#pragma once #ifndef DISPATCHER_H_CXIVZD5L #define DISPATCHER_H_CXIVZD5L #include <atomic> #include <functional> #include <memory> #include <unordered_map> #include "rpc/config.h" #include "rpc/msgpack.hpp" #include "rpc/detail/call.h" #include "rpc/detail/func_tools.h" #include "rpc/detail/func_traits.h" #include "rpc/detail/log.h" #include "rpc/detail/not.h" #include "rpc/detail/response.h" #include "rpc/detail/make_unique.h" namespace rpc { namespace detail { //! \brief This class maintains a registry of functors associated with their //! names, and callable using a msgpack-rpc call pack. class dispatcher { public: //! \brief Binds a functor to a name so it becomes callable via RPC. //! \param name The name of the functor. //! \param func The functor to bind. //! \tparam F The type of the functor. template <typename F> void bind(std::string const &name, F func); //! \defgroup Tag-dispatched bind implementations for various functor cases. //! @{ //! \brief Stores a void, zero-arg functor with a name. template <typename F> void bind(std::string const &name, F func, detail::tags::void_result const &, detail::tags::zero_arg const &); //! \brief Stores a void, non-zero-arg functor with a name. template <typename F> void bind(std::string const &name, F func, detail::tags::void_result const &, detail::tags::nonzero_arg const &); //! \brief Stores a non-void, zero-arg functor with a name. template <typename F> void bind(std::string const &name, F func, detail::tags::nonvoid_result const &, detail::tags::zero_arg const &); //! \brief Stores a non-void, non-zero-arg functor with a name. template <typename F> void bind(std::string const &name, F func, detail::tags::nonvoid_result const &, detail::tags::nonzero_arg const &); //! @} //! \brief Processes a message that contains a call according to //! the Msgpack-RPC spec. //! \param msg The buffer that contains the messagepack. //! \throws std::runtime_error If the messagepack does not contain a //! a call or the types of the parameters are not convertible to the called //! functions' parameters. void dispatch(RPCLIB_MSGPACK::sbuffer const &msg); //! \brief Processes a message that contains a call according to //! the Msgpack-RPC spec. //! \param msg The messagepack object that contains the call. //! \param suppress_exceptions If true, exceptions will be caught and //! written //! as response for the client. //! \throws std::runtime_error If the types of the parameters are not //! convertible to the called functions' parameters. detail::response dispatch(RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object const &msg, bool suppress_exceptions = false); //! \brief This functor type unifies the interfaces of functions that are //! called remotely using adaptor_type = std::function<std::unique_ptr<RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object_handle>( RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object const &)>; //! \brief This is the type of messages as per the msgpack-rpc spec. using call_t = std::tuple<int8_t, uint32_t, std::string, RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object>; //! \brief This is the type of notification messages. using notification_t = std::tuple<int8_t, std::string, RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object>; private: //! \brief Checks the argument count and throws an exception if //! it is not the expected amount. static void enforce_arg_count(std::string const &func, std::size_t found, std::size_t expected); //! \brief Dispatches a call (which will have a response). detail::response dispatch_call(RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object const &msg, bool suppress_exceptions = false); //! \brief Dispatches a notification (which will not have a response) detail::response dispatch_notification(RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object const &msg, bool suppress_exceptions = false); template <typename T> RPCLIB_MSGPACK::object pack(T &&arg); enum class request_type { call = 0, notification = 2 }; private: std::unordered_map<std::string, adaptor_type> funcs_; RPCLIB_CREATE_LOG_CHANNEL(dispatcher) }; } } #include "dispatcher.inl" #endif /* end of include guard: DISPATCHER_H_CXIVZD5L */