// // Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // #include "convert_common.hpp" #include <uhd/utils/byteswap.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/msg.hpp> #include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp> #include <vector> using namespace uhd::convert; typedef uint32_t (*to32_type)(uint32_t); template <typename type, to32_type tohost> struct convert_fc32_item32_1_to_star_1 : public converter { convert_fc32_item32_1_to_star_1(void):_scalar(0.0) { //NOP } void set_scalar(const double scalar) { _scalar = scalar; } void operator()(const input_type &inputs, const output_type &outputs, const size_t nsamps) { const item32_t *input = reinterpret_cast<const item32_t *>(inputs[0]); std::complex<type> *output = reinterpret_cast<std::complex<type> *>(outputs[0]); size_t i = 0; for (size_t o = 0; o < nsamps; o++) { const item32_t i32 = tohost(input[i++]); const item32_t q32 = tohost(input[i++]); const float *i_f32p = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&i32); const float *q_f32p = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&q32); output[o] = std::complex<type>(type((*i_f32p)*_scalar), type((*q_f32p)*_scalar)); } } double _scalar; }; template <typename type, to32_type towire> struct convert_star_1_to_fc32_item32_1 : public converter { convert_star_1_to_fc32_item32_1(void):_scalar(0.0) { //NOP } void set_scalar(const double scalar) { _scalar = scalar; } void operator()(const input_type &inputs, const output_type &outputs, const size_t nsamps) { const std::complex<type> *input = reinterpret_cast<const std::complex<type> *>(inputs[0]); item32_t *output = reinterpret_cast<item32_t *>(outputs[0]); size_t o = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) { const float i_f32 = type(input[i].real()*_scalar); const float q_f32 = type(input[i].imag()*_scalar); const item32_t *i32p = reinterpret_cast<const item32_t *>(&i_f32); const item32_t *q32p = reinterpret_cast<const item32_t *>(&q_f32); output[o++] = towire(*i32p); output[o++] = towire(*q32p); } } double _scalar; }; #define __make_registrations(itype, otype, fcn, type, conv) \ static converter::sptr make_convert_ ## itype ## _1_ ## otype ## _1(void) \ { \ return converter::sptr(new fcn<type, conv>()); \ } \ UHD_STATIC_BLOCK(register_convert_ ## itype ## _1_ ## otype ## _1) \ { \ uhd::convert::id_type id; \ id.num_inputs = 1; id.num_outputs = 1; \ id.input_format = #itype; id.output_format = #otype; \ uhd::convert::register_converter(id, &make_convert_ ## itype ## _1_ ## otype ## _1, PRIORITY_GENERAL); \ } __make_registrations(fc32_item32_le, fc32, convert_fc32_item32_1_to_star_1, float, uhd::wtohx) __make_registrations(fc32_item32_be, fc32, convert_fc32_item32_1_to_star_1, float, uhd::ntohx) __make_registrations(fc32_item32_le, fc64, convert_fc32_item32_1_to_star_1, double, uhd::wtohx) __make_registrations(fc32_item32_be, fc64, convert_fc32_item32_1_to_star_1, double, uhd::ntohx) __make_registrations(fc32, fc32_item32_le, convert_star_1_to_fc32_item32_1, float, uhd::wtohx) __make_registrations(fc32, fc32_item32_be, convert_star_1_to_fc32_item32_1, float, uhd::ntohx) __make_registrations(fc64, fc32_item32_le, convert_star_1_to_fc32_item32_1, double, uhd::wtohx) __make_registrations(fc64, fc32_item32_be, convert_star_1_to_fc32_item32_1, double, uhd::ntohx)