// // Copyright 2010 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace uhd; /*********************************************************************** * Tune Helper Function **********************************************************************/ static tune_result_t tune( double target_freq, double lo_offset, wax::obj subdev, wax::obj dxc, bool is_tx ){ wax::obj subdev_freq_proxy = subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_FREQ]; bool subdev_quadrature = subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_QUADRATURE].as(); bool subdev_spectrum_inverted = subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_SPECTRUM_INVERTED].as(); wax::obj dxc_freq_proxy = dxc[std::string("freq")]; double dxc_sample_rate = dxc[std::string("rate")].as(); // Ask the d'board to tune as closely as it can to target_freq+lo_offset double target_inter_freq = target_freq + lo_offset; subdev_freq_proxy = target_inter_freq; double actual_inter_freq = subdev_freq_proxy.as(); // Calculate the DDC setting that will downconvert the baseband from the // daughterboard to our target frequency. double delta_freq = target_freq - actual_inter_freq; double delta_sign = std::signum(delta_freq); delta_freq *= delta_sign; delta_freq = fmod(delta_freq, dxc_sample_rate); bool inverted = delta_freq > dxc_sample_rate/2.0; double target_dxc_freq = inverted? (delta_freq - dxc_sample_rate) : (-delta_freq); target_dxc_freq *= delta_sign; // If the spectrum is inverted, and the daughterboard doesn't do // quadrature downconversion, we can fix the inversion by flipping the // sign of the dxc_freq... (This only happens using the basic_rx board) if (subdev_spectrum_inverted){ inverted = not inverted; } if (inverted and not subdev_quadrature){ target_dxc_freq *= -1.0; inverted = not inverted; } // down conversion versus up conversion, fight! // your mother is ugly and your going down... target_dxc_freq *= (is_tx)? -1.0 : +1.0; dxc_freq_proxy = target_dxc_freq; double actual_dxc_freq = dxc_freq_proxy.as(); //return some kind of tune result tuple/struct tune_result_t tune_result; tune_result.target_inter_freq = target_inter_freq; tune_result.actual_inter_freq = actual_inter_freq; tune_result.target_dxc_freq = target_dxc_freq; tune_result.actual_dxc_freq = actual_dxc_freq; tune_result.spectrum_inverted = inverted; return tune_result; } /*********************************************************************** * Helper Functions **********************************************************************/ static std::string trim(const std::string &in){ return boost::algorithm::trim_copy(in); } device_addr_t args_to_device_addr(const std::string &args){ device_addr_t addr; //split the args at the semi-colons std::vector pairs; boost::split(pairs, args, boost::is_any_of(";")); BOOST_FOREACH(std::string pair, pairs){ if (trim(pair) == "") continue; //split the key value pairs at the equals std::vector key_val; boost::split(key_val, pair, boost::is_any_of("=")); if (key_val.size() != 2) throw std::runtime_error("invalid args string: "+args); addr[trim(key_val[0])] = trim(key_val[1]); } return addr; } static std::vector get_xx_rates(wax::obj decerps, wax::obj rate){ std::vector rates; BOOST_FOREACH(size_t decerp, decerps.as >()){ rates.push_back(rate.as()/decerp); } return rates; } /*********************************************************************** * Simple Device Implementation **********************************************************************/ class simple_device_impl : public simple_device{ public: simple_device_impl(const device_addr_t &addr){ _dev = device::make(addr); _mboard = (*_dev)[DEVICE_PROP_MBOARD]; _rx_ddc = _mboard[named_prop_t(MBOARD_PROP_RX_DSP, "ddc0")]; _tx_duc = _mboard[named_prop_t(MBOARD_PROP_TX_DSP, "duc0")]; //extract rx subdevice wax::obj rx_dboard = _mboard[MBOARD_PROP_RX_DBOARD]; std::string rx_subdev_in_use = rx_dboard[DBOARD_PROP_USED_SUBDEVS].as().at(0); _rx_subdev = rx_dboard[named_prop_t(DBOARD_PROP_SUBDEV, rx_subdev_in_use)]; //extract tx subdevice wax::obj tx_dboard = _mboard[MBOARD_PROP_TX_DBOARD]; std::string tx_subdev_in_use = tx_dboard[DBOARD_PROP_USED_SUBDEVS].as().at(0); _tx_subdev = tx_dboard[named_prop_t(DBOARD_PROP_SUBDEV, tx_subdev_in_use)]; } ~simple_device_impl(void){ /* NOP */ } device::sptr