// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/defaults.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/noc_block_base.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/register_iface.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/clock_iface.hpp>

using namespace uhd::rfnoc;

noc_block_base::make_args_t::~make_args_t() = default;

 * Structors
noc_block_base::noc_block_base(make_args_ptr make_args)
    : register_iface_holder(std::move(make_args->reg_iface))
    , _noc_id(make_args->noc_id)
    , _block_id(make_args->block_id)
    , _num_input_ports(make_args->num_input_ports)
    , _num_output_ports(make_args->num_output_ports)
    , _ctrlport_clock_iface(make_args->ctrlport_clk_iface)
    , _tb_clock_iface(make_args->tb_clk_iface)
    , _mb_controller(std::move(make_args->mb_control))
    , _block_args(make_args->args)
    , _tree(make_args->tree)
    RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Using timebase clock: `"
                    << _tb_clock_iface->get_name() << "'. Current frequency: "
                    << (_tb_clock_iface->get_freq() / 1e6) << " MHz");
    RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Using ctrlport clock: `"
                    << _ctrlport_clock_iface->get_name() << "'. Current frequency: "
                    << (_ctrlport_clock_iface->get_freq() / 1e6) << " MHz");
    // First, create one tick_rate property for every port
    _tick_rate_props.reserve(get_num_input_ports() + get_num_output_ports());
    for (size_t input_port = 0; input_port < get_num_input_ports(); input_port++) {
            {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, input_port}));
    for (size_t output_port = 0; output_port < get_num_output_ports(); output_port++) {
            {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, output_port}));
    // Register all the tick_rate properties and create a default resolver
    prop_ptrs_t tick_rate_prop_refs;
    for (auto& prop : _tick_rate_props) {
    for (auto& prop : _tick_rate_props) {
        auto prop_refs_copy = tick_rate_prop_refs;
            {&prop}, std::move(prop_refs_copy), [this, source_prop = &prop]() {
                // _set_tick_rate() will update _tick_rate, but only if that's
                // a valid operation for this block
                // Now, _tick_rate is valid and we will pass its value to all
                // tick_rate properties
                for (property_t<double>& tick_rate_prop : _tick_rate_props) {
                    tick_rate_prop = get_tick_rate();
    // Now, the same thing for MTU props
    // Create one mtu property for every port
    _mtu_props.reserve(_num_input_ports + _num_output_ports);
    for (size_t input_port = 0; input_port < _num_input_ports; input_port++) {
            PROP_KEY_MTU, make_args->mtu, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, input_port}));
        _mtu.insert({{res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, input_port}, make_args->mtu});
    for (size_t output_port = 0; output_port < _num_output_ports; output_port++) {
            PROP_KEY_MTU, make_args->mtu, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, output_port}));
        _mtu.insert({{res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, output_port}, make_args->mtu});
    // Register all the mtu properties and create a default resolver
    prop_ptrs_t mtu_prop_refs;
    for (auto& prop : _mtu_props) {
    for (auto& prop : _mtu_props) {
        auto prop_refs_copy = mtu_prop_refs;
            {&prop}, std::move(prop_refs_copy), [this, source_prop = &prop]() {
                const res_source_info src_edge = source_prop->get_src_info();
                // First, coerce the MTU to its appropriate min value
                const size_t new_mtu = std::min(source_prop->get(), _mtu.at(src_edge));
                _mtu.at(src_edge) = source_prop->get();
                RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("MTU is now " << _mtu.at(src_edge) << " on edge "
                                              << src_edge.to_string());
                auto update_pred = [src_edge, fwd_policy = _mtu_fwd_policy](
                                       const res_source_info& mtu_src) -> bool {
                    switch (fwd_policy) {
                        case forwarding_policy_t::DROP:
                            return false;
                        case forwarding_policy_t::ONE_TO_ONE:
                            return res_source_info::invert_edge(mtu_src.type)
                                       == src_edge.type
                                   && mtu_src.instance == src_edge.instance;
                        case forwarding_policy_t::ONE_TO_ALL:
                            return mtu_src.type != src_edge.type && mtu_src.instance
                                   && src_edge.instance;
                        case forwarding_policy_t::ONE_TO_FAN:
                            return res_source_info::invert_edge(mtu_src.type)
                                   == src_edge.type;

