UHD - Daughterboard Application Notes

.. contents:: Table of Contents

Daughterboard Properties

The following contains interesting notes about each daughterboard.
Eventually, this page will be expanded to list out the full
properties of each board as well.

Basic RX and and LFRX
The Basic RX and LFRX boards have 3 subdevices:

* **Subdevice A:** real signal on antenna RXA
* **Subdevice B:** real signal on antenna RXB
* **Subdevice AB:** quadrature subdevice using both antennas

The boards have no tunable elements or programmable gains.
Though the magic of aliasing, you can down-convert signals
greater than the nyquist rate of the ADC.

Basic TX and and LFTX
The Basic TX and LFTX boards have 1 quadrature subdevice using both antennas.

The boards have no tunable elements or programmable gains.
Though the magic of aliasing, you can up-convert signals
greater than the nyquist rate of the DAC.

RFX Series
Transmit Antennas: **TX/RX**

Receive Antennas: **TX/RX** or **RX2**

The user may set the receive antenna to be TX/RX or RX2.
However, when using an RFX board in full-duplex mode,
the receive antenna will always be set to RX2, regardless of the settings.

XCVR 2450
The XCVR2450 has a non-contiguous tuning range consiting of a high band and a low band.
The high band consists of frequencies between...TODO

Transmit Antennas: **J1** or **J2**

Receive Antennas: **J1** or **J2**

When using the XCVR2450 in full-duplex mode,
the user must set the receive antenna and the transmit antenna to be different;
not doing so will yeild undefined results.

The XCVR2450 uses a common LO for both receive and transmit.
Even though the API allows the RX and TX LOs to be individually set,
a change of one LO setting will be reflected in the other LO setting.

WBX Series
Transmit Antennas: **TX/RX**

Receive Antennas: **TX/RX** or **RX2**

The user may set the receive antenna to be TX/RX or RX2.
However, when using an RFX board in full-duplex mode,
the receive antenna will always be set to RX2, regardless of the settings.