// Copyright 2021 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Module: rfdc_timing_control
// Description:
//   This module handles timed register writes for the RFDC, such as NCO reset
//   control. Timed commands are handled by the ctrlport_timer module.
// Parameters:
//   NUM_DBOARDS : Number of daughter boards to support

`default_nettype none

module rfdc_timing_control #(
  parameter NUM_DBOARDS = 2
) (
  // Clocks and resets
  input wire clk,
  input wire rst,

  // CtrlPort Slave (from RFNoC Radio Block)
  input  wire [  1*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_req_wr,
  input  wire [  1*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_req_rd,
  input  wire [ 20*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_req_addr,
  input  wire [ 32*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_req_data,
  output wire [  1*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_resp_ack,
  output wire [  2*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_resp_status,
  output wire [ 32*NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] s_ctrlport_resp_data,

  // RF Reset Control
  output reg  start_nco_reset,
  input  wire nco_reset_done,
  output reg  adc_reset_pulse,
  output reg  dac_reset_pulse

  `include "regmap/rfdc_timing_regmap_utils.vh"

  // Reset registers
  reg [NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] reg_nco_reset_start = 0;
  reg [NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] reg_adc_reset_pulse = 0;
  reg [NUM_DBOARDS-1:0] reg_dac_reset_pulse = 0;

  genvar db;
    for (db = 0; db < