// // Copyright 2016 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include "legacy_compat.hpp" #include "../usrp/device3/device3_impl.hpp" #include <uhd/property_tree.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/radio_ctrl.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/ddc_block_ctrl.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/graph.hpp> #include <uhd/usrp/subdev_spec.hpp> #include <uhd/stream.hpp> #include <uhd/types/stream_cmd.hpp> #include <uhd/types/direction.hpp> #include <uhd/types/ranges.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/transport/chdr.hpp> #include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <boost/assign.hpp> #define UHD_LEGACY_LOG() UHD_LOGGER_TRACE("RFNOC") using namespace uhd::rfnoc; using uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t; using uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_pair_t; using uhd::stream_cmd_t; /************************************************************************ * Constants and globals ***********************************************************************/ static const std::string RADIO_BLOCK_NAME = "Radio"; static const std::string DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME = "DmaFIFO"; static const std::string SFIFO_BLOCK_NAME = "FIFO"; static const std::string DDC_BLOCK_NAME = "DDC"; static const std::string DUC_BLOCK_NAME = "DUC"; static const size_t MAX_BYTES_PER_HEADER = uhd::transport::vrt::chdr::max_if_hdr_words64 * sizeof(uint64_t); static const size_t BYTES_PER_SAMPLE = 4; // We currently only support sc16 static boost::mutex _make_mutex; /************************************************************************ * Static helpers ***********************************************************************/ static uhd::fs_path mb_root(const size_t mboard) { return uhd::fs_path("/mboards") / mboard; } size_t num_ports(const uhd::property_tree::sptr &tree, const std::string &block_name, const std::string &in_out) { return tree->list( uhd::fs_path("/mboards/0/xbar") / str(boost::format("%s_0") % block_name) / "ports" / in_out ).size(); } size_t calc_num_tx_chans_per_radio( const uhd::property_tree::sptr &tree, const size_t num_radios_per_board, const bool has_ducs, const bool has_dmafifo ) { const size_t num_radio_ports = num_ports(tree, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, "in"); if (has_ducs) { return std::min( num_radio_ports, num_ports(tree, DUC_BLOCK_NAME, "in") ); } if (not has_dmafifo) { return num_radio_ports; } const size_t num_dmafifo_ports_per_radio = num_ports(tree, DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, "in") / num_radios_per_board; UHD_ASSERT_THROW(num_dmafifo_ports_per_radio); return std::min( num_radio_ports, num_dmafifo_ports_per_radio ); } /*! Recreate passed property without bound subscribers. Maintains current property value. */ template <typename T> static void recreate_property(const uhd::fs_path &path, uhd::property_tree::sptr &tree) { T temp = tree->access<T>(path).get(); tree->remove(path); tree->create<T>(path).set(temp); } /************************************************************************ * Class Definition ***********************************************************************/ class legacy_compat_impl : public legacy_compat { public: /************************************************************************ * Structors and Initialization ***********************************************************************/ legacy_compat_impl( uhd::device3::sptr device, const uhd::device_addr_t &args ) : _device(device), _tree(device->get_tree()), _has_ducs(not args.has_key("skip_duc") and not device->find_blocks(DUC_BLOCK_NAME).empty()), _has_ddcs(not args.has_key("skip_ddc") and not device->find_blocks(DDC_BLOCK_NAME).empty()), _has_dmafifo(not args.has_key("skip_dram") and not device->find_blocks(DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME).empty()), _has_sramfifo(not args.has_key("skip_sram") and not device->find_blocks(SFIFO_BLOCK_NAME).empty()), _num_mboards(_tree->list("/mboards").size()), _num_radios_per_board(device->find_blocks<radio_ctrl>("0/Radio").size()), // These might throw, maybe we catch that and provide a nicer error