#!/usr/bin/env python """ Generate the function list for the basic NocScript functions """ import re import os import sys from mako.template import Template ############################################################################# # This is the interesting part: Add new functions in here # # Notes: # - Lines starting with # are considered comments, and will be removed from # the output # - C++ comments will be copied onto the generated file if inside functions # - Docstrings start with //! and are required # - Function signature is RETURN_TYPE NAME(ARG_TYPE1, ARG_TYPE2, ...) # - Function body is valid C++ # - If your function requires special includes, put them in INCLUDE_LIST # - End of functions is delimited by s/^}/, so take care with the indents! # - Use these substitutions: # - ${RETURN}(...): Create a valid return value # - ${args[n]}: Access the n-th argument # INCLUDE_LIST = """ #include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp> #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp> """ FUNCTION_LIST = """ CATEGORY: Math Functions //! Returns x + y INT ADD(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} + ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x + y DOUBLE ADD(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} + ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x * y DOUBLE MULT(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} * ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x * y INT MULT(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} * ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x / y DOUBLE DIV(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} / ${args[1]}); } //! Returns true if x <= y (Less or Equal) BOOL LE(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} <= ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x <= y (Less or Equal) BOOL LE(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} <= ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x >= y (Greater or Equal) BOOL GE(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} >= ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x >= y (Greater or Equal) BOOL GE(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} >= ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x < y (Less Than) BOOL LT(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} < ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x > y (Greater Than) BOOL GT(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} > ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x < y (Less Than) BOOL LT(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} < ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x > y (Greater Than) BOOL GT(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} > ${args[1]})); } //! Round x and return it as an integer INT IROUND(DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(int(boost::math::iround(${args[0]}))); } //! Returns true if x is a power of 2 BOOL IS_PWR_OF_2(INT) { if (${args[0]} < 0) return ${FALSE}; int i = ${args[0]}; while ( (i & 1) == 0 and (i > 1) ) { i >>= 1; } ${RETURN}(bool(i == 1)); } //! Returns floor(log2(x)). INT LOG2(INT) { if (${args[0]} < 0) { throw uhd::runtime_error(str( boost::format("In NocScript function ${func_name}: Cannot calculate log2() of negative number.") )); } int power_value = ${args[0]}; int log2_value = 0; while ( (power_value & 1) == 0 and (power_value > 1) ) { power_value >>= 1; log2_value++; } ${RETURN}(log2_value); } //! Returns x % y INT MODULO(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} % ${args[1]}); } //! Returns true if x == y BOOL EQUAL(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} == ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x == y BOOL EQUAL(DOUBLE, DOUBLE) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} == ${args[1]})); } //! Returns true if x == y BOOL EQUAL(STRING, STRING) { ${RETURN}(bool(${args[0]} == ${args[1]})); } CATEGORY: Bitwise Operations //! Returns x >> y INT SHIFT_RIGHT(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} >> ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x << y INT SHIFT_LEFT(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} << ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x & y INT BITWISE_AND(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} & ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x | y INT BITWISE_OR(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} | ${args[1]}); } //! Returns x ^ y INT BITWISE_XOR(INT, INT) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} ^ ${args[1]}); } CATEGORY: Boolean Logic //! Returns x xor y. BOOL XOR(BOOL, BOOL) { ${RETURN}(${args[0]} xor ${args[1]}); } //! Returns !x BOOL NOT(BOOL) { ${RETURN}(not ${args[0]}); } //! Always returns true BOOL TRUE() { return ${TRUE}; } //! Always returns false BOOL FALSE() { return ${FALSE}; } CATEGORY: Conditional Execution //! Executes x, if true, execute y. Returns true if x is true. BOOL IF(BOOL, BOOL) { if (${args[0]}) { ${args[1]}; ${RETURN}(true); } ${RETURN}(false); } //! Executes x, if true, execute y, otherwise, execute z. Returns true if x is true. BOOL IF_ELSE(BOOL, BOOL, BOOL) { if (${args[0]}) { ${args[1]}; ${RETURN}(true); } else { ${args[2]}; } ${RETURN}(false); } CATEGORY: Execution Control //! Sleep for x seconds. Fractions are allowed. Millisecond accuracy. BOOL SLEEP(DOUBLE) { int ms = ${args[0]} / 1000; boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(ms)); ${RETURN}(true); } """ # End of interesting part. The rest will take this and turn into a C++ # header file. ############################################################################# HEADER = """<% import time %>// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This file was generated by ${file} on ${time.strftime("%c")} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 // /**************************************************************************** * This file is autogenerated! Any manual changes in here will be * overwritten by calling nocscript_gen_basic_funcs.py! ***************************************************************************/ #include "expression.hpp" #include "function_table.hpp" #include <uhd/exception.