// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #ifndef _INCLUDED_UHDLIB_TRANSPORT_DPDK_UDP_HPP_ #define _INCLUDED_UHDLIB_TRANSPORT_DPDK_UDP_HPP_ #include <uhdlib/transport/dpdk/common.hpp> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/udp.h> #include <rte_ip.h> #include <rte_udp.h> #include <boost/format.hpp> namespace uhd { namespace transport { namespace dpdk { constexpr size_t HDR_SIZE_UDP_IPV4 = (sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + sizeof(struct udp_hdr)); /*! * An enumerated type representing the type of flow for an IPv4 client * Currently, only UDP is supported (FLOW_TYPE_UDP) */ enum flow_type { FLOW_TYPE_UDP, FLOW_TYPE_COUNT, }; /*! * A tuple for IPv4 flows that can be used for hashing */ struct ipv4_5tuple { enum flow_type flow_type; ipv4_addr src_ip; ipv4_addr dst_ip; uint16_t src_port; uint16_t dst_port; }; inline void fill_ipv4_hdr(struct rte_mbuf* mbuf, const dpdk_port* port, uint32_t dst_ipv4_addr, uint8_t proto_id, uint32_t payload_len) { struct ether_hdr* eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct ether_hdr*); struct ipv4_hdr* ip_hdr = (struct ipv4_hdr*)ð_hdr[1]; ip_hdr->version_ihl = 0x40 | 5; ip_hdr->type_of_service = 0; ip_hdr->total_length = rte_cpu_to_be_16(20 + payload_len); ip_hdr->packet_id = 0; ip_hdr->fragment_offset = rte_cpu_to_be_16(IPV4_HDR_DF_FLAG); ip_hdr->time_to_live = 64; ip_hdr->next_proto_id = proto_id; ip_hdr->hdr_checksum = 0; // Require HW offload ip_hdr->src_addr = port->get_ipv4(); ip_hdr->dst_addr = dst_ipv4_addr; mbuf->ol_flags = PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM | PKT_TX_IPV4; mbuf->l2_len = sizeof(struct ether_hdr); mbuf->l3_len = sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr); mbuf->pkt_len = sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + payload_len; mbuf->data_len = sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + payload_len; } /* All values except payload length must be in network order */ inline void fill_udp_hdr(struct rte_mbuf* mbuf, const dpdk_port* port, uint32_t dst_ipv4_addr, uint16_t src_port, uint16_t dst_port, uint32_t payload_len) { struct ether_hdr* eth_hdr; struct ipv4_hdr* ip_hdr; struct udp_hdr* tx_hdr; fill_ipv4_hdr( mbuf, port, dst_ipv4_addr, IPPROTO_UDP, sizeof(struct udp_hdr) + payload_len); eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct ether_hdr*); ip_hdr = (struct ipv4_hdr*)ð_hdr[1]; tx_hdr = (struct udp_hdr*)&ip_hdr[1]; tx_hdr->src_port = src_port; tx_hdr->dst_port = dst_port; tx_hdr->dgram_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(8 + payload_len); tx_hdr->dgram_cksum = 0; mbuf->l4_len = sizeof(struct udp_hdr); } //! Return an IPv4 address (numeric, in network order) into a string inline std::string ipv4_num_to_str(const uint32_t ip_addr) { char addr_str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct in_addr ipv4_addr; ipv4_addr.s_addr = ip_addr; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ipv4_addr, addr_str, sizeof(addr_str)); return std::string(addr_str); } inline std::string eth_addr_to_string(const struct ether_addr mac_addr) { auto mac_stream = boost::format("%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx"); mac_stream % (uint32_t)mac_addr.addr_bytes[0] % (uint32_t)mac_addr.addr_bytes[1] % (uint32_t)mac_addr.addr_bytes[2] % (uint32_t)mac_addr.addr_bytes[3] % (uint32_t)mac_addr.addr_bytes[4] % (uint32_t)mac_addr.addr_bytes[5]; return mac_stream.str(); } }}} /* namespace uhd::transport::dpdk */ #endif /* _INCLUDED_UHDLIB_TRANSPORT_DPDK_UDP_HPP_ */