message. _num_tx_chans_per_radio( calc_num_tx_chans_per_radio(_tree, _num_radios_per_board, _has_ducs, _has_dmafifo) ), _num_rx_chans_per_radio(_has_ddcs ? std::min(num_ports(_tree, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, "out"), num_ports(_tree, DDC_BLOCK_NAME, "out")) : num_ports(_tree, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, "out")), _rx_spp(get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(0, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, 0)->get_arg<int>("spp")), _tx_spp(_rx_spp), _rx_channel_map(_num_mboards, std::vector<radio_port_pair_t>(_num_radios_per_board)), _tx_channel_map(_num_mboards, std::vector<radio_port_pair_t>(_num_radios_per_board)) { _device->clear(); check_available_periphs(); // Throws if invalid configuration. setup_prop_tree(); if (_tree->exists("/mboards/0/mtu/send")) { _tx_spp = (_tree->access<size_t>("/mboards/0/mtu/send").get() - MAX_BYTES_PER_HEADER) / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE; } connect_blocks(); if (args.has_key("skip_ddc")) { UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] Skipping DDCs by user request." ; } else if (not _has_ddcs) { UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("RFNOC") << "[legacy_compat] No DDCs detected. You will only be able to receive at the radio frontend rate." ; } if (args.has_key("skip_duc")) { UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] Skipping DUCs by user request." ; } else if (not _has_ducs) { UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("RFNOC") << "[legacy_compat] No DUCs detected. You will only be able to transmit at the radio frontend rate." ; } if (args.has_key("skip_dram")) { UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] Skipping DRAM by user request." << std::endl; } if (args.has_key("skip_sram")) { UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] Skipping SRAM by user request." << std::endl; } if (not _has_dmafifo and not _has_sramfifo) { UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("RFNOC") << "[legacy_compat] No FIFO detected. Higher transmit rates may encounter errors."; } for (size_t mboard = 0; mboard < _num_mboards; mboard++) { for (size_t radio = 0; radio < _num_radios_per_board; radio++) { _rx_channel_map[mboard][radio].radio_index = radio; _tx_channel_map[mboard][radio].radio_index = radio; } const double tick_rate = _tree->access<double>(mb_root(mboard) / "tick_rate").get(); update_tick_rate_on_blocks(tick_rate, mboard); } } ~legacy_compat_impl() { remove_prop_subscribers(); } /************************************************************************ * API Calls ***********************************************************************/ inline uhd::fs_path rx_dsp_root(const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t dsp_index, const size_t port_index) { return mb_root(mboard_idx) / "xbar" / str(boost::format("%s_%d") % DDC_BLOCK_NAME % dsp_index) / "legacy_api" / port_index; } uhd::fs_path rx_dsp_root(const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t chan) { // The DSP index is the same as the radio index size_t dsp_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].radio_index; size_t port_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].port_index; if (not _has_ddcs) { return mb_root(mboard_idx) / "rx_dsps" / dsp_index / port_index; } return rx_dsp_root(mboard_idx, dsp_index, port_index); } inline uhd::fs_path tx_dsp_root(const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t dsp_index, const size_t port_index) { return mb_root(mboard_idx) / "xbar" / str(boost::format("%s_%d") % DUC_BLOCK_NAME % dsp_index) / "legacy_api" / port_index; } uhd::fs_path tx_dsp_root(const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t chan) { // The DSP index is the same as the radio index size_t dsp_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].radio_index; size_t port_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].port_index; if (not _has_ducs) { return mb_root(mboard_idx) / "tx_dsps" / dsp_index / port_index; } return tx_dsp_root(mboard_idx, dsp_index, port_index); } uhd::fs_path rx_fe_root(const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t chan) { size_t radio_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].radio_index; size_t