// Copyright 2016 Ettus Research
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "dsp_core_utils.hpp"
using namespace uhd::rfnoc;
// TODO move this to a central location
template T ceil_log2(T num){
return std::ceil(std::log(num)/std::log(T(2)));
// TODO remove this once we have actual lambdas
static double lambda_forward_prop(uhd::property_tree::sptr tree, uhd::fs_path prop, double value)
return tree->access(prop).set(value).get();
static double lambda_forward_prop(uhd::property_tree::sptr tree, uhd::fs_path prop)
return tree->access(prop).get();
class ddc_block_ctrl_impl : public ddc_block_ctrl
_num_halfbands = (size_t) user_reg_read64(RB_REG_NUM_HALFBANDS);
_cic_max_decim = (size_t) user_reg_read64(RB_REG_CIC_MAX_DECIM);
// Argument/prop tree hooks
for (size_t chan = 0; chan < get_input_ports().size(); chan++) {
double default_freq = get_arg("freq", chan);
_tree->access(get_arg_path("freq/value", chan))
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&ddc_block_ctrl_impl::set_freq, this, _1, chan))
double default_output_rate = get_arg("output_rate", chan);
_tree->access(get_arg_path("output_rate/value", chan))
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&ddc_block_ctrl_impl::set_output_rate, this, _1, chan))
_tree->access(get_arg_path("input_rate/value", chan))
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&ddc_block_ctrl_impl::set_input_rate, this, _1, chan))
// Legacy properties (for backward compat w/ multi_usrp)
const uhd::fs_path dsp_base_path = _root_path / "legacy_api" / chan;
// Legacy properties
_tree->create(dsp_base_path / "rate/value")
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&lambda_forward_prop, _tree, get_arg_path("output_rate/value", chan), _1))
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&lambda_forward_prop, _tree, get_arg_path("output_rate/value", chan)))
_tree->create(dsp_base_path / "rate/range")
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ddc_block_ctrl_impl::get_output_rates, this))
_tree->create(dsp_base_path / "freq/value")
.set_coercer(boost::bind(&lambda_forward_prop, _tree, get_arg_path("freq/value", chan), _1))
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&lambda_forward_prop, _tree, get_arg_path("freq/value", chan)))
_tree->create(dsp_base_path / "freq/range")
.set_publisher(boost::bind(&ddc_block_ctrl_impl::get_freq_range, this))
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&block_ctrl_base::set_command_time, this, _1, chan))
if (_tree->exists("tick_rate")) {
const double tick_rate = _tree->access("tick_rate").get();
set_command_tick_rate(tick_rate, chan);
.add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind(&block_ctrl_base::set_command_tick_rate, this, _1, chan))
// Rate 1:1 by default
sr_write("N", 1, chan);
sr_write("M", 1, chan);
sr_write("CONFIG", 1, chan); // Enable clear EOB
} // end ctor
virtual ~ddc_block_ctrl_impl() {};
double get_output_scale_factor(size_t port=ANY_PORT)
port = port == ANY_PORT ? 0 : port;
if (not (_rx_streamer_active.count(port) and _rx_streamer_active.at(port))) {
return get_arg("scalar_correction", port);
double get_input_samp_rate(size_t port=ANY_PORT)
port = port == ANY_PORT ? 0 : port;
if (not (_tx_streamer_active.count(port) and _tx_streamer_active.at(port))) {
return get_arg("input_rate", port);
double get_output_samp_rate(size_t port=ANY_PORT)
if (port == ANY_PORT) {
port = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < get_input_ports().size(); i++) {
if (_rx_streamer_active.count(i) and _rx_streamer_active.at(i)) {
port = i;
// Wait, what? If this seems out of place to you, you're right. However,
// we need a function call that is called when the graph is complete,
// but streaming is not yet set up.
if (_tree->exists("tick_rate")) {
const double tick_rate = _tree->access("tick_rate").get();
set_command_tick_rate(tick_rate, port);
if (not (_rx_streamer_active.count(port) and _rx_streamer_active.at(port))) {
return get_arg("output_rate", port);
void issue_stream_cmd(
const uhd::stream_cmd_t &stream_cmd_,
const size_t chan
) {
UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_TRACE() << "ddc_block_ctrl_base::issue_stream_cmd()" ;
if (list_upstream_nodes().count(chan) == 0) {
UHD_LOGGER_INFO("RFNOC") << "No upstream blocks." ;
uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd = stream_cmd_;
if (stream_cmd.stream_mode == uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE or
stream_cmd.stream_mode == uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_MORE) {
size_t decimation = get_arg("input_rate", chan) / get_arg("output_rate", chan);
stream_cmd.num_samps *= decimation;
source_node_ctrl::sptr this_upstream_block_ctrl =
if (this_upstream_block_ctrl) {
size_t _num_halfbands;
size_t _cic_max_decim;
static const size_t MAJOR_COMP = 1;
static const size_t MINOR_COMP = 0;
static const size_t RB_REG_COMPAT_NUM = 0;
static const size_t RB_REG_NUM_HALFBANDS = 1;
static const size_t RB_REG_CIC_MAX_DECIM = 2;
//! Set the CORDIC frequency shift the signal to \p requested_freq
double set_freq(const double requested_freq, const size_t chan)
const double input_rate = get_arg("input_rate");
double actual_freq;
int32_t freq_word;
get_freq_and_freq_word(requested_freq, input_rate, actual_freq, freq_word);
sr_write("CORDIC_FREQ", uint32_t(freq_word), chan);
return actual_freq;
//! Return a range of valid frequencies the CORDIC can tune to
uhd::meta_range_t get_freq_range(void)
const double input_rate = get_arg("input_rate");
return uhd::meta_range_t(
input_rate/std::pow(2.0, 32)
uhd::meta_range_t get_output_rates(void)
uhd::meta_range_t range;
const double input_rate = get_arg("input_rate");
for (int hb = _num_halfbands; hb >= 0; hb--) {
const size_t decim_offset = _cic_max_decim<<(hb-1);
for(size_t decim = _cic_max_decim; decim > 0; decim--) {
const size_t hb_cic_decim = decim*(1< decim_offset) {
return range;
double set_output_rate(const int requested_rate, const size_t chan)
const double input_rate = get_arg("input_rate");
const size_t decim_rate = boost::math::iround(input_rate/this->get_output_rates().clip(requested_rate, true));
size_t decim = decim_rate;
// The FPGA knows which halfbands to enable for any given value of hb_enable.
