// // Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // #include <uhd/cal/pwr_cal.hpp> #include <uhd/cal/pwr_cal_generated.h> #include <uhd/exception.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/log.hpp> #include <uhd/utils/math.hpp> #include <uhdlib/utils/interpolation.hpp> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace uhd::usrp::cal; using namespace uhd::math; namespace { //! We use the NIST normal temperature constexpr int NORMAL_TEMPERATURE = 20; constexpr size_t VERSION_MAJOR = 1; constexpr size_t VERSION_MINOR = 0; //! Return map with keys as values and vice versa template <typename map_type> map_type reverse_map(const map_type& map) { map_type result; std::transform(map.cbegin(), map.cend(), std::inserter(result, result.end()), [](const typename map_type::value_type& entry) { return std::pair<typename map_type::mapped_type, typename map_type::key_type>( entry.second, entry.first); }); return result; } } // namespace class pwr_cal_impl : public pwr_cal { public: pwr_cal_impl(const std::string& name = "", const std::string& serial = "", const uint64_t timestamp = 0) : _name(name), _serial(serial), _timestamp(timestamp) { } /************************************************************************** * Container API (Basics) *************************************************************************/ std::string get_name() const { return _name; } std::string get_serial() const { return _serial; } uint64_t get_timestamp() const { return _timestamp; } /************************************************************************** * Specific APIs *************************************************************************/ void add_power_table(const std::map<double, double>& gain_power_map, const double min_power, const double max_power, const double freq, const boost::optional<int> temperature = boost::none) { if (min_power > max_power) { throw uhd::runtime_error( std::string("Invalid min/max power levels: Min power must be smaller " "than max power! (Is: " + std::to_string(min_power) + " dBm, " + std::to_string(max_power) + " dBm)")); } const int temp = bool(temperature) ? temperature.get() : _default_temp; _data[temp][static_cast<uint64_t>(freq)] = { gain_power_map, reverse_map(gain_power_map), min_power, max_power}; } // Note: This is very similar to at_bilin_interp(), but we can't use that // because we mix types in the gain tables (we have uint64_t and double, and // a struct). double get_power(const double gain, const double freq, const boost::optional<int> temperature = boost::none) const { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(!_data.empty()); const uint64_t freqi = static_cast<uint64_t>(freq); const auto& table = _get_table(temperature); const auto f_iters = get_bounding_iterators(table, freqi); const uint64_t f1i = f_iters.first->first; const uint64_t f2i = f_iters.second->first; // Frequency is out of bounds if (f1i == f2i) { return at_lin_interp(table.at(f1i).g2p, gain); } const double f1 = static_cast<double>(f1i); const double f2 = static_cast<double>(f2i); const auto gain_iters = get_bounding_iterators(table.at(f1).g2p, gain); const double gain1 = gain_iters.first->first; const double gain2 = gain_iters.second->first; // Gain is out of bounds if (gain1 == gain2) { return linear_interp(freq, f1, table.at(f1i).g2p.at(gain1), f2, table.at(f2i).g2p.at(gain1)); } // Both gain and freq are within bounds: Bi-Linear interpolation // Find power values const auto power11 = table.at(f1i).g2p.at(gain1); const auto power12 = table.at(f1i).g2p.at(gain2); const auto power21 = table.at(f2i).g2p.at(gain1); const auto power22 = table.at(f2i).g2p.at(gain2); return bilinear_interp( freq, gain, f1, gain1, f2, gain2, power11, power12, power21, power22); } void clear() { _data.clear(); } void set_temperature(const int temperature) { _default_temp = temperature; } int get_temperature() const { return _default_temp; } void set_ref_gain(const double gain) { _ref_gain = gain; } double get_ref_gain() const { return _ref_gain; } uhd::meta_range_t get_power_limits( const double freq, const boost::optional<int> temperature = boost::none) const { const auto table = at_nearest(_get_table(temperature), uint64_t(freq)); return uhd::meta_range_t(table.min_power, table.max_power); } double get_gain(const double power_dbm, const double freq, const boost::optional<int> temperature = boost::none) const { UHD_ASSERT_THROW(!_data.empty()); const uint64_t freqi = static_cast<uint64_t>(freq); const auto& table = _get_table(temperature); const double power_coerced = get_power_limits(freq, temperature).clip(power_dbm); const auto f_iters = get_bounding_iterators(table, freqi); const uint64_t f1i = f_iters.first->first; const uint64_t f2i = f_iters.second->first; if (f1i == f2i) { // Frequency is out of bounds return at_lin_interp(table.at(f1i).p2g, power_coerced); } // NOTE: bilinear_interp() does not interpolate on an arbitrary tetragon, // but requires the coordinates to be on a rectangular grid. Due to the // frequency-dependent nature of power calibration, it is unlikely that // the bounding power values for f1 and f2 (respectively) are identical. // We therefore not only interpolate the final gain values, but we also // nearest-neighbor-interpolate the grid coordinates for the power. // This snap-to-grid adds another error, which can be counteracted by // good choice of frequency and gain points on which to sample. const auto f1pwr_iters = get_bounding_iterators(table.at(f1i).p2g, power_coerced); const double f1pwr1 = f1pwr_iters.first->first; const double f1pwr2 = f1pwr_iters.second->first; const