get_device(void){ return _dev; } std::string get_name(void){ return _mboard[MBOARD_PROP_NAME].as(); } /******************************************************************* * Streaming ******************************************************************/ void set_streaming(bool enb){ _rx_ddc[std::string("enabled")] = enb; } bool get_streaming(void){ return _rx_ddc[std::string("enabled")].as(); } /******************************************************************* * RX methods ******************************************************************/ void set_rx_rate(double rate){ double samp_rate = _rx_ddc[std::string("rate")].as(); assert_has(get_rx_rates(), rate, "simple device rx rate"); _rx_ddc[std::string("decim")] = size_t(samp_rate/rate); } double get_rx_rate(void){ double samp_rate = _rx_ddc[std::string("rate")].as(); size_t decim = _rx_ddc[std::string("decim")].as(); return samp_rate/decim; } std::vector get_rx_rates(void){ return get_xx_rates(_rx_ddc[std::string("decims")], _rx_ddc[std::string("rate")]); } tune_result_t set_rx_freq(double target_freq){ double lo_offset = 0.0; //if the local oscillator will be in the passband, use an offset if (_rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_LO_INTERFERES].as()){ lo_offset = get_rx_rate()*2.0; } return tune(target_freq, lo_offset, _rx_subdev, _rx_ddc, false/* not tx */); } freq_range_t get_rx_freq_range(void){ return _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_FREQ_RANGE].as(); } void set_rx_gain(float gain){ _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_GAIN] = gain; } float get_rx_gain(void){ return _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_GAIN].as(); } gain_range_t get_rx_gain_range(void){ return _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_GAIN_RANGE].as(); } void set_rx_antenna(const std::string &ant){ _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_ANTENNA] = ant; } std::string get_rx_antenna(void){ return _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_ANTENNA].as(); } std::vector get_rx_antennas(void){ return _rx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_ANTENNA_NAMES].as >(); } /******************************************************************* * TX methods ******************************************************************/ void set_tx_rate(double rate){ double samp_rate = _tx_duc[std::string("rate")].as(); assert_has(get_tx_rates(), rate, "simple device tx rate"); _tx_duc[std::string("interp")] = size_t(samp_rate/rate); } double get_tx_rate(void){ double samp_rate = _tx_duc[std::string("rate")].as(); size_t interp = _tx_duc[std::string("interp")].as(); return samp_rate/interp; } std::vector get_tx_rates(void){ return get_xx_rates(_tx_duc[std::string("interps")], _tx_duc[std::string("rate")]); } tune_result_t set_tx_freq(double target_freq){ double lo_offset = 0.0; //if the local oscillator will be in the passband, use an offset if (_tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_LO_INTERFERES].as()){ lo_offset = get_tx_rate()*2.0; } return tune(target_freq, lo_offset, _tx_subdev, _tx_duc, true/* is tx */); } freq_range_t get_tx_freq_range(void){ return _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_FREQ_RANGE].as(); } void set_tx_gain(float gain){ _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_GAIN] = gain; } float get_tx_gain(void){ return _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_GAIN].as(); } gain_range_t get_tx_gain_range(void){ return _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_GAIN_RANGE].as(); } void set_tx_antenna(const std::string &ant){ _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_ANTENNA] = ant; } std::string get_tx_antenna(void){ return _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_ANTENNA].as(); } std::vector get_tx_antennas(void){ return _tx_subdev[SUBDEV_PROP_ANTENNA_NAMES].as >(); } private: device::sptr _dev; wax::obj _mboard; wax::obj _rx_ddc; wax::obj _tx_duc; wax::obj _rx_subdev; wax::obj _tx_subdev; }; /*********************************************************************** * The Make Function **********************************************************************/ simple_device::sptr simple_device::make(const std::string &args){ return sptr(new simple_device_impl(args_to_device_addr(args))); }