uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * cmake
    - remove redundant include
    - correctly set and unset any CMAKE_REQUIRED variables
    - fix finding PkgConfig to work robustly (without CMake warnings)
  * core
    - remove boost::math in favor of std cmath
  * docs
    - x4xx: Update information on CPLD updating
    - usrp_x4xx: improve filesystem update instructions
  * mpm
    - zbx: Fix revision compat check
    - Update usrp_update_fs to support X410
    - max10_cpld_flash_ctrl: improve programming log
    - Skip DTS compatibility check if DTS is not being updated

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Mon, 12 Jul 2021 04:29:39 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * adf535x
    - Change freq_resolution to mod2
  * b200
    - handle overruns during continuous streaming
  * cal
    - ensure proper range handling
    - Remove silent capture of TypeError
    - Add X410 internal antenna names to invalid antenna list
    - add more error number for ADC overload
    - make 'calibrate all channels' default for --channels argument
    - Add support for X410
    - Add min_freq and max_freq attributes to USRPCalibratorBase
    - Fix minor issues in the calibration utilities
    - sync log output between file system and resource data
  * chdr
    - Fix u64_to_host vs. u64_from_host usage
  * ci
    - Add trace builds to pipeline
    - Add deb build support for ubuntu 1804/2004
    - Update docker images for Ubuntu with pbuilder
    - Support for x3xx devtest on rhombus
    - Install vc_buildtools instead of vc_community
    - Build uhd with Pipelines
    - Linux and Windows uhd build docker images
    - Hardware pytests / devtests in AzDO for n310
    - Add stub for python hardware tests
  * cmake
    - Add RegMaps build component to MPM
    - fix cut-and-paste typo to fix SIM APPLE build
  * convert
    - Remove unused variables
  * dboard
    - magnesium: Update Rx IF Frequency Value
  * dboard_iface
    - Fix sleep()
    - Modify sleep() function
  * debian
    - Update supported Ubuntu releases
    - Update Python3 dependencies
  * debug_dboard
    - Fix compiler warning
  * deps
    - rpclib: Fix issue on socket closing
  * devtest
    - benchmark_rate: Add support for rx and tx only tests
    - Make Python tests their own type of devtest
    - Lower rate for rx_all_chans_fast test
    - Allow extra device arguments when running devtests
    - Optionally generate XML report when running devtests
  * docs
    - usrp_x4xx: add network leds behavior to docs
    - devices: remove child page relation to individual dboards
    - zbx: link docs to rf specifications
    - zbx: address review observations in docs
    - usrp_x4xx: address review observations in docs
    - Fix typos
    - Fix python3-ruamel.yaml name on RPM based OS
    - zbx: update cpld source code location
    - usrp_x4xx: apply minor corrections in docs
    - zbx: improve cpld update docs
    - usrp_x4xx: improve mb cpld update docs
    - Fix missing section header in power level controls page
    - Fix typo in mender section
    - Add N320 frontend correction section
    - Use Mathjax for equation rendering
    - Remove reference to Python six
    - mpm: correct ? notation to display help
    - Update Python3 dependencies
    - Fix sensor names for N3xx boards
  * duc
    - Fix incorrect DDS_GAIN
  * examples
    - Fix underrun/seq error reporting in benchmark_rate.py
    - Add min dynamic range limit to ascii art DFT example
    - Add IP to OOT RFNoC gain example
    - Remove unused arguments for rfnoc_radio_loopback
    - Fix PPS option in rfnoc_radio_loopback
    - Fix --random option in benchmark_rate
    - Fix icores example to match current RFNoC specs
  * experts
    - Change coercion policy for regular prop nodes
  * fpga
    - x400: Fix x4xx_qsfp_wrapper testbench
    - sim: Check for empty packet in clear_unused_bytes
    - Update testbenches to work in ModelSim
    - x400: Add makefiles for RF testbenches
    - tools: Detect assertions in ModelSim simulation
    - tools: Put SIM_SRCS at end of compile order
    - tools: Support new FPGA types in viv_simulator.mak
    - tools: Fix python2 reference in viv_ip_builder.mak
    - tools: Add modelsim.excludes
    - tools: Add modelsim.ini to ModelSim calls
    - tools: Add features to run_testbenches.py
    - tools: Add ip target to simulation makefiles
    - tools: Add X410 support for image packaging
    - ci: Add build definitions for FPGA CI
    - x400: zbx: Add support for ZBX CPLD
    - x400: cpld: Add support for X410 motherboard CPLD
    - x400: Add support for X410 motherboard FPGA
    - sim: Add slave_idle() to PkgAxiStreamBfm.sv
    - lib: Update register comments in eth_regs.vh
    - Update rfnoc_image_core for all targets
    - Update recommended HDL header guideline
    - tools: Fix part selection in setupenv
    - Change RFNoC YAML version numbers to strings
    - lib: Add modports to SV AXI-Stream blocks
    - lib: Add time_increment port to timekeeper
    - lib: Pipeline ctrlport_timer
    - lib: Add clock domain comments to interfaces
    - lib: Add 2 to 1 gearbox module
    - lib: Add PHASE parameter to sim_clk_gen
    - lib: Add AXI4 (full) interface
    - lib: add pause support to ethernet xport
    - lib: Add eth_ipv4_internal
    - lib: Add zynquplus family to axi_bitq
    - tools: Add ability to run commands before route
    - tools: Add ability to patch IP during generation
    - tools: Add support for RFSoC
    - lib: Minor cleanup of axi_lite.vh
    - rfnoc: Add ability to disable output flow control
    - lib: Add rx_front_end_gen3 testbench
    - lib: Update round_sd to eliminate X from simulation
    - lib: Fix simulation of axi_fir_filter
    - docs: Improve documentation of rx_frontend_gen3
    - lib: Fix DDS_SIN_COS_LUT outputs in makefile
    - dsp: Fix formatting of rx_dcoffset and add docs
    - Remove Python2 support from build system
    - e320: Improve timing on LVDS interface
    - lib: add glitch free mux module
    - e31x: Add OOT sources to Makefile.e31x.inc
    - lib: Fix axis_strm_monitor parameters
    - lib: Fix small packets stuck in 10 GbE TX
    - lib: Fix 10 GbE cut-through mode
    - lib: add generic to disable bitq engine tri-stating
  * graph
    - Restore default resolver callback at node removal
    - Serialize all graph-related functions
    - Re-fetch dst_node descriptor after src_node potential removal
  * host
    - utils: Print block ID for RFNoC dboards
    - Update code base using clang-tidy
    - Update code base using clang-tidy
  * ic_reg_map
    - Allow registers to be arrays
    - Remove SPCC core reg map
    - Add SPCC reg map
    - Add common regmap template for Python
  * images
    - Update manifest
    - Add X410 series FPGA images
    - Update manifest
    - Update B2xx firmware
  * installers
    - Refactor deb script and build
    - Resolve ubuntu linter issue
  * lib
    - deps: Upgrade vendor version of Pybind11 to 2.6.1
    - Fix misssing include in e3xx_radio_control_impl
    - rpc: Add virtual dtor to RPC iface base class
    - Remove move-on-return for chdr_packet_writer
    - Fix unresolved cleanup conflict (sorry!)
    - deps: Ignore more warnings in our versions of rpclib, pybind11
    - Use const-ref in for loops instead of const-copy
    - Add some virtual dtors
    - Fix warnings related to unnecessary lambda captures
    - lmx2592: Comment out some unused constants
    - Remove unused constants
    - Fix missing includes in rpc.hpp
    - Disable non pcie types in find with resource
    - graph_utils: Error on single SEP edge
    - graph_utils: Fix formatting and compiler warnings
  * lmx2572
    - Fix compiler warning
  * mg
    - Fix slot_idx reference
    - Remove unused private attribute from ad9371_iface
  * mpm
    - Move cal freeze defaults to x4xx
    - Restore rfdc nco frequency after setting sync source
    - tests: Add lib/ to library load path
    - install cpld update scripts in runtime dir
    - x4xx_bist: run spi_flash tests on both DBs
    - max10_cpld_flash_ctrl: only reprogram cpld if necessary
    - Add chip driver for LMK05318 PLL
    - gpsd_iface: Make GPGGA generation more robust
    - sys_utils: add libgpiod-based Gpio helper
    - Remove helper classes from RPC API
    - systemd: Add UseDomains=true to eth0.network
    - Fix MD5 hashing of opkg status
    - check-filesystem: liberalize version check
    - Add unit tests for EEPROM readers
    - Add symbol name based EEPROM read, cleanup EEPROM handling
    - Add tlv_eeprom
    - gpsd_iface: Refactor class
    - Remove unnecessary imports
    - Add FPGA type to the info returned during discovery
    - Remove unused argument info
    - lmk04832: Clean up driver
    - PeriphManagerBase: Add _add_public_methods()
    - Fix minor log formatting issue
    - db_flash: Check mount status before mounting
    - sysutils: mount: Check both mount point and data path
    - mount: Demote already-mounted warning
    - periph_mgr: Demote "no SPI nodes" warning
    - mg: periphs: Read lowband lo lock status from cpld
    - Remove references to rfnoc_num_blocks
    - Remove logging for mmap_regs_iface
    - periph manager: Fix get_mb_eeprom() return value formatting
    - rpc: don't expose reset_mgr call via RPC
    - Add i2c_dev lookup using sys_name
    - rpc: Use contextmanager for claim timeouts
    - add helper for symbol lookup
    - Implement 32 bit register interface with SPI
    - Add DboardIface for MB DB driver control
    - Add an LMK03328 base chip driver
    - Add an LMK04832 base chip driver
    - prevent dead lock in timer kill during unclaim
    - Add support to safely reset peripheral manager from uhd
    - Create Mock classes for unit testing
    - Deduplicate dboard eeprom handling
    - Added DBFlash class
    - Added Mount class
    - systemd: create udev rules files for each MPM_DEVICE
    - filesystem_status: tolerate absence of mender
    - Implement get_sync_source and get_sync_sources.
    - rpc server: Fix unclaim sequence
    - rpc server: Remove Python2 compat code
    - rpc_server: fix get_log_buf for MPM Shell
    - Fix issue with check-filesystem test execution
    - Add dependency on pyusrp_periphs to MPM
    - Cleanup rpc_server.py
    - Use filesystem_status from sys_utils
    - Added check-filesystem utility
    - Add 'XQ' image as valid when using sfp0 as time_source
  * mpmd
    - Support four links
    - Skip find if "resource" key is specified
    - Add support to delay and trigger fpga/dts load after update
    - Export RPC token and mb_args to the property tree
    - Reduce max frame size for 10 GbE
  * msgpack/predef
    - Add riscV support
  * multi_usrp
    - Factor out make_overall_tune_range() and fix limits
    - Fix typos in streamer destruction callback
    - Fix streamer destruction callback
    - Add get_mb_controller() API call
    - Relax LO set API strictness
  * multi_usrp_rfnoc
    - Fix get_device()->get_tree()
    - Serialize make_rfnoc_device
  * n310
    - Fix calculation of LO freq w/ext LO for RX
  * n310/n300
    - Allow gain coercion
  * n320
    - Add correction APIs to radio_control object
    - Fix calibrations
    - Fix IQ mapping and frontend corrections
    - Fix available antennas
    - Fix address for RX frontend control
  * package
    - Fix Python components
  * python
    - Add graceful exit of claim loop on SIGTERM
    - Add rfnoc_image_core.vh generation
    - Update RFNoC image builder to use CHDR_W parameter
    - Add find() to the Python API
    - multi_usrp: Add get_mpm_client() API call
    - Add mpmtools module
    - Make TuneRequest implicitly convertible from double
    - multi_usrp: Let get_tree() return a raw pointer
    - Improve access to device_addr_t
    - multi_usrp: Fix get_radio_control()
    - Clean up image builder generated code
    - Add access to the property_tree from Python
    - Move multi_usrp_python to its own module
  * rfnoc
    - Fix post action behavior of nodes
    - Add image_core_name option to rfnoc_image_builder
    - Fix MTU prop resolver refactoring
    - noc_block_base: Throw if set_mtu_forwarding_policy() called multiply
    - noc_block_base: Refactor MTU prop resolver
    - Fix graph connect timeout error
    - Add option to disable flow control on rx streaming
    - radio: Add getter for SPC value
    - tx_streamer: Remove EOV size attribute
    - Update radio to support multiple SPC
    - Make NIPC match CHDR width by default for NSS block
    - Add accessors for item width and nipc for NSS
    - Fix remote stream buffer format
    - Fix time conversion in ctrlport_endpoint sleep method
    - Handle receive of 0 samples
    - Demoted zero sample error to warning
    - Add Makefile.srcs to switchboard.yml
    - Fix thread unsafe accesses in ctrlport
    - Alphabetize sections in CMakeLists.txt
    - Add add'l header files to CMakeLists.txt
  * rh
    - Remove unused constant
    - cpld control: Comment out gain table address
    - Remove use of magic number of identify duration
  * rpclib
    - Fix warning on ARM build
  * sim
    - Fix CHDR header stringification
    - Ignore mender artifact file on sim devices
    - Check for unit test prereqs and disable if unsatisfied
    - Move SelectableQueue and SendWrapper
    - Support Out of Tree Sources and Sinks
    - Implement Sim > UHD Flow Control
    - Move Hardware Specific to Config File
    - Implement UHD > Simulator Flow Control
    - Support Timed Streams
    - Integrate simulator into UHD
    - Support Configuration Files
    - Support Streaming
    - Clarify Naming of Streams
    - Simulator CHDR Parsing and RFNoC Graph
    - Embed MPM into libpyuhd
    - Add Daughterboard Methods
    - Lay Groundwork for Simulator
  * test
    - Add DPDK option for max streaming rate tests
  * tests
    - Make python_api_test.py always explicitly call Python
    - Add MTU forwarding policy restriction unit test
    - Update multi_usrp_test.py
    - Update device identifiers for N310
    - Fix warnings for rf_control_gain_profile_test
    - Remove unused constants
    - Add lib/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for pytests
    - Add UT for node removal prop resol'n restoration
    - mock_block: Allow mock blocks to carry MB controllers
  * tlv_eeprom
    - Add eeprom-set-autoboot helper script
  * tools
    - Add bool-property-set ability to rx_settling_time.py
    - Rfnoc dissectors are now built and named based on CHDR width
    - Update rfnoc dissector to support multiple CHDR widths.
  * transport
    - Fix compiler warning in nirio_link
    - Set mtu to 9000 for all 10GbE use cases
  * twinrx
    - Remove frontend filter
    - Fix missing default copy ctor
    - Fix LO lock failure
    - Spur cleanup
  * types
    - Add mm_iface structs
  * uhd
    - Use chain's block channel to get power ref keys
    - Add missing channel parameter when reading power ref keys
    - Add callback for setting sync_sources
    - Update version
    - x400: Honor ENABLE_X400 component flag
    - ci: Add test definition for UHD CI
    - Add support for the USRP X410
    - Reword log.hpp documentation
    - Remove references to device3
    - Update all headers for setters on multi_usrp re coerce/throw
    - Fix typo in has_tx_power_reference
    - Enable vcpkg support on windows
    - Fix radio_control-related method constness
    - gitignore .DS_Store for our macOS friends
    - Lambda capture the node instead of vert desc
    - Check for overflow after timeout buff read
    - Split radio_control into rf_control interfaces
    - Revert "Check property type at access..."
    - clang: Fix fallthrough attribute
    - Throw error if edge list is empty
    - clang-format device impl
    - Replace default initializers with named ones
  * uhd_image_loader
    - Consume .lvbitx files
  * uhd_images_downloader
    - Add environment variable for http auth
    - Remove unused default_no parameter
  * usrp
    - Remove old header file declarations
  * usrp2
    - Use explicit template type for std::min<T>
    - Replace boost::math::iround/math::sign with std::lround
    - Apply minor cleanups to Boost usage in usrp2
    - Fix Boost headers
  * usrprio
    - catch exceptions if rpc data read fails
  * utils
    - Improve cal TX threads
    - Remove unused constant from b2xx_fx3_utils
    - check config file before finding devices for image loader
    - Fix GUI argument in rfnoc_image_builder
    - Improve NMEA string output
    - Set rfnoc_create_verilog.py as executable
  * x300
    - Reduce phase noise for 184.32 MHz MCR
  * x3xx
    - Improve image loader
  * x400
    - sim: Move testbenches to sim folder
  * zbx
    - Fix clang compiler warnings
    - Fix compilation on clang-10