auto f2pwr_iters = get_bounding_iterators(table.at(f2i).p2g, power_coerced); const double f2pwr1 = f2pwr_iters.first->first; const double f2pwr2 = f2pwr_iters.second->first; const double f1 = static_cast<double>(f1i); const double f2 = static_cast<double>(f2i); const double pwr1 = linear_interp(freq, f1, f1pwr1, f2, f2pwr1); const double pwr2 = linear_interp(freq, f1, f1pwr2, f2, f2pwr2); // Power is out of bounds (this shouldn't happen after coercing, but this // is just another good sanity check on our data) if (pwr1 == pwr2) { return linear_interp(freq, f1, at_nearest(table.at(f1i).p2g, pwr1), f2, at_nearest(table.at(f2i).p2g, pwr2)); } // Both gain and freq are within bounds => Bi-Linear interpolation // Find gain values: const auto gain11 = table.at(f1i).p2g.at(f1pwr1); const auto gain12 = table.at(f1i).p2g.at(f1pwr2); const auto gain21 = table.at(f2i).p2g.at(f2pwr1); const auto gain22 = table.at(f2i).p2g.at(f2pwr2); return bilinear_interp( freq, power_coerced, f1, pwr1, f2, pwr2, gain11, gain12, gain21, gain22); } /************************************************************************** * Container API (Serialization/Deserialization) *************************************************************************/ std::vector<uint8_t> serialize() { const size_t initial_size_bytes = 1024 * 20; // 20 kiB as an initial guess flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder(initial_size_bytes); std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<TempFreqMap>> temp_freq_map; temp_freq_map.reserve(_data.size()); for (auto& temp_freq_pair : _data) { const int temperature = temp_freq_pair.first; std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<FreqPowerMap>> freq_gain_map; for (auto& freq_gain_pair : temp_freq_pair.second) { const uint64_t freq = freq_gain_pair.first; const double min_power = freq_gain_pair.second.min_power; const double max_power = freq_gain_pair.second.max_power; std::vector<PowerMap> gain_power_map; for (auto& gain_power_pair : freq_gain_pair.second.g2p) { gain_power_map.push_back( PowerMap(gain_power_pair.first, gain_power_pair.second)); } freq_gain_map.push_back(CreateFreqPowerMapDirect( builder, freq, &gain_power_map, min_power, max_power)); } temp_freq_map.push_back( CreateTempFreqMapDirect(builder, temperature, &freq_gain_map)); } // Now load it all into the FlatBuffer auto metadata = CreateMetadataDirect(builder, _name.c_str(), _serial.c_str(), _timestamp, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR); auto power_cal = CreatePowerCalDirect(builder, metadata, &temp_freq_map, get_ref_gain()); FinishPowerCalBuffer(builder, power_cal); const size_t table_size = builder.GetSize(); const uint8_t* table = builder.GetBufferPointer(); return std::vector<uint8_t>(table, table + table_size); } // This will amend the existing table. If that's not desired, then it is // necessary to call clear() ahead of time. void deserialize(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) { auto verifier = flatbuffers::Verifier(data.data(), data.size()); if (!VerifyPowerCalBuffer(verifier)) { throw uhd::runtime_error("pwr_cal: Invalid data provided!"); } auto cal_table = GetPowerCal(static_cast<const void*>(data.data())); if (cal_table->metadata()->version_major() != VERSION_MAJOR) { throw uhd::runtime_error("pwr_cal: Compat number mismatch!"); } if (cal_table->metadata()->version_minor() != VERSION_MINOR) { UHD_LOG_WARNING("CAL", "pwr_cal: Expected compat number " << VERSION_MAJOR << "." << VERSION_MINOR << ", got " << cal_table->metadata()->version_major() << "." << cal_table->metadata()->version_minor()); } _name = std::string(cal_table->metadata()->name()->c_str()); _serial = std::string(cal_table->metadata()->serial()->c_str()); _timestamp = cal_table->metadata()->timestamp(); if (cal_table->ref_gain() >= 0.0) { _ref_gain = cal_table->ref_gain(); } auto temp_freq_map = cal_table->temp_freq_map(); for (auto it = temp_freq_map->begin(); it != temp_freq_map->end(); ++it) { const int temperature = it->temperature(); auto freq_gain_map = it->freqs(); for (auto f_it = freq_gain_map->begin(); f_it != freq_gain_map->end(); ++f_it) { std::map<double, double> power; auto power_map = f_it->powers(); for (auto g_it = power_map->begin(); g_it != power_map->end(); ++g_it) { power.insert({g_it->gain(), g_it->power_dbm()}); } add_power_table(power, f_it->min_power(), f_it->max_power(), f_it->freq(), temperature); } } } private: // We map the gain to power, and power to gain, in different data structures. // This is suboptimal w.r.t. memory usage (it duplicates the keys/values), // but helps us with the algorithms above. // This could also be solved with a Boost.Bimap, but it doesn't seem worth // the additional dependency. struct pwr_cal_table { std::map<double, double> g2p; //!< Maps gain to power std::map<double, double> p2g; //!< Maps power to gain double min_power; double max_power; }; using freq_table_map = std::map<uint64_t /* freq */, pwr_cal_table>; freq_table_map _get_table(const boost::optional<int> temperature) const { const int temp = bool(temperature) ? temperature.get() : _default_temp; return at_nearest(_data, temp); } std::string _name; std::string _serial; uint64_t _timestamp; //! The actual gain table std::map<int /* temp */, freq_table_map> _data; double _ref_gain = 0.0; int _default_temp = NORMAL_TEMPERATURE; }; pwr_cal::sptr pwr_cal::make() { return std::make_shared<pwr_cal_impl>(); } pwr_cal::sptr pwr_cal::make( const std::string& name, const std::string& serial, const uint64_t timestamp) { return std::make_shared<pwr_cal_impl>(name, serial, timestamp); }