/*! \page page_usrp_n3xx USRP N3xx Series


\section n3xx_feature_list Comparative features list

- Hardware Capabilities:
	- Dual SFP+ Transceivers (can be used with 1 GigE, 10 GigE)
	- External PPS input & output
	- External 10 MHz input & output
	- Internal 25 MHz reference clock
	- Internal GPSDO for timing, location, and 20 MHz reference clock + PPS
	- External GPIO Connector with UHD API control
	- External USB Connection for built-in JTAG debugger and serial console
        - Xilinx Zynq SoC with dual-core ARM Cortex A9 and Virtex-7 FPGA

- Software Capabilities:
        - Full Linux system running on the ARM core
        - Runs MPM (see also \ref page_mpm)

- FPGA Capabilities:
	- Timed commands in FPGA
	- Timed sampling in FPGA
        - RFNoC capability

The N3XX series of USRPs is designed as a platform. The following USRPs are
variants of the N3XX series:

\section n3xx_feature_list_mg N310 (4-channel transceiver)

	- Supported master clock rates: 200 MHz and 184.32 MHz
	- 4 RX DDC chains in FPGA
	- 4 TX DUC chain in FPGA

\section n3xx_getting_started Getting started

This will run you through the first steps relevant to get your USRP N300/N310
up and running.

\subsection n3xx_getting_started_assembling Assembling the N300/N310 kit


\subsubsection n3xx_serial Serial connection

It is possible to gain root access to the device using a serial terminal
emulator. Most Linuxes, OSX, or other Unix flavours have a tool called 'screen'
which can be used for this purpose, by running the following command:

    $ sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB2 115200

The exact device node depends on your operating system's driver and other USB
devices that might be already connected.

(TODO: Expand upon how to figure this out, include /dev/serial/by-id)

You should be presented with a shell similar to the following


\subsubsection n3xx_ssh SSH connection

The USRP N-Series devices have two network connnections: The dual SFP ports,
and a RJ-45 connector. The latter is by default configured by DHCP; by plugging
it into into 1 Gigabit switch on a DHCP-capable network, it will get assigned
an IP address and thus be accessible via ssh.

In case your network setup does not include a DHCP server, refer to the section
\ref n3xx_serial. A serial login can be used to assign an IP address manually.

After the device obtained an IP address you can log in from a Linux or OSX
machine by typing:

    $ ssh root@

where the IP address depends on your local network setup.

(TODO: Add the hostname thing here)

On Microsoft Windows, the connection can be established using a tool such as
Putty, by selecting a username of root without password.

You should be presented with a shell similar to the following (FIXME):


\subsection n3xx_getting_started_connectivity Network Connectivity

tbw (Using ifconfig, using systemd to set static IPs)

\subsection n3xx_getting_started_security Security-related settings

The N3XX ships without a root password set. It is possible to ssh into the
device by simply connecting as root, and thus gaining access to all subsystems.
To set a password, run the command

    $ passwd

on the device.

\subsection n3xx_getting_started_fpga_update Updating the FPGA

tbw (using uhd_image_loader)

\section n3xx_usage Using an N3XX USRP from UHD

Like any other USRP, all N3XX USRPs are controlled by the UHD software. To
integrate a USRP N3XX into your C++ application, you would generate a UHD
device in the same way you would for any other USRP:

auto usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make("type=n3xx");

For a list of which arguments can be passed into make(), see Section
\ref n3xx_usage_device_args.

\subsection n3xx_usage_device_args Device arguments

 Key                 | Description                                                                  | Supported Devices | Example Value
 addr                | IPv4 address of primary SFP+ port to connect to.                             | All N3xx          | addr=
 second_addr         | IPv4 address of secondary SFP+ port to connect to.                           | All N3xx          | second_addr=
 mgmt_addr           | IPv4 address which to connect the RPC client. Defaults to `addr.             | All N3xx          | mgmt_addr= (can also go to RJ45)
 master_clock_rate   | Master Clock Rate in Hz                                                      | N310              | master_clock_rate=125e6
 identify            | Causes front-panel LEDs to blink. The duration is variable.                  | N310              | identify=5 (will blink for about 5 seconds)
 serialize_init      | Force serial initialization of daughterboards.                               | All N3xx          | serialize_init=1
 skip_dram           | Ignore DRAM FIFO block. Connect TX streamers straight into DUC or radio.     | All N3xx          | skip_dram=1
 skip_ddc            | Ignore DDC block. Connect Rx streamers straight into radio.                  | All N3xx          | skip_ddc=1
 skip_duc            | Ignore DUC block. Connect Rx streamers or DRAM straight into radio.          | All N3xx          | skip_duc=1
 ref_clk_freq        | Specify the external reference clock frequency, default is 10 MHz.           | N310              | ref_clk_freq=20e6
 init_cals           | Specify the bitmask for initial calibrations of the RFIC.                    | N310              | init_cals=0x4DFF
 init_cals_timeout   | Timeout for initial calibrations in milliseconds.                            | N310              | init_cals_timeout=45000
 tracking_cals       | Specify the bitmask for tracking calibrations of the RFIC.                   | N310              | tracking_cals=0xC3
 rx_lo_source        | Initialize the source for the RX LO.                                         | N310              | rx_lo_source=external
 tx_lo_source        | Initialize the source for the TX LO.                                         | N310              | tx_lo_source=external

\subsection n3xx_usage_sensors The sensor API

\section n3xx_rasm Remote Management

- Mender
- Salt


\section n3xx_theory_of_ops Theory of Operation

The N3xx-series are devices based on the MPM architecture (see
also: \ref page_mpm). Inside the Linux operating system running on the ARM
cores, there is hardware daemon which needs to be active in order for the
device to function as a USRP (it is enabled to run by default).

A large portion of hardware-specific setup is handled by the daemon.


\section n3xx_mg N310-specific Features

\subsection n3xx_mg_eeprom Storing user data in the EEPROM

The N310 daughterboard has an EEPROM which is primarily used for storing the
serial number, product ID, and other product-specific information. However, it
can also be used to store user data, such as calibration information.

Note that EEPROMs have a limited number of write cycles, and storing user data
should happen only when necessary. Writes should be kept at a minimum.

Storing data on the EEPROM is done by loading a uhd::eeprom_map_t object into
the property tree. On writing this property, the driver code will serialize
the map into a binary representation that can be stored on the EEPROM.

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