// Copyright 2014 Ettus Research LLC
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
namespace po = boost::program_options;
using namespace uhd::usrp_clock;
using namespace uhd::usrp;
void wait_for_pps(multi_usrp::sptr usrp, size_t chan, double timeout){
time_t last_pps_time = usrp->get_time_last_pps(chan).get_full_secs();
time_t system_time = uhd::time_spec_t::get_system_time().get_full_secs();
time_t exit_time = system_time + timeout;
bool detected_pps = false;
//Otherwise, this would hang if the USRP doesn't detect any PPS
while(uhd::time_spec_t::get_system_time().get_full_secs() < exit_time){
time_t time_now = usrp->get_time_last_pps(chan).get_full_secs();
if(last_pps_time < time_now){
detected_pps = true;
else last_pps_time = time_now;
if(not detected_pps) throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format("%s did not detect a PPS signal.")
% usrp->get_usrp_tx_info()["mboard_serial"]));
void get_usrp_time(multi_usrp::sptr usrp, size_t chan, std::vector *times){
wait_for_pps(usrp, chan, 2);
(*times)[chan] = usrp->get_time_now(chan).get_full_secs();
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){
//Variables to be set by command line options
std::string clock_args, usrp_args;
boost::uint32_t max_interval, num_tests;
//Set up program options
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
("help", "Display this help message")
("clock-args", po::value(&clock_args), "Clock device arguments")
("usrp-args", po::value(&usrp_args), "USRP device arguments")
("max-interval", po::value(&max_interval)->default_value(10000), "Maximum interval between comparisons (in ms)")
("num-tests", po::value(&num_tests)->default_value(10), "Number of times to compare device times")
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
//Print the help message
if (vm.count("help")){
std::cout << std::endl << "Test Clock Synchronization" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "This example shows how to use a clock device to" << std::endl
<< "synchronize the time on multiple USRP devices." << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << desc << std::endl;
//Create a Multi-USRP-Clock device (currently OctoClock only)
std::cout << boost::format("\nCreating the Clock device with: %s") % clock_args << std::endl;
multi_usrp_clock::sptr clock = multi_usrp_clock::make(clock_args);
//Make sure Clock configuration is correct
if(clock->get_sensor("gps_detected").value == "false"){
throw uhd::runtime_error("No GPSDO detected on Clock.");
if(clock->get_sensor("using_ref").value != "internal"){
throw uhd::runtime_error("Clock must be using an internal reference.");
//Create a Multi-USRP device
std::cout << boost::format("\nCreating the USRP device with: %s") % usrp_args << std::endl;
multi_usrp::sptr usrp = multi_usrp::make(usrp_args);
//Store USRP device serials for useful output
std::vector serials;
for(size_t ch = 0; ch < usrp->get_num_mboards(); ch++){
std::cout << std::endl << "Checking USRP devices for lock." << std::endl;
bool all_locked = true;
for(size_t ch = 0; ch < usrp->get_num_mboards(); ch++){
std::string ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",ch).value;
std::cout << boost::format(" * %s: %s") % serials[ch] % ref_locked << std::endl;
if(ref_locked != "true") all_locked = false;
if(not all_locked) std::cout << std::endl << "WARNING: One or more devices not locked." << std::endl;
//Get GPS time to initially set USRP devices
std::cout << std::endl << "Querying Clock for time and setting USRP times..." << std::endl << std::endl;
boost::uint32_t clock_time = clock->get_time();
//Wait for next PPS to start polling
wait_for_pps(usrp, 0, 2);
std::cout << boost::format("\nRunning %d comparisons at random intervals.") % num_tests << std::endl << std::endl;
boost::uint32_t num_matches = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_tests; i++){
//Wait random time before querying
boost::uint16_t wait_time = rand() % max_interval;
//Get all times before output
std::vector usrp_times(usrp->get_num_mboards());
boost::thread_group thread_group;
clock_time = clock->get_time();
for(size_t j = 0; j < usrp->get_num_mboards(); j++){
thread_group.create_thread(boost::bind(&get_usrp_time, usrp, j, &usrp_times));
//Wait for threads to complete
std::cout << boost::format("Comparison #%d") % (i+1) << std::endl;
bool all_match = true;
std::cout << boost::format(" * Clock time: %d") % clock_time << std::endl;
for(size_t j = 0; j < usrp->get_num_mboards(); j++){
std::cout << boost::format(" * %s time: %d") % serials[j] % usrp_times[j] << std::endl;
if(usrp_times[j] != clock_time) all_match = false;
if(all_match) num_matches++;
std::cout << std::endl << boost::format("Number of matches: %d/%d") % num_matches % num_tests << std::endl;