// Copyright 2011,2016 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include <uhd/convert.hpp>
#include <uhd/exception.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/dict.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <complex>

using namespace uhd;

    /* NOP */

bool convert::operator==(const convert::id_type& lhs, const convert::id_type& rhs)
    return true and (lhs.input_format == rhs.input_format)
           and (lhs.num_inputs == rhs.num_inputs)
           and (lhs.output_format == rhs.output_format)
           and (lhs.num_outputs == rhs.num_outputs);

std::string convert::id_type::to_pp_string(void) const
    return str(boost::format("conversion ID\n"
                             "  Input format:  %s\n"
                             "  Num inputs:    %d\n"
                             "  Output format: %s\n"
                             "  Num outputs:   %d\n")
               % this->input_format % this->num_inputs % this->output_format
               % this->num_outputs);

std::string convert::id_type::to_string(void) const
    return str(boost::format("%s (%d) -> %s (%d)") % this->input_format % this->num_inputs
               % this->output_format % this->num_outputs);

 * Setup the table registry
typedef uhd::dict<convert::id_type,
    uhd::dict<convert::priority_type, convert::function_type>>
UHD_SINGLETON_FCN(fcn_table_type, get_table);

 * The registry functions
void uhd::convert::register_converter(
    const id_type& id, const function_type& fcn, const priority_type prio)
    get_table()[id][prio] = fcn;

    // UHD_LOG_TRACE("CONVERT", boost::format("register_converter: %s prio: %s") %
    // id.to_string() % prio)

 * The converter functions
convert::function_type convert::get_converter(const id_type& id, const priority_type prio)
    if (not get_table().has_key(id))
        throw uhd::key_error("Cannot find a conversion routine for " + id.to_pp_string());

    // find a matching priority
    priority_type best_prio = -1;
    for (priority_type prio_i : get_table()[id].keys()) {
        if (prio_i == prio) {
                << "get_converter: For converter ID: " << id.to_pp_string()
                << " Found exact match for prio: " << prio;
            return get_table()[id][prio];
        best_prio = std::max(best_prio, prio_i);

    // wanted a specific prio, didnt find
    if (prio != -1)
        throw uhd::key_error(
            "Cannot find a conversion routine [with prio] for " + id.to_pp_string());

        << "get_converter: For converter ID: " << id.to_pp_string()
        << " Using best available prio: " << best_prio;

    // otherwise, return best prio
    return get_table()[id][best_prio];

 * Mappings for item format to byte size for all items we can
typedef uhd::dict<std::string, size_t> item_size_type;
UHD_SINGLETON_FCN(item_size_type, get_item_size_table);

void convert::register_bytes_per_item(const std::string& format, const size_t size)
    get_item_size_table()[format] = size;

size_t convert::get_bytes_per_item(const std::string& format)
    if (get_item_size_table().has_key(format))
        return get_item_size_table()[format];

    // OK. I am sorry about this.
    // We didnt find a match, so lets find a match for the first term.
    // This is partially a hack because of the way I append strings.
    // But as long as life is kind, we can keep this.
    const size_t pos = format.find("_");
    if (pos != std::string::npos) {
        return get_bytes_per_item(format.substr(0, pos));

    throw uhd::key_error("[convert] Cannot find an item size for: `" + format + "'");

    // register standard complex types
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("fc64", sizeof(std::complex<double>));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("fc32", sizeof(std::complex<float>));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("sc64", sizeof(std::complex<int64_t>));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("sc32", sizeof(std::complex<int32_t>));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("sc16", sizeof(std::complex<int16_t>));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("sc8", sizeof(std::complex<int8_t>));

    // register standard real types
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("f64", sizeof(double));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("f32", sizeof(float));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("s64", sizeof(int64_t));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("s32", sizeof(int32_t));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("s16", sizeof(int16_t));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("s8", sizeof(int8_t));
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("u8", sizeof(uint8_t));

    // register VITA types
    convert::register_bytes_per_item("item32", sizeof(int32_t));