// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/chdr_packet.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/chdr_types.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/transport/io_service.hpp>
#include <mutex>

namespace uhd { namespace rfnoc {

 * Represents a transport for CHDR control streams and management streams
class chdr_ctrl_xport
    using io_service   = uhd::transport::io_service;
    using frame_buff   = uhd::transport::frame_buff;
    using send_link_if = uhd::transport::send_link_if;
    using recv_link_if = uhd::transport::recv_link_if;
    using send_io_if   = uhd::transport::send_io_if;
    using recv_io_if   = uhd::transport::recv_io_if;

    using sptr = std::shared_ptr<chdr_ctrl_xport>;

     * Make a chdr_ctrl_xport
     * \param io_srv The I/O service that send_link and recv_link are attached to
     * \param send_link Link to use for sending packets
     * \param recv_link Link to use for receiving packets
     * \param my_epid The local EPID for this transport
     * \param num_send_frames Number of frames to reserve for TX
     * \param num_recv_frames Number of frames to reserve for RX
    static sptr make(io_service::sptr io_srv,
        send_link_if::sptr send_link,
        recv_link_if::sptr recv_link,
        const chdr::chdr_packet_factory& pkt_factory,
        sep_id_t my_epid,
        size_t num_send_frames,
        size_t num_recv_frames)
        return std::make_shared<chdr_ctrl_xport>(io_srv,

     * Make a chdr_ctrl_xport
     * \param io_srv The I/O service that send_link and recv_link are attached to
     * \param send_link Link to use for sending packets
     * \param recv_link Link to use for receiving packets
     * \param my_epid The local EPID for this transport
     * \param num_send_frames Number of frames to reserve for TX
     * \param num_recv_frames Number of frames to reserve for RX
    chdr_ctrl_xport(io_service::sptr io_srv,
        send_link_if::sptr send_link,
        recv_link_if::sptr recv_link,
        const chdr::chdr_packet_factory& pkt_factory,
        sep_id_t my_epid,
        size_t num_send_frames,
        size_t num_recv_frames);


      * Get an empty frame buffer in which to write packet contents.
      * \param timeout_ms a positive timeout value specifies the maximum number
                          of ms to wait, a negative value specifies to block
                          until successful, and a value of 0 specifies no wait.
      * \return a frame buffer, or null uptr if timeout occurs
    frame_buff::uptr get_send_buff(int32_t timeout_ms);

     * Release a frame buffer, allowing the driver to reuse it.
     * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link
    void release_send_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff);

     * Attempt to get a frame buffer with data from the recv link.
     * Receives packets from the control stream.
     * \param timeout_ms a positive timeout value specifies the maximum number
                         of ms to wait, a negative value specifies to block
                         until successful, and a value of 0 specifies no wait.
     * \return a frame buffer, or null uptr if timeout occurs
    frame_buff::uptr get_recv_buff(int32_t timeout_ms);

     * FIXME: Remove or alter when get threaded_io_service
     * Receives packets from the management stream.
    frame_buff::uptr get_mgmt_buff(int32_t timeout_ms);

     * Release a frame buffer, allowing the recv link driver to reuse it.
     * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link
    void release_recv_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff);

     * Release a frame buffer, allowing the recv link driver to reuse it.
     * \param buffer frame buffer to release for reuse by the link
    void release_mgmt_buff(frame_buff::uptr buff);

     * Get this xport's EPID
     * \return the source EPID for this transport
    sep_id_t get_epid() const;

    chdr_ctrl_xport(const chdr_ctrl_xport&) = delete;

    void _release_cb(uhd::transport::frame_buff::uptr buff,
        uhd::transport::recv_link_if* recv_link);

    bool _ctrl_recv_cb(uhd::transport::frame_buff::uptr& buff);

    bool _mgmt_recv_cb(uhd::transport::frame_buff::uptr& buff);

    sep_id_t _my_epid;

    // Packet for received data
    chdr::chdr_packet::uptr _recv_packet;

    send_io_if::sptr _send_if;
    recv_io_if::sptr _ctrl_recv_if;
    recv_io_if::sptr _mgmt_recv_if;

    // FIXME: Remove this when have threaded_io_service
    std::mutex _mutex;

}} // namespace uhd::rfnoc