// // Copyright 2013-2015 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include <uhd/transport/nirio/nirio_fifo.h> #include <uhd/transport/nirio_zero_copy.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhdlib/utils/atomic.hpp> #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/mapped_region.hpp> //get_page_size() #include <algorithm> // std::max #include <chrono> #include <memory> #include <thread> #include <vector> //@TODO: Move the register defs required by the class to a common location #include "../usrp/x300/x300_regs.hpp" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN32) # include <windows.h> static UHD_INLINE size_t get_page_size() { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); return si.dwPageSize; } #else # include <unistd.h> static UHD_INLINE size_t get_page_size() { return size_t(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)); } #endif static const size_t page_size = get_page_size(); using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::transport; using namespace uhd::niusrprio; typedef uint64_t fifo_data_t; class nirio_zero_copy_mrb : public managed_recv_buffer { public: nirio_zero_copy_mrb(nirio_fifo<fifo_data_t>& fifo, const size_t frame_size) : _fifo(fifo), _frame_size(frame_size) { } void release(void) { _fifo.release(_frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t)); } UHD_INLINE sptr get_new(const double timeout, size_t& index) { nirio_status status = 0; size_t elems_acquired = 0; size_t elems_remaining = 0; nirio_status_chain(_fifo.acquire(_typed_buffer, _frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t), static_cast<uint32_t>(timeout * 1000), elems_acquired, elems_remaining), status); _length = elems_acquired * sizeof(fifo_data_t); _buffer = static_cast<void*>(_typed_buffer); if (nirio_status_not_fatal(status)) { index++; // Advances the caller's buffer return make(this, _buffer, _length); } else if (status == NiRio_Status_CommunicationTimeout) { nirio_status_to_exception(status, "NI-RIO PCIe data transfer failed."); return sptr(); } else { return sptr(); // NULL for timeout or error. } } private: nirio_fifo<fifo_data_t>& _fifo; fifo_data_t* _typed_buffer; const size_t _frame_size; }; class nirio_zero_copy_msb : public managed_send_buffer { public: nirio_zero_copy_msb(nirio_fifo<fifo_data_t>& fifo, const size_t frame_size) : _fifo(fifo), _frame_size(frame_size) { } void release(void) { _fifo.release(_frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t)); } UHD_INLINE sptr get_new(const double timeout, size_t& index) { nirio_status status = 0; size_t elems_acquired = 0; size_t elems_remaining = 0; nirio_status_chain(_fifo.acquire(_typed_buffer, _frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t), static_cast<uint32_t>(timeout * 1000), elems_acquired, elems_remaining), status); _length = elems_acquired * sizeof(fifo_data_t); _buffer = static_cast<void*>(_typed_buffer); if (nirio_status_not_fatal(status)) { index++; // Advances the caller's buffer return make(this, _buffer, _length); } else if (status == NiRio_Status_CommunicationTimeout) { nirio_status_to_exception(status, "NI-RIO PCIe data transfer failed."); return sptr(); } else { return sptr(); // NULL for timeout or error. } } private: nirio_fifo<fifo_data_t>& _fifo; fifo_data_t* _typed_buffer; const size_t _frame_size; }; class nirio_zero_copy_impl : public nirio_zero_copy { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<nirio_zero_copy_impl> sptr; nirio_zero_copy_impl(uhd::niusrprio::niusrprio_session::sptr fpga_session, uint32_t instance, const zero_copy_xport_params& xport_params) : _fpga_session(fpga_session) , _fifo_instance(instance) , _xport_params(xport_params) , _next_recv_buff_index(0) , _next_send_buff_index(0) { UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("NIRIO") << boost::format("Creating PCIe transport for channel %d") % instance; UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("NIRIO") << boost::format("nirio zero-copy RX transport configured with frame size = " "%u, #frames = %u, buffer