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Fri, 25 Jun 2021 01:13:18 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * b200:
    - Add unload-bootloader option to b2xx_fx3_utils
    - Update FX3 SDK for bootloader and firmware
    - Fix address for serial number in firmware
    - Enable power calibration API
    - Add a prop tree node usb_version
  * cal:
    - Add utility to update all .fbs files, or check the generated ones
    - Add pwr_cal container
  * cmake:
    - Use relative path to Python lib location for Windows installer
    - Add ability to pass CXXFLAGS to CMake environment
  * docs:
    - Add new CHDR format to transports
    - Update register maps
    - Update FPGA manual
    - Update mender commands for Zeus filesystems
    - Add section about network mode on E3xx devices
    - Add DPDK link detection section
    - Add Windows-specific UHD Python module notes
    - Add note about compiling on Ubuntu 20.04
    - Update PCIe xport instructions for NI Repos
    - n3xx: Include WX in table of N320 images
    - Add stream and transport args documentation
    - Update Basic/LF dboard references to use new operating mode
    - e3xx/n3xx: Add sections on FP-GPIOs and how to drive them
    - n3xx: Document eeprom flags
    - Add note about DPDK needing to be built as shared libraries
    - Change DPDK version to 18.11 and make args use underscores
    - Clarifying which devices support DPDK
  * dpdk:
    - Improve link status detection
    - Increase default num recv frames
    - Add new DPDK stack to integrate with I/O services
  * e31x:
    - Add retry to loopback_self_test
    - Change RFNoC Ctrl clock to 40 MHz
    - Fix timeout for timekeeper registers
    - Fix filter bank and antenna switching for channel 0
    - Swap out liberio for internal Ethernet
  * e320:
    - Fix timeout for timekeeper registers
    - Swap out liberio for internal Ethernet
  * examples:
    - Fix install paths in OOT RFNoC block example
    - Add usrp_power_meter example
    - Update test_messages example
    - Update gpio example
    - Add options to benchmark_rate
    - Add example out-of-tree module for RFNoC modules
    - Remove thread priority elevation
  * fpga:
    - Added AA image mappings to N320 image package
    - Add Replay Block to RFNoC Core Image
    - Update DRAM IO signatures
    - sim: chdr_stream_endpoint_tb improvements
    - sim: Fix stream command and status models
    - Update AXI interconnect address range for n3xx and e320
    - rfnoc: Update CHDR stream INIT command
    - Update coding guidelines
    - Replaced RFNoC architecture with new 4.0 version
    - Added modelsim make simulation target
    - Upgrade to Vivade 2019.1
    - Removed unused coregen files and modules
    - Removed fpga submodule and merged into uhd repo
    - lib: Change max FFT size to 1024
    - lib: add Intel MAX10 architecture for 2clk FIFO
    - rfnoc: Port RFNoC Keep One in N block to new RFNoC architecture
    - rfnoc: Port RFNoC Replay block to new RFNoC architecture
    - rfnoc: Port Signal Generator RFNoC block to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add Switchboard RFNoC block
    - Remove liberio
    - rfnoc: Port RFNoC Moving Average block to new RFNoC architecture
    - rfnoc: Port Log-Power block to new RFNoC architecture
    - rfnoc: Port RFNoC Window block to new RFNoC architecture
    - lib: Add synthesizable AXI4-Stream SV components
    - lib: Add interface and model for AXI4-Lite
    - rfnoc: Add support for 512-bit CHDR widths
    - rfnoc: Port RFNoC Add/Sub block to new RFNoC architecture
    - rfnoc: Port Vector IIR RFNoC block to new RFNoC architecture
    - lib: Add AXI-Stream splitter (axis_split)
  * lib:
    - Remove recursive locks in apply_corrections
    - Add power cal manager
    - deps: Add FlatBuffers 1.11.0 header files
    - Add DPDK service queue
  * mpm:
    - e31x: Accept FF terminated strings in eeprom (legacy support)
    - Return 10 Gbs link speed on failure
    - Exclude internal NIC for network hosts
    - Add ability to run scripts to MPM shell
    - n3xx: Remove eth1, eth2 from interface list
    - Default virtual NIC CHDR IP selection
    - Enable internal NIC on the N3xx
    - Clean up code, improve Pylint score
    - Move common mboard regs code to common location
  * mpmd:
    - Remove liberio
  * multi_usrp:
    - Fix connect/disconnect of RFNoC chains
    - Various multi_usrp_rfnoc fixes
  * n310:
    - Add Replay Block to default FGPA images
    - Fix GPIO registers
  * n320:
    - Add Replay Block to default FGPA images
    - Double radio ingress buffer size
    - Enable inverse sinc filter for DAC37J82
  * n3xx:
    - Fix timeout for timekeeper registers
    - Swap out liberio for internal Ethernet
  * python:
    - Add peek/poke bindings to noc_block_base
    - Add Keep One in N block controller bindings
    - Add replay RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add siggen RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add Switchboard block python bindings
    - Add moving average RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add bindings for C++ CHDR Parser
    - Add window RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add FFT RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add null RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add vector IIR RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add radio RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add FIR filter RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add Fosphor RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add DUC RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Add DDC RFNoC block controller bindings
    - Added new RFNoC image builder module under the uhd module
    - Remove Python2-specific code
    - Included complex.h to allow pybind to convert that data type
  * rfnoc:
    - replay: Update packet size on mtu update
    - Set null source/sink block initial state
    - Add support for 32-bit memory address widths to Replay block
    - Enable SEPs with connect_through_blocks
    - Exit disconnect() early if nodes not in node map
    - Add multichannel register interface
    - Added support for destruction of streamers
    - Add Keep One in N block support
    - Port siggen RFNoC block controller support to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add Switchboard block support
    - Port Moving Average block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port Log Power RFNoC block support to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port window RFNoC block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port Add/Sub RFNoC block support to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add USE_MAP prop/action forwarding policy
    - Port Split Stream RFNoC block to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port Vector IIR RFNoC block support to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port RFNoC fosphor block to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port FIR filter RFNoC block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add multichannel register interface
    - Add RFNoC Python API
    - Unify endianness of transports
    - Add DMA FIFO block controller
    - examples: Port examples to new RFNoC
    - Implement flushing on overrun
    - client_zero can track num SEPs and num ctrl EPs separately
    - Add basic round-robin allocation for links
    - Add ability to select transport for streamers to user APIs
    - Use link_stream_manager's mgmt_portal for all mgmt packets
    - graph: Optimize property propagation algorithm
    - Port DUC block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add MTU tracking
    - Implement overrun handling using action API
    - Port null block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add mb_controller API
    - Port radio block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port default block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Port DDC block controller to new RFNoC architecture
    - Add rfnoc_graph class
    - Add action API
    - Refactored CHDR packet interfaces
    - Add noc_block_base class
  * tests:
    - Fix build issue with Boost 1.67
    - Add unit tests for new RFNoC block controllers
    - Fix multi_usrp_test
    - Add unit tests for pwr_cal_mgr
    - Migrated rfnoc block tests to dedicated subdirectory
    - Add more tests for max rate streaming
    - Add tests to exercise max streaming rates and report results
  * tools:
    - Update dissectors for Wireshark major version 3, new CHDR
    - Update FPGA functional verification tests for X3x0 mcr's & dpdk
  * transport:
    - Implement eov indications for Rx and Tx streams
    - Implement an I/O service that uses an offload thread
    - Implement a single-threaded I/O service
  * twinrx:
    - Bypass adf535x feedback divider
    - Update synthesizer register values for improved rf performance
    - Fix increased noise floor
    - Remove decimation from frontend
  * uhd:
    - Disable optimizations for Mac for build speed
    - remove liberio
    - improved handling of empty serial number hints
    - Add discoverable_features API
    - Add reference power level API to multi_usrp and radio_control
    - Add fuzzy serial number checking
    - paths: Harmonize around XDG Base Directory specification
    - cal: Use usrp::cal::database instead of CSV files
    - cal: Add iq_cal calibration data container class
    - cal: Add calibration container class
    - cal: Add database class
    - Introduce I/O service manager
    - Replace usage of boost smart pointers with C++11 counterparts
    - add udp boost asio implementation of transport interface
    - Add thread affinity utility functions
    - types: Extend stream_cmd_t::num_samps to 64 bits
  * utils:
    - Expose CHDR Parsing API
    - Expose CHDR Types in Public API
    - Support expressions for num_ports in block defs
    - Let uhd_images_downloader also use HTTPS proxies
    - Fix FPGA search in rfnoc_image_builder from fpga-src to fpga
    - Add convert_cal_data utility
    - image_builder: Support parameterized number of ports on blocks
  * x300:
    - Add Replay Block to default FGPA images
    - Update frame sizes for 10GbE
    - Fix for incorrect PCIe buffer size values
    - Change default dboard clock rate from 50 to 100 MHz
    - Update maximum bitstream size
    - Enable power reference API
    - Expand DRAM address space to 1G
    - Add front-panel GPIO source control