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> ${INCLUDE_LIST} #ifndef INCLUDED_LIBUHD_RFNOC_NOCSCRIPT_BASICFUNCS_HPP #define INCLUDED_LIBUHD_RFNOC_NOCSCRIPT_BASICFUNCS_HPP namespace uhd { namespace rfnoc { namespace nocscript { """ # Not a Mako template: FOOTER=""" }}} /* namespace uhd::rfnoc::nocscript */ #endif /* INCLUDED_LIBUHD_RFNOC_NOCSCRIPT_BASICFUNCS_HPP */ """ # Not a Mako template: FUNC_TEMPLATE = """ expression_literal {NAME}(expression_container::expr_list_type &{ARGS}) {BODY} """ REGISTER_MACRO_TEMPLATE = """#define _REGISTER_ALL_FUNCS()${registry} """ REGISTER_COMMANDS_TEMPLATE = """ % if len(arglist): expression_function::argtype_list_type ${func_name}_args = boost::assign::list_of % for this_type in arglist: (expression::TYPE_${this_type}) % endfor ; % else: expression_function::argtype_list_type ${func_name}_args; % endif register_function( "${name}", boost::bind(&${func_name}, _1), expression::TYPE_${retval}, ${func_name}_args );""" DOXY_TEMPLATE = """/*! \page page_nocscript_funcs NocScript Function Reference % for cat, func_by_name in func_list_tree.items(): - ${cat} % for func_name, func_info_list in func_by_name.items(): - ${func_name}: ${func_info_list[0]['docstring']} % for func_info in func_info_list: - ${func_info['arglist']} -> ${func_info['retval']} % endfor % endfor % endfor */ """ def parse_tmpl(_tmpl_text, **kwargs): return Template(_tmpl_text).render(**kwargs) def make_cxx_func_name(func_dict): """ Creates a unique C++ function name from a function description """ return "{name}__{retval}__{arglist}".format( name=func_dict['name'], retval=func_dict['retval'], arglist="_".join(func_dict['arglist']) ) def make_cxx_func_body(func_dict): """ Formats the function body properly """ type_lookup_methods = { 'INT': 'get_int', 'DOUBLE': 'get_double', 'BOOL': 'get_bool', 'STRING': 'get_string', } args_lookup = [] for idx, arg_type in enumerate(func_dict['arglist']): args_lookup.append("args[{idx}]->eval().{getter}()".format(idx=idx, getter=type_lookup_methods[arg_type])) return parse_tmpl( func_dict['body'], args=args_lookup, FALSE='expression_literal(false)', TRUE='expression_literal(true)', RETURN='return expression_literal', **func_dict ) def prep_function_list(): """ - Remove all comments - Split the function list into individual functions - Split the functions into return value, name, argument list and body """ comment_remove_re = re.compile(r'^\s*#.*$', flags=re.MULTILINE) func_list_wo_comments = comment_remove_re.sub('', FUNCTION_LIST) func_splitter_re = re.compile(r'(?<=^})\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE) func_list_split = func_splitter_re.split(func_list_wo_comments) func_list_split = [x.strip() for x in func_list_split if len(x.strip())] func_list = [] last_category = '' for func in func_list_split: split_regex = r'(^CATEGORY: (?P<cat>[^\n]*)\s*)?' \ r'//!(?P<docstring>[^\n]*)\s*' + \ r'(?P<retval>[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)\s+' + \ r'(?P<funcname>[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)\s*\((?P<arglist>[^\)]*)\)\s*' + \ r'(?P<funcbody>^{.*)' split_re = re.compile(split_regex, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) mo = split_re.match(func) if mo.group('cat'): last_category = mo.group('cat').strip() func_dict = { 'docstring': mo.group('docstring').strip(), 'name': mo.group('funcname'), 'retval': mo.group('retval'), 'arglist': [x.strip() for x in mo.group('arglist').split(',') if len(x.strip())], 'body': mo.group('funcbody'), 'category': last_category, } func_dict['func_name'] = make_cxx_func_name(func_dict) func_list.append(func_dict) return func_list def write_function_header(output_filename): """ Create the .hpp file that defines all the NocScript functions in C++. """ func_list = prep_function_list() # Step 1: Write the prototypes func_prototypes = '' registry_commands = '' for func in func_list: func_prototypes += FUNC_TEMPLATE.format( NAME=func['func_name'], BODY=make_cxx_func_body(func), ARGS="args" if len(func['arglist']) else "" ) registry_commands += parse_tmpl( REGISTER_COMMANDS_TEMPLATE, **func ) # Step 2: Write the registry process register_func = parse_tmpl(REGISTER_MACRO_TEMPLATE, registry=registry_commands) register_func = register_func.replace('\n', ' \\\n') # Final step: Join parts and write to file full_file = "\n".join(( parse_tmpl(HEADER, file = os.path.basename(__file__), INCLUDE_LIST=INCLUDE_LIST), func_prototypes, register_func, FOOTER, )) open(output_filename, 'w').write(full_file) def write_manual_file(output_filename): """ Write the Doxygen file for the NocScript functions. """ func_list = prep_function_list() func_list_tree = {} for func in func_list: if func['category'] not in func_list_tree: func_list_tree[func['category']] = {} if func['name'] not in func_list_tree[func['category']]: func_list_tree[func['category']][func['name']] = [] func_list_tree[func['category']][func['name']].append(func) open(output_filename, 'w').write(parse_tmpl(DOXY_TEMPLATE, func_list_tree=func_list_tree)) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("No output file specified!") exit(1) outfile = sys.argv[1] if os.path.splitext(outfile)[1] == '.dox': write_manual_file(outfile) else: write_function_header(outfile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()