port_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].port_index; return uhd::fs_path(str( boost::format("/mboards/%d/xbar/%s_%d/rx_fe_corrections/%d/") % mboard_idx % RADIO_BLOCK_NAME % radio_index % port_index )); } uhd::fs_path tx_fe_root(const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t chan) { size_t radio_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].radio_index; size_t port_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan].port_index; return uhd::fs_path(str( boost::format("/mboards/%d/xbar/%s_%d/tx_fe_corrections/%d/") % mboard_idx % RADIO_BLOCK_NAME % radio_index % port_index )); } void issue_stream_cmd(const stream_cmd_t &stream_cmd, size_t mboard, size_t chan) { UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] issue_stream_cmd() " ; const size_t &radio_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard][chan].radio_index; const size_t &port_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard][chan].port_index; if (_has_ddcs) { get_block_ctrl<ddc_block_ctrl>(mboard, DDC_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index)->issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd, port_index); } else { get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index)->issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd, port_index); } } //! Sets block_id<N> and block_port<N> in the streamer args, otherwise forwards the call uhd::rx_streamer::sptr get_rx_stream(const uhd::stream_args_t &args_) { uhd::stream_args_t args(args_); if (args.otw_format.empty()) { args.otw_format = "sc16"; } _update_stream_args_for_streaming<uhd::RX_DIRECTION>(args, _rx_channel_map); UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] rx stream args: " << args.args.to_string() ; uhd::rx_streamer::sptr streamer = _device->get_rx_stream(args); for(const size_t chan: args.channels) { _rx_stream_cache[chan] = streamer; } return streamer; } //! Sets block_id<N> and block_port<N> in the streamer args, otherwise forwards the call. // If spp is in the args, update the radios. If it's not set, copy the value from the radios. uhd::tx_streamer::sptr get_tx_stream(const uhd::stream_args_t &args_) { uhd::stream_args_t args(args_); if (args.otw_format.empty()) { args.otw_format = "sc16"; } _update_stream_args_for_streaming<uhd::TX_DIRECTION>(args, _tx_channel_map); UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] tx stream args: " << args.args.to_string() ; uhd::tx_streamer::sptr streamer = _device->get_tx_stream(args); for(const size_t chan: args.channels) { _tx_stream_cache[chan] = streamer; } return streamer; } double get_tick_rate(const size_t mboard_idx=0) { return _tree->access<double>(mb_root(mboard_idx) / "tick_rate").get(); } uhd::meta_range_t lambda_get_samp_rate_range( const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t radio_idx, const size_t chan, uhd::direction_t dir ) { radio_ctrl::sptr radio_sptr = get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_idx); const double samp_rate = (dir == uhd::TX_DIRECTION) ? radio_sptr->get_input_samp_rate(chan) : radio_sptr->get_output_samp_rate(chan) ; return uhd::meta_range_t(samp_rate, samp_rate, 0.0); } void set_tick_rate(const double tick_rate, const size_t mboard_idx=0) { _tree->access<double>(mb_root(mboard_idx) / "tick_rate").set(tick_rate); update_tick_rate_on_blocks(tick_rate, mboard_idx); } void set_rx_rate(const double rate, const size_t chan) { if (not _has_ddcs) { return; } // Set DDC values: if (chan == uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_CHANS) { for (size_t mboard_idx = 0; mboard_idx < _rx_channel_map.size(); mboard_idx++) { for (size_t chan_idx = 0; chan_idx < _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx].size(); chan_idx++) { const size_t dsp_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan_idx].radio_index; const size_t port_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan_idx].port_index; _tree->access<double>(rx_dsp_root(mboard_idx, dsp_index, port_index) / "rate/value") .set(rate) ; } } } else { std::set<size_t> chans_to_change = boost::assign::list_of(chan); if (_rx_stream_cache.count(chan)) { uhd::rx_streamer::sptr str_ptr = _rx_stream_cache[chan].lock(); if (str_ptr) { for(const