// Copyright 2017-2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include "utils/gil_release_python.hpp"
#include <uhd/stream.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/metadata.hpp>

#include <boost/format.hpp>

static size_t wrap_recv(uhd::rx_streamer *rx_stream,
                        bp::object &np_array,
                        bp::object &metadata,
                        const double timeout = 0.1)
    // Extract the metadata
    bp::extract<uhd::rx_metadata_t&> get_metadata(metadata);
    if (not get_metadata.check())
        return 0;

    // Get a numpy array object from given python object
    // No sanity checking possible!
    PyObject* array_obj = PyArray_FROM_OF(np_array.ptr(), NPY_ARRAY_CARRAY);
    PyArrayObject* array_type_obj = reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(array_obj);

    // Get dimensions of the numpy array
    const size_t dims = PyArray_NDIM(array_type_obj);
    const npy_intp* shape = PyArray_SHAPE(array_type_obj);

    // How many bytes to jump to get to the next element of this stride
    // (next row)
    const npy_intp* strides = PyArray_STRIDES(array_type_obj);
    const size_t channels = rx_stream->get_num_channels();

    // Check if numpy array sizes are okay
    if (((channels > 1) && (dims != 2))
     or ((size_t) shape[0] < channels))
        // Manually decrement the ref count
        // If we don't have a 2D NumPy array, assume we have a 1D array
        size_t input_channels = (dims != 2) ? 1 : shape[0];
        throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
            "Number of RX channels (%d) does not match the dimensions of the data array (%d)")
            % channels % input_channels));

    // Get a pointer to the storage
    std::vector<void*> channel_storage;
    char* data = PyArray_BYTES(array_type_obj);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < channels; ++i)
        channel_storage.push_back((void*)(data + i * strides[0]));

    // Get data buffer and size of the array
    size_t nsamps_per_buff;
    if (dims > 1) {
        nsamps_per_buff = (size_t) shape[1];
    } else {
        nsamps_per_buff = PyArray_SIZE(array_type_obj);

    // Release the GIL only for the recv() call
    const size_t result = [&]() {
        scoped_gil_release gil_release;
        // Call the real recv()
        return rx_stream->recv(

    // Manually decrement the ref count
    return result;
BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(overload_wrap_recv, wrap_recv, 3, 4);

static size_t wrap_send(uhd::tx_streamer *tx_stream,
                        bp::object &np_array,
                        bp::object &metadata,
                        const double timeout = 0.1)
    // Extract the metadata
    bp::extract<uhd::tx_metadata_t&> get_metadata(metadata);
    // TODO: throw an error here?
    if (not get_metadata.check())
        return 0;

    // Get a numpy array object from given python object
    // No sanity checking possible!
    // Note: this increases the ref count, which we'll need to manually decrease at the end
    PyObject* array_obj = PyArray_FROM_OF(np_array.ptr(),NPY_ARRAY_CARRAY);
    PyArrayObject* array_type_obj = reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(array_obj);

    // Get dimensions of the numpy array
    const size_t dims = PyArray_NDIM(array_type_obj);
    const npy_intp* shape = PyArray_SHAPE(array_type_obj);

    // How many bytes to jump to get to the next element of the stride
    // (next row)
    const npy_intp* strides = PyArray_STRIDES(array_type_obj);
    const size_t channels = tx_stream->get_num_channels();

    // Check if numpy array sizes are ok
    if (((channels > 1) && (dims != 2))
     or ((size_t) shape[0] < channels))
        // Manually decrement the ref count
        // If we don't have a 2D NumPy array, assume we have a 1D array
        size_t input_channels = (dims != 2) ? 1 : shape[0];
        throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
            "Number of TX channels (%d) does not match the dimensions of the data array (%d)")
            % channels % input_channels));

    // Get a pointer to the storage
    std::vector<void*> channel_storage;
    char* data = PyArray_BYTES(array_type_obj);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < channels; ++i)
        channel_storage.push_back((void*)(data + i * strides[0]));

    // Get data buffer and size of the array
    size_t nsamps_per_buff = (dims > 1) ? (size_t) shape[1] : PyArray_SIZE(array_type_obj);

    // Release the GIL only for the send() call
    const size_t result = [&]() {
        scoped_gil_release gil_release;
        // Call the real send()
        return tx_stream->send(

    // Manually decrement the ref count
    return result;
BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(overload_wrap_send, wrap_send, 3, 4);

static bool wrap_recv_async_msg(uhd::tx_streamer *tx_stream,
                                uhd::async_metadata_t &async_metadata,
                                double timeout = 0.1)
    // Release the GIL
    scoped_gil_release gil_release;

    return tx_stream->recv_async_msg(async_metadata, timeout);
BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(overload_wrap_recv_async_msg, wrap_recv_async_msg, 2, 3);

void export_stream()
    using stream_args_t = uhd::stream_args_t;
    using rx_streamer   = uhd::rx_streamer;
    using tx_streamer   = uhd::tx_streamer;

        ("stream_args", bp::init<const std::string&, const std::string&>())

        // Properties
        .def_readwrite("cpu_format", &stream_args_t::cpu_format)
        .def_readwrite("otw_format", &stream_args_t::otw_format)
        .def_readwrite("args"      , &stream_args_t::args      )
        .def_readwrite("channels"  , &stream_args_t::channels  )

        boost::noncopyable>("rx_streamer", "See: uhd::rx_streamer", bp::no_init)

        // Methods
        .def("recv"             , &wrap_recv, overload_wrap_recv()    )
        .def("get_num_channels" , &uhd::rx_streamer::get_num_channels )
        .def("get_max_num_samps", &uhd::rx_streamer::get_max_num_samps)
        .def("issue_stream_cmd" , &uhd::rx_streamer::issue_stream_cmd )

        boost::noncopyable>("tx_streamer", "See: uhd::tx_streamer", bp::no_init)

        // Methods
        .def("send"             , &wrap_send, overload_wrap_send())
        .def("get_num_channels" , &tx_streamer::get_num_channels  )
        .def("get_max_num_samps", &tx_streamer::get_max_num_samps )
        .def("recv_async_msg"   , &wrap_recv_async_msg,
                                  overload_wrap_recv_async_msg()  )