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Sun, 13 Sep 2020 12:08:55 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N320: Fix MCR initialization, fix checks for LO distribution board,
    reset RX IQ balance on init, replace DRAM FIFO with replay block,
    improve constraints, fix I/Q imbalance compensation, add FPGPIO control
  * N310: increase default dc offset averaging window, make tunes
    asynchronous, add capability to control RF filter bypass and freq.band
    limits, fix setting user DB EEPROM, correctly report N321 vs N320,
    improve DDR3 BIST, update max revision to 7, fix DMA arbitration to
    use contiguous packets, replace DRAM FIFO with replay block, fix SFP
    link up status, add workaround for clocking interference with external
    reference clocks, disable gpsdo clock/time source options when
  * X300: Fix max bitfile size, fix GPIO ATR property access type, heavily
    refactor, introduce conn_mgr, add DPDK support, add
    capability to flash NI-2974 FPGA, fix clocking code, enable 11.52 MHz
    and 23.04 MHz system ref rates, improve usage of constrained device
    args, enable ADC gain through RFNoC API, add mode to set master clock
    rate to arbitrary values between 184.32 and 200 MHz, throttle
  * E320: Fix time source clobbering ref source, add support for RevE, fix
    reporting of FPGA version hash, fix SFP link up status, fix missing
    ce_clk driver
  * E310: Convert to MPM architecture, fix uhd_image_loader usage, fix DMA
    arbitration to use contiguous packets, reduced DMA chans to 4 (using
    data stream muxing), fix DRAM_TEST target build
  * E3xx: Correct frontend name in devtest
  * B200: Add command to query bootloader status, fix sc12 streaming, fix
    FIFO sizes on GPIFII interface
  * UBX: add temperature compensation mode
  * SBX: Only update ATRs when lock state changes
  * TwinRX: add LO charge pump properties, increase default charge pump
    value on LO1, add low spur tuning mode, fix duplicate write to N value
    in DDC
  * RFNoC/device3: Read command FIFO size from device instead of
    hardcoding values, fix multidevice graph connections, ENABLE_RFNOC now
    defaults to ON, search all nodes for tick rate, add update_graph()
    call which lets blocks do a graph-wide update of properties, fix
    missing port arg in SR_WRITE Noc-Script call, constrain
    send/recv_frame_size baed on MTU, fix flushing on init/deinit, disable
    FC ACKs for lossless links
  * RFNOC/FPGA: Fix rb_stb in split stream block, fix off-by-one error in
    the window block, fix phase reset and -accumulator for DDC and DUC
    blocks, fix flushing on split-stream block, fix DC offset issue with
    DDS by using proper rounding, fix DUC/DDC sample rate switching by
    latching N on M in axi_rate_change, various fixes to
    uhd_image_builder, fix MTU settings in blocks, align byte count to
    8-byte word
  * RFNOC: Allow UHD_RFNOC_DIR to contain multiple paths
  * Python API: Replace Boost.Python with PyBind11, fix benchmark_rate
    statistics, fix phase alignment test script
  * Python API: Added include of complex.h to allow pybind to convert
    complex data types
  * Python API: Make multi_usrp::get_*_usrp_info() return a Python dict
  * Python API: Fix array processing in send_waveforms()
  * UHD: Allow ignoring fallthrough warnings, reduce Boost footprint,
    remove gpsd dependency, improve streaming, reduced the number of
    compiler warnings, introduce pop() to the prop tree, add typecast
    operator from uhd::dict<> to std::map<>, properly cache config file
  * MPM/mpmd: Introduce compatible rev numbers to support future hardware,
    fix some resource leaks in mpmd, fix spurious reclaims causing
    unnecessary warnings, fix resource leaks in liberio xport, allow to
    mux data streams over liberio transports (e.g. to require fewer DMA
    channels on E310), wait for DPDK links to come up before proceeding,
    relax failure handling when updating components (fixes spurious errors
    when updating FPGA images over SFP), fix issue where RPC
    initialization would hang on failure
  * MPM:  Re-enable RPC server timeouts after components have been updated
  * MPMD: Remove arbitraty frame size defaults for UDP transports
  * MPMD: Fix incorrect link rate warnings
  * FPGA: Use new device-tree overlay syntax, upgraded to Vivado 2018.3,
    broke various paths with critical timing, allow SystemVerilog source
    files, improve viv_modify_bd and viv_modify_tcl_bd, fix resets on 2clk
  * USB: Allow cancelled USB requests to occur
  * USB: Fix global session race condition
  * Logging: Always honour log level, don't log colours for non-ttys, fix
    includes, demote various log messages, fix logging colours, fix
    deadlock on Windows machines
  * Examples: Fix benchmark_rate INIT_DELAY, fix memory leak in
  * Examples: Remove thread priority elevation
  * Examples: Add options to benchmark_rate for start delays and priority
  * Tests: Make the Python interpreter for devtests a parameter, add unit
    tests to MPM
  * Utilities: Fix converter benchmark for Py3k and scaling issue
  * Tools: Fix kitchen_sink
  * Tools: Fix Wireshark dissectors to work with WS1, 2, and 3
  * Tools: Various fixes to FPGA functional verification tests
  * Docs: Various fixes, fix Doxygen warnings, fix links to KB, update
    DPDK information about building libraries, add DPDK subsection about
    thread priorities, update testing procedures
  * C API: Add uhd_get_abi_string, uhd_get_version_string
  * CMake: Make manpage compression optional, allow setting of PKG_DOC_DIR
    from the CMake commandline, add replay example, fix missing 'project',
    replace ENABLE_PYTHON3 with a simpler Python detection, clean up
    superfluous modules, improve log statements, bump dependency min
    versions, add MPM unit testing, fix missing BIGOBJ for MSVC, add our
    own UHDBoost.cmake to better find Boost across versions and systems,
    constrain DPDK check to exact version
  * Formatting: Apply clang-format to all files, break after template<>

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  N320: Terminate the DAC when not transmitting
  E320: Add support for rev E
  E320: Added .gitignore for FPGA build products
  X300: Add DPDK support
  X300: add capability to flash NI-2974 FPGA
  X300: Broke two critical timing paths in FPGA
  X300: fixed udp WSA buffer size assignment issue
  E310: Fix DRAM_TEST target build
  B200: Add bootloader for FX3 (fix for B2xx failing to enumerate)
  TwinRX: Expose charge pump current for LO2
  TwinRX: Add low spur mode for LO2
  TwinRX: increase rev c lo1 charge pump default value
  TwinRX: Fix tick rate
  Device3: Constraint send/recv_frame_size based on down/upstream MTU
  Device3: Fix MTU and default frame sizes
  RFNoC: Search all nodes for tick rates
  RFNoC: Change default address for the reg readbacks
  uhd_image_builder: Let the OOT module point to folders not named "rfnoc"
  uhd_image_builder: Add --auto-inst-src
  MPMD: Fix spurious reclaim call after unclaim
  MPMD: Release resources on destruction
  MPM: Add SW/HW compat
  liberio: Release context holder on destruction of last liberio xport
  transport: fixed a pre-mature buffer reset
  nirio: Fix typo in nirio_zero_copy
  GPSD: fix API for 'gps_read'
  AD9361: Fix return values for tune and set_clock_rate
  DUC/DDC: Fix phase reset and accumulation
  cores: Use NSDMI consistently in ?x_dsp_core_3000.*
  Logging: fix deadlock issue on Windows machines
  Logging: Fix ANSI colour codes
  Utils: Add X300/X310 reset utility
  Docs: Improved Windows-related build instructions
  Docs: Add link to README for building custom filesystems for N3xx
  sim: Fixing the port number in use for connection
  tools: Fix for proj creation in ip_utils for tcl-based IP
  tests: Fix mock_ctrl_iface for 32-bit MSVC