rx_stream_map_type::value_type &chan_streamer_pair: _rx_stream_cache) { if (chan_streamer_pair.second.lock() == str_ptr) { chans_to_change.insert(chan_streamer_pair.first); } } } } for(const size_t this_chan: chans_to_change) { size_t mboard, mb_chan; chan_to_mcp<uhd::RX_DIRECTION>(this_chan, _rx_channel_map, mboard, mb_chan); const size_t dsp_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard][mb_chan].radio_index; const size_t port_index = _rx_channel_map[mboard][mb_chan].port_index; _tree->access<double>(rx_dsp_root(mboard, dsp_index, port_index) / "rate/value") .set(rate) ; } } // Update streamers: boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<uhd::usrp::device3_impl>(_device)->update_rx_streamers(rate); } void set_tx_rate(const double rate, const size_t chan) { if (not _has_ducs) { return; } // Set DUC values: if (chan == uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_CHANS) { for (size_t mboard_idx = 0; mboard_idx < _tx_channel_map.size(); mboard_idx++) { for (size_t chan_idx = 0; chan_idx < _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx].size(); chan_idx++) { const size_t dsp_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan_idx].radio_index; const size_t port_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan_idx].port_index; _tree->access<double>(tx_dsp_root(mboard_idx, dsp_index, port_index) / "rate/value") .set(rate) ; } } } else { std::set<size_t> chans_to_change = boost::assign::list_of(chan); if (_tx_stream_cache.count(chan)) { uhd::tx_streamer::sptr str_ptr = _tx_stream_cache[chan].lock(); if (str_ptr) { for(const tx_stream_map_type::value_type &chan_streamer_pair: _tx_stream_cache) { if (chan_streamer_pair.second.lock() == str_ptr) { chans_to_change.insert(chan_streamer_pair.first); } } } } for(const size_t this_chan: chans_to_change) { size_t mboard, mb_chan; chan_to_mcp<uhd::TX_DIRECTION>(this_chan, _tx_channel_map, mboard, mb_chan); const size_t dsp_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard][mb_chan].radio_index; const size_t port_index = _tx_channel_map[mboard][mb_chan].port_index; _tree->access<double>(tx_dsp_root(mboard, dsp_index, port_index) / "rate/value") .set(rate) ; } } // Update streamers: boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<uhd::usrp::device3_impl>(_device)->update_tx_streamers(rate); } private: // types struct radio_port_pair_t { radio_port_pair_t(const size_t radio=0, const size_t port=0) : radio_index(radio), port_index(port) {} size_t radio_index; size_t port_index; }; //! Map: _rx_channel_map[mboard_idx][chan_idx] => (Radio, Port) // Container is not a std::map because we need to guarantee contiguous // ports and correct order anyway. typedef std::vector< std::vector<radio_port_pair_t> > chan_map_t; private: // methods /************************************************************************ * Private helpers ***********************************************************************/ std::string get_slot_name(const size_t radio_index) { if (radio_index == 0){ return "A"; }else if (radio_index == 1){ return "B"; }else if (radio_index == 2){ return "C"; }else if (radio_index == 3){ return "D"; }else{ throw uhd::index_error(str( boost::format("[legacy_compat]: radio index %u out of supported range.") % radio_index )); } } size_t get_radio_index(const std::string slot_name) { if (slot_name == "A"){ return 0; }else if (slot_name == "B"){ return 1; }else if (slot_name == "C"){ return 2; }else if (slot_name == "D"){ return 3; }else { throw uhd::key_error(str( boost::format("[legacy_compat]: radio slot name %s out of supported range.") % slot_name )); } } template <typename block_type> inline typename block_type::sptr get_block_ctrl(const size_t mboard_idx, const std::string &name, const size_t block_count) { block_id_t block_id(mboard_idx, name, block_count); return _device->get_block_ctrl<block_type>(block_id); } template <uhd::direction_t dir> inline void chan_to_mcp( const size_t chan, const chan_map_t &chan_map, size_t &mboard_idx, size_t &mb_chan_idx ) { mboard_idx = 0; mb_chan_idx = chan; while (mb_chan_idx >= chan_map[mboard_idx].size()) { mb_chan_idx -= chan_map[mboard_idx++].size(); } if (mboard_idx >= chan_map.size()) { throw uhd::index_error(str( boost::format("[legacy_compat]: %s channel %u out of range for given frontend configuration.") % (dir == uhd::TX_DIRECTION ? "TX" : "RX") % chan )); } } template <uhd::direction_t dir> void _update_stream_args_for_streaming( uhd::stream_args_t &args, chan_map_t &chan_map ) { // If the user provides spp, that value is always applied. If it's // different from what we thought it was, we need to update the blocks. // If it's not provided, we provide our own spp value. const size_t args_spp = args.args.cast<size_t>("spp", 0); if (dir == uhd::RX_DIRECTION) { size_t target_spp = _rx_spp; if (args.args.has_key("spp") and args_spp != _rx_spp) { target_spp = args_spp; // TODO: Update flow control on the blocks } else { for (size_t mboard = 0; mboard < _num_mboards; mboard++) { for (size_t radio = 0; radio < _num_radios_per_board; radio++) { const size_t this_spp = get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio)->get_arg<int>("spp"); target_spp = std::min(this_spp, target_spp); } } } for (size_t mboard = 0; mboard < _num_mboards; mboard++) { for (size_t radio = 0; radio < _num_radios_per_board; radio++) { get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio)->set_arg<int>("spp", target_spp); } } _rx_spp = target_spp; args.args["spp"] = str(boost::format("%d") % _rx_spp); } else { if (args.args.has_key("spp") and args_spp != _tx_spp) { _tx_spp = args_spp; // TODO: Update flow control on the blocks } else { args.args["spp"] = str(boost::format("%d") % _tx_spp); } } if (args.channels.empty()) { args.channels = std::vector<size_t>(1, 0); } for (size_t i = 0; i < args.channels.size(); i++) { const size_t stream_arg_chan_idx = args.channels[i]; // Determine which mboard, and on that mboard, which channel this is: size_t mboard_idx, this_mboard_chan_idx; chan_to_mcp<dir>(stream_arg_chan_idx, chan_map, mboard_idx, this_mboard_chan_idx); // Map that mboard and channel to a block: const size_t radio_index = chan_map[mboard_idx][this_mboard_chan_idx].radio_index; size_t port_index = chan_map[mboard_idx][this_mboard_chan_idx].port_index; const std::string block_name = _get_streamer_block_id_and_port<dir>(mboard_idx, radio_index, port_index); args.args[str(boost::format("block_id%d") % stream_arg_chan_idx)] = block_name; args.args[str(boost::format("block_port%d") % stream_arg_chan_idx)] = str(boost::format("%d") % port_index); // Map radio to channel (for in-band response) args.args[str(boost::format("radio_id%d") % stream_arg_chan_idx)] = block_id_t(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index).to_string(); args.args[str(boost::format("radio_port%d") % stream_arg_chan_idx)] = str(boost::format("%d") % chan_map[mboard_idx][this_mboard_chan_idx].port_index); } } template <uhd::direction_t dir> std::string _get_streamer_block_id_and_port( const size_t mboard_idx, const size_t radio_index, size_t &port_index ) { if (dir == uhd::TX_DIRECTION) { if (_has_sramfifo) { const size_t sfifo_idx = radio_index * _num_tx_chans_per_radio + port_index; port_index = 0; return block_id_t(mboard_idx, SFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, sfifo_idx).to_string(); } else if (_has_dmafifo) { port_index = radio_index; return block_id_t(mboard_idx, DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, 0).to_string(); } else { if (_has_ducs) { return block_id_t(mboard_idx, DUC_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index).to_string(); } else { return block_id_t(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index).to_string(); } } } else { if (_has_ddcs) { return block_id_t(mboard_idx, DDC_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index).to_string(); } else { return block_id_t(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_index).to_string(); } } } /************************************************************************ * Initialization ***********************************************************************/ /*! Check this device has all the required peripherals. * * Check rules: * - Every mboard needs the same number of radios. * - For every radio block, there must be DDC and a DUC block, * with matching number of ports. * * \throw uhd::runtime_error if any of these checks fail. */ void check_available_periphs() { if (_num_radios_per_board == 0) { throw uhd::runtime_error("For legacy APIs, all devices require at least one radio."); } block_id_t radio_block_id(0, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME); block_id_t duc_block_id(0, DUC_BLOCK_NAME); block_id_t ddc_block_id(0, DDC_BLOCK_NAME); block_id_t fifo_block_id(0, DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_mboards; i++) { radio_block_id.set_device_no(i); duc_block_id.set_device_no(i); ddc_block_id.set_device_no(i); fifo_block_id.set_device_no(i); for (size_t k = 0; k < _num_radios_per_board; k++) { radio_block_id.set_block_count(k); duc_block_id.set_block_count(k); ddc_block_id.set_block_count(k); // Only one FIFO per crossbar, so don't set block count for that block if (not _device->has_block(radio_block_id) or (_has_ducs and not _device->has_block(duc_block_id)) or (_has_ddcs and not _device->has_block(ddc_block_id)) or (_has_dmafifo and not _device->has_block(fifo_block_id)) ) { throw uhd::runtime_error("For legacy APIs, all devices require the same number of radios, DDCs and DUCs."); } const size_t this_spp = get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(i, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, k)->get_arg<int>("spp"); if (this_spp != _rx_spp) { UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("RFNOC") << str( boost::format("[legacy compat] Radios have differing spp values: %s has %d, others have %d. UHD will use smaller spp value for all connections. Performance might be not optimal.") % radio_block_id.to_string() % this_spp % _rx_spp ); } } } } /*! Initialize properties in property tree to match legacy mode */ void setup_prop_tree() { for (size_t mboard_idx = 0; mboard_idx < _num_mboards; mboard_idx++) { uhd::fs_path root = mb_root(mboard_idx); // Subdev specs if (_tree->exists(root / "tx_subdev_spec")) { _tree->access<subdev_spec_t>(root / "tx_subdev_spec") .add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::set_subdev_spec, this, _1, mboard_idx, uhd::TX_DIRECTION)) .update() .set_publisher(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::get_subdev_spec, this, mboard_idx, uhd::TX_DIRECTION)); } else { _tree->create<subdev_spec_t>(root / "tx_subdev_spec") .add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::set_subdev_spec, this, _1, mboard_idx, uhd::TX_DIRECTION)) .set_publisher(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::get_subdev_spec, this, mboard_idx, uhd::TX_DIRECTION)); } if (_tree->exists(root / "rx_subdev_spec")) { _tree->access<subdev_spec_t>(root / "rx_subdev_spec") .add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::set_subdev_spec, this, _1, mboard_idx, uhd::RX_DIRECTION)) .update() .set_publisher(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::get_subdev_spec, this, mboard_idx, uhd::RX_DIRECTION)); } else { _tree->create<subdev_spec_t>(root / "rx_subdev_spec") .add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::set_subdev_spec, this, _1, mboard_idx, uhd::RX_DIRECTION)) .set_publisher(boost::bind(&legacy_compat_impl::get_subdev_spec, this, mboard_idx, uhd::RX_DIRECTION)); } if (not _has_ddcs) { for (size_t radio_idx = 0; radio_idx < _num_radios_per_board; radio_idx++) { for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_rx_chans_per_radio; chan++) { const uhd::fs_path rx_dsp_base_path(mb_root(mboard_idx) / "rx_dsps" / radio_idx / chan); _tree->create<double>(rx_dsp_base_path / "rate/value") .set(0.0) .set_publisher( boost::bind( &radio_ctrl::get_output_samp_rate, get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_idx), chan ) ) ; _tree->create<uhd::meta_range_t>(rx_dsp_base_path / "rate/range") .set_publisher( boost::bind( &legacy_compat_impl::lambda_get_samp_rate_range, this, mboard_idx, radio_idx, chan, uhd::RX_DIRECTION ) ) ; _tree->create<double>(rx_dsp_base_path / "freq/value") .set_publisher([](){ return 0.0; }) ; _tree->create<uhd::meta_range_t>(rx_dsp_base_path / "freq/range") .set_publisher([](){ return uhd::meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }) ; } } } /* if not _has_ddcs */ if (not _has_ducs) { for (size_t radio_idx = 0; radio_idx < _num_radios_per_board; radio_idx++) { for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_tx_chans_per_radio; chan++) { const uhd::fs_path tx_dsp_base_path(mb_root(mboard_idx) / "tx_dsps" / radio_idx / chan); _tree->create<double>(tx_dsp_base_path / "rate/value") .set(0.0) .set_publisher( boost::bind( &radio_ctrl::get_output_samp_rate, get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio_idx), chan ) ) ; _tree->create<uhd::meta_range_t>(tx_dsp_base_path / "rate/range") .set_publisher( boost::bind( &legacy_compat_impl::lambda_get_samp_rate_range, this, mboard_idx, radio_idx, chan, uhd::TX_DIRECTION ) ) ; _tree->create<double>(tx_dsp_base_path / "freq/value") .set_publisher([](){ return 0.0; }) ; _tree->create<uhd::meta_range_t>(tx_dsp_base_path / "freq/range") .set_publisher([](){ return uhd::meta_range_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }) ; } } } /* if not _has_ducs */ } } /*! Remove properties with bound functions in property tree and recreate */ void remove_prop_subscribers() { for (size_t mboard_idx = 0; mboard_idx < _num_mboards; mboard_idx++) { uhd::fs_path root = mb_root(mboard_idx); // Subdev specs if (_tree->exists(root / "tx_subdev_spec")) { recreate_property<subdev_spec_t>(root / "tx_subdev_spec", _tree); } if (_tree->exists(root / "rx_subdev_spec")) { recreate_property<subdev_spec_t>(root / "rx_subdev_spec", _tree); } } } /*! Default block connections. * * Tx connections: * * [Host] => DMA FIFO => DUC => Radio * * Note: There is only one DMA FIFO per crossbar, with twice the number of ports. * * Rx connections: * * Radio => DDC => [Host] * * Streamers are *not* generated here. */ void connect_blocks() { _graph = _device->create_graph("legacy"); const size_t rx_bpp = _rx_spp * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE + MAX_BYTES_PER_HEADER; const size_t tx_bpp = _tx_spp * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE + MAX_BYTES_PER_HEADER; for (size_t mboard = 0; mboard < _num_mboards; mboard++) { for (size_t radio = 0; radio < _num_radios_per_board; radio++) { // Tx Channels for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_tx_chans_per_radio; chan++) { if (_has_ducs) { _graph->connect( block_id_t(mboard, DUC_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, block_id_t(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, tx_bpp ); // Prioritize SRAM over DRAM for performance if (_has_sramfifo) { // We have SRAM FIFO *and* DUCs // SRAM FIFOs have only 1 channel per block const size_t sfifo_idx = _num_tx_chans_per_radio * radio + chan; _graph->connect( block_id_t(mboard, SFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, sfifo_idx), chan, block_id_t(mboard, DUC_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, tx_bpp ); } else if (_has_dmafifo) { // We have DMA FIFO *and* DUCs _graph->connect( block_id_t(mboard, DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, 0), radio, block_id_t(mboard, DUC_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, tx_bpp ); } } else if (_has_sramfifo) { // We have SRAM FIFO, *no* DUCs // SRAM FIFOs have only 1 channel per block const size_t sfifo_idx = _num_tx_chans_per_radio * radio + chan; _graph->connect( block_id_t(mboard, SFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, sfifo_idx), 0, block_id_t(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, tx_bpp ); } else if (_has_dmafifo) { // We have DMA FIFO, *no* DUCs _graph->connect( block_id_t(mboard, DFIFO_BLOCK_NAME, 0), radio, block_id_t(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, tx_bpp ); } } // Rx Channels for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_rx_chans_per_radio; chan++) { if (_has_ddcs) { _graph->connect( block_id_t(mboard, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, block_id_t(mboard, DDC_BLOCK_NAME, radio), chan, rx_bpp ); } } } } } /************************************************************************ * Subdev translation ***********************************************************************/ /*! Subdev -> (Radio, Port) * * Example: Device is X300, subdev spec is 'A:0 B:0', we have 2 radios. * Then we map to ((0, 0), (1, 0)). I.e., zero-th port on radio 0 and * radio 1, respectively. */ void set_subdev_spec(const subdev_spec_t &spec, const size_t mboard, const uhd::direction_t dir) { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(mboard < _num_mboards); chan_map_t &chan_map = (dir == uhd::TX_DIRECTION) ? _tx_channel_map : _rx_channel_map; std::vector<radio_port_pair_t> new_mapping(spec.