// // Copyright 2014-2015 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include <uhd/rfnoc/tick_node_ctrl.hpp> using namespace uhd::rfnoc; const double tick_node_ctrl::RATE_UNDEFINED = 0; double tick_node_ctrl::get_tick_rate( const std::set<node_ctrl_base::sptr>& _explored_nodes) { // First, see if we've implemented _get_tick_rate() { double my_tick_rate = _get_tick_rate(); if (my_tick_rate != RATE_UNDEFINED) { return my_tick_rate; } } // If not, we ask all our neighbours for the tick rate. // This will fail if we get different values. std::set<node_ctrl_base::sptr> explored_nodes(_explored_nodes); explored_nodes.insert(shared_from_this()); // Here, we need all up- and downstream nodes. Note that we have the rule // that there can only be one tick rate in all of the nodes, that means we // don't only search active neighbouring nodes. std::vector<sptr> neighbouring_tick_nodes = find_downstream_node<tick_node_ctrl>(false); { std::vector<sptr> upstream_neighbouring_tick_nodes = find_upstream_node<tick_node_ctrl>(false); neighbouring_tick_nodes.insert(neighbouring_tick_nodes.end(), upstream_neighbouring_tick_nodes.begin(), upstream_neighbouring_tick_nodes.end()); } // neighbouring_tick_nodes is now initialized double ret_val = RATE_UNDEFINED; for (const sptr& node : neighbouring_tick_nodes) { if (_explored_nodes.count(node)) { continue; } double tick_rate = node->get_tick_rate(explored_nodes); if (tick_rate == RATE_UNDEFINED) { continue; } if (ret_val == RATE_UNDEFINED) { ret_val = tick_rate; // TODO: Remember name of this node so we can make the throw message more // descriptive. continue; } if (tick_rate != ret_val) { throw uhd::runtime_error(str( // TODO add node names boost::format("Conflicting tick rates: One neighbouring block specifies " "%d MHz, another %d MHz.") % tick_rate % ret_val)); } } return ret_val; }