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N320: Add support for N320 and N321
  * USRP-2974: Add support for USRP-2974
  * DPDK: Add DPDK-based sockets-like library (for N3xx)
  * N3xx: clocking API changes for transitioning clock and time sources
  * N3xx: Bump max rev to G/6
  * N3xx: Improve error messages for invalid clock/time settings
  * N3xx: Get RFNoC crossbar baseport from FPGA
  * N3xx: init peripherals before loading FPGA (to fix SFP0 init issues)
  * N3xx: Move Linux kernel to 4.15
  * N3xx/E320: Prepend SDK filename with device name
  * N3xx: Update max rev to 7 (H)
  * N3xx: Remove DDR3 from standard BIST collection
  * N3xx: BIST: Improve DDR3 BIST to check for DmaFIFO
  * N3xx: BIST: Auto-load the AA image for the ddr3 BIST
  * N3xx: BIST: DDR3 test only enumerates first block
  * N310: Modify AD9371 reset function to keep it in reset
  * N310: move init_rf_cal before JESD de/framer bringup
  * N310: Fix sporadic power on failures (requires firmware update)
  * E3xx: Increase spp limit for E3xx radio
  * E320: bist: Fix ref_clock lock test implementation
  * E320: bist: Add link_up test
  * E320: Add all 5 temp sensors, fan sensor and rssi sensors per channel
  * E320: Fix tx/rx atr - antenna and frequency settings
  * E320: Enable devtest for E320
  * E320: images: Separate images package for Aurora image
  * E320: Get RFNoC crossbar baseport from FPGA
  * E320: add fpga_version_hash to e320 device info
  * E310: Fix initialization of antenna and frequency values
  * E31x: Destruct RFNoC before loading idle image
  * X300: Reduce default send_frame_size to 4000 over Ethernet
  * X300: Change Ethernet buffering
  * X300: Log git hash and compat number as debug message
  * X300: Move defaults to their own header
  * X300: Use constrained_args
  * X300: Enable clock_source and time_source device args
  * X300: NIRIO: Demote RPC client cancel/abort to TRACE
  * X300: remove default_buff_args properties
  * X300: Remove 120 MHz master_clock_rate option
  * X300: Set minimum master clock rate to 184.32 MHz
  * X300: Factor our PID -> MB type and MB type -> product name mapping
  * X300: Remove usage of boost::bind
  * X300: Fix compiler warnings related to type conversions
  * X300: Fix tick and sample rate setting
  * X300: Enable ADC gain through RFNoC API
  * X300: Demote NIRIO rpc client start/stop log messages to DEBUG
  * X300: Enable 11.52 MHz and 23.04 MHz system ref rates
  * X300: Enable x300_device_args.to_string()
  * X300: Catch more inconsistencies in x300_device_args
  * X300: Removed invalid 200 MHz sysref rate
  * X300: Change PLL CP currents in x300_clock_ctrl
  * B200: Remove superfluous fake lambda
  * B200: Add support for user regs
  * B200: Fix compiler warnings related to type conversions
  * B100: Move fifo_ctrl_excelsior to b100 subdir
  * B100: Fix fifo_ctrl_excelsior not exiting
  * B100: Remove all Boostisms from fifo_ctrl_excelsior
  * B100: Demote some clocking-related log messages to trace
  * MPM: Get list of temperatures from all thermal zones
  * MPM: add link_speed xport_info
  * MPM: Add __mpm_device__ as usrp_hwd module variable
  * MPM: Add usrp_update_fs
  * MPM: Add i2c APIs for simple transfers
  * MPM: Add vector-based transfer function for i2c
  * MPM: Add variable configuration support to nijesdcore
  * MPM: Add eyescan utility to nijesdcore
  * MPM: Add PRBS-31 testing to nijesdcore
  * MPM: Add convenience function to pull i2c bus from device tree
  * MPM: Open and close i2c file descriptor on every access
  * MPM: Multiprocessing instead of threading for claimer loop
  * MPM: Factor out user EEPROM code into own module
  * MPM: Add gpgga sensor function to GPSd iface
  * MPM: Add bridge mode support
  * MPM: Parameterize max UDP link allocation
  * MPM: xport: add commit_xport docstring
  * MPM: Improve error message on double-claim
  * MPMD: Parallelize broadcast-finding
  * MPMD: add option to enum rfnoc blocks from args
  * MPMD: add link speed to xport udp
  * MPMD: Add API to set RPC timeout atomically
  * MPMD: Move timeout constants to header
  * MPMD: Use new RPC API with timeout
  * MPMD: Increase claim_rpc call timeout
  * MPMD: implement get_*x_hints
  * MPMD: honor user supplied send/recv_frame_size args
  * MPMD: Use 4096 bytes for frame size for liberio transport
  * MPMD: Use init timeout for update_component
  * MPMD: Allow reclaim failures on component updates
  * MPMD: Fix typecast warning in property tree default settings
  * Device: Parallelize device discovery
  * Device3: Move from packet-based to byte-based flow control
  * Device3: Constrain send_buff_size to input fifo size
  * Device3: remove tx_hint[send_buff_size]
  * Device3: Replace NULL with 0 for empty function pointers
  * Device3: Remove redundant function call
  * Device3: Fix flow control window and interval
  * UHD: Release recv buffers earlier in rx_streamer
  * UHD: Fix ADF400x driver for ref counter and charge pump mode
  * UHD: Improve constrained_device_args_t
  * UHD API: Add multi_usrp::get_user_settings_iface()
  * UHD: Remove usage of time_t (except when required)
  * UHD: add default xport params to udp_zero_copy
  * UHD: Update rx_frontend_gen3.v controls for 1/4-rate mixer
  * UHD API: Move definition of ALL_MBOARDS and ALL_CHANS constants to
             CPP file.
  * UHD: Add traffic counter to null source sink
  * UHD API: Add multi_usrp::set_sync_source() API
  * UHD: Improve documentation for the UHD exception types
  * UHD: Improve documentation for set_{time,clock,sync}_source
  * UHD: add .clang-format file
  * UHD: Add device arg to enable dual ethernet for tx
  * UHD API: Add sync source to Python API
  * UHD API: Add support for Tx LO control to C API
  * UHD: Improve compatibility of abs() calls
  * UHD: include <stdint.h> for int64_t for time_spec
  * UHD: Updates to coding guidelines
  * UHD: Fix MSVC warnings by changing a size_t to unsigned int or
  * UHD: Add potentially missing but sometimes inferred include for
  * UHD: Add default xport params to udp_wsa_zero_copy
  * UHD: Move device3 flow control functions to header for benchmark
  * UHD: Make sure BOOST_VERSION is always available
  * UHD: Make clang-format skip formatting for some data structures
  * UHD: Remove vim hints in headers
  * UHD/MPM: Apply clang-format to all files
  * UHD: Add modified clang-format for headers
  * UHD: Replace uhd::math::log2 with std::log2
  * UHD: Replace boost::*::{lcm,gcd}() with portable versions
  * UHD API: Change get_{tx/rx}_dc_offset_range default from ALL_CHANS
             to 0
  * UHD: Revert to boost instead of std for sleep in some instances
  * UHD: Replace Boost macros with custom ones for endianness
  * UHD: muxed_zero_copy_if fixes
  * UHD: Replace Boost lock & mutex with std variety for AD9361 code
  * UHD: fix includes for boost::noncopyable
  * UHD: Fix buffer size warning on UDP transport
  * UHD: Remove duplicate operator=() for sid_t
  * UHD: Fix conversion warning in max287x
  * UHD: Fix various type-conversion compiler warnings
  * RFNoC: Convert SR_READBACK_REG_FIFOSIZE to bytes
  * RFNoC: Add ability to enable/disable RX timestamp
  * RFNoC: add async message handler
  * RFNoC: Changes to traffic counter register names
  * RFNoC: Fix replay example port args
  * RFNoC: Fix default SPP for replay
  * RFNoC: Add halt to replay API
  * RFNoC: Fix late packet errors
  * RFNoC: Fix detection of outstanding acks by ctrl_iface
  * RFNoC: Add some missing virtual destructors
  * RFNoC: Update FIFO XML definition
  * RFNoC: Prevent unnecessary FC ACK packets
  * RFNoC: More graph traversal fixes
  * RFNoC: Fix scaling of M and N values in DDC/DUC
  * RFNoC: Fix typos in legacy_compat
  * RFNoC: Limit number of control packets in flight
  * RFNoC: Disable FC ACK packets for lossless links
  * RFNoC: Add valid num_input_ports check to node_ctrl_base
  * Utils: Add Zip test to downloader
  * Utils: Factor wait_for_lo_lock() out of cal utils
  * Utils: Add check for gdb_eeprom before accessing
  * Utils: Deny positional options in uhd_image_loader
  * Utils: Set tx gain to max for rx iq cal
  * Tools: Add tool to analyze settling time of gain and freq changes
  * Tools: Make the UHD source gen a plugin for the phase alignment test
  * Test: Add Python API test
  * Test: Integrate Python API Tester into Devtest
  * Test: Add graph impl test to device3_test
  * Test: Retrofit sph test to use new mock transport
  * Test: Enable rx_samples_to_file in devtest for X300
  * Test: Fix CMake `endif` warning for devtest
  * Test: Fix compiler warning about unused timestamp
  * Test: Add #include <thread> in system time test
  * Test: Add benchmark of streaming code paths
  * Test: replace has_key by using 'in'
  * Test: Add universal_newlines to subprocess call in devtest
  * Examples: add rfnoc_radio_loopback example
  * Examples: Add benchmark_streamer example
  * Examples: Add dual measurements to benchmark_streamer
  * Examples: Clean up rfnoc_radio_loopback example
  * Examples: Add keyboard controls to rx_ascii_art_dft
  * Examples: Add benchmark_streamer support for multi-channel streamer
  * Examples: Optimize benchmark_rate start time
  * Examples: Improve formatting and comments in tx_waveforms
  * Examples: Optimize tx_waveforms memory allocations
  * Examples: change boost to std for time commands
  * Examples: Add LO Offset to rx_samples_to_file
  * Examples: update lo-offset naming in tx from file
  * Examples: Add lo-offset to tx_waveforms
  * Examples: Improved error message in tx_waveforms
  * Examples: Move ascii_art_dft main function within include guard
  * Examples: Fix boundary condition in ascii_art_dft plotting
  * Docs: Fix Doxygen warnings
  * Docs: Add info on how to implement user regs on B200
  * Docs: Add manual page on compat numbers
  * Docs: Add comments for TwinRX and MCR
  * Docs: N3xx page shell formatting and bb image
  * Docs: n3xx: fix Salt formatting
  * Docs: Add note on manually disabling NEON extensions
  * Docs: Fixed typos in N3xx image names (SD card build)
  * Docs: Add notes on external reference frequencies for X300
  * CMake: Bump CMake minimum version to 2.8.12
  * CMake: Change SOVERSION and VERSION for the library files
  * CMake: Extend list of additional Boost versions
  * CMake: fix variable usage
  * Cmake: remove Boost from dyn libs for tests on Apple
  * Cmake: Fix MSVC options (add /bigobj)
  * Cmake: Use native format for setup.py
  * CPack: Fix RPM generation

