// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include <uhd/rfnoc/chdr_types.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhdlib/rfnoc/chdr_ctrl_xport.hpp> using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::rfnoc; using namespace uhd::rfnoc::chdr; using namespace uhd::transport; chdr_ctrl_xport::chdr_ctrl_xport(io_service::sptr io_srv, send_link_if::sptr send_link, recv_link_if::sptr recv_link, const chdr::chdr_packet_factory& pkt_factory, sep_id_t my_epid, size_t num_send_frames, size_t num_recv_frames, disconnect_callback_t disconnect) : _my_epid(my_epid), _recv_packet(pkt_factory.make_generic()), _disconnect(disconnect) { /* Make dumb send pipe */ send_io_if::send_callback_t send_cb = [](frame_buff::uptr buff, send_link_if* link) { link->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); }; _send_if = io_srv->make_send_client( send_link, num_send_frames, send_cb, recv_link_if::sptr(), 0, nullptr, nullptr); /* Make dumb recv pipe that matches management and control packets */ uhd::transport::recv_callback_t ctrl_recv_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr& buff, recv_link_if* /*recv_link*/, send_link_if * /*send_link*/) -> bool { return this->_ctrl_recv_cb(buff); }; recv_io_if::fc_callback_t release_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr buff, recv_link_if* link, send_link_if* /*send_link*/) { this->_release_cb(std::move(buff), link); }; _ctrl_recv_if = io_srv->make_recv_client( recv_link, num_recv_frames, ctrl_recv_cb, send_link_if::sptr(), 0, release_cb); uhd::transport::recv_callback_t mgmt_recv_cb = [this](frame_buff::uptr& buff, recv_link_if* /*recv_link*/, send_link_if * /*send_link*/) -> bool { return this->_mgmt_recv_cb(buff); }; _mgmt_recv_if = io_srv->make_recv_client( recv_link, 1, mgmt_recv_cb, send_link_if::sptr(), 0, release_cb); } bool chdr_ctrl_xport::_ctrl_recv_cb(uhd::transport::frame_buff::uptr& buff) { _recv_packet->refresh(buff->data()); auto hdr = _recv_packet->get_chdr_header(); auto pkt_type = hdr.get_pkt_type(); auto dst_epid = hdr.get_dst_epid(); /* Check type and destination EPID */ if ((pkt_type == PKT_TYPE_CTRL) && (dst_epid == _my_epid)) { return true; } else { return false; } return false; } bool chdr_ctrl_xport::_mgmt_recv_cb(uhd::transport::frame_buff::uptr& buff) { _recv_packet->refresh(buff->data()); auto hdr = _recv_packet->get_chdr_header(); auto pkt_type = hdr.get_pkt_type(); auto dst_epid = hdr.get_dst_epid(); /* Check type and destination EPID */ if ((pkt_type == PKT_TYPE_MGMT) && (dst_epid == _my_epid)) { return true; } else { return false; } return false; } void chdr_ctrl_xport::_release_cb( uhd::transport::frame_buff::uptr buff, uhd::transport::recv_link_if* recv_link) { recv_link->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } chdr_ctrl_xport::~chdr_ctrl_xport() { // Release I/O service clients before allowing members needed by callbacks // be destroyed _send_if.reset(); _ctrl_recv_if.reset(); _mgmt_recv_if.reset(); // Disconnect the transport _disconnect(); } /*! * Get an empty frame buffer in which to write packet contents. * * \param timeout_ms a positive timeout value specifies the maximum number of ms to wait, a negative value specifies to block until successful, and a value of 0 specifies no wait. * \return a frame buffer, or null uptr if timeout occurs */ frame_buff::uptr chdr_ctrl_xport::get_send_buff(int32_t timeout_ms) { // FIXME: Remove mutex when have threaded_io_service std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); frame_buff::uptr buff = _send_if->get_send_buff(timeout_ms); if (!buff) { return frame_buff::uptr(); } return frame_buff::uptr(std::move(buff)); } /*! * Release a frame buffer, allowing the driver to reuse it. * * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link */ void chdr_ctrl_xport::release_send_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff) { // FIXME: Remove mutex when have threaded_io_service std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); _send_if->release_send_buff(std::move(buff)); } /*! * Attempt to get a frame buffer with data from the recv link. * * \param timeout_ms a positive timeout value specifies the maximum number of ms to wait, a negative value specifies to block until successful, and a value of 0 specifies no wait. * \return a frame buffer, or null uptr if timeout occurs */ frame_buff::uptr chdr_ctrl_xport::get_recv_buff(int32_t timeout_ms) { // FIXME: Remove mutex when have threaded_io_service std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); return _ctrl_recv_if->get_recv_buff(timeout_ms); } frame_buff::uptr chdr_ctrl_xport::get_mgmt_buff(int32_t timeout_ms) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); return _mgmt_recv_if->get_recv_buff(timeout_ms); } /*! * Release a frame buffer, allowing the recv link driver to reuse it. * * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link */ void chdr_ctrl_xport::release_recv_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff) { // FIXME: Remove mutex when have threaded_io_service std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); _ctrl_recv_if->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } void chdr_ctrl_xport::release_mgmt_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff) { // FIXME: Remove mutex when have threaded_io_service std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); _mgmt_recv_if->release_recv_buff(std::move(buff)); } /*! * Get this xport's EPID */ sep_id_t chdr_ctrl_xport::get_epid() const { return _my_epid; }