// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+


#include <uhd/types/device_addr.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/utils/config_parser.hpp>
#include <string>

namespace uhd { namespace prefs {

    /*! Return a reference to an object representing the UHD config file
     *  state.
     * Note: Don't call this in static initializers.
    config_parser& get_uhd_config();

    /*! Convenience function to update device args with settings from
     *  config files.
     * Assume the user has a configuration file as such:
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.ini}
     * [type=b200]
     * master_clock_rate=20e6
     * [serial=f42f9b] ; Let's assume this is another B200
     * master_clock_rate=10e6
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * If get_usrp_args() gets called with "type" key equal to "b200", it will
     * first apply the `master_clock_rate=20e6` settings, as if they had been
     * passed in as device args into the initialization sequence. If the device
     * happens to have the serial number listed above, i.e., "serial" equals
     * "f42f9b", then the new value `master_clock_rate=10e6` will get applied.
     * If the user actually specified their own value of `master_clock_rate`,
     * that value would get applied.
     * \param user_args After getting the device args from the config
     *                  files, all of these key/value pairs will be applied
     *                  and will overwrite the settings from config files
     *                  if they exist.
    uhd::device_addr_t get_usrp_args(const uhd::device_addr_t &user_args);

    /*! Convenience function to update global DPDK args with settings from
     * config files.
     * Searches for a profile attached to the dpdk-conf key, like this:
     * [dpdk-conf=myconfig]
     * num_mbufs=4095
     * mbuf_cache_size=315
     * mtu=8000
     * \param user_args After getting the device args from the config
     *                  files, all of these key/value pairs will be applied
     *                  and will overwrite the settings from config files
     *                  if they exist.
    uhd::device_addr_t get_dpdk_args(const uhd::device_addr_t &user_args);

    /*! Convenience function to update per-NIC DPDK args with settings from
     * config files.
     * Grabs settings based on provided MAC address. Sections created like so:
     * [dpdk-mac=00:01:02:03:04:05]
     * dpdk-ipv4 =
     * dpdk-io-cpu = 1
     * [dpdk-mac=00:01:02:03:04:06]
     * dpdk-ipv4 =
     * dpdk-io-cpu = 1
     * \param user_args After getting the device args from the config
     *                  files, all of these key/value pairs will be applied
     *                  and will overwrite the settings from config files
     *                  if they exist.
    uhd::device_addr_t get_dpdk_nic_args(const uhd::device_addr_t &user_args);
}} /* namespace uhd::prefs */