// Copyright 2011-2013 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include <uhd/convert.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/static.hpp>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <complex>

#define _DECLARE_CONVERTER(name, in_form, num_in, out_form, num_out, prio)    \
    struct name : public uhd::convert::converter                              \
    {                                                                         \
        static sptr make(void)                                                \
        {                                                                     \
            return sptr(new name());                                          \
        }                                                                     \
        double scale_factor;                                                  \
        void set_scalar(const double s)                                       \
        {                                                                     \
            scale_factor = s;                                                 \
        }                                                                     \
        void operator()(const input_type&, const output_type&, const size_t); \
    };                                                                        \
    UHD_STATIC_BLOCK(__register_##name##_##prio)                              \
    {                                                                         \
        uhd::convert::id_type id;                                             \
        id.input_format  = #in_form;                                          \
        id.num_inputs    = num_in;                                            \
        id.output_format = #out_form;                                         \
        id.num_outputs   = num_out;                                           \
        uhd::convert::register_converter(id, &name::make, prio);              \
    }                                                                         \
    void name::operator()(                                                    \
        const input_type& inputs, const output_type& outputs, const size_t nsamps)

/*! Convenience macro to declare a single-function converter
 * Most converters consist of a single for loop, and can make use of
 * this macro for declaration and registering.
 * Following this macro should be a function block in curly braces
 * which runs the conversion. Available parameters in this function block
 * are:
 * - `inputs`: Vector of pointers to the input data. Size of the vector == `num_in`
 * - `outputs`: Vector of pointers to where the output data goes. Size of the vector ==
 * `num_out`
 * - `nsamps`: Number of items per input buffer to convert
 * - `scale_factor`: Scaling factor for float conversions
#define DECLARE_CONVERTER(in_form, num_in, out_form, num_out, prio)                      \
    _DECLARE_CONVERTER(__convert_##in_form##_##num_in##_##out_form##_##num_out##_##prio, \
        in_form,                                                                         \
        num_in,                                                                          \
        out_form,                                                                        \
        num_out,                                                                         \

 * Setup priorities
static const int PRIORITY_GENERAL = 0;
static const int PRIORITY_EMPTY   = -1;

#ifdef __ARM_NEON__
static const int PRIORITY_SIMD = 2;
static const int PRIORITY_TABLE =
    1; // tables require large cache, so they are slower on arm
// We used to have ORC, too, so SIMD is 3
static const int PRIORITY_SIMD  = 3;
static const int PRIORITY_TABLE = 1;

 * Typedefs
typedef std::complex<double> fc64_t;
typedef std::complex<float> fc32_t;
typedef std::complex<int32_t> sc32_t;
typedef std::complex<int16_t> sc16_t;
typedef std::complex<int8_t> sc8_t;
typedef double f64_t;
typedef float f32_t;
typedef int32_t s32_t;
typedef int16_t s16_t;
typedef int8_t s8_t;
typedef uint8_t u8_t;

typedef uint32_t item32_t;

typedef item32_t (*xtox_t)(item32_t);

template <class T, class U>
const T clamp(const U v)
    constexpr T min_t = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
    constexpr T max_t = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
    return (v < min_t) ? min_t : (v > max_t) ? max_t : T(v);

 * Convert xx to items32 sc16 buffer
template <typename T>
UHD_INLINE item32_t xx_to_item32_sc16_x1(
    const std::complex<T>& num, const double scale_factor)
    uint16_t real = clamp<int16_t>(num.real() * float(scale_factor));
    uint16_t imag = clamp<int16_t>(num.imag() * float(scale_factor));
    return (item32_t(real) << 16) | (item32_t(imag) << 0);

template <>
UHD_INLINE item32_t xx_to_item32_sc16_x1(const sc16_t& num, const double)
    uint16_t real = int16_t(num.real());
    uint16_t imag = int16_t(num.imag());
    return (item32_t(real) << 16) | (item32_t(imag) << 0);

template <xtox_t to_wire, typename T>
UHD_INLINE void xx_to_item32_sc16(const std::complex<T>* input,
    item32_t* output,
    const size_t nsamps,
    const double scale_factor)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) {
        const item32_t item = xx_to_item32_sc16_x1(input[i], scale_factor);
        output[i]           = to_wire(item);

template <typename T>
UHD_FORCE_INLINE sc16_t xx_to_sc16_x1(
    const std::complex<T>& num, const double scale_factor)
    uint16_t real = clamp<int16_t>(num.real() * float(scale_factor));
    uint16_t imag = clamp<int16_t>(num.imag() * float(scale_factor));
    return sc16_t(real, imag);

template <typename T>
UHD_FORCE_INLINE void xx_to_chdr_sc16(const std::complex<T>* input,
    sc16_t* output,
    const size_t nsamps,
    const double scale_factor)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) {
        output[i] = xx_to_sc16_x1(input[i], scale_factor);

 * Convert items32 sc16 buffer to xx
template <typename T>
UHD_INLINE std::complex<T> item32_sc16_x1_to_xx(
    const item32_t item, const double scale_factor)
    return std::complex<T>(T(int16_t(item >> 16) * float(scale_factor)),
        T(int16_t(item >> 0) * float(scale_factor)));

template <>
UHD_INLINE sc16_t item32_sc16_x1_to_xx(const item32_t item, const double)
    return sc16_t(int16_t(item >> 16), int16_t(item >> 0));

template <xtox_t to_host, typename T>
UHD_INLINE void item32_sc16_to_xx(const item32_t* input,
    std::complex<T>* output,
    const size_t nsamps,
    const double scale_factor)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) {
        const item32_t item_i = to_host(input[i]);
        output[i]             = item32_sc16_x1_to_xx<T>(item_i, scale_factor);

template <typename T>
UHD_FORCE_INLINE std::complex<T> chdr_sc16_x1_to_xx(
    const sc16_t item, const double scale_factor)
    return std::complex<T>(
        T(item.real()) * T(scale_factor), T(item.imag()) * T(scale_factor));

template <typename T>
UHD_FORCE_INLINE void chdr_sc16_to_xx(const sc16_t* input,
    std::complex<T>* output,
    const size_t nsamps,
    const double scale_factor)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) {
        output[i] = chdr_sc16_x1_to_xx<T>(input[i], scale_factor);

 * Convert xx to items32 sc8 buffer
template <typename T>
UHD_INLINE item32_t xx_to_item32_sc8_x1(
    const std::complex<T>& in0, const std::complex<T>& in1, const double scale_factor)
    uint8_t real1 = clamp<int8_t>(in0.real() * float(scale_factor));
    uint8_t imag1 = clamp<int8_t>(in0.imag() * float(scale_factor));
    uint8_t real0 = clamp<int8_t>(in1.real() * float(scale_factor));
    uint8_t imag0 = clamp<int8_t>(in1.imag() * float(scale_factor));
    return (item32_t(real0) << 8) | (item32_t(imag0) << 0) | (item32_t(real1) << 24)
           | (item32_t(imag1) << 16);

template <>
UHD_INLINE item32_t xx_to_item32_sc8_x1(
    const sc16_t& in0, const sc16_t& in1, const double)
    uint8_t real1 = clamp<int8_t>(in0.real());
    uint8_t imag1 = clamp<int8_t>(in0.imag());
    uint8_t real0 = clamp<int8_t>(in1.real());
    uint8_t imag0 = clamp<int8_t>(in1.imag());
    return (item32_t(real0) << 8) | (item32_t(imag0) << 0) | (item32_t(real1) << 24)
           | (item32_t(imag1) << 16);

template <>
UHD_INLINE item32_t xx_to_item32_sc8_x1(const sc8_t& in0, const sc8_t& in1, const double)
    uint8_t real1 = int8_t(in0.real());
    uint8_t imag1 = int8_t(in0.imag());
    uint8_t real0 = int8_t(in1.real());
    uint8_t imag0 = int8_t(in1.imag());
    return (item32_t(real0) << 8) | (item32_t(imag0) << 0) | (item32_t(real1) << 24)
           | (item32_t(imag1) << 16);

template <xtox_t to_wire, typename T>
UHD_INLINE void xx_to_item32_sc8(const std::complex<T>* input,
    item32_t* output,
    const size_t nsamps,
    const double scale_factor)
    const size_t num_pairs = nsamps / 2;
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < num_pairs; i++, j += 2) {
        const item32_t item = xx_to_item32_sc8_x1(input[j], input[j + 1], scale_factor);
        output[i]           = to_wire(item);

    if (nsamps != num_pairs * 2) {
        const item32_t item =
            xx_to_item32_sc8_x1(input[nsamps - 1], std::complex<T>(0), scale_factor);
        output[num_pairs] = to_wire(item);

 * Convert items32 sc8 buffer to xx
template <typename T>
UHD_INLINE void item32_sc8_x1_to_xx(const item32_t item,
    std::complex<T>& out0,
    std::complex<T>& out1,
    const double scale_factor)
    out1 = std::complex<T>(T(int8_t(item >> 8) * float(scale_factor)),
        T(int8_t(item >> 0) * float(scale_factor)));
    out0 = std::complex<T>(T(int8_t(item >> 24) * float(scale_factor)),
        T(int8_t(item >> 16) * float(scale_factor)));

template <>
UHD_INLINE void item32_sc8_x1_to_xx(
    const item32_t item, sc16_t& out0, sc16_t& out1, const double)
    out1 = sc16_t(int16_t(int8_t(item >> 8)), int16_t(int8_t(item >> 0)));
    out0 = sc16_t(int16_t(int8_t(item >> 24)), int16_t(int8_t(item >> 16)));

template <>
UHD_INLINE void item32_sc8_x1_to_xx(
    const item32_t item, sc8_t& out0, sc8_t& out1, const double)
    out1 = sc8_t(int8_t(int8_t(item >> 8)), int8_t(int8_t(item >> 0)));
    out0 = sc8_t(int8_t(int8_t(item >> 24)), int8_t(int8_t(item >> 16)));

template <xtox_t to_host, typename T>
UHD_INLINE void item32_sc8_to_xx(const item32_t* input,
    std::complex<T>* output,
    const size_t nsamps,
    const double scale_factor)
    input = reinterpret_cast<const item32_t*>(size_t(input) & ~0x3);
    std::complex<T> dummy;
    size_t num_samps = nsamps;

    if ((size_t(input) & 0x3) != 0) {
        const item32_t item0 = to_host(*input++);
        item32_sc8_x1_to_xx(item0, dummy, *output++, scale_factor);

    const size_t num_pairs = num_samps / 2;
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < num_pairs; i++, j += 2) {
        const item32_t item_i = to_host(input[i]);
        item32_sc8_x1_to_xx(item_i, output[j], output[j + 1], scale_factor);

    if (num_samps != num_pairs * 2) {
        const item32_t item_n = to_host(input[num_pairs]);
        item32_sc8_x1_to_xx(item_n, output[num_samps - 1], dummy, scale_factor);