// // Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #ifndef INCLUDED_LIBUHD_USRP_COMMON_CONSTRAINED_DEV_ARGS_HPP #define INCLUDED_LIBUHD_USRP_COMMON_CONSTRAINED_DEV_ARGS_HPP #include <uhd/types/device_addr.hpp> #include <uhd/exception.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <unordered_map> namespace uhd { namespace usrp { /*! * constrained_device_args_t provides a base and utilities to * map key=value pairs passed in through the device creation * args interface (device_addr_t). * * Inherit from this class to create typed device specific * arguments and use the base class methods to handle parsing * the device_addr or any key=value string to populate the args * * This file contains a library of different types of args the * the user can pass in. The library can be extended to support * non-intrinsic types by the client. * */ class constrained_device_args_t { public: //Types /*! * Base argument type. All other arguments inherit from this. */ class generic_arg { public: generic_arg(const std::string& key): _key(key) {} inline const std::string& key() const { return _key; } inline virtual std::string to_string() const = 0; private: std::string _key; }; /*! * String argument type. Can be case sensitive or insensitive */ template<bool case_sensitive> class str_arg : public generic_arg { public: str_arg(const std::string& name, const std::string& default_value) : generic_arg(name) { set(default_value); } inline void set(const std::string& value) { _value = case_sensitive ? value : boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(value); } inline const std::string& get() const { return _value; } inline void parse(const std::string& str_rep) { set(str_rep); } inline virtual std::string to_string() const { return key() + "=" + get(); } inline bool operator==(const std::string& rhs) const { return get() == boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(rhs); } private: std::string _value; }; typedef str_arg<false> str_ci_arg; typedef str_arg<true> str_cs_arg; /*! * Numeric argument type. The template type data_t allows the * client to constrain the type of the number. */ template<typename data_t> class num_arg : public generic_arg { public: num_arg(const std::string& name, const data_t default_value) : generic_arg(name) { set(default_value); } inline void set(const data_t value) { _value = value; } inline const data_t get() const { return _value; } inline void parse(const std::string& str_rep) { try { _value = boost::lexical_cast<data_t>(str_rep); } catch (std::exception& ex) { throw uhd::value_error(str(boost::format( "Error parsing numeric parameter %s: %s.") % key() % ex.what() )); } } inline virtual std::string to_string() const { return key() + "=" + std::to_string(get()); } private: data_t _value; }; /*! * Enumeration argument type. The template type enum_t allows the * client to use their own enum and specify a string mapping for * the values of the enum */ template<typename enum_t> class enum_arg : public generic_arg { public: enum_arg( const std::string& name, const enum_t default_value, const std::unordered_map<std::string, enum_t>& values) : generic_arg(name), _str_values(_enum_map_to_lowercase<enum_t>(values)) { set(default_value); } inline void set(const enum_t value) { _value = value; } inline const enum_t get() const { return _value; } inline void parse( const std::string& str_rep, const bool assert_invalid = true ) { const std::string str_rep_lowercase = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep); if (_str_values.count(str_rep_lowercase) == 0) { if (assert_invalid) { std::string valid_values_str = ""; for (const auto &value : _str_values) { valid_values_str += (valid_values_str.empty()?"":", ") + value.first; } throw uhd::value_error(str(boost::format( "Invalid device arg value: %s=%s (Valid: {%s})") % key() % str_rep % valid_values_str )); } else { return; } } set(_str_values.at(str_rep_lowercase)); } inline virtual std::string to_string() const { std::string repr; for (const auto& value : _str_values) { if (value.second == _value) { repr = value.first; break; } } UHD_ASSERT_THROW(!repr.empty()); return key() + "=" + repr; } private: enum_t _value; const std::unordered_map<std::string, enum_t> _str_values; }; /*! * Boolean argument type. */ class bool_arg : public generic_arg { public: bool_arg(const std::string& name, const bool default_value) : generic_arg(name) { set(default_value); } inline void set(const bool value) { _value = value; } inline bool get() const { return _value; } inline void parse(const std::string& str_rep) { try { _value = (std::stoi(str_rep) != 0); } catch (std::exception& ex) { if (str_rep.empty()) { //If str_rep is empty then the device_addr was set //without a value which means that the user "set" the flag _value = true; } else if (boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep) == "true" || boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep) == "yes" || boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep) == "y" || str_rep == "1" ) { _value = true; } else if (boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep) == "false" || boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep) == "no" || boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_rep) == "n" || str_rep == "0" ) { _value = false; } else { throw uhd::value_error(str(boost::format( "Error parsing boolean parameter %s: %s.") % key() % ex.what() )); } } } inline virtual std::string to_string() const { return key() + "=" + (get() ? "true" : "false"); } private: bool _value; }; public: //Methods constrained_device_args_t() {} virtual ~constrained_device_args_t() {} void parse(const std::string& str_args) { device_addr_t dev_args(str_args); _parse(dev_args); } void parse(const device_addr_t& dev_args) { _parse(dev_args); } inline virtual std::string to_string() const = 0; template <typename arg_type> void parse_arg_default( const device_addr_t& dev_args, arg_type& constrained_arg ) { if (dev_args.has_key(constrained_arg.key())) { constrained_arg.parse(dev_args[constrained_arg.key()]); } } protected: //Methods //Override _parse to provide an implementation to parse all //client specific device args virtual void _parse(const device_addr_t& dev_args) = 0; /*! * Utility: Ensure that the value of the device arg is between min and max */ template<typename num_data_t> static inline void _enforce_range(const num_arg<num_data_t>& arg, const num_data_t& min, const num_data_t& max) { if (arg.get() > max || arg.get() < min) { throw uhd::value_error(str(boost::format( "Invalid device arg value: %s (Minimum: %s, Maximum: %s)") % arg.to_string() % std::to_string(min) % std::to_string(max))); } } /*! * Utility: Ensure that the value of the device arg is is contained in valid_values */ template<typename arg_t, typename data_t> static inline void _enforce_discrete(const arg_t& arg, const std::vector<data_t>& valid_values) { bool match = false; for(const data_t& val: valid_values) { if (val == arg.get()) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { std::string valid_values_str; for (size_t i = 0; i < valid_values.size(); i++) { std::stringstream valid_values_ss; valid_values_ss << ((i==0)?"":", ") << valid_values[i]; throw uhd::value_error(str(boost::format( "Invalid device arg value: %s (Valid: {%s})") % arg.to_string() % valid_values_ss.str() )); } } } //! Helper for enum_arg: Create a new map where keys are converted to // lowercase. template<typename enum_t> static std::unordered_map<std::string, enum_t> _enum_map_to_lowercase( const std::unordered_map<std::string, enum_t>& in_map ) { std::unordered_map<std::string, enum_t> new_map; for (const auto& str_to_enum : in_map) { new_map.insert( std::pair<std::string, enum_t>( boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str_to_enum.first), str_to_enum.second ) ); } return new_map; } }; }} //namespaces #endif /* INCLUDED_LIBUHD_USRP_COMMON_CONSTRAINED_DEV_ARGS_HPP */