// Copyright 2016 Ettus Research
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#pragma once

#include <uhd/config.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/experts/expert_nodes.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/recursive_mutex.hpp>
#include <memory>

namespace uhd { namespace experts {

enum auto_resolve_mode_t {

class UHD_API expert_container : private uhd::noncopyable, public node_retriever_t
public: // Methods
    typedef std::shared_ptr<expert_container> sptr;

    virtual ~expert_container(){};

     * Return the name of this container
    virtual const std::string& get_name() const = 0;

     * Resolves all the nodes in this expert graph.
     * Dependency analysis is performed on the graph and nodes
     * are resolved in a topologically sorted order to ensure
     * that no nodes receive stale data.
     * Nodes and their dependencies are resolved only if they are
     * dirty i.e. their contained values have changed since the
     * last resolve.
     * This call requires an acyclic expert graph.
     * \param force If true then ignore dirty state and resolve all nodes
     * \throws uhd::runtime_error if graph cannot be resolved
    virtual void resolve_all(bool force = false) = 0;

     * Resolves all the nodes that depend on the specified node.
     * Dependency analysis is performed on the graph and nodes
     * are resolved in a topologically sorted order to ensure
     * that no nodes receive stale data.
     * Nodes and their dependencies are resolved only if they are
     * dirty i.e. their contained values have changed since the
     * last resolve.
     * This call requires an acyclic expert graph.
     * \param node_name Name of the node to start resolving from
     * \throws uhd::lookup_error if node_name not in container
     * \throws uhd::runtime_error if graph cannot be resolved
    virtual void resolve_from(const std::string& node_name) = 0;

     * Resolves all the specified node and all of its dependencies.
     * Dependency analysis is performed on the graph and nodes
     * are resolved in a topologically sorted order to ensure
     * that no nodes receive stale data.
     * Nodes and their dependencies are resolved only if they are
     * dirty i.e. their contained values have changed since the
     * last resolve.
     * This call requires an acyclic expert graph.
     * \param node_name Name of the node to resolve
     * \throws uhd::lookup_error if node_name not in container
     * \throws uhd::runtime_error if graph cannot be resolved
    virtual void resolve_to(const std::string& node_name) = 0;

     * Return a node retriever object for this container
    virtual const node_retriever_t& node_retriever() const = 0;

     * Returns a DOT (graph description language) representation
     * of the expert graph. The output has labels for the node
     * name, node type (data or worker) and the underlying
     * data type for each node.
    virtual std::string to_dot() const = 0;

     * Runs several sanity checks on the underlying graph to
     * flag dependency issues. Outputs of the checks are
     * logged to the console so UHD_EXPERTS_VERBOSE_LOGGING
     * must be enabled to see the results
    virtual void debug_audit() const = 0;

     * Lookup a node with the specified name in the contained graph
     * If the node is found, a reference to the node is returned.
     * If the node is not found, uhd::lookup_error is thrown
     * lookup can return a data or a worker node
     * \implements uhd::experts::node_retriever_t
     * \param name Name of the node to find
    virtual const dag_vertex_t& lookup(const std::string& name) const = 0;
    virtual dag_vertex_t& retrieve(const std::string& name) const     = 0;

     * expert_factory is a friend of expert_container and
     * handles all operations that change the structure of
     * the underlying dependency graph.
     * The expert_container instance owns all data and worker
     * nodes and is responsible for release storage on destruction.
     * However, the expert_factory allocates storage for the
     * node and passes them into the expert_container using the
     * following "protected" API calls.
    friend class expert_factory;

     * Creates an empty instance of expert_container with the
     * specified name.
     * \param name Name of the container
    static sptr make(const std::string& name);

     * Returns a reference to the resolver mutex.
     * The resolver mutex guarantees that external operations
     * to data-nodes are serialized with resolves of this
     * container.
    virtual boost::recursive_mutex& resolve_mutex() = 0;

     * Add a data node to the expert graph
     * \param data_node Pointer to a fully constructed data node object
     * \resolve_mode Auto resolve options: Choose from "disabled" and resolve on "read",
     * "write" or "both" \throws uhd::runtime_error if node already exists or is of a
     * wrong type (recoverable) \throws uhd::assertion_error for other failures
     * (unrecoverable. will clear the graph)
    virtual void add_data_node(
        dag_vertex_t* data_node, auto_resolve_mode_t resolve_mode = AUTO_RESOLVE_OFF) = 0;

     * Add a worker node to the expert graph
     * \param worker Pointer to a fully constructed worker object
     * \throws uhd::runtime_error if worker already exists or is of a wrong type
     * (recoverable) \throws uhd::assertion_error for other failures (unrecoverable. will
     * clear the graph)
    virtual void add_worker(worker_node_t* worker) = 0;

     * Release all storage for this object. This will delete all contained
     * data and worker nodes and remove all dependency relationship and
     * resolve callbacks.
     * The object will be restored to its newly constructed state. Will not
     * throw.
    virtual void clear() = 0;

}} // namespace uhd::experts