UHD - Coding to the API

.. contents:: Table of Contents

Various API interfaces
Low-Level: The device API
A device is an abstraction for hardware that is connected to the host system.
For a USRP, this means that the motherboard and everything on it would be considered to be a "device".
The device API provides ways to:

* Discover devices that are physical connected to the host system.
* Create a device object for a particular physical device identified by address.
* Register a device driver into the discovery and factory sub-system.
* Streaming samples with metadata into and out of the device.
* Set and get properties on the device object.

See the documentation in *device.hpp* for reference.

High-Level: The single usrp
The goal of the single usrp API is to wrap high level functions around the device properties.
The single usrp provides a fat interface to access the most common properties.
The single usrp provides ways to:

* Set and get daughterboard gains.
* Set and get daughterboard antennas.
* Set and get the streaming rates.
* Tune the DSPs and daughterboards.
* Issue stream commands.
* Set the clock configuration.
* Set the usrp time registers.
* Get the underlying device (as discussed above).

See the documentation in *usrp/single_usrp.hpp* for reference.

High-Level: The mimo usrp
The mimo usrp API provides a wrapper around a device that represents several motherboards.
This API provides convenience calls just like the single usrp,
however the calls either work across all channels in the configuration,
or take a channel argument to specify which channel to configure.
The mimo usrp provides ways to:

* Set and get the sample rate across all channels.
* Issue a stream command across all channels.
* Set the time registers across all channels.
* Set and get individual daughterboard gains.
* Set and get individual daughterboard antennas.
* Tune individual DSPs and daughterboards.
* Get the underlying device (as discussed above).

See the documentation in *usrp/mimo_usrp.hpp* for reference.

Integrating custom hardware
Creators of custom hardware can create drivers that use the UHD API.
These drivers can be built as dynamically loadable modules that the UHD will load at runtime.

For a module to be loaded at runtime, it must be:

* found in the UHD_MODULE_PATH environment variable,
* installed into the <prefix>/share/uhd/modules directory,
* or installed into /usr/share/uhd/modules directory (unix only).

Custom motherboard
Create a new device driver when the driver in lib/usrp/
cannot support your custom FPGA or hardware modifications.
Make a copy of the relevant driver code in lib/usrp/, make mods, and rename the class.
The new device code should register itself into the discovery and factory system. 

Custom daughterboard
Use code from an existing daughterboard in lib/usrp/dboard/* as an example.
Your daughterboard code should subclass an rx dboard, rx dboard, or xcvr dboard;
and it should respond to calls to get and set properties.
The new daughterboard code should register itself into the dboard manager
with a unique rx and/or tx 16 bit identification number.