; ======== libusb 1.0 (WinUSB) device driver ==========
; To customize this inf file for your own device
; 1. Change "DeviceName" with the name you want your device to appear with 
;    on your system.
; 2. Change "VendorID" and "ProductID" according to those of your device. 
;    If your device is plugged in, you can retrieve these values through the 
;    Device Manager (regardless of whether the driver is installed or not).
; 3. Change "DeviceGUID" to a value that is unique on your system. For more 
;    information and tools to help you generate your own GUIDs, see 
;    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_Unique_Identifier.
; 4. Change "DeviceClassGUID" to reflect your USB Device Class. 
;    The following Device Classes are listed for reference:
;    {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da} : HID device
;    {78a1c341-4539-11d3-b88d-00c04fad5171} : Generic WinUSB device
; 5. (Optional) Change the "Date" string.
; Note 1: if you need to create a matching cat file for this inf, you can use
; the inf2cat utility from the WinDDK, with the the following command:
; inf2cat /driver:"path_to_your inf" /os:7_X86,7_X64,Vista_X86,Vista_X64
; Note 2: The co-installers provided in these files are version 1.9.
; Please refer to:
; http://blogs.msdn.com/iliast/archive/2008/03/10/why-do-we-need-wdf-coinstallers.aspx and
; http://blogs.msdn.com/iliast/archive/2009/08/13/wdf-logo-requirements-regarding-coinstallers.aspx
; for more information about co-installers and their versioning

; ===================== Strings =======================


; =====================================================
; =====================================================

DeviceName = "Ettus Research LLC B100"
; Make sure "VID_" and "PID_" are always part of the strings below
VendorID = "VID_2500"
ProductID = "PID_0002"
DeviceGUID = "{43ec6c7f-2686-492f-add6-601ebbf5e89a}"
DeviceClassGUID = "{78a1c341-4539-11d3-b88d-00c04fad5171}"
; Date MUST be in MM/DD/YYYY format
Date = "10/10/2011"

; =====================================================
; ========== END USER CONFIGURABLE SECTION ============
; =====================================================

ProviderName = "libusb 1.0"
WinUSB_SvcDesc = "WinUSB Driver Service"
DiskName = "libusb (WinUSB) Device Install Disk"
ClassName = "libusb (WinUSB) devices"

; ====================== Version ======================

DriverVer = %Date%
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = %ClassName%
ClassGuid = %DeviceClassGUID%
Provider = %ProviderName%
CatalogFile = libusb_device.cat

; =================== Class section ===================

; Since the device is not a standard USB device, we define a new class for it.
Addreg = WinUSBDeviceClassReg

; -20 is for the USB icon

; =========== Manufacturer/Models sections ============

%ProviderName% = libusbDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64

%DeviceName% = USB_Install, USB\%VendorID%&%ProductID%

%DeviceName% = USB_Install, USB\%VendorID%&%ProductID%

; ==================== Installation ===================

; The Include and Needs directives in the USB_Install section are required for 
; installing WinUSB on Windows Vista systems. Windows XP systems ignore these 
; directives. These directives should not be modified.

; The Include directive in the USB_Install.Services section includes the system-
; supplied INF for WinUSB. This INF is installed by the WinUSB co-installer if 
; it is not already on the target system. The AddService directive specifies 
; WinUsb.sys as the device�s function driver. These directives should not be 
; modified.

; The WinUSB_ServiceInstall section contains the data for installing WinUsb.sys 
; as a service. This section should not be modified.
DisplayName     = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%
ServiceType     = 1
StartType       = 3
ErrorControl    = 1
ServiceBinary   = %12%\WinUSB.sys

; The KmdfService directive installs WinUsb.sys as a kernel-mode service. The 
; referenced WinUSB_Install section specifies the KMDF library version. 
; Usually, the version can be derived from the WdfCoInstallerxxyyy.dll with 
; xx = major, yyy = minor
KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install


; USB_Install.HW is the key section in the INF. It specifies the device 
; interface globally unique identifier (GUID) for your device. The AddReg 
; directive puts the interface GUID in a standard registry value. When 
; WinUsb.sys is loaded as the device�s function driver, it reads the registry
; value and uses the specified GUID to represent the device interface. You 
; should replace the GUID in this example with one that you create specifically
; for your device. If the protocols for the device change, you should create a
; new device interface GUID.


; The USB_Install.CoInstallers section, including the referenced AddReg and 
; CopyFiles sections, contains data and instructions to install the WinUSB and 
; KMDF co installers and associate them with the device. Most USB devices can 
; use these sections and directives without modification.




; =============== Source Media Section ================
; The x86 and x64 versions of Windows have separate co installers. This example 
; stores them on the installation disk in folders that are named x86 and amd64
1 = %DiskName%,,,\x86
2 = %DiskName%,,,\amd64