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < spec.size(); i++) { const size_t new_radio_index = get_radio_index(spec[i].db_name); radio_ctrl::sptr radio = get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard, "Radio", new_radio_index); size_t new_port_index = radio->get_chan_from_dboard_fe(spec[i].sd_name, dir); if (new_port_index >= radio->get_input_ports().size()) { new_port_index = radio->get_input_ports().at(0); } radio_port_pair_t new_radio_port_pair(new_radio_index, new_port_index); new_mapping[i] = new_radio_port_pair; } chan_map[mboard] = new_mapping; } subdev_spec_t get_subdev_spec(const size_t mboard, const uhd::direction_t dir) { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(mboard < _num_mboards); subdev_spec_t subdev_spec; chan_map_t &chan_map = (dir == uhd::TX_DIRECTION) ? _tx_channel_map : _rx_channel_map; for (size_t chan_idx = 0; chan_idx < chan_map[mboard].size(); chan_idx++) { const size_t radio_index = chan_map[mboard][chan_idx].radio_index; const size_t port_index = chan_map[mboard][chan_idx].port_index; const std::string new_db_name = get_slot_name(radio_index); const std::string new_sd_name = get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(mboard, "Radio", radio_index)->get_dboard_fe_from_chan(port_index, dir); subdev_spec_pair_t new_pair(new_db_name, new_sd_name); subdev_spec.push_back(new_pair); } return subdev_spec; } void update_tick_rate_on_blocks(const double tick_rate, const size_t mboard_idx) { block_id_t radio_block_id(mboard_idx, RADIO_BLOCK_NAME); block_id_t duc_block_id(mboard_idx, DUC_BLOCK_NAME); block_id_t ddc_block_id(mboard_idx, DDC_BLOCK_NAME); for (size_t radio = 0; radio < _num_radios_per_board; radio++) { radio_block_id.set_block_count(radio); duc_block_id.set_block_count(radio); ddc_block_id.set_block_count(radio); radio_ctrl::sptr radio_sptr = _device->get_block_ctrl<radio_ctrl>(radio_block_id); radio_sptr->set_rate(tick_rate); for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_rx_chans_per_radio and _has_ddcs; chan++) { const double radio_output_rate = radio_sptr->get_output_samp_rate(chan); _device->get_block_ctrl(ddc_block_id)->set_arg<double>("input_rate", radio_output_rate, chan); } for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _num_tx_chans_per_radio and _has_ducs; chan++) { const double radio_input_rate = radio_sptr->get_input_samp_rate(chan); _device->get_block_ctrl(duc_block_id)->set_arg<double>("output_rate", radio_input_rate, chan); } } } private: // attributes uhd::device3::sptr _device; uhd::property_tree::sptr _tree; const bool _has_ducs; const bool _has_ddcs; const bool _has_dmafifo; const bool _has_sramfifo; const size_t _num_mboards; const size_t _num_radios_per_board; const size_t _num_tx_chans_per_radio; const size_t _num_rx_chans_per_radio; size_t _rx_spp; size_t _tx_spp; chan_map_t _rx_channel_map; chan_map_t _tx_channel_map; //! Stores a weak pointer for every streamer that's generated through this API. // Key is the channel number (same format as e.g. the set_rx_rate() call). typedef std::map< size_t, boost::weak_ptr<uhd::rx_streamer> > rx_stream_map_type; rx_stream_map_type _rx_stream_cache; typedef std::map< size_t, boost::weak_ptr<uhd::tx_streamer> > tx_stream_map_type; tx_stream_map_type _tx_stream_cache; graph::sptr _graph; }; legacy_compat::sptr legacy_compat::make( uhd::device3::sptr device, const uhd::device_addr_t &args ) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(_make_mutex); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(bool(device)); static std::map<void *, boost::weak_ptr<legacy_compat> > legacy_cache; if (legacy_cache.count(device.get()) and not legacy_cache.at(device.get()).expired()) { legacy_compat::sptr legacy_compat_copy = legacy_cache.at(device.get()).lock(); UHD_ASSERT_THROW(bool(legacy_compat_copy)); UHD_LEGACY_LOG() << "[legacy_compat] Using existing legacy compat object for this device." ; return legacy_compat_copy; } legacy_compat::sptr new_legacy_compat = boost::make_shared<legacy_compat_impl>(device, args); legacy_cache[device.get()] = new_legacy_compat; return new_legacy_compat; }