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * E320: Fix front panel GPIO readback
  * E320: Fix master_clock_rate setting
  * E320: Print extra ouptut for ref_clock BIST
  * E320: Fix gps_locked type
  * E320: Fix return value of get_fpga_type()
  * N3xx: Enable setting clock and time sources at runtime
  * N3xx: Add ref_clock BIST
  * N3xx: Improve set_time_source() and set_clock_source()
  * N3xx: Add exception for init failure
  * N3xx: Remove HA, XA images packages
  * N3xx: Change init() procedure to reduce configuration time
  * N310: Add frequency bounds
  * N310: Fix RX antenna mapping
  * N310: Add log messages when re-initializing dboards
  * N310: Add skip_rfic argument to reduce time of BIST
  * N310: Add initialization of TX bandwidth
  * E310: Fix initialization of antenna and frequency values
  * E310: Type-cast fix for Boost
  * X300: Improve firmware compat error message
  * X300: Updated niusrprio driver
  * X300: Add recovery for duplicate IP addresses in EEPROM
  * X300: Prevent duplicate MAC and IP addresses from being programmed
  * X300: New mode to configure master clock rate
  * X300: Implement RFNoC get antenna functions
  * B2xx: Fix values of MASK_GPIO_SHDN_SW and GPIO_AUX_PWR_ON in firmware
  * B2xx: Revert changes to DSP core to fix scaling factor adjustment
  * B2xx: Restore asynchronous reset of AD936x
          (fixes LIBUSB_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW and unexpected sid errors)
  * TwinRX: enable ch1 lo amps if ch2 is using an external lo source
  * TwinRX: Correctly initialize antenna mapping on X300
  * TwinRX: Revise ADF5356 frac2 register calculation to prevent drifting spurs
  * TwinRX: Fix initialization
  * TwinRX: Tuning improvements
  * TwinRX: Enable phase resync on ADF535x
  * TwinRX: Make routing to LO1 and LO2 mutually exclusive
  * BasicRX/LFRX: Fix real mode in rx_frontend_core_3000
  * UHD: Define UHD_API as empty string when building static lib
  * UHD: Changed to 'all_matching' endpoint resolution for udp_simple transport
  * UHD: Add CMake flag for NEON SIMD
  * UHD: Fix usb_dummy_impl compilation in MSVC
  * UHD: Reconcile time_spec operators with boost concepts
  * UHD: Fix rounding in ddc/duc rate calculation
  * UHD: Increase MPMD RPC timeout when calling set_time_source()
  * UHD: Fix RX streamer SOB and EOB handling
  * UHD: Add UHD_SAFE_CALL to block_ctrl_base destructor
  * UHD: Change SOVERSION to ABI string and VERSION to full UHD version
  * UHD: Update cmake style to use lower case commands
  * UHD: Improve logic for UHD_IMAGES_DIR
  * UHD: Fix return value of get_rolloff() for filters
  * UHD: Properly register devtest
  * UHD: Fix log statement for Port number on RFNoC block
  * UHD: Use "MATCHES" instead of "STREQUAL" for "Clang"
  * UHD: Fix GPGGA string formatting for gpsd
  * Device3: Set default block control response SIDs
  * Device3: Fix block control flushing
  * RFNoC: Improved flushing mechanism in noc_shell and dma_fifo
  * RFNoC: Install missing dma_fifo_block_ctrl header
  * RFNoC: Replace some [] with .at() in radio_ctrl_impl
  * RFNoC: Fix graph traversal
  * MPM: Add Git hash, version to device info
  * MPM: Reset the RPC server upon reload
  * MPM: TDC: Update PDAC BIST and flatness test to use latest APIs
  * MPM: Fix handling of 0-valued dt-compat
  * MPM: Fix GPSD sensor names for N3xx and E320
  * MPM: Add args to update_ref_clock_freq to properly support dynamic setting
  *      of clock and time references
  * MPM: Fix Pylint warnings
  * MPM: Identify sysfs gpios more generically
  * MPM: Add lock_guard() function
  * MPM: Factor E320 and N3xx BIST code into common module
  * MPM: Add gpsd error handling
  * MPM: Add FPGA git hash to device info
  * MPMD: Increase RPC timeout during readng mb sensor
  * MPMD: Improve error message for compat number mismatches
  * Python API: Enable Python API on Windows
  * Python API: Change .dll to .pyd for Win32
  * Python API: Fixing Boost.Python initializer visibility
  * Python API: Fix duration of benchmark rate
  * Python API: Add missing constructors of time_spec_t
  * Python API: Expose streamer timeouts
  * Python API: Tighten the scope of releasing the GIL
  * Python API: Add device_addr_t
  * Python API: Populate the tune_result_t binding
  * Utils: Many fixes and enhancements for uhd_images_downloader
  * Utils: Update query_gpsdo_sensors to work on E310
  * Examples: Removed some legacy code patterns from RFNoC examples
  * Examples: Fix channel argument for rx_samples_to_file
  * Examples: Fix benchmark_rate MIMO synchronization
  * Examples: Add phase alignment example
  * Examples: Fix RX antenna not being applied in txrx_loopback_to_file
  * Test: Add more env vars, make Py3k compatible
  * Test: Add multi_usrp_test.py to devtest
  * Test: Clean up, refactor, and improve devtest
  * Test: Enable rx_samples_to_file in E320 devtest and N3xx devtest
  * Test: Reduce sample rate for E320 1G devtest
  * Test: Add unit test for eeprom_utils
  * Docs: Add clock_source and time_source to n3xx argument list and fix WR clock_source call
  * Docs: Minor tweaks to the Python API manual page
  * Docs: Add E320 test procedures
  * Docs: Added TwinRX page
  * Docs: Fix N210 MIMO Phase Alignment test command
  * Docs: Add E320 information
  * Docs: Improve sections on clock/time references
  * Docs: Add section on X300 motherboard clocking
  * Docs: Add more information on Salt for N3xx and E320
  * Docs: Adjust E310 functional verification tests
  * Docs: Add documentation on GIL release
  * Debian: Update control files
  * Images: Add N3xx CPLD file to manifest

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N3xx: Fix issue where changing the clock/time source could result in
          clocks becoming unlocked
  * N3xx: Improve error messages for invalid clock/time settings
  * N3xx: Add support for Rev G mboard
  * MPM: Add function parameter to support holding AD9371 in reset
  * Docs: Add section on building fs/SD images for N3xx
  * Docs: Fix Doxygen warnings

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N3xx: Fix UIO usage in Aurora BIST
  * N3xx: Fix EEPROM parsing (for upcoming hardware)
  * UHD: Fix install path for Python API

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N3x0: Enable fast-reinit, fix power level issue, accept 0x01 PID for
          AD9371, fix concurrency issues with Liberio
  * B200: Fix sc8/sc12 modes, fix frame-size related issues, fix tick rate
          coercion, fix issues on update of tick rate, fix EOB-not-seen
  * E310: Move to RFNoC architecture (this disables network mode!)
  * UBX: Fix phase synchronization for 184.32 MHz master clock rate,
  * multi_usrp: Fix get_?x_info() API calls
  * UHD: Remove more Boost usage, fix some compiler warnings, default to
         all-channels subdev specs for X3x0 and N3x0, various LMX2592
         fixes, bump minimum CMake to 2.8.2, fix logging dtor issues
  * RFNoC: Merge all existing RFNoC features into master
  * FPGA: Fix various testbenches, add batch testbench execution mode,
          improve uhd_image_builder and uhd_image_builder_gui, add all
          existing RFNoC features
  * Add Python API
  * MPM: Enable Rev2 EEPROM format, fix some rare issues when detecting
         Ethernet devices
  * CMake: Allow to override UHD_GIT_BRANCH, fix Python-finding logic, add
           ENABLE_N300 target

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N3x0: Add White Rabbit support, add N300 support, standard BIST
          includes fan, fix issue with 1GigE, switch to 2 radio blocks
          with 2 channels each, upgrade TDC to version 2.0, fix issue in
          ARM deframer
  * X300: Enable BasicRX to use A/B/AB/BA muxing setups, more consistent
          logging, fix enumeration issue with TwinRX
  * USRP2/N2x0: Re-add ability to modulate in the DAC, improve ISE
                settings to better meet timing
  * B205mini: Fix global reset, improve timing in b205_ref_pll
  * UHD: Remove a lot of Boost usage, mostly replaced by C++11 features,
         more unit tests, fix Boost 1.67 compatibility, fix compiler
         warnings, add API to query clock rate range, fix get_usrp_?x_info
  * MPM: Refactored N3xx code, moved C++ standard to 14, refactor
         Boost.Python bindings, use CMake variable MPM_DEVICE
  * Logging: Allow disabling fastpath msgs at runtime
  * Docs: Clarified meaning of DSP frequencies, improved manual
          section on synchronization, added some known issues to B100,
          USRP2, and USRP1, update test test procedure description
  * Examples: Improved benchmark_rate (added failure thresholds, fixed
    incorrect calculation of samples on drops, fixed timeout values),
    minor fixes to txrx_loopback_to_file
  * Utils: Handle U's in calibration tools, create-lvbitx.py is now Py3k
           compatible, fixed git-hash.sh
  * RFNoC: DDCs/DUCs use DDSes instead of CORDIC, add DMA-based replay
           block in FPGA, add 64-bit support to axi_wrapper, add compat
           number to radio block,
  * Debian: Fix rules file, fix Changelog format
  * Fix license headers
  * This release includes all bugfixes and features from previous
    releases, in particular, the 3.11.* release cycle
  * Known issues: N310: In some rare scenarios at high rates, streaming
    can fail and even bring the FPGA into a bad state.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N310: fix compiler warnings
  * N310: Implement digital loopback
  * N3xx: Add N3xx devtest
  * X300: Properly coerce master clock rate (tick rate)
  * X300: handle bad weak_ptr during pcie discovery
  * X300: handle bad weak_ptr during pcie discovery
  * X300: Fix check_radio_config() to fix errors when using a single dboard
          in slot A
  * B200: docs: Suggest modifying recv_frame_size for more stability
  * B200: Fix bandwidth warnings and ranges
  * N2xx: Fix regression issue that limited tuning range
  * UBX: Change antenna functions to coercers on antenna/value properties
  * adf4002: Fix register programming for power down bit
  * UHD: Fix config file path for some Windows builds
  * UHD: Add operators == and != for uhd::dict
  * UHD: Add device_addr_t constructor from map
  * UHD: Fix range of gain group to skip gains with zero step
  * UHD: Changes to support Boost 1.67
  * UHD: Correctly set end of burst flag in RX metadata
  * UHD: Reduce usage of boost::assign, boost::this_thread::sleep, and boost:bind
  * UHD: Update multi_usrp::get_usrp_?x_info() for MPM devices
  * UHD: Refactor static const values to fix linker errors in niusrprio
  * mpm: cmake: Add git hash and version info to Python module
  * mpm: Add reference counters to UIO
  * mpm: Add offset to EEPROM reads
  * mpm: Disable PPS out during initialization
  * mpm: Update cmake to find the correct python3
  * mpm: Bump maximum supported revision to 5 (Rev F)
  * mpm: Fixed db slot typo in db-id
  * mpm: Increased claim timeout, made a separate RPC connection for claim, and
         added asyn calls for long RPC executions
  * mpm: Improve xport<->SFP mapping algorithm
  * mpmd: Improved find routine to fail fast and verify correct device is
  * mpmd: Add missing virtual destructors
  * rfnoc/x300: Make sure peek32() and peek64() are called with actual addresses
  * rfnoc: ctrl_iface cleanup
  * rfnoc radio: Improve warning for too many samples requested
  * rfnoc radio: get_rx_stream resets sequence num
  * examples: Increase settling time, increase buffer fill time, and fix subdevice
              selection in txrx_loopback_to_file
  * examples: Improvements to benchmark_rate
  * utils: downloader supports multiple RegExs
  * utils: Added code to handle underruns during self calibration
  * utils: Fix 30s tiemout in query_gpsdo_sensors
  * logging: Improve style consistency and demote some messages
  * logging: Fix UHD_LOG_FILE cmake variable
  * Docs: Add Known Issues section to USRP1, B100, and USRP2/N2x0
  * Docs: Hide dependencies directory from Doxygen
  * Docs: Clarify subdev specs and magnesium driver usage for N300/N310
  * cmake: Improve warning for missing requests
  * cmake: update NSIS template
  * cmake: Remove images downloader section (replaced by manifest)

