#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2010 Ettus Research LLC
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
import sys
from common import *
# Template for raw text data describing registers
# name addr[bit range inclusive] default optional enums
## Note: offsets given from perspective of data bits (excludes address)
## Standby (2)
_set_to_1_2_0 2[0] 1
_set_to_1_2_1 2[1] 1
_set_to_1_2_2 2[2] 1
pa_bias_dac 2[10] 0
voltage_ref 2[11] 0
_set_to_1_2_12 2[12] 1
mimo_select 2[13] 0 normal, mimo
## Integer Divider Ratio (3)
int_div_ratio_word 3[0:7] a2
frac_div_ratio_lsb 3[12:13] 0
## Fractional Divider Ratio (4)
frac_div_ratio_msb 4[0:13] 0
## Band Select and PLL (5)
band_select 5[0] 0 2_4ghz, 5ghz
ref_divider 5[1:3] 1
pll_cp_select 5[5] 1 2ma, 4ma
band_select_802_11a 5[6] 0 4_9ghz_to_5_35ghz, 5_47ghz_to_5_875ghz
vco_bandswitch 5[7] 0 disable, automatic
vco_spi_bandswitch 5[8] 0 fsm, spi
vco_sub_band 5[9:10] 0
_set_to_1_5_11 5[11] 1
_set_to_1_5_12 5[12] 1
band_sel_mimo 5[13] 0 normal, mimo
## Calibration (6)
rx_cal_mode 6[0] 0 dis, enb
tx_cal_mode 6[1] 0 dis, enb
_set_to_1_6_10 6[10] 1
iq_cal_gain 6[11:12] 3 8db, 18db, 24db, 34db
## Lowpass Filter (7)
rx_lpf_fine_adj 7[0:2] 2 90, 95, 100, 105, 110
rx_lpf_coarse_adj 7[3:4] 1 7_5mhz, 9_5mhz, 14mhz, 18mhz
tx_lpf_coarse_adj 7[5:6] 1 12mhz=1, 18mhz=2, 24mhz=3
rssi_high_bw 7[11] 0 2mhz, 6mhz
## Rx Control/RSSI (8)
_set_to_1_8_0 8[0] 1
rx_highpass 8[2] 1 100hz, 30khz
_set_to_1_8_5 8[5] 1
rssi_pin_fcn 8[8] 0 rssi, temp
rssi_op_mode 8[10] 0 rssi_rxhp, enabled
rssi_output_range 8[11] 0 low, high
rx_vga_gain_spi 8[12] 0 io, spi
## Tx Linearity/Baseband Gain (9)
tx_baseband_gain 9[0:1] 0 0db, 2db, 3_5db, 5db
tx_upconv_linearity 9[2:3] 0 50, 63, 78, 100
tx_vga_linearity 9[6:7] 0 50, 63, 78, 100
pa_driver_linearity 9[8:9] 2 50, 63, 78, 100
tx_vga_gain_spi 9[10] 0 io, spi
## PA Bias DAC (10)
pa_bias_dac_out_curr a[0:5] 0
pa_bias_dac_delay a[6:9] f
## Rx Gain (11)
rx_vga_gain b[0:4] 1f
rx_lna_gain b[5:6] 3
## Tx VGA Gain (12)
tx_vga_gain c[0:5] 0
# Header and Source templates below
#import time
* This file was generated by $file on $time.strftime("%c")
struct max2829_regs_t{
#for $reg in $regs
#if $reg.get_enums()
enum $(reg.get_name())_t{
#for $i, $enum in enumerate($reg.get_enums())
#set $end_comma = ',' if $i < len($reg.get_enums())-1 else ''
$(reg.get_name().upper())_$(enum[0].upper()) = $enum[1]$end_comma
#end for
} $reg.get_name();
boost::$reg.get_stdint_type() $reg.get_name();
#end if
#end for
#for $reg in $regs
$reg.get_name() = $reg.get_default();
#end for
boost::uint32_t get_reg(boost::uint8_t addr){
boost::uint16_t reg = 0;
#for $addr in range(2, 12+1)
case $addr:
#for $reg in filter(lambda r: r.get_addr() == addr, $regs)
reg |= (boost::uint16_t($reg.get_name()) & $reg.get_mask()) << $reg.get_shift();
#end for
#end for
return (boost::uint32_t(reg) << 4) | (addr & 0xf);
\#endif /* INCLUDED_MAX2829_REGS_HPP */
if __name__ == '__main__':
regs = map(reg, parse_tmpl(REGS_DATA_TMPL).splitlines())
open(sys.argv[1], 'w').write(parse_tmpl(HEADER_TEXT, regs=regs, file=__file__))