                for (auto& mtu_prop : _mtu_props) {
                    if (update_pred(mtu_prop.get_src_info())
                        && mtu_prop.get() != new_mtu) {
                        RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Forwarding new MTU value to edge "
                                        << mtu_prop.get_src_info().to_string());
                        _mtu.at(mtu_prop.get_src_info()) = mtu_prop.get();

    for (const auto& node : _tree->list("")) {

void noc_block_base::set_num_input_ports(const size_t num_ports)
    if (num_ports > get_num_input_ports()) {
        throw uhd::value_error(
            "New number of input ports must not exceed current number!");

    _num_input_ports = num_ports;

void noc_block_base::set_num_output_ports(const size_t num_ports)
    if (num_ports > get_num_output_ports()) {
        throw uhd::value_error(
            "New number of output ports must not exceed current number!");

    _num_output_ports = num_ports;

double noc_block_base::get_tick_rate() const
    return _tb_clock_iface->get_freq();

void noc_block_base::set_tick_rate(const double tick_rate)
    if (tick_rate == get_tick_rate()) {
    // Update this node
    RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Setting tb clock freq to " << tick_rate / 1e6 << " MHz");
    // Now trigger property propagation
    if (!_tick_rate_props.empty()) {
        auto src_info = _tick_rate_props.at(0).get_src_info();
        set_property<double>(PROP_KEY_TICK_RATE, tick_rate, src_info);

void noc_block_base::_set_tick_rate(const double tick_rate)
    if (tick_rate == get_tick_rate()) {
    if (tick_rate <= 0) {
        RFNOC_LOG_WARNING("Attempting to set tick rate to 0. Skipping.")
    if (_tb_clock_iface->get_name() == CLOCK_KEY_GRAPH) {
        RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Updating tick rate to " << (tick_rate / 1e6) << " MHz");
    } else {
        RFNOC_LOG_WARNING("Cannot change tick rate to "
                          << (tick_rate / 1e6)
                          << " MHz, this clock is not configurable by the graph!");

void noc_block_base::set_mtu_forwarding_policy(const forwarding_policy_t policy)
    if (policy == forwarding_policy_t::DROP || policy == forwarding_policy_t::ONE_TO_ONE
        || policy == forwarding_policy_t::ONE_TO_ALL
        || policy == forwarding_policy_t::ONE_TO_FAN) {
        _mtu_fwd_policy = policy;
    RFNOC_LOG_ERROR("Setting invalid MTU forwarding policy!");
    throw uhd::value_error("MTU forwarding policy must be either DROP, ONE_TO_ONE, "
                           "ONE_TO_ALL, or ONE_TO_FAN!");

void noc_block_base::set_mtu(const res_source_info& edge, const size_t new_mtu)
    if (edge.type != res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE
        && edge.type != res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE) {
        throw uhd::value_error(
            "set_mtu() must be called on either an input or output edge!");
    set_property<size_t>(PROP_KEY_MTU, new_mtu, edge);

size_t noc_block_base::get_mtu(const res_source_info& edge)
    if (!_mtu.count(edge)) {
        throw uhd::value_error(
            std::string("Cannot get MTU on edge: ") + edge.to_string());
    return _mtu.at(edge);

property_base_t* noc_block_base::get_mtu_prop_ref(const res_source_info& edge)
    for (size_t mtu_prop_idx = 0; mtu_prop_idx < _mtu_props.size(); mtu_prop_idx++) {
        if (_mtu_props.at(mtu_prop_idx).get_src_info() == edge) {
            return &_mtu_props.at(mtu_prop_idx);
    throw uhd::value_error(
        std::string("Could not find MTU property for edge: ") + edge.to_string());

void noc_block_base::shutdown()
    RFNOC_LOG_TRACE("Calling deinit()");
    RFNOC_LOG_DEBUG("Invalidating register interface");

std::shared_ptr<mb_controller> noc_block_base::get_mb_controller()
    return _mb_controller;

void noc_block_base::deinit()
    RFNOC_LOG_DEBUG("deinit() called, but not implemented.");