// // Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // #include "expression.hpp" #include "function_table.hpp" #include <uhd/utils/cast.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <boost/assign.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> using namespace uhd::rfnoc::nocscript; std::map<expression::type_t, std::string> expression::type_repr = boost::assign::map_list_of (TYPE_INT, "INT") (TYPE_DOUBLE, "DOUBLE") (TYPE_STRING, "STRING") (TYPE_BOOL, "BOOL") (TYPE_INT_VECTOR, "INT_VECTOR") ; /******************************************************************** * Literal expressions (constants) *******************************************************************/ expression_literal::expression_literal( const std::string token_val, expression::type_t type ) : _bool_val(false) , _int_val(0) , _double_val(0.0) , _val(token_val) , _type(type) { switch (_type) { case expression::TYPE_STRING: // Remove the leading and trailing quotes: _val = _val.substr(1, _val.size()-2); break; case expression::TYPE_INT: if (_val.substr(0, 2) == "0x") { _int_val = uhd::cast::hexstr_cast<int>(_val); } else { _int_val = boost::lexical_cast<int>(_val); } break; case expression::TYPE_DOUBLE: _double_val = boost::lexical_cast<double>(_val); break; case expression::TYPE_BOOL: if (boost::to_upper_copy(_val) == "TRUE") { _bool_val = true; } else { // lexical cast to bool is too picky _bool_val = bool(boost::lexical_cast<int>(_val)); } break; case expression::TYPE_INT_VECTOR: { std::string str_vec = _val.substr(1, _val.size()-2); std::vector<std::string> subtoken_list; boost::split(subtoken_list, str_vec, boost::is_any_of(", "), boost::token_compress_on); for(const std::string &t: subtoken_list) { _int_vector_val.push_back(boost::lexical_cast<int>(t)); } break; } default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } expression_literal::expression_literal(bool b) : _bool_val(b) , _int_val(0) , _double_val(0.0) , _val("") , _type(expression::TYPE_BOOL) { // nop } expression_literal::expression_literal(int i) : _bool_val(false) , _int_val(i) , _double_val(0.0) , _val("") , _type(expression::TYPE_INT) { // nop } expression_literal::expression_literal(double d) : _bool_val(false) , _int_val(0) , _double_val(d) , _val("") , _type(expression::TYPE_DOUBLE) { // nop } expression_literal::expression_literal(const std::string &s) : _bool_val(false) , _int_val(0) , _double_val(0.0) , _val(s) , _type(expression::TYPE_STRING) { // nop } expression_literal::expression_literal(const std::vector<int> v) : _bool_val(false) , _int_val(0) , _double_val(0.0) , _int_vector_val(v) , _val("") , _type(expression::TYPE_INT_VECTOR) { // nop } bool expression_literal::to_bool() const { switch (_type) { case TYPE_INT: return bool(boost::lexical_cast<int>(_val)); case TYPE_STRING: return not _val.empty(); case TYPE_DOUBLE: return bool(boost::lexical_cast<double>(_val)); case TYPE_BOOL: return _bool_val; case TYPE_INT_VECTOR: return not _int_vector_val.empty(); default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } int expression_literal::get_int() const { if (_type != TYPE_INT) { throw uhd::type_error("Cannot call get_int() on non-int value."); } return _int_val; } double expression_literal::get_double() const { if (_type != TYPE_DOUBLE) { throw uhd::type_error("Cannot call get_double() on non-double value."); } return _double_val; } std::string expression_literal::get_string() const { if (_type != TYPE_STRING) { throw uhd::type_error("Cannot call get_string() on non-string value."); } return _val; } bool expression_literal::get_bool() const { if (_type != TYPE_BOOL) { throw uhd::type_error("Cannot call get_bool() on non-boolean value."); } return _bool_val; } std::vector<int> expression_literal::get_int_vector() const { if (_type != TYPE_INT_VECTOR) { throw uhd::type_error("Cannot call get_bool() on non-boolean value."); } return _int_vector_val; } std::string expression_literal::repr() const { switch (_type) { case TYPE_INT: return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_int_val); case TYPE_STRING: return _val; case TYPE_DOUBLE: return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_double_val); case TYPE_BOOL: return _bool_val ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; case TYPE_INT_VECTOR: { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "["; for (size_t i = 0; i < _int_vector_val.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sstr << ", "; } sstr << _int_vector_val[i]; } sstr << "]"; return sstr.str(); } default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } bool expression_literal::operator==(const expression_literal &rhs) const { if (rhs.infer_type() != _type) { return false; } switch (_type) { case TYPE_INT: return get_int() == rhs.get_int(); case TYPE_STRING: return get_string() == rhs.get_string(); case TYPE_DOUBLE: return get_double() == rhs.get_double(); case TYPE_BOOL: return get_bool() == rhs.get_bool(); default: UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } /******************************************************************** * Containers *******************************************************************/ expression_container::sptr expression_container::make() { return sptr(new expression_container); } expression::type_t expression_container::infer_type() const { if (_combiner == COMBINE_OR or _combiner == COMBINE_AND) { return TYPE_BOOL; } if (_sub_exprs.empty()) { return TYPE_BOOL; } return _sub_exprs.back()->infer_type(); } void expression_container::add(expression::sptr new_expr) { _sub_exprs.push_back(new_expr); } bool expression_container::empty() const { return _sub_exprs.empty(); } void expression_container::set_combiner_safe(const combiner_type c) { if (_combiner == COMBINE_NOTSET) { _combiner = c; return; } throw uhd::syntax_error("Attempting to override combiner type"); } expression_literal expression_container::eval() { if (_sub_exprs.empty()) { return expression_literal(true); } expression_literal ret_val; for(const expression::sptr &sub_expr: _sub_exprs) { ret_val = sub_expr->eval(); if (_combiner == COMBINE_AND and ret_val.to_bool() == false) { return ret_val; } if (_combiner == COMBINE_OR and ret_val.to_bool() == true) { return ret_val; } // For ALL, we return the last one, so just overwrite it } return ret_val; } /******************************************************************** * Functions *******************************************************************/ std::string expression_function::to_string(const std::string &name, const argtype_list_type &types) { std::string s = name; int arg_count = 0; for(const expression::type_t type: types) { if (arg_count == 0) { s += "("; } else { s += ", "; } s += type_repr[type]; arg_count++; } s += ")"; return s; } expression_function::expression_function( const std::string &name, const function_table::sptr func_table ) : _name(name) , _func_table(func_table) { _combiner = COMBINE_ALL; if (not _func_table->function_exists(_name)) { throw uhd::syntax_error(str( boost::format("Unknown function: %s") % _name )); } } void expression_function::add(expression::sptr new_expr) { expression_container::add(new_expr); _arg_types.push_back(new_expr->infer_type()); } expression::type_t expression_function::infer_type() const { return _func_table->get_type(_name, _arg_types); } expression_literal expression_function::eval() { return _func_table->eval(_name, _arg_types, _sub_exprs); } std::string expression_function::repr() const { return to_string(_name, _arg_types); } expression_function::sptr expression_function::make( const std::string &name, const function_table::sptr func_table ) { return sptr(new expression_function(name, func_table)); } /******************************************************************** * Variables *******************************************************************/ expression_variable::expression_variable( const std::string &token_val, type_getter_type type_getter, value_getter_type value_getter ) : _type_getter(type_getter) , _value_getter(value_getter) { // We can assume this is true because otherwise, it's not a valid token: UHD_ASSERT_THROW(not token_val.empty() and token_val[0] == '$'); _varname = token_val.substr(1); } expression::type_t expression_variable::infer_type() const { return _type_getter(_varname); } expression_literal expression_variable::eval() { return _value_getter(_varname); } expression_variable::sptr expression_variable::make( const std::string &token_val, type_getter_type type_getter, value_getter_type value_getter ) { return sptr(new expression_variable(token_val, type_getter, value_getter)); }