UHD, the "Universal Software Radio Peripheral" hardware driver on Debian:

usrp group

The Debian uhd-host package installs a usrp group.
This provides two main benefits:
 - Access control:
    The udev rules limit access to members of the group
    (at least for USB attached USRPs).
 - Real Time Priority privilege:
    The pam limits setting allows UHD to boost the
    thread scheduling priority for usrp group members.

To avail yourself of these benefits, add your username
to the usrp group, perhaps by running, as root something like:

    adduser myusername usrp

substituting your user name for myusername.
Settings will not take effect until the user has logged in and out.

Multiple packages

 The uhd-host package contains the uhd_find_devices and
 uhd_usrp_probe commands for locating and examining USRP devices
 available to the host system.

 Also, under /usr/lib/uhd/ are examples, tests and utils
 directories. The utils include tools for managing the
 flash memory or EEPROM configuration of various USRPs.

 Small package just for the library itself.

 Small package just for developing applications
 using the library itself.

UHD Firmware / FPGA images

 The uhd-images package is not part of the main Debian distribution
 because the FPGA firmware requires non-free vendor tools to compile
 from source.

 For USRP devices with non-volatile configuration having the firmware
 images on the host is optional. But some USRPs are volatile, and
 the UHD library will fetch files from the /usr/share/uhd/images/
 directory at runtime.

 The uhd_images_downloader is a python script to download from
 Ettus.com and install the files.

More Information

Additional HTML documentation is installed. See

 -- A. Maitland Bottoms <bottoms@debian.org>, Thu,  9 Oct 2014 23:14:19 -0400