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N300: Added driver support (includes some refactoring of N3xx
  * MPM: Fix PyLint warnings, Fix error handling for TCA communication
    errors, Fix printout of AD9371 version
  * uhd_images_downloader: Create unique archive names for images archives
    (now include git hashes in the filename)
  * uhd_images_downloader: Fix SHA256 check
  * utils: Add support for N3xx filesystem images to images downloader
  * UHD: Minor logging fixes
  * UHD: fix legacy compat to work with 2TX radio block
  * X300: improve lvbitx bitstream md5 read time
  * examples: Enhance benchmark_rate with more stats and timestamps for errors
  * cmake: Correctly fail when an unavailable component is requested
  * debian: Add UHDConfig.cmake to install list for libuhd-dev

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N310: Added driver
  * UBX: Add support for CAL antenna for Rev E
  * Added the module peripheral manager (MPM) with all subcomponents (N310
    drivers, mpm_shell, RPC server, BIST, etc.)
  * UHD: Added rpclib as a internally tracked dependency
  * UHD: Reduced the usage of Boost
  * UHD: Updated uhd_images_downloader: Now uses more elaborate manifest to
    optimize downloads
  * UHD: Introduced uhdlib internal include paths
  * UHD: Add support for configuration files. USRP settings can now be set using
    a uhd.conf file in addition to device args
  * UHD: Add narrow and narrow_cast
  * gr-usrptest: Various bugfixes
  * Updated required Vivado version to 2017.4
  * Updated all license headers to use SPDX identifiers and correctly identify
    Ettus Research as part of National Instruments
  * This release includes all bugfixes and features from previous releases, in
    particular, the 3.10.* release cycle

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * X300
  ** Fix max rate calculation for 1 GbE
  ** Fix for DAC synchronization errors (unexpected FIFO depth)
  ** Reduced CPU usage during TX
  * N230
  ** Properly initialize request structure before discovery
  * B200
  ** FX3 firmware performance opitimizations
  ** Fixed sequence error on second TX burst
  * TwinRX
  ** Added ADF5356 synth and Rev C support
  * UBX
  ** Add implementation of TDD xcvr_mode and for TX PA on in TDD mode (to reduce transient on older revs)
  ** Add support for UBX-TDD
  * C API
  ** Fixed dboard EEPROM revision error handling
  ** Make uhd_rx_streamer_last_error use SAFE_C
  ** Better error handling in uhd_usrp_get_[t/r]x_stream
  * RFNoC
  ** Fix ctrl_iface to pop sequence numbers only after success
  ** Fix sequence number error message in ctrl_iface
  ** FPGA fix for sr_read() failure to ack errors
  ** FPGA fix for repeated sequence number for RX packets with 1 sample
  ** FPGA fix for axi_serializer edge case
  * Docs
  ** Fixed B200 power LED description
  ** Update README application links
  * UHD
  ** Utilize poll() instead of select() for UDP transports where possible to avoid descirptor limits
  ** Fix build with Boost 1.66
  ** Add EEPROM info to dboard_base class so daughterboard code can access all EEPROM info

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * multi_usrp: Fixed get_normalized_tx_gain.
  * E300: Fix for streamer recreation issue. Reduced minimum timeout, fixed
          potential race condition.
  * X300: Fix for network discovery, will now return early when correct serial is
          found. Fixed issue with DAC sync. All async messages now go through
          single DMA channel on PCIe. Improved TX performance. Fixed page size
          acquisition for PCIe. Fixed some FW communication errors. Improved flow
          control. Removed MTU throttling. Legacy compat falls back to min spp
          for mixed transport types.
  * CBX: Fixed LO LPF behaviour in 1.5-2 GHz range.
  * UBX: Fixed dtor SIGABRT issue. Better error handling for various dboard clock
  * TwinRX: Added LO reimport feature.
  * GPSDO: Improved detection. Improved query_gpsdo sensor.
  * RFNoC: Fixed issue with DDC and DUC command tick rate.
  * UHD: Fixed potential memory leak in tasks. Fixed get_normalized_tx_gain().
         Fixed default socket buffer size to honor MTU.
  * Examples: Added channel param to samps to/from file. sync_to_gps exits
              instead of uncaught throw. latency_test improved output. Use
              next_pps in test_clock_synch. Added TwinRX FHSS example.
  * Utils: Modified behaviour of uhd_images_downloader so it won't delete dirs
           when using -i
  * Tools: Updates to CHDR dissector. Added set_time_source_out(). Fixed LO API.
  * C API: Fixed some missing fields in USRP info.
  * Docs: Many minor fixes. Fixed Doxygen warnings related to /* in files.
  * CMake: Fixed GCC 4.4 compilation issue. Added ability to specify package

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Docs: The protocol for Gen-3 devices is now consistently referred to as CHDR.
  * X300: Fixed EEPROM corruption bug (happened when two processes would access
    find routines on the same device at the same time). Improved initialization
    time. CE clock is now 214 MHz. Fixed channel list generation. Find routines
    now more lenient in case one devices fails (others can still be found then).
    Improve PCIe behaviour. Fix timed commands for non-TwinRX dboards. Improve
    AXI Interconnect (faster, improved build timing).
  * N230: Use second_addr (like X300).
  * C API: Added UHD_VERSION macro. Fixed online rate change.
  * Utils: Minor fixes to uhd_images_downloader.
  * Build/CMake: Fixed some Py3k build issues. Fixed many compiler warnings. Allow
    to specify package names.
  * RFNoC: Fixed sampling rate mismatch error. Noc-Shell uses a non-cascaded 2-clk
    FIFO. Increase default FIFO sizes on DUC and DDC blocks.
  * UBX: Force on RX driver to eliminate transient.
  * Transport code: Fixed memory leak.
  * FPGA repository: Merged usrp3_rfnoc and usrp3 directories again. Cleaned up
    superfluous files. Clean separation between Gen-3 and other devices in usrp3.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Fixed multiple compiler warnings
  * Multiple documentation fixes
  * X300: RX strobe lines are always in sync on device initialization. DB EEPROM
    now properly written. ignore-cal-file no longer ignored. Fixed case where too
    large recv_frame_size settings could break things. Reduced ZPU clock speed
    (helps FPGA timing). Added area constraints for AXI interconnect. Improved
    halfband scaling in rx_frontend. Improved PCIe streaming reliability
  * B2xx: Clear sequence numbers in idle state.
  * RFNoC: Nodes disconnect on destruction. Fixed setting of correct bits on
    sr_error_policy. DDC does no longer clear timed commands on EOB. DUC fixed
    timed CORDIC tuning. Enable Noc-Shell response FIFOs (fixes simultaneous
    commands on multiple channels).
  * UBX: Changed default performance parameters
  * TwinRX: LEDs properly light up depending on channels. Fixed issue of multiple
    (redundant) writes. Simplified API steps for phase synchronization
  * XCVR: Query dboard clock instead of DAC clock. Helps in X3x0s.
  * GPS: Fixed message for case when no GPS is present. Fixed multiple GPS-related
  * Converters: Fixed floating point rounding error in tests.
  * Utils: uhd_usrp_probe can now query vectors
  * Fixed issue that prevented soft_regs working on 32-bit systems
  * Tools: Merged dissectors into common directory.
  * CMake: -Og is the default now for gcc-based Debug builds.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd ( ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Changed version string to quadruplets (Major.API.ABI.Patch)
  * Minimum dependencies bumped for gcc, Boost, CMake, clang and Python.
  * TwinRX: Added support. Includes LO API for multi_usrp.
  * N230: Added support
  * Added expert framework
  * X300: Completely restructured to use RFNoC
  * X300: FPGA builds include git hash, dual 10GigE receive is now supported
    (allows 2x200 Msps receive over 2x10GigE connections), DMA FIFO (over DRAM)
    now part of builds, added Aurora support
  * WBX: Fixed bug that prevented LO locking with 50 MHz ref clock
  * pkg-config: Added boost_system
  * Utils: uhd_usrp_probe can query sensors, query_gpsdo_sensors: minor fixes,
    and cleanup
  * Examples: Bugfixes in tx_waveforms, benchmark_rate measures timeouts,
  * USB subsystem: Cleanups and minor bugfixes
  * Added devtest infrastructure
  * Converters: Added s8 and s16 data types
  * Added more aggressive optimization strategies for FPGA builds
  * Xilinx IP tool upgrade scripts cleaned up

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.9.5-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B200: Update DSPs after changing tick rate
  * X300: Added option to disable ADC self test, prevent DAC from
  * UBX: Fixed noise issues, reduced power consumption/heat, added codes for
    upcoming board revisions, force RX LNAs on (reduces rx settling time)
  * WBX: Fixed rev2 and rev3 boards on X300
  * Utils/Examples: Cleaned up query_gpsdo_sensors, test_dboard_coercion,
  * Manual: Minor fixes and updates
  * CMake: Fix lib64 detection, better platform detection, Doxygen may use shorter
  * Octoclock: GPSDO-related fixes, sequence number consistency fixes, UART
    fixes (off-by-one errors). uhd_usrp_probe will pick up an OC now,
    added Wireshark dissector for OC packets

