# # Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # The following variables can be defined external to this script. # # ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS : whether to enable static libraries, which will # require static Boost libraries too. If not using static libraries, # shared libraries will be used. The default is to use shared # libraries, and this default will be used if this variable is not # defined or if is it NO/OFF/FALSE. # # UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS : Boost components that are required # for Boost_FOUND to be true. The linkage (shared or static) must be # correct and the library must also be found. # # UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS : Boost components that are # optional. They do not impact Boost_FOUND. The linkage will still be # honored, and the library must still be found for the return # variables to be set. # # NOTE: If neither UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS and # UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS are defined and/or are empty, then # this script just checked to see if the minimum required version of # Boost can be found, and sets Boost_FOUND accordingly; all of the # other return variables will be unset / undefined. # # UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED : Whether to set Boost required components as # "required" during finding. If not specified, then defaults to # TRUE. If REQUIRED is TRUE and Boost is not found, then this script # will error out. Otherwise this script will not error out, and the # variable Boost_FOUND will indicate whether a compatible version # Boost was found or not. # # Upon find returning, the following variables will be set upon return # of this script: # # Boost_FOUND : will be TRUE if all of the required Boost components # are found with the correct linkage (static or shared); otherwise # this variable will be FALSE unless there are no components specified # in which case this variable will be unset. # # Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS : directories to use with 'include_directories', # where the top-level "boost" directory is located for headers. # # Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS : directories for use in finding libraries; this # variable is generally not used in favor of either (1) defining # library names with the full path; or (2) using targets where the # full path is defined already. This variable is probably deprecated. # # Boost_LIBRARIES : a list of found Boost libraries, each of which can # be either (1) or (2) above; either will work with modern CMake. # ######################################################################## message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "Checking for Boost version ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} or greater") # unset return variables unset(Boost_FOUND) unset(Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS) unset(Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS) unset(Boost_LIBRARIES) # check whether to set REQUIRED or not # if not set, default is to require Boost if(NOT DEFINED UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED) # UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED is not set; use the default set(UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED "REQUIRED") elseif(UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED) # UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED is set to TRUE/ON/1 set(UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED "REQUIRED") else() # UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED is not set to TRUE/ON/1 unset(UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED) endif() # set this for verbosity during 'find' # set(Boost_DEBUG TRUE) # verify we're looking for something list(LENGTH UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_LEN) list(LENGTH UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_LEN) if(UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_LEN EQUAL 0 AND UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_LEN EQUAL 0) # just see if Boost can be found find_package(Boost ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} QUIET ${UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED}) if(Boost_FOUND) message(STATUS "Boost version ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} or greater - found") else() message(STATUS "Boost version ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} or greater - not found") endif() return() endif() # if the OS is MINGW and if 'thread' is in the list, change its name if(MINGW) list(FIND UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS "thread" THREAD_NDX) if(NOT ${THREAD_NDX} EQUAL -1) list(REMOVE_AT UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS ${THREAD_NDX}) list(INSERT UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS ${THREAD_NDX} thread_win32) endif() endif() # if 'system' is in the list, make sure it comes last; sometimes this # linkage makes a difference list(FIND UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS "system" SYSTEM_NDX) if(NOT ${SYSTEM_NDX} EQUAL -1) list(REMOVE_AT UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS ${SYSTEM_NDX}) list(APPEND UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS "system") endif() # special library directory that's used by some Linux if(UNIX AND NOT BOOST_ROOT AND EXISTS "/usr/lib64") list(APPEND BOOST_LIBRARYDIR "/usr/lib64") #fedora 64-bit fix endif(UNIX AND NOT BOOST_ROOT AND EXISTS "/usr/lib64") # special Microsoft Visual C handling if(MSVC) if(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) message(STATUS " VCPKG Libs") string(FIND ${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET} "static" vcpkg_check_static) string(FIND ${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET} "static-md" vcpkg_check_static_md) if((NOT vcpkg_check_static EQUAL -1) AND vcpkg_check_static_md EQUAL -1) # Statically linked CRT message(STATUS " VCPKG static CRT triplet found. Configuring compiler flags.") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /MT") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} /MTd") endif((NOT vcpkg_check_static EQUAL -1) AND vcpkg_check_static_md EQUAL -1) else(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) set(BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK "${BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK}" CACHE BOOL "boost enable dynamic linking") if(BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) message(STATUS " Dynamic Libs") add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) #setup boost auto-linking in msvc else(BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) message(STATUS " Static Libs") set(UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS) #empty components list for static link endif(BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) endif(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) endif(MSVC) # Starting in CMake 3.15.0, if policy 'CMP0093' is available and set # to 'NEW', then the Boost_VERSION will be returned as X.Y.Z (e.g., # 1.70.0) instead of XXYYZZ (107000). The OLD policy is the default # for now, but is deprecated and relevant code should be updated to # the NEW policy format. This change matches the version format # returned by Boost's CMake scripts. See also: # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.15/policy/CMP0093.html#policy:CMP0093 # Tell FindBoost, if used, to report Boost_VERSION in X.Y.Z format. # NOTE: This must be set -before- calling "find_package(Boost ...)". # NOTE: This setting is for CMake scripts only; each language (e.g., # C++) that uses Boost maintains its current format for the Boost # version variable. if(POLICY CMP0093) cmake_policy(SET CMP0093 NEW) endif() # if no CXX STANDARD is set, default to that required by UHD: c++14 if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) message(WARNING "\nC++ standard not yet set; setting to C++14.\n") endif() # tell boost the linkage required set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ${ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS}) # temporarily explicitly enable or disable shared libraries, # build-wise; this can be disabled on a case by case basis for each # library built. if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_SET TRUE) set(OLD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) else() set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_SET FALSE) endif() if(ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS FALSE) else() set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS TRUE) endif() if(${UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_LEN} GREATER 0) message(STATUS " Looking for optional Boost components...") find_package(Boost ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} QUIET OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS ${UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS}) endif() if(${UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_LEN} GREATER 0) message(STATUS " Looking for required Boost components...") find_package(Boost ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} QUIET COMPONENTS ${UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS} ${UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED}) endif() # restore BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, if set if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_SET) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ${OLD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) unset(OLD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) else() unset(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) endif() if(NOT Boost_FOUND) # Boost was not found # clear out return variables, just in case unset(Boost_VERSION) unset(Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS) unset(Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS) unset(Boost_LIBRARIES) else() # Boost was found; do fixups and related tests / checks # fix the Boost_VERSION to be X.Y.Z if CMake version < 3.15 if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.15) set(Boost_VERSION "${Boost_MAJOR_VERSION}.${Boost_MINOR_VERSION}.${Boost_SUBMINOR_VERSION}") endif() # generic fix for some linking issues with Boost 1.68.0 or newer. if(NOT ${Boost_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 1.68.0) message(STATUS " Enabling Boost Error Code Header Only") add_definitions(-DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY) endif() # test for std::string_view in boost::asio only if we're using # c++17 or later and Boost 1.68.0 or later. The default is to not # use this feature. Boost 1.67.0 and earlier at best checked for # and used std::experimental::string_view, which causes issues for # some Boost & C++ versions ... so, just don't use it! set(USE_STD_STRING_VIEW_IN_BOOST_ASIO FALSE) if((NOT ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD} VERSION_LESS 17) AND (NOT ${Boost_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 1.68.0)) # boost::asio::string_view can fail in compiling or linking simple # c++. This situation generally happens on for Boost 1.66 - 1.68 # and macOS using Clang and -std=c++14 ... but it can occur in # other situations, so just do a generic check. This issue seems # to be fixed in Boost 1.70.0. message(STATUS " Checking whether std::string_view