uint32_t hb_enable = 0;
while ((decim % 2 == 0) and hb_enable < _num_halfbands) {
decim /= 2;
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(hb_enable <= _num_halfbands);
UHD_ASSERT_THROW(decim > 0 and decim <= _cic_max_decim);
// What we can't cover with halfbands, we do with the CIC
sr_write("DECIM_WORD", (hb_enable << 8) | (decim & 0xff), chan);
// Rate change = M/N
sr_write("N", std::pow(2.0, double(hb_enable)) * (decim & 0xff), chan);
sr_write("M", 1, chan);
if (decim > 1 and hb_enable == 0) {
UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("RFNOC") << boost::format(
"The requested decimation is odd; the user should expect passband CIC rolloff.\n"
"Select an even decimation to ensure that a halfband filter is enabled.\n"
"Decimations factorable by 4 will enable 2 halfbands, those factorable by 8 will enable 3 halfbands.\n"
"decimation = dsp_rate/samp_rate -> %d = (%f MHz)/(%f MHz)\n"
) % decim_rate % (input_rate/1e6) % (requested_rate/1e6);
// Caclulate algorithmic gain of CIC for a given decimation.
// For Ettus CIC R=decim, M=1, N=4. Gain = (R * M) ^ N
const double rate_pow = std::pow(double(decim & 0xff), 4);
// Calculate compensation gain values for algorithmic gain of CORDIC and CIC taking into account
// gain compensation blocks already hardcoded in place in DDC (that provide simple 1/2^n gain compensation).
// CORDIC algorithmic gain limits asymptotically around 1.647 after many iterations.
static const double CORDIC_GAIN = 1.648;
// The polar rotation of [I,Q] = [1,1] by Pi/8 also yields max magnitude of SQRT(2) (~1.4142) however
// input to the CORDIC thats outside the unit circle can only be sourced from a saturated RF frontend.
// To provide additional dynamic range head room accordingly using scale factor applied at egress from DDC would
// cost us small signal performance, thus we do no provide compensation gain for a saturated front end and allow
// the signal to clip in the H/W as needed. If we wished to avoid the signal clipping in these circumstances then adjust code to read:
// _scaling_adjustment = std::pow(2, ceil_log2(rate_pow))/(CORDIC_GAIN*rate_pow*1.415);
const double scaling_adjustment = std::pow(2, ceil_log2(rate_pow))/(CORDIC_GAIN*rate_pow);
update_scalar(scaling_adjustment, chan);
return input_rate/decim_rate;
//! Set frequency and decimation again
void set_input_rate(const double /* rate */, const size_t chan)
const double desired_freq = _tree->access(get_arg_path("freq", chan) / "value").get_desired();
set_arg("freq", desired_freq, chan);
const double desired_output_rate = _tree->access(get_arg_path("output_rate", chan) / "value").get_desired();
set_arg("output_rate", desired_output_rate, chan);
// Calculate compensation gain values for algorithmic gain of CORDIC and CIC taking into account
// gain compensation blocks already hardcoded in place in DDC (that provide simple 1/2^n gain compensation).
// Further more factor in OTW format which adds further gain factor to weight output samples correctly.
void update_scalar(const double scalar, const size_t chan)
const double target_scalar = (1 << 15) * scalar;
const int32_t actual_scalar = boost::math::iround(target_scalar);
// Calculate the error introduced by using integer representation for the scalar, can be corrected in host later.
const double scalar_correction =
target_scalar / actual_scalar / double(1 << 15) // Rounding error, normalized to 1.0
* get_arg("fullscale"); // Scaling requested by host
set_arg("scalar_correction", scalar_correction, chan);
// Write DDC with scaling correction for CIC and CORDIC that maximizes dynamic range in 32/16/12/8bits.
sr_write("SCALE_IQ", actual_scalar, chan);
//Get cached value of _num_halfbands
size_t get_num_halfbands() const
return (size_t) _num_halfbands;
//Get cached value of _cic_max_decim readback
size_t get_cic_max_decim() const
return (size_t) _cic_max_decim;
//Check compatibility num, if not current, throw error.
//MAJOR COMPATIBILITY, top 32 bits = 0x1
//MINOR COMPATIBILITY, lower 32 bits = 0x0
void check_compat_num()
uint64_t compat_num = user_reg_read64(RB_REG_COMPAT_NUM);
uint32_t compat_num_major = compat_num>>32;
uint32_t compat_num_minor = compat_num&0xFFFFFFFF;
if ( compat_num_major > MAJOR_COMP) {
throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
"DDC RFNoC block is too new for this software. Please upgrade to a driver that supports hardware revision %d.")
% compat_num_major));
} else if ( compat_num_major < MAJOR_COMP) {
throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
"DDC software is too new for this hardware. Please downgrade to a driver that supports hardware revision %d.")
% compat_num_major));
if (compat_num_minor != MINOR_COMP) {
UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("DDC") << "DDC hardware compatability does not match software, this may have adverse affects on the block's behavior.";
UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_REGISTER(ddc_block_ctrl, "DDC");