#pragma once


namespace rpc {

namespace detail {
class server_session;

//! \brief Allows controlling the server instance from the
//! currently executing handler.
class this_server_t {
    //! \brief Gracefully stops the server.
    void stop();

    //! \brief Cancels a requested stop operation.
    void cancel_stop();

    friend class rpc::detail::server_session;

    bool stopping_;

//! \brief A thread-local object that can be used to control
//! the behavior of the server w.r.t. the handler. Accessing this object
//! from handlers that execute the same function concurrently is safe.
//! \note Accessing this object outside of handlers while a server is
//! running is potentially unsafe.
this_server_t &this_server();

} /* rpc */

#endif /* end of include guard: THIS_SERVER_H_X0CJLVVW */