/*! \page page_usrp1 USRP1 Device Manual


\section usrp1_features Comparative features list

- Hardware Capabilities:
    -   2 transceiver card slots
    -   64 MHz fixed clock rate
- FPGA Capabilities:
    -   2 RX DDC chains in FPGA
    -   2 TX DUC chains in FPGA (no TX CORDIC -\> uses DAC)
    -   sc16 sample modes - RX & TX
        -   Up to 8 MHz of RF BW with 16-bit samples
    -   sc8 sample mode - RX only
        -   Up to 16 MHz of RF BW with 8-bit samples

\section usrp1_imgs Specify a Non-standard Image

The standard USRP1 images installer comes with two FPGA images:
-   **usrp1_fpga.rbf:** 2 DDCs + 2 DUCs
-   **usrp1_fpga_4rx.rbf:** 4 DDCs + 0 DUCs

By default, the USRP1 uses the FPGA image with 2 DDCs and 2 DUCs.
However, a device address parameter can be used to override the FPGA
image selection to use an alternate or a custom FPGA image. See the
images application notes for installing custom images.

Example device address string representations to specify non-standard
firmware and/or FPGA images:


    -- OR --


    -- OR --

    fpga=usrp1_fpga_4rx.rbf, fw=usrp1_fw_custom.ihx

\section usrp1_emul Missing and Emulated Features

The USRP1 FPGA does not have the necessary space to support the advanced
streaming capabilities that are possible with the newer USRP devices.
Some of these features are emulated in software to support the API.

\subsection usrp1_emul_list List of emulated features

-   Setting the current device time
-   Getting the current device time
-   Transmitting at a specific time
-   Transmitting a specific number of samples
-   Receiving at a specific time
-   Receiving a specific number of samples
-   End of burst flags for transmit/receive
-   Notification on late stream command
-   Notification on late transmit packet
-   Notification on underflow or overflow
-   Notification on broken chain error

<b>Note:</b> These emulated features rely on the host system's clock for
timed operations and therefore may not have sufficient precision for the

\subsection usrp1_emul_listmissing List of missing features

-   Start of burst flags for transmit/receive

\section usrp1_hw Hardware Setup Notes

\subsection usrp1_hw_extclk External clock modification

The USRP device can be modified to accept an external clock reference instead of the 64MHz onboard reference.
    -   Solder SMA (**LTI-SASF54GT**) connector to **J2001**.
    -   Move 0 ohm 0603 resistor **R2029** to **R2030**.
    -   Move 0.01uF 0603 capacitor **C925** to **C926**.
    -   Remove 0.01uF 0603 capacitor **C924**.

The new external clock needs to be a square wave between +7dBm and +15dBm.

After the hardware modification, the user should burn the setting into
the EEPROM, so UHD software can initialize with the correct clock rate.
Run the following commands to record the setting into the EEPROM:

    cd <install-path>/lib/uhd/utils
    ./usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --args=<optional device args> --values="mcr=<rate>"

The user may override the clock rate specified in the EEPROM by using a
device address: Example:

    uhd_usrp_probe --args="mcr=52e6"

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