdr; struct ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr; struct udp_hdr *tx_hdr; struct uhd_dpdk_port *port = sock->port; struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *pdata = (struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *) sock->priv; if (unlikely(mbuf == NULL || pdata == NULL || port == NULL)) return -EINVAL; uint32_t udp_data_len = mbuf->data_len; uhd_dpdk_ipv4_prep(port, mbuf, pdata->dst_ipv4_addr, 0x11, 8 + udp_data_len); eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct ether_hdr *); ip_hdr = (struct ipv4_hdr *) ð_hdr[1]; tx_hdr = (struct udp_hdr *) &ip_hdr[1]; tx_hdr->src_port = pdata->src_port; tx_hdr->dst_port = pdata->dst_port; tx_hdr->dgram_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(8 + udp_data_len); tx_hdr->dgram_cksum = 0; mbuf->l4_len = sizeof(struct udp_hdr); return 0; } int uhd_dpdk_udp_get_info(struct uhd_dpdk_socket *sock, struct uhd_dpdk_sockarg_udp *sockarg) { if (unlikely(sock == NULL || sockarg == NULL)) return -EINVAL; if (sock->sock_type != UHD_DPDK_SOCK_UDP) return -EINVAL; struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *pdata = (struct uhd_dpdk_udp_priv *) sock->priv; if (sock->tx_queue) { sockarg->is_tx = true; sockarg->local_port = pdata->src_port; sockarg->remote_port = pdata->dst_port; sockarg->dst_addr = pdata->dst_ipv4_addr; } else { sockarg->is_tx = false; sockarg->local_port = pdata->dst_port; sockarg->remote_port = pdata->src_port; sockarg->dst_addr = 0; } return 0; }