// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include <uhd/rfnoc/defaults.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/null_block_control.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/registry.hpp> #include <atomic> namespace { } // namespace using namespace uhd::rfnoc; using uhd::stream_cmd_t; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_CTRL_STATUS = 0x00; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_LINES_PER_PKT = 0x04; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_BYTES_PER_PKT = 0x08; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_THROTTLE_CYC = 0x0C; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SNK_LINE_CNT_LO = 0x10; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SNK_LINE_CNT_HI = 0x14; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SNK_PKT_CNT_LO = 0x18; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SNK_PKT_CNT_HI = 0x1C; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_LINE_CNT_LO = 0x20; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_LINE_CNT_HI = 0x24; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_PKT_CNT_LO = 0x28; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_SRC_PKT_CNT_HI = 0x2C; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_LOOP_LINE_CNT_LO = 0x30; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_LOOP_LINE_CNT_HI = 0x34; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_LOOP_PKT_CNT_LO = 0x38; const uint32_t null_block_control::REG_LOOP_PKT_CNT_HI = 0x3C; class null_block_control_impl : public null_block_control { public: RFNOC_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(null_block_control) { uint32_t initial_state = regs().peek32(REG_CTRL_STATUS); _streaming = initial_state & 0x2; _nipc = (initial_state >> 24) & 0xFF; _item_width = (initial_state >> 16) & 0xFF; // Give the source some reasonable values to start set_bytes_per_packet(1024); set_throttle_cycles(0); reset_counters(); register_issue_stream_cmd(); } void issue_stream_cmd(const stream_cmd_t& stream_cmd) { if (stream_cmd.stream_mode == stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS) { RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Received start stream request!"); regs().poke32(REG_CTRL_STATUS, 0x2); _streaming = true; } else if (stream_cmd.stream_mode == stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS) { RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Received stop stream request!"); regs().poke32(REG_CTRL_STATUS, 0x0); _streaming = false; } else { throw uhd::runtime_error("Null source can only do continuous streaming!"); } } void reset_counters() { const uint32_t streaming_flag = _streaming ? 0x2 : 0x0; regs().poke32(REG_CTRL_STATUS, streaming_flag | 0x1); regs().poke32(REG_CTRL_STATUS, streaming_flag | 0x0); } void set_lines_per_packet(const uint32_t lpp) { if (lpp < 2) { throw uhd::value_error("Null source lines per packet must be at " "least one line in the payload!"); } if (lpp > 0xFFF) { throw uhd::value_error("Null source lines per packet cannot exceed 12 bits!"); } // The register value is decreased by one line for the header, and one // line for encoding (if we write a 0 here, the payload will still be at // least one line long). regs().poke32(REG_SRC_LINES_PER_PKT, lpp - 2); } void set_bytes_per_packet(const uint32_t bpp) { if (bpp > 0xFFFF) { throw uhd::value_error("Null source lines per packet cannot exceed 16 bits!"); } regs().poke32(REG_SRC_BYTES_PER_PKT, bpp); const uint32_t bytes_per_line = (_item_width * _nipc) / 8; // If bpp is not an integer multiple of bytes_per_line, then we add a // full additional line! const uint32_t lpp = bpp / bytes_per_line + (bpp % bytes_per_line ? 1 : 0); set_lines_per_packet(lpp); } void set_throttle_cycles(const uint32_t cycs) { if (cycs > 0x3FF) { throw uhd::value_error("Null source throttle cycles cannot exceed 10 bits!"); } regs().poke32(REG_SRC_THROTTLE_CYC, cycs); } uint32_t get_lines_per_packet() { return regs().peek32(REG_SRC_LINES_PER_PKT) + 2; } uint32_t get_bytes_per_packet() { return regs().peek32(REG_SRC_BYTES_PER_PKT); } uint32_t get_throttle_cycles() { return regs().peek32(REG_SRC_THROTTLE_CYC); } uint64_t get_count(const port_type_t port_type, const count_type_t count_type) { const uint32_t count_addr_lo = [&]() { switch (port_type) { case SOURCE: return count_type == LINES ? REG_SRC_LINE_CNT_LO : REG_SRC_PKT_CNT_LO; case SINK: return count_type == LINES ? REG_SNK_LINE_CNT_LO : REG_SNK_PKT_CNT_LO; case LOOP: return count_type == LINES ? REG_LOOP_LINE_CNT_LO : REG_LOOP_PKT_CNT_LO; default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } }(); return regs().peek64(count_addr_lo); } private: /*! Action API: Register a handler for stream commands */ void register_issue_stream_cmd() { register_action_handler(ACTION_KEY_STREAM_CMD, [this](const res_source_info& src, action_info::sptr action) { stream_cmd_action_info::sptr stream_cmd_action = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<stream_cmd_action_info>(action); if (!stream_cmd_action) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "Received stream_cmd of invalid action type!"); } if (src.instance != 0 || src.type != res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "The null source can only stream from output port 0!"); } RFNOC_LOG_DEBUG("Received stream command action request!"); issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd_action->stream_cmd); }); } void deinit() { issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS); } /************************************************************************** * Attributes *************************************************************************/ //! True if the source port 0 is producing data std::atomic_bool _streaming{false}; //! Number of items per clock uint32_t _nipc; //! Bits per item uint32_t _item_width; }; UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_REGISTER_DIRECT( null_block_control, 0x00000001, "NullSrcSink", CLOCK_KEY_GRAPH, "bus_clk")