works in boost::asio") # unset the return variable, otherwise the compile doesn't take place! unset(USE_STD_STRING_VIEW_IN_BOOST_ASIO) # set various CheckCXXSourceCompiles variables include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) # FindBoost compatibility variables: Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS if(NOT Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS OR "${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}" STREQUAL "") get_target_property(Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS Boost::headers INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) endif() # set the c++ standard to test using set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "-std=c++${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD} -I${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}") # make this compile quite set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET TRUE) # disable Boost's use of std::experimental::string_view set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -DBOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_EXPERIMENTAL_STRING_VIEW) # Check if std::string_view works in boost::asio check_cxx_source_compiles( "#include <boost/asio/detail/string_view.hpp> int main() { boost::asio::string_view sv; }" USE_STD_STRING_VIEW_IN_BOOST_ASIO ) # clear the various CheckCXXSourceCompiles variables unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS) endif() # use std::string_view in boost::asio? if(USE_STD_STRING_VIEW_IN_BOOST_ASIO) message(STATUS " Enabling boost::asio use of std::string_view") add_definitions(-DBOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_STRING_VIEW) else() message(STATUS " Disabling boost::asio use of std::string_view") add_definitions(-DBOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_STRING_VIEW) endif() unset(USE_STD_STRING_VIEW_IN_BOOST_ASIO) # disable Boost's use of std::experimental::string_view # works for Boost 1.67.0 and newer & doesn't hurt older add_definitions(-DBOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_EXPERIMENTAL_STRING_VIEW) # Boost 1.70.0's find cmake scripts don't always set the expected # return variables. Replicate the commit that fixes that issue here: # https://github.com/boostorg/boost_install/commit/cfa8d55250dfc2635e907e42da423e4eb540dee5 if(Boost_FOUND AND (${Boost_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL 1.70.0)) message(STATUS " Enabling possible Boost 1.70.0 Fixes") # FindBoost compatibility variables: Boost_LIBRARIES, Boost_<C>_LIBRARY if(NOT Boost_LIBRARIES OR "${Boost_LIBRARIES}" STREQUAL "") set(Boost_LIBRARIES "") foreach(dep IN LISTS UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) string(TOUPPER ${dep} _BOOST_DEP) if(NOT Boost_${_BOOST_DEP}_FOUND) status(WARNING " Boost component '${dep}' should have been found but somehow isn't listed as found. Ignoring and hoping for the best!") endif() list(APPEND Boost_LIBRARIES Boost::${dep}) set(Boost_${_BOOST_DEP}_LIBRARY Boost::${dep}) endforeach() endif() # FindBoost compatibility variables: Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS if(NOT Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS OR "${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}" STREQUAL "") get_target_property(Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS Boost::headers INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) endif() # FindBoost compatibility variables: Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS if(NOT Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS OR "${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}" STREQUAL "") set(Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS "") foreach(dep IN LISTS UHD_BOOST_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS UHD_BOOST_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) string(TOUPPER ${dep} _BOOST_DEP) if(NOT Boost_${_BOOST_DEP}_FOUND) status(WARNING " Boost component '${dep}' should have been found but somehow isn't listed as found. Ignoring and hoping for the best!") endif() if(Boost_USE_DEBUG_LIBS) get_target_property(Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY Boost::${dep} IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG) else() get_target_property(Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY Boost::${dep} IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) endif() get_filename_component(Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY_DIR ${Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY} DIRECTORY ABSOLUTE) list(FIND Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS ${Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY_DIR} Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY_DIR_FOUND) if(${Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY_DIR_FOUND} EQUAL -1) list(APPEND Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS ${Boost_${dep}_LIBRARY_DIR}) endif() endforeach() endif() list(SORT Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS) endif() message(STATUS " Boost version: ${Boost_VERSION}") message(STATUS " Boost include directories: ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message(STATUS " Boost library directories: ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}") message(STATUS " Boost libraries: ${Boost_LIBRARIES}") endif() if(Boost_FOUND) message(STATUS "Looking for Boost version ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} or greater - found") else() message(STATUS "Looking for Boost version ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} or greater - not found") endif() # unset some internal variables, if set unset(Boost_LIBRARY_DIR) unset(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR)