// // Copyright 2014-2016 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // // This file contains the block control functions for block controller classes. // See block_ctrl_base_factory.cpp for discovery and factory functions. #include "nocscript/block_iface.hpp" #include <uhd/convert.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/block_ctrl_base.hpp> #include <uhd/rfnoc/constants.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/safe_call.hpp> #include <uhdlib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.hpp> #include <uhdlib/rfnoc/wb_iface_adapter.hpp> #include <uhdlib/utils/compat_check.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <chrono> #include <thread> using namespace uhd; using namespace uhd::rfnoc; using std::string; /*********************************************************************** * Structors **********************************************************************/ block_ctrl_base::block_ctrl_base(const make_args_t& make_args) : _tree(make_args.tree) , _ctrl_ifaces(make_args.ctrl_ifaces) , _base_address(make_args.base_address & 0xFFF0) , _noc_id(sr_read64(SR_READBACK_REG_ID)) , _compat_num(sr_read64(SR_READBACK_COMPAT)) { /*** Identify this block (NoC-ID, block-ID, and block definition) *******/ // Read NoC-ID (name is passed in through make_args): _block_def = blockdef::make_from_noc_id(_noc_id); if (not _block_def) { UHD_LOG_DEBUG("RFNOC", "No block definition found, using default block configuration " "for block with NOC ID: " + str(boost::format("0x%08X") % _noc_id)); _block_def = blockdef::make_from_noc_id(DEFAULT_NOC_ID_64); } UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_block_def); // For the block ID, we start with block count 0 and increase until // we get a block ID that's not already registered: _block_id.set(make_args.device_index, make_args.block_name, 0); while (_tree->exists("xbar/" + _block_id.get_local())) { _block_id++; } UHD_LOG_INFO(unique_id(), str(boost::format("Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0x%016X)") % _noc_id)); /*** Check compat number ************************************************/ assert_fpga_compat(NOC_SHELL_COMPAT_MAJOR, NOC_SHELL_COMPAT_MINOR, _compat_num, "noc_shell", unique_id(), false /* fail_on_minor_behind */ ); /*** Initialize property tree *******************************************/ _root_path = "xbar/" + _block_id.get_local(); _tree->create<uint64_t>(_root_path / "noc_id").set(_noc_id); /*** Reset block state *******************************************/ // We don't know the state of the data-path of this block before // we initialize. If everything tore down properly, the data-path // should be disconnected and thus idle. Reconfiguration of parameters // like SIDs is safe to do in that scenario. // However, if data is still streaming, block configuration // can potentially lock up noc_shell. So we flush the data-path here. // Flush is a block-level operation that can be triggered // from any block port. // Do it once before clearing... if (get_ctrl_ports().size() > 0) { _flush(get_ctrl_ports().front()); } // Clear flow control and misc state clear(); /*** Configure ports ****************************************************/ size_t n_valid_input_buffers = 0; for (const size_t ctrl_port : get_ctrl_ports()) { // Set command times to sensible defaults set_command_tick_rate(1.0, ctrl_port); set_command_time(time_spec_t(0.0), ctrl_port); // Set source addresses: sr_write(SR_BLOCK_SID, get_address(ctrl_port), ctrl_port); // Set sink buffer sizes: const uint64_t fifo_size_reg = sr_read64(SR_READBACK_REG_FIFOSIZE, ctrl_port); const size_t buf_size_bytes = size_t(fifo_size_reg & 0xFFFFFFFF); if (buf_size_bytes > 0) { n_valid_input_buffers++; } _tree->create<size_t>(_root_path / "input_buffer_size" / ctrl_port) .set(buf_size_bytes); // Set MTU size and convert to bytes: settingsbus_reg_t reg_mtu = SR_READBACK_REG_MTU; size_t mtu = 8 * (1 << size_t(sr_read64(reg_mtu, ctrl_port))); _tree->create<size_t>(_root_path / "mtu" / ctrl_port).set(mtu); // Set command FIFO size const uint32_t cmd_fifo_size = (fifo_size_reg >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; _ctrl_ifaces[ctrl_port]->set_cmd_fifo_size(cmd_fifo_size); // Set default destination SIDs // Otherwise, the default is someone else's SID, which we don't want sr_write(SR_RESP_IN_DST_SID, 0xFFFF, ctrl_port); sr_write(SR_RESP_OUT_DST_SID, 0xFFFF, ctrl_port); } /*** Register names *****************************************************/ blockdef::registers_t sregs = _block_def->get_settings_registers(); for (const std::string& reg_name : sregs.keys()) { if (DEFAULT_NAMED_SR.has_key(reg_name)) { throw uhd::runtime_error( str(boost::format("Register name %s is already defined!") % reg_name)); } _tree->create<size_t>(_root_path / "registers" / "sr" / reg_name) .set(sregs.get(reg_name)); } blockdef::registers_t rbacks = _block_def->get_readback_registers(); for (const std::string& reg_name : rbacks.keys()) { _tree->create<size_t>(_root_path / "registers" / "rb" / reg_name) .set(rbacks.get(reg_name)); } /*** Init I/O port definitions ******************************************/ _init_port_defs("in", _block_def->get_input_ports()); _init_port_defs("out", _block_def->get_output_ports()); _num_input_ports = _block_def->get_input_ports().size(); _num_output_ports = _block_def->get_output_ports().size(); // FIXME this warning always fails until the input buffer code above is fixed // if (_tree->list(_root_path / "ports/in").size() != n_valid_input_buffers) { // UHD_LOGGER_WARNING(unique_id()) << // boost::format("[%s] defines %d input buffer sizes, but %d input ports") // % get_block_id().get() // % n_valid_input_buffers // % _tree->list(_root_path / "ports/in").size() // ; //} /*** Init default block args ********************************************/ _nocscript_iface = nocscript::block_iface::make(this); _init_block_args(); } block_ctrl_base::~block_ctrl_base() { UHD_SAFE_CALL(if (get_ctrl_ports().size() > 0) { // Notify the data-path gatekeeper in noc_shell that we are done // with this block. This operation disconnects the noc_block // data-path from noc_shell which dumps all input and output // packets that are in flight, for now and until the setting is // disabled. This prevents long-running blocks without a tear-down // mechanism to gracefully flush. _start_drain(get_ctrl_ports().front()); } _tree->remove(_root_path);) } void block_ctrl_base::_init_port_defs( const std::string& direction, blockdef::ports_t ports, const size_t first_port_index) { size_t port_index = first_port_index; for (const blockdef::port_t& port_def : ports) { fs_path port_path = _root_path / "ports" / direction / port_index; if (not _tree->exists(port_path)) { _tree->create<blockdef::port_t>(port_path); } UHD_LOGGER_TRACE(unique_id()) << "Adding port definition at " << port_path << boost::format(": type = '%s' pkt_size = '%s' vlen = '%s'") % port_def["type"] % port_def["pkt_size"] % port_def["vlen"]; _tree->access<blockdef::port_t>(port_path).set(port_def); port_index++; } } void block_ctrl_base::_init_block_args() { blockdef::args_t args = _block_def->get_args(); fs_path arg_path = _root_path / "args"; for (const size_t port : get_ctrl_ports()) { _tree->create<std::string>(arg_path / port); } // First, create all nodes. for (const auto& arg : args) { fs_path arg_type_path = arg_path / arg["port"] / arg["name"] / "type"; _tree->create<std::string>(arg_type_path).set(arg["type"]); fs_path arg_val_path = arg_path / arg["port"] / arg["name"] / "value"; if (arg["type"] == "int_vector") { throw uhd::runtime_error("not yet implemented: int_vector"); } else if (arg["type"] == "int") { _tree->create<int>(arg_val_path); } else if (arg["type"] == "double") { _tree->create<double>(arg_val_path); } else if (arg["type"] == "string") { _tree->create<string>(arg_val_path); } else { UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } // Next: Create all the subscribers and coercers. // TODO: Add coercer #define _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(type, arg_tag, error_message) \ _tree->access<type>(arg_val_path) \ .add_coerced_subscriber(boost::bind((&nocscript::block_iface::run_and_check), \ _nocscript_iface, \ arg[#arg_tag], \ error_message)) for (const auto& arg : args) { fs_path arg_val_path = arg_path / arg["port"] / arg["name"] / "value"; if (not arg["check"].empty()) { if (arg["type"] == "string") { _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(string, check, arg["check_message"]); } else if (arg["type"] == "int") { _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(int, check, arg["check_message"]); } else if (arg["type"] == "double") { _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(double, check, arg["check_message"]); } else if (arg["type"] == "int_vector") { throw uhd::runtime_error("not yet implemented: int_vector"); } else { UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } if (not arg["action"].empty()) { if (arg["type"] == "string") { _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(string, action, ""); } else if (arg["type"] == "int") { _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(int, action, ""); } else if (arg["type"] == "double") { _SUBSCRIBE_CHECK_AND_RUN(double, action, ""); } else if (arg["type"] == "int_vector") { throw uhd::runtime_error("not yet implemented: int_vector"); } else { UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } } // Finally: Set the values. This will call subscribers, if we have any. for (const auto& arg : args) { fs_path arg_val_path = arg_path / arg["port"] / arg["name"] / "value"; if (not arg["value"].empty()) { if (arg["type"] == "int_vector") { throw uhd::runtime_error("not yet implemented: int_vector"); } else if (arg["type"] == "int") { _tree->access<int>(arg_val_path).set(std::stoi(arg["value"])); } else if (arg["type"] == "double") { _tree->access<double>(arg_val_path).set(std::stod(arg["value"])); } else if (arg["type"] == "string") { _tree->access<string>(arg_val_path).set(arg["value"]); } else { UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } } } } /*********************************************************************** * FPGA control & communication **********************************************************************/ timed_wb_iface::sptr block_ctrl_base::get_ctrl_iface(const size_t block_port) { return boost::make_shared<wb_iface_adapter>(_ctrl_ifaces[block_port], boost::bind(&block_ctrl_base::get_command_tick_rate, this, block_port), boost::bind(&block_ctrl_base::set_command_time, this, _1, block_port), boost::bind(&block_ctrl_base::get_command_time, this, block_port)); } std::vector<size_t> block_ctrl_base::get_ctrl_ports() const { std::vector<size_t> ctrl_ports; ctrl_ports.reserve(_ctrl_ifaces.size()); std::pair<size_t, ctrl_iface::sptr> it; for (auto it : _ctrl_ifaces) { ctrl_ports.push_back(it.first); } return ctrl_ports; } void block_ctrl_base::sr_write(const uint32_t reg, const uint32_t data, const size_t port) { if (not _ctrl_ifaces.count(port)) { throw uhd::key_error(str(boost::format("[%s] sr_write(): No such port: %d") % get_block_id().get() % port)); } try { _ctrl_ifaces[port]->send_cmd_pkt( reg, data, false, _cmd_timespecs[port].to_ticks(_cmd_tickrates[port])); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw uhd::io_error(str(boost::format("[%s] sr_write() failed: %s") % get_block_id().get() % ex.what())); } } void block_ctrl_base::sr_write( const std::string& reg, const uint32_t data, const size_t port) { uint32_t reg_addr = 255; if (DEFAULT_NAMED_SR.has_key(reg)) { reg_addr = DEFAULT_NAMED_SR[reg]; } else { if (not _tree->exists(_root_path / "registers" / "sr" / reg)) { throw uhd::key_error( str(boost::format("Unknown settings register name: %s") % reg)); } reg_addr = uint32_t(_tree->access<size_t>(_root_path / "registers" / "sr" / reg).get()); } return sr_write(reg_addr, data, port); } uint64_t block_ctrl_base::sr_read64(const settingsbus_reg_t reg, const size_t port) { if (not _ctrl_ifaces.count(port)) { throw uhd::key_error(str(boost::format("[%s] sr_read64(): No such port: %d") % get_block_id().get() % port)); } try { return _ctrl_ifaces[port]->send_cmd_pkt( SR_READBACK, reg, true, _cmd_timespecs[port].to_ticks(_cmd_tickrates[port])); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw uhd::io_error(str(boost::format("[%s] sr_read64() failed: %s") % get_block_id().get() % ex.what())); } } uint32_t block_ctrl_base::sr_read32(const settingsbus_reg_t reg, const size_t port) { if (not _ctrl_ifaces.count(port)) { throw uhd::key_error(str(boost::format("[%s] sr_read32(): No such port: %d") % get_block_id().get() % port)); } try { return uint32_t(_ctrl_ifaces[port]->send_cmd_pkt( SR_READBACK, reg, true, _cmd_timespecs[port].to_ticks(_cmd_tickrates[port]))); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw uhd::io_error(str(boost::format("[%s] sr_read32() failed: %s") % get_block_id().get() % ex.what())); } } uint64_t block_ctrl_base::user_reg_read64(const uint32_t addr, const size_t port) { try { // TODO: When timed readbacks are used, time the second, but not the first // Set readback register address sr_write(SR_READBACK_ADDR, addr, port); // Read readback register via RFNoC return sr_read64(SR_READBACK_REG_USER, port); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw uhd::io_error(str(boost::format("%s user_reg_read64() failed: %s") % get_block_id().get() % ex.what())); } } uint64_t block_ctrl_base::user_reg_read64(const std::string& reg, const size_t port) { if (not _tree->exists(_root_path / "registers" / "rb" / reg)) { throw uhd::key_error( str(boost::format("Invalid readback register name: %s") % reg)); } return user_reg_read64( uint32_t(_tree->access<size_t>(_root_path / "registers" / "rb" / reg).get()), port); } uint32_t block_ctrl_base::user_reg_read32(const uint32_t addr, const size_t port) { try { // Set readback register address sr_write(SR_READBACK_ADDR, addr, port); // Read readback register via RFNoC return sr_read32(SR_READBACK_REG_USER, port); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw uhd::io_error(str(boost::format("[%s] user_reg_read32() failed: %s") % get_block_id().get() % ex.what())); } } uint32_t block_ctrl_base::user_reg_read32(const std::string& reg, const size_t port) { if (not _tree->exists(_root_path / "registers" / "rb" / reg)) { throw uhd::key_error( str(boost::format("Invalid readback register name: %s") % reg)); } return user_reg_read32( uint32_t(_tree->access<size_t>(_root_path / "registers" / "rb" / reg).get()), port); } void block_ctrl_base::set_command_time(const time_spec_t& time_spec, const size_t port) { if (port == ANY_PORT) { for (const size_t specific_port : get_ctrl_ports()) { set_command_time(time_spec, specific_port); } return; } _cmd_timespecs[port] = time_spec; _set_command_time(time_spec, port); } time_spec_t block_ctrl_base::get_command_time(const size_t port) { return _cmd_timespecs[port]; } void block_ctrl_base::set_command_tick_rate(const double tick_rate, const size_t port) { if (port == ANY_PORT) { for (const size_t specific_port : get_ctrl_ports()) { set_command_tick_rate(tick_rate, specific_port); } return; } _cmd_tickrates[port] = tick_rate; } double block_ctrl_base::get_command_tick_rate(const size_t port) { return _cmd_tickrates[port]; } void block_ctrl_base::clear_command_time(const size_t port) { _cmd_timespecs[port] = time_spec_t(0.0); } void block_ctrl_base::clear() { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "block_ctrl_base::clear()"); // Call parent... node_ctrl_base::clear(); // ...then child for (const size_t port_index : get_ctrl_ports()) { _clear(port_index); } } uint32_t block_ctrl_base::get_address(size_t block_port) { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(block_port < 16); return (_base_address & 0xFFF0) | (block_port & 0xF); } /*********************************************************************** * Argument handling **********************************************************************/ void block_ctrl_base::set_args(const uhd::device_addr_t& args, const size_t port) { for (const std::string& key : args.keys()) { if (_tree->exists(get_arg_path(key, port))) { set_arg(key, args.get(key), port); } } } void block_ctrl_base::set_arg( const std::string& key, const std::string& val, const size_t port) { fs_path arg_path = get_arg_path(key, port); if (not _tree->exists(arg_path / "value")) { throw uhd::runtime_error(str( boost::format("Attempting to set uninitialized argument '%s' on block '%s'") % key % unique_id())); } std::string type = _tree->access<std::string>(arg_path / "type").get(); fs_path arg_val_path = arg_path / "value"; try { if (type == "string") { _tree->access<std::string>(arg_val_path).set(val); } else if (type == "int") { _tree->access<int>(arg_val_path).set(std::stoi(val)); } else if (type == "double") { _tree->access<double>(arg_val_path).set(std::stod(val)); } else if (type == "int_vector") { throw uhd::runtime_error("not yet implemented: int_vector"); } } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { throw uhd::value_error( str(boost::format("Error trying to cast value %s == '%s' to type '%s'") % key % val % type)); } } device_addr_t block_ctrl_base::get_args(const size_t port) const { device_addr_t args; for (const std::string& key : _tree->list(_root_path / "args" / port)) { args[key] = get_arg(key); } return args; } std::string block_ctrl_base::get_arg(const std::string& key, const size_t port) const { fs_path arg_path = get_arg_path(key, port); if (not _tree->exists(arg_path / "value")) { throw uhd::runtime_error(str( boost::format("Attempting to get uninitialized argument '%s' on block '%s'") % key % unique_id())); } std::string type = _tree->access<std::string>(arg_path / "type").get(); fs_path arg_val_path = arg_path / "value"; if (type == "string") { return _tree->access<std::string>(arg_val_path).get(); } else if (type == "int") { return std::to_string(_tree->access<int>(arg_val_path).get()); } else if (type == "double") { return std::to_string(_tree->access<double>(arg_val_path).get()); } else if (type == "int_vector") { throw uhd::runtime_error("not yet implemented: int_vector"); } UHD_THROW_INVALID_CODE_PATH(); } std::string block_ctrl_base::get_arg_type(const std::string& key, const size_t port) const { fs_path arg_type_path = _root_path / "args" / port / key / "type"; return _tree->access<std::string>(arg_type_path).get(); } stream_sig_t block_ctrl_base::_resolve_port_def(const blockdef::port_t& port_def) const { if (not port_def.is_valid()) { throw uhd::runtime_error( str(boost::format("Invalid port definition: %s") % port_def.to_string())); } // TODO this entire section is pretty dumb at this point. Needs better // checks. stream_sig_t stream_sig; // Item Type if (port_def.is_variable("type")) { std::string var_name = port_def["type"].substr(1); // TODO check this is even a string stream_sig.item_type = get_arg(var_name); } else if (port_def.is_keyword("type")) { throw uhd::runtime_error("keywords resolution for type not yet implemented"); } else { stream_sig.item_type = port_def["type"]; } // Vector length if (port_def.is_variable("vlen")) { std::string var_name = port_def["vlen"].substr(1); stream_sig.vlen = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(get_arg(var_name)); } else if (port_def.is_keyword("vlen")) { throw uhd::runtime_error("keywords resolution for vlen not yet implemented"); } else { stream_sig.vlen = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(port_def["vlen"]); } // Packet size if (port_def.is_variable("pkt_size")) { std::string var_name = port_def["pkt_size"].substr(1); stream_sig.packet_size = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(get_arg(var_name)); } else if (port_def.is_keyword("pkt_size")) { if (port_def["pkt_size"] != "%vlen") { throw uhd::runtime_error( "generic keywords resolution for pkt_size not yet