size = %u\n") % _xport_params.recv_frame_size % _xport_params.num_recv_frames % (_xport_params.recv_frame_size * _xport_params.num_recv_frames); UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("NIRIO") << boost::format("nirio zero-copy TX transport configured with frame size = " "%u, #frames = %u, buffer size = %u\n") % _xport_params.send_frame_size % _xport_params.num_send_frames % (_xport_params.send_frame_size * _xport_params.num_send_frames); nirio_status status = 0; size_t actual_depth = 0, actual_size = 0; // Disable DMA streams in case last shutdown was unclean (cleanup, so don't status // chain) _proxy()->poke( PCIE_TX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), DMA_CTRL_DISABLED); _proxy()->poke( PCIE_RX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), DMA_CTRL_DISABLED); _wait_until_stream_ready(); // Configure frame width nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->poke(PCIE_TX_DMA_REG(DMA_FRAME_SIZE_REG, _fifo_instance), static_cast<uint32_t>( _xport_params.send_frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t))), status); nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->poke(PCIE_RX_DMA_REG(DMA_FRAME_SIZE_REG, _fifo_instance), static_cast<uint32_t>( _xport_params.recv_frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t))), status); // Config 32-bit word flipping and enable DMA streams nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->poke(PCIE_TX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), DMA_CTRL_SW_BUF_U32 | DMA_CTRL_ENABLED), status); nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->poke(PCIE_RX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), DMA_CTRL_SW_BUF_U32 | DMA_CTRL_ENABLED), status); // Create FIFOs nirio_status_chain( _fpga_session->create_rx_fifo(_fifo_instance, _recv_fifo), status); nirio_status_chain( _fpga_session->create_tx_fifo(_fifo_instance, _send_fifo), status); if ((_recv_fifo.get() != NULL) && (_send_fifo.get() != NULL)) { // Initialize FIFOs nirio_status_chain(_recv_fifo->initialize((_xport_params.recv_frame_size * _xport_params.num_recv_frames) / sizeof(fifo_data_t), _xport_params.recv_frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t), actual_depth, actual_size), status); nirio_status_chain(_send_fifo->initialize((_xport_params.send_frame_size * _xport_params.num_send_frames) / sizeof(fifo_data_t), _xport_params.send_frame_size / sizeof(fifo_data_t), actual_depth, actual_size), status); _proxy()->get_rio_quirks().add_tx_fifo(_fifo_instance); nirio_status_chain(_recv_fifo->start(), status); nirio_status_chain(_send_fifo->start(), status); if (nirio_status_not_fatal(status)) { // allocate re-usable managed receive buffers for (size_t i = 0; i < get_num_recv_frames(); i++) { _mrb_pool.push_back(std::shared_ptr<nirio_zero_copy_mrb>( new nirio_zero_copy_mrb(*_recv_fifo, get_recv_frame_size()))); } // allocate re-usable managed send buffers for (size_t i = 0; i < get_num_send_frames(); i++) { _msb_pool.push_back(std::shared_ptr<nirio_zero_copy_msb>( new nirio_zero_copy_msb(*_send_fifo, get_send_frame_size()))); } } } else { nirio_status_chain(NiRio_Status_ResourceNotInitialized, status); } nirio_status_to_exception(status, "Could not create nirio_zero_copy transport."); } virtual ~nirio_zero_copy_impl() { _proxy()->get_rio_quirks().remove_tx_fifo(_fifo_instance); // Disable DMA streams (cleanup, so don't status chain) _proxy()->poke( PCIE_TX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), DMA_CTRL_DISABLED); _proxy()->poke( PCIE_RX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), DMA_CTRL_DISABLED); _flush_rx_buff(); // Stop DMA channels. Stop is called in the fifo dtor but // it doesn't hurt to do it here. _send_fifo->stop(); _recv_fifo->stop(); } /******************************************************************* * Receive implementation: * Block on the managed buffer's get call and advance the index. ******************************************************************/ managed_recv_buffer::sptr get_recv_buff(double timeout) { if (_next_recv_buff_index == _xport_params.num_recv_frames) _next_recv_buff_index = 0; return _mrb_pool[_next_recv_buff_index]->get_new(timeout, _next_recv_buff_index); } size_t get_num_recv_frames(void) const { return _xport_params.num_recv_frames; } size_t get_recv_frame_size(void) const { return _xport_params.recv_frame_size; } /******************************************************************* * Send implementation: * Block on the managed buffer's get call and advance the index. ******************************************************************/ managed_send_buffer::sptr get_send_buff(double timeout) { if (_next_send_buff_index == _xport_params.num_send_frames) _next_send_buff_index = 0; return _msb_pool[_next_send_buff_index]->get_new(timeout, _next_send_buff_index); } size_t get_num_send_frames(void) const { return _xport_params.num_send_frames; } size_t get_send_frame_size(void) const { return _xport_params.send_frame_size; } private: UHD_INLINE niriok_proxy::sptr _proxy() { return _fpga_session->get_kernel_proxy(); } UHD_INLINE void _flush_rx_buff() { // acquire is called with 0 elements requested first to // get the number of elements in the buffer and then // repeatedly with the number of remaining elements // until the buffer is empty for (size_t num_elems_requested = 0, num_elems_acquired = 0, num_elems_remaining = 1; num_elems_remaining; num_elems_requested = num_elems_remaining) { fifo_data_t* elems_buffer = NULL; nirio_status status = _recv_fifo->acquire(elems_buffer, num_elems_requested, 0, // timeout num_elems_acquired, num_elems_remaining); // throw excetption if status is fatal nirio_status_to_exception( status, "NI-RIO PCIe data transfer failed during flush."); _recv_fifo->release(num_elems_acquired); } } UHD_INLINE void _wait_until_stream_ready() { static const uint32_t TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 100; uint32_t reg_data = 0xffffffff; bool tx_busy = true, rx_busy = true; boost::posix_time::ptime start_time; boost::posix_time::time_duration elapsed; nirio_status status = NiRio_Status_Success; nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->peek( PCIE_TX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), reg_data), status); tx_busy = (reg_data & DMA_STATUS_BUSY) > 0; nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->peek( PCIE_RX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), reg_data), status); rx_busy = (reg_data & DMA_STATUS_BUSY) > 0; if (nirio_status_not_fatal(status) && (tx_busy || rx_busy)) { start_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); do { std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::microseconds(50)); // Avoid flooding the bus elapsed = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time() - start_time; nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->peek( PCIE_TX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), reg_data), status); tx_busy = (reg_data & DMA_STATUS_BUSY) > 0; nirio_status_chain( _proxy()->peek( PCIE_RX_DMA_REG(DMA_CTRL_STATUS_REG, _fifo_instance), reg_data), status); rx_busy = (reg_data & DMA_STATUS_BUSY) > 0; } while (nirio_status_not_fatal(status) && (tx_busy || rx_busy) && elapsed.total_milliseconds() < TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (tx_busy || rx_busy) { nirio_status_chain(NiRio_Status_FpgaBusy, status); } nirio_status_to_exception( status, "Could not create nirio_zero_copy transport."); } } // memory management -> buffers and fifos niusrprio::niusrprio_session::sptr _fpga_session; uint32_t _fifo_instance; nirio_fifo<fifo_data_t>::sptr _recv_fifo, _send_fifo; const zero_copy_xport_params _xport_params; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<nirio_zero_copy_msb>> _msb_pool; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<nirio_zero_copy_mrb>> _mrb_pool; size_t _next_recv_buff_index, _next_send_buff_index; }; nirio_zero_copy::sptr nirio_zero_copy::make( uhd::niusrprio::niusrprio_session::sptr fpga_session, const uint32_t instance, const zero_copy_xport_params& default_buff_args, const device_addr_t& hints) { // Initialize xport_params zero_copy_xport_params xport_params = default_buff_args; // The kernel buffer for this transport must be (num_frames * frame_size) big. Unlike // ethernet, where the kernel buffer size is independent of the circular buffer size // for the transport, it is possible for users to over constrain the system when they // set the num_frames and the buff_size So we give buff_size priority over num_frames // and throw an error if they conflict. // RX xport_params.recv_frame_size = size_t(hints.cast<double>("recv_frame_size", default_buff_args.recv_frame_size)); size_t usr_num_recv_frames = static_cast<size_t>( hints.cast<double>("num_recv_frames", default_buff_args.num_recv_frames)); size_t usr_recv_buff_size = static_cast<size_t>( hints.cast<double>("recv_buff_size", default_buff_args.recv_buff_size)); if (hints.has_key("recv_buff_size")) { if (usr_recv_buff_size % page_size != 0) { throw uhd::value_error( (boost::format("recv_buff_size must be multiple of %d") % page_size) .str()); } } if (hints.has_key("recv_frame_size") and hints.has_key("num_recv_frames")) { if (usr_num_recv_frames * xport_params.recv_frame_size % page_size != 0) { throw uhd::value_error( (boost::format( "num_recv_frames * recv_frame_size must be an even multiple of %d") % page_size) .str()); } } if (hints.has_key("num_recv_frames") and hints.has_key("recv_buff_size")) { if (usr_recv_buff_size < xport_params.recv_frame_size) throw uhd::value_error("recv_buff_size must be equal to or greater than " "(num_recv_frames * recv_frame_size)"); if ((usr_recv_buff_size / xport_params.recv_frame_size) != usr_num_recv_frames) throw uhd::value_error( "Conflicting values for recv_buff_size and num_recv_frames"); } if (hints.has_key("recv_buff_size")) { xport_params.num_recv_frames = std::max<size_t>( 1, usr_recv_buff_size / xport_params.recv_frame_size); // Round down } else if (hints.has_key("num_recv_frames")) { xport_params.num_recv_frames = usr_num_recv_frames; } if (xport_params.num_recv_frames * xport_params.recv_frame_size % page_size != 0) { throw uhd::value_error( (boost::format( "num_recv_frames * recv_frame_size must be an even multiple of %d") % page_size) .str()); } // TX xport_params.send_frame_size = size_t(hints.cast<double>("send_frame_size", default_buff_args.send_frame_size)); size_t usr_num_send_frames = static_cast<size_t>( hints.cast<double>("num_send_frames", default_buff_args.num_send_frames)); size_t usr_send_buff_size = static_cast<size_t>( hints.cast<double>("send_buff_size", default_buff_args.num_send_frames)); if (hints.has_key("send_buff_size")) { if (usr_send_buff_size % page_size != 0) { throw uhd::value_error( (boost::format("send_buff_size must be multiple of %d") % page_size) .str()); } } if (hints.has_key("send_frame_size") and hints.has_key("num_send_frames")) { if (usr_num_send_frames * xport_params.send_frame_size % page_size != 0) { throw uhd::value_error( (boost::format( "num_send_frames * send_frame_size must be an even multiple of %d") % page_size) .str()); } } if (hints.has_key("num_send_frames") and hints.has_key("send_buff_size")) { if (usr_send_buff_size < xport_params.send_frame_size) throw uhd::value_error("send_buff_size must be equal to or greater than " "(num_send_frames * send_frame_size)"); if ((usr_send_buff_size / xport_params.send_frame_size) != usr_num_send_frames) throw uhd::value_error( "Conflicting values for send_buff_size and num_send_frames"); } if (hints.has_key("send_buff_size")) { xport_params.num_send_frames = std::max<size_t>( 1, usr_send_buff_size / xport_params.send_frame_size); // Round down } else if (hints.has_key("num_send_frames")) { xport_params.num_send_frames = usr_num_send_frames; } if (xport_params.num_send_frames * xport_params.send_frame_size % page_size != 0) { throw uhd::value_error( (boost::format( "num_send_frames * send_frame_size must be an even multiple of %d") % page_size) .str()); } return nirio_zero_copy::sptr( new nirio_zero_copy_impl(fpga_session, instance, xport_params)); }