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.9.4-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * GPIO control: Fix address mismatch for RX and full duplex.
    This fixes full-duplex mode for most devices.
  * B200: Fixed auto rate selection (can now select 61.44 Msps)
  * UBX: Fix member declaration order which could cause
    segfaults for debug builds
  * Manual/Docs: Numerous fixes, use dot for graphs in manual
  * Utils: multiple fixes for query_gpsdo_sensors, fixed floating point
  * Windows: Include registry file in installation
  * Converters: Improve NEON converters

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.9.3-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * UBX: Fixed a phase synchronization issue on the sub-1GHz band
  * USB: Fixed transport issue that crashed when multiple USB devices were
    connected on a Windows machine, more graceful handling of USB disconnects,,
    provided .cdf file for installing on Windows
  * B200: Fixed memory growth/increasing tune times issue
  * E300: Fixed memory leak with udev, fixed issue with autoboot value, fixes
    to button behaviour
  * usrp2, usrp3: Fixed IQ imbalance and DC bias in DDC chain
  * CMake: Windows registry fixes
  * Fixed several compiler warnings and minor bugs
  * Examples: Updated benchmark_rate for improved thread safety

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.9.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * E310: Added support for Speedgrade 3
  * B205mini: Added support
  * E310: Fixed reference counting bug
  * B210: Fixed external clock reference bug for devices using ADF4002 PLLs
  * B210: Fixed codec loopback test
  * OctoClock: Fixed firmware burning on Windows
  * B2XX, E3XX, X3XX: Easier time-syncing features. Fixes bug where B210s would
    only run after issuing set_time_unknown_pps().
  * X3XX: Fixed bug for IQ imbalance correction
  * E310: DRAM testbenching
  * Docs/Manual: Many updates and fixes

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.9.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B200mini: Updated udev rules, removed DCM
  * B200: Better USB error messages
  * Cores: Fixed CORDIC scaling issue on all devices that use
  * X300: Fixed GPIO issue
  * Examples: Added PPS source option
  * Docs: Multiple manual updates

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.9.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * X300: Updated DAC ctrl, FPGA toolchain is now entirely Vivado,
    improved master clock controls, added ADC self-cal capability,
    prepared for revisions 7 and 8, fixed flow control issue which
    could cause device to hang when receiving too many overruns
  * B2XX: Auto clock rate setting, added PID/VID pairs to support
    all B2XX- and derivatives, added temperature sensor, improved
    DC offset and IQ imbalance correction, added AGC support,
    support for FPGPIO connector on Rev6+ boards, full clock range support,
    updated FX3 firmware (side-channel logging capabilities, updated
    tx voltage swing, better configurability), default tick rate now
    16 MHz, added B200mini support
  * E3XX: Added temperature sensor, FPGA toolchain is now entirely Vivado,
    improved DC offset and IQ imbalance correction, added AGC support,
    improved FPGA capture interface robustness for RFIC, make frame
    sizes configurable, replaced GPS control code with gpsd interfacing
  * Octoclock: Fixed bootloader + ethernet capabilities
  * Compilers: Supported MSVC versions are now 2012, 2013, 2015
    (dropped 2010 support), added MinGW capabilities
  * Documentation: Many minor fixes and updates, merged all the
    info from code.ettus.com
  * UHD: Added sid_t, CHDR-specific transports now get their own
    (un)packer codes, fixed a lot of compiler warnings, added
    filter API (currently available for AD9361 frontend), added
    soft-register API, replaced Cheetah with Mako, full Py3k
    compliance, updated images downloader tool (now is one tool
    for all devices), CMake minimum version is now 2.8, refactored
    general AD9361 peripheral management, refactored most core
    control management, added usb_error type (used by B2xx devices),
    better exception handling at runtime, added C wrapper API,
    new dependency: python-requests
  * C API: Added to UHD (wraps C++ calls in C)
  * multi_usrp: Added normalized gain setters/getters, IQ imbalance
    + DC offset correction API, filter API
  * Converters: Converter symbols now exported, better logging,
    removed ORC dependency, added u8 converters
  * Examples: Whitespace- and other cleanup, multi-channel fixes for
    some examples
  * Utils: Read more property tree types from the command line
  * Tools: kitchen sink updated, added mega_fft

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.8.5-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * E3xx: Added support for battery-based E3xx device (E312),
    get_freq() for network mode, fixed GPS time initialization bug
  * AD9361-based devices: Fixed frequency readback bug
  * B200: Fixed DCM issues, better loopback failure handling,
    fix erroneous warning for custom clock rates
  * X3x0: Better warnings for clock reate / ref freq
  * multi_usrp: Added define for GPIO capabilities (enables
    exposure in GNU Radio)
  * UHD: sc16->sc16 SSE converter
  * Manual: Multiple minor updates, FPGA manual improvements,
  * Build System: Fixed builds on some Windows platforms, removed
    stray prints

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.8.4-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B200: Fixed EEPROM writing bug, updated images for B200 Rev5/6
  * E300: GPS antenna power defaults to staying on, GPS time used as
    default if available
  * UBX: PDF frequency fix on X300
  * USRP2: Bugfix that allows latest UHD to work with USRP2
  * Documentation: Many fixes for E300 section, added FPGA manual

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.8.3-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * UBX: Fixed phase synchronization issues
    (Related changes: Change X300 daughterboard frequency, increase
     N210 FIFO depth)
  * Fixed many compiler warnings
  * B200: Fixed timing issues, fixed tick rate issue, stabilized
    operations at high clock rates
  * X300: Improved phase alignment across devices
  * CMake: Build fixes
  * E300: Flow control fix

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.8.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * CMake: Introducing named versions for dev branches, enable static libs,
  * E300: Docs updates, compat number bump, VCTCXO updates,
    more status bits for ref locking, fixed serial number length fix,
    RSSI Sensor
  * B200: RSSI sensor
  * AD9361: Better handling of different interpolation rates in FIR,
    fix for gain value truncation, removed gain value offset
  * UBX: Added drivers
  * Manual/Docs: Numerous updates, minimum compiler versions now specified,
  * Converters: Multiple fixes for sc12
  * Examples: Fixes to txrx_loopback_to_file
  * Path handling vastly improved, made more consistent
  * Minor UHD fixes

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.8.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B2x0: Fixed PLL settings, Fixed external ref selection, serialized
    streamer setup (thread-safety)
  * X3x0: Fixed flow control issue, improved DAC ctrl + init logic,
    Fixed I/Q alignment issue
  * Generation-3 devices: Fixed LED registers
  * UHD: Improved tuning logic for manual tunes
  * Tools: Multiple kitchen sink fixes, coloured output
  * Examples: Multiple bugfixes (multi-channel ops)
  * Docs/Manual: Multiple fixes, E310 panel images

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.8.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Added E310 support
  * B200/B210: Moved AD9361 controls from firmware to host
  * Added several tools: ZPU dissector, improved CHDR dissector,
    kitchen sink, B200/B210 USB debugging utility, latency
    measurement tool.
  * Reorganized firmware/ directory structure. Refactored some
  * Removed FPGA sources, is now in own repository (submoduled).
  * Cleaned up command line arguments for some tools
  * Added math namespace, plus a unified float comparison infrastructure
  * Fixed tuning-related bugs
  * Moved manual over to Doxygen, also several manual bug fixes and
  * Added many missing virtual destructors (less build warnings)
  * Added support for NI-RIO 14.0
  * X300 fixes: Not found over PCIe with no eth interfaces
  * CMake improvements: Now comes with own UHDConfig.cmake and example
    to build standalone UHD apps, build fixes on Apple, interoperability
    with GNU Radio
  * OctoClock fixes and improvements: Ethernet initialization, external
    ref detection, stability fixes, host driver (UHD can now talk to
  * Examples: Improved GPIO example, rx_samples_to_file
  * Bumped minimum Boost version to 1.46

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.7.3-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Fixed examples
  * Removed compiler warnings
  * Fixed CBX LO settings (FRAC truncation)
  * Fixed build issues for out-of-tree tools for some distros
  * Fixed some logging strings (SBX, GPSDO)
  * Improved logging (speedups, removed unnecessary cycles)
  * Added output sync for DAC reference clocks on X300
  * Multiple FPGA improvements, as well as upgrade of build env
  * Added support for B200 vs B210 discovery

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.7.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Fixed X300 phase alignment issues
  * Fixed CMake 2.6 incompatibility issues
  * EEPROM burner improvements
  * Properly flushing PCIe chain on device to prevent stale data.
  * Adjusted bus clock rate in FPGA to improve timing.
  * Fixed issue where FPGA would fail to load FPGA image over PCIe.
  * Fixed incompatibility issue with USRP2 FPGA burner utility.
  * Fixed issue where ZPU would report empty NMEA strings from GPSDO.
  * Updated some functions to no longer use deprecated Boost calls.
  * Fixed issue where libusb would declare 'connection refused'.
  * Fixed Windows library package naming.
  * Updated documentation.
  * Fixed reversed TX / RX colors in X300 LED indicators.
  * DBSRX2 now works properly with X300 / X310.
  * Updated include files to build on older distros of Linux.
  * Fixed issue with 'item32' type converter from GNU Radio.
  * Fixed issue where channels on B210 would occasionally not be phase-aligned.
  * Fixed problem causing channels on B210 to swap between runs.
  * Fixed issue in N-Series devices causing scaling error @ 50 MSps.
  * The B200 / B210 now generates an internal PPS if none is provided.
  * Improved performance on PCIe for X300.
  * B200 / B210 properly reports clock rate (issue with float comparison).
  * Fixed issue with filter selection in B200 that caused loss of RX power.
  * Removed ref lock check from X300 where it wasn't necessary.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.7.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Fixed issue with TVRX2 divider calculation.
  * Fixed issue using calibration utilities on B-Side daughterboard in an X3xx.
  * Replaced unsafe `sscanf` call in utilities.
  * Properly initializing N-Series clock, fixing short transient on device boot-up.
  * Improved `--help` output for a number of utilities & examples.
  * Improved READMEs for directories.
  * Fixed X3xx documentation with some clarifications.
  * UHD will now tell you if you have requested a sample rate higher than the transport can deliver.
  * Removed work-around necessary in RIO kernel module for zero-copy in PCIe for X3xx devices.
  * Fixed issue where X3xx devices would lock-up when on networks with lots of traffic.
  * The B2xx FX3 and AD9361 source code is now in UHD.
  * Numerous B2xx stability improvements.
  * Fixed includes for older OSes (e.g., Fedora 14).
  * Fixed includes for older versions of Boost.
  * Fixed PPS detection in X3xx with multiple time sources.
  * Fixed overflow reporting for X3xx utilities.
  * Fixed MTU / frame size detection for X3xx devices.
  * Fixed B2xx filter chain causing wrong sample rate in some circumstances.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.7.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Introduced USRP X300 and X310 support!
  * Releasing a CHDR Dissector for Wireshark analysis
  * Improved USRP B200 and B210 stability
  * Introducing Integer-N tuning for WBX, SBX, CBX daughterboards
  * Introducing support for 120 MHz versions of WBX, SBX, CBX
  * Lots of new documentation
  * New GPIO example for USRP X300
  * Fixed threading bug in USRP B2xx code causing GQRX issue
  * General UHD bug fixes & improvements

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.6.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug in timed commands example.
  * Improved compatibility for older versions of Boost.
  * Fixed segmentation fault issue in converter code.
  * Fixed binary-stripping for ARM builds.
  * B2xx: Further improvements to code and images.
  * Documentation links now installed to Start Menu in Windows.
  * B2xx: More robust error checking in host code.
  * B2xx: Improved error reporting.
  * B2xx: Increase FPGA loading speed on USB 3
  * B2xx: Re-programming FPGA without cycle now supported.
  * B2xx: Larger RX SPP ceiling to support 16K transfers with larger RX FIFO in new FPGA image
  * Updated internal READMEs and documentation.
  * N-Series: netburner now accepts relative paths with '~'
  * Completely re-written UHD Images Downloader, with numerous bug fixes and new features.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.6.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B2xx: Fixed critical bug in 003.006.000 regarding USRP B2xx operation

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.6.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Many small fixes for bugs revealed by static analysis.
  * Introduced support for the USRP B200 / B210

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.5.3-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * E110:
  ** Fix FPGA Makefile build typo
  * UHD:
  ** Fixed timespec irrational rate rounding
  ** Multichan streamer CPU utilization

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.5.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B100:
  ** Fix get send buffer timeout
  * E1x0:
  ** Changes to bus timings for S issue
  * USRP1:
  ** Restore broken EEPROM writing

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.5.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Misc:
  ** Fixes to images downloader
  ** Fixes to C++ net burner
  ** Added sleep(1) to query_gpsdo_sensors
  * OSX:
  ** Fix for socket send code newer OS versions
  * Changes from 3.4.5

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.5.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * B100:
  ** Added timed commands feature
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 11.1
  ** Incremented firmware compat number to 3
  * E1x0:
  ** Added timed commands feature
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 11.1
  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Alternative stream destination on TX
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 10
  * N2x0:
  ** Implemented timed-commands feature
  ** Implemented fast-commands feature
  ** Tune with phase sync using timed-commands
  * RFX series
  ** Added calibration utilities support
  * General:
  ** SSE2 conversions for sc8 RX samples
  ** Added multi-threading to packet converters
  ** Added automatic images fetcher application

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.4.5-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * XCVR2450:
  ** Added XCVR2450 rev2 support
  * WBX:
  ** Added WBX rev4 support
  * Misc:
  ** Fix to rx_samples_to_udp byte count
  ** stream command enums easy on SWIG

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.4.4-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * Gen2
  ** Fix RX and TX DSP scalar adjustments
  * B100/E1x0
  ** Fixed RX ADC IQ inversion swap
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.4

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.4.3-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Net burner parser fix (windows)
  * XCVR2450:
  ** Fix to disable automatic LO offset on TX
  * N2x0:
  ** Deal with misc exceptions in net burner
  * E1x0:
  ** Changes to add reliability to bus state machine
  * USRP1:
  ** Shutoff the DAC on transmit EOB flags
  ** Revert 1st nyquist zone DAC calculation

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.4.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Card and net burner language fixes
  ** Net burner python v3 code fix
  ** Net burner IPv6 interface fix
  * E1x0:
  ** Fix for FPGA timing issue with GPMC input
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.2
  * B100:
  ** Fix USB wrapper/buffer release race condition
  * USRP1:
  ** Fix DAC calculation for tune out of 1st nyquist zone
  * General:
  ** Fix for recv packet handler time error check
  ** SIMD conversion routines priority over table look-up
  ** Fix undefined GCC float conversion behaviour for sc8

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.4.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Filter out invalid broadcast replies
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.1
  * E1x0:
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.1
  * B100:
  ** FPGA fixes for USB slave FIFO interface
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9.3
  * USRP1:
  ** Stop thread in deconstructor for race condition
  ** Fixed DBSRX + USRP1 i2c lockup condition
  * Gen2:
  ** Fix for unintentional clear in deprecated recv() call
  ** Fix RX DC offset call to handle negative values
  * FreeBSD:
  ** Fixed network relay example compilation

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.4.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** 50 Msps RX/TX with sc8 mode over the wire
  * B100:
  ** 16 Msps RX/TX with sc8 mode over the wire
  * SBX/WBX:
  ** Added self-calibration utilities
  * Gen2:
  ** Control RX/TX DC offset correction via API
  ** Control RX/TX IQ balance correction via API
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 9
  * USRP1:
  ** Support 16Msps RX with sc8 mode over the wire
  ** Control RX DC offset correction via API
  * Misc:
  ** Multiple streamers/heterogeneous rates
  ** Alternative host and wire data types
  ** Added API calls for DC offset correction
  ** Added API calls for IQ balance correction

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.3.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N2x0:
  ** Fixed TX daughterboard clocking mode
  * B100:
  ** Tweaks for ordering of FPGA resets
  * Misc:
  ** Device adder can parse empty values
  ** Updated syntax in udev rules file
  ** Corrections to images documentation
  ** Performance tweak for tx_waveforms example
  ** Handle EINTR on select() w/ udp transport
  ** Minor fixes for compiling on FreeBSD

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

  ## Release 003.003.001
  * B100/E1x0:
  ** Fixed VCO bounds checking on flexible clocking
  * B100:
  ** Fixed discovery throwing when device claimed

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.3.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Incremented firmware image compat number to 11.0
  ** Re-implement internal GPSDO UART control
  * E1x0:
  ** New GPMC/FPGA bus implementation
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 6
  ** Incremented module compat number to 3
  ** Added support for E110
  ** Added support for E100r4
  * B100:
  ** Added support for B100
  * USRP1:
  ** Re-implement LibUSB data transport
  * Misc:
  ** Normalise time_spec for negative fractional seconds
  * Gen2:
  ** Fix DSP rate selection clipping for very low rates

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.2.4-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Resize all socket buffers (multi-channel)
  * N2x0:
  ** Gracefully handle missing GPSDO
  * USRP1:
  ** Fix bug with order of deconstructors
  ** Fix zero length send padding on commit
  * XCVR2450:
  ** Fix LO locking at marginal frequencies
  * WBX:
  ** Fix TX gain readback value on v3 board
  * Gen2:
  ** Fix bounds checking on stream num samps
  ** Fix error using PPS_NEG in clock config

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.2.3-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Fix uninitialized variable for multi-board case
  ** Fix deconstructor throwing on device disconnect
  ** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 7.3
  * TVRX:
  ** Populated sensors property (fixed error in init)
  * FPGA (gen2):
  ** Adjust RX DC offset correction time constant
  ** Restore calibration path in RX/TX frontend
  * Misc:
  ** MB EEPROM burner workaround for compiler bugs
  ** Clip the reported tune range to the dboard bandwidth
  ** Preserve bands when calculating overall tune range

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.2.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N2x0:
  ** Always resize socket send buffer to SRAM size
  ** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 7.2
  ** Incremented firmware image compat number to 10.4
  * N2x0:
  ** GPSDO control tweak for some devices
  ** Fix for erasure logic in rare bricking cases
  * E100:
  ** Fix RX run state for GPIOs controlled by ATR
  * USRP1:
  ** Fix for multi-channel streaming
  ** Fix to support 0 RX or 0 TX DSPs
  * SBX:
  ** Corrected lower limit on frequency range
  * FPGA (gen2):
  ** Reset CIC decimator on start of burst
  * Misc:
  ** Fix send to return zero on empty packets
  ** Perform version check on liborc

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.2.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N-Series:
  ** Firmware fix to shutoff streaming when socket unreachable
  ** Incremented firmware image compat number to 10.3

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.2.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N-Series:
  ** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 7.1
  ** Incremented firmware image compat number to 10.2
  ** Removed mimo_mode device addr argument
  ** Support for rev4 N2XX motherboards
  * USRP-E100:
  ** Removed the need for clock recovery
  ** Incremented FPGA image compat number to 5
  ** Incremented kernel module compat number to 2
  ** Added support for dual receive DSPs
  ** Async messages independent from RX path
  * WBX:
  ** Support for rev3 daughterboards
  * DBSRX2:
  ** Rounding fix for LO tuning error
  * Packet handler:
  ** Overall performance improvements
  ** Timestamps for packet fragments
  ** Overflow message on dropped packets
  * Conversion:
  ** Optional liborc conversion support
  ** SSE2 conversion alignment performance
  ** SSE2 conversion for complex doubles
  * Windows:
  ** Performance improvements for UDP send
  * Misc:
  ** Code reorganization with property tree
  ** Calibration support in gen2 FPGAs

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.1.2-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * N-Series:
  ** Fix UART communication for GPSDO
  * XCVR2450:
  ** Fix for descontructor throwing on hardware disconnect

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.1.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP1:
  ** Fixed lock up in logging facility under MSVC
  * USRP2/N-Series:
  ** Handle exceptions thrown in device locker loop
  ** Connected internal GPSDO PPS signal in FPGA
  * WBX
  ** Keep mixers on between bursts to maintain phase offsets

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.1.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * USRP2/N-Series:
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 6
  ** Incremented firmware compat number to 10
  ** Created all-in-one bootloader for N-series
  ** Lock open devices per process
  ** USRP N-Series internal GPSDO Support
  ** Discovery works with out-of-date images
  ** Net and card burner: python 3.0 support
  ** Net burner: tkinter + windows thread fix
  ** Card burner: device selection validation
  * USRP-E100:
  ** Incremented FPGA compat number to 4
  ** FPGA VRT packet framer correct length
  ** Fix auxiliary ADC read back for AD9862
  ** Sync TX and RX daughterbord clocks
  ** Fix daughterboard clock rates after re-clock event
  * USRP1:
  ** Fix TX under remainder conditions
  ** Fixed RX multi-channel mapping
  * Daughterboards:
  ** Added support for TVRX2 daughterboard
  ** Added support for SBX daughterboard
  ** Added support for WBX granddaughterboards
  ** Application notes for sensors and IF
  * Windows:
  ** MinGW and Cygwin support (thanks Don)
  ** Fix calling convention on libusb callbacks
  * Misc:
  ** Added logging and messaging facilities
  ** Deprecated API in utils/warning.hpp
  ** Fixed race condition in device discovery/factory

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.0.1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  * RFX400: fix for transmit capability
  * USRP1: fix for axillary ADC read
  * Windows: statically link libusb
  * Windows: install dll into runtime path
  * Linux: automatically set LIB_SUFFIX on rh-64 systems
  * USRP-E100: fix - set FPGA tick rate on re-clock event
  * build: various work on build system
  * build: include FPGA and firmware images in installers

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800

uhd (3.0.0-0ubuntu1) ubuntu_release; urgency=low

  Initial (formal) release, no changes to mention.

 -- Ettus Research <packages@ettus.com>  Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:24:06 -0800