implemented"); } if (stream_sig.vlen == 0) { stream_sig.packet_size = 0; } else { if (stream_sig.item_type.empty()) { throw uhd::runtime_error( "cannot resolve pkt_size if item type is not given"); } size_t bpi = uhd::convert::get_bytes_per_item(stream_sig.item_type); stream_sig.packet_size = stream_sig.vlen * bpi; } } else { stream_sig.packet_size = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(port_def["pkt_size"]); } return stream_sig; } void block_ctrl_base::_start_drain(const size_t port) { // Begin flushing data out of the block by writing to the flushing // registers, then disabling flow control. We do this because we don't know // what state the flow-control module was left in in the previous run sr_write(SR_CLEAR_TX_FC, 0x2, port); sr_write(SR_CLEAR_RX_FC, 0x2, port); sr_write(SR_FLOW_CTRL_EN, 0, port); } bool block_ctrl_base::_flush(const size_t port) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "block_ctrl_base::_flush (port=" << port << ")"); auto is_data_streaming = [this](int time_ms) -> bool { // noc_shell has 2 16-bit counters (one for TX and one for RX) in the top // 32 bits of the SR_READBACK_REG_GLOBAL_PARAMS. For all the checks below // we want to make sure that the counts are not changing i.e. no data is // streaming. So we just look at the two counters together as a single // 32-bit quantity. auto old_cnts = static_cast<uint32_t>(this->sr_read64(SR_READBACK_REG_GLOBAL_PARAMS) >> 32); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(time_ms)); auto new_cnts = static_cast<uint32_t>(this->sr_read64(SR_READBACK_REG_GLOBAL_PARAMS) >> 32); return (new_cnts != old_cnts); }; // We always want to try flushing out data. This is done by starting to // drain the data out of the block, then checking if counts have changed. // If a change is detected, this is most likely because the last // session terminated abnormally or if logic in a noc_block is // misbehaving. This is a situation that we may not be able to // recover from because we are in a partially initialized state. // We will try to at least not lock up the FPGA. // Disconnect the RX and TX data paths and let them flush. // A timeout of 2s is chosen to be conservative. It needs to account for: // - Upstream blocks that weren't terminated to run out of FC credits // - This block which might be finishing up with its data output constexpr int FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000; // This is approximate bool success = false; _start_drain(port); for (int i = 0; i < FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MS / 10; i++) { if (not is_data_streaming(10)) { success = true; break; } } // Stop flushing sr_write(SR_CLEAR_TX_FC, 0x0, port); // Enable TX data-path sr_write(SR_CLEAR_RX_FC, 0x0, port); // Enable RX data-path if (not success) { // Print a warning only if data was still flushing // after the timeout elapsed UHD_LOGGER_WARNING(unique_id()) << "This block seems to be busy most likely due to the abnormal termination " "of a previous " "session. Attempted recovery but it may not have worked depending on the " "behavior of " "other blocks in the design. Please restart the application."; } return success; } /*********************************************************************** * Hooks & Derivables **********************************************************************/ void block_ctrl_base::_clear(const size_t port) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "block_ctrl_base::_clear()"); sr_write(SR_CLEAR_TX_FC, 0x1, port); // Write 1 to trigger a single cycle clear event sr_write(SR_CLEAR_TX_FC, 0x0, port); // Write 0 to reset the clear flag sr_write(SR_CLEAR_RX_FC, 0x1, port); // Write 1 to trigger a single cycle clear event sr_write(SR_CLEAR_RX_FC, 0x0, port); // Write 0 to reset the clear flag } void block_ctrl_base::_set_command_time( const time_spec_t& /*time_spec*/, const size_t /*port*/) { UHD_LOG_TRACE(unique_id(), "block_ctrl_base::_set_command_time()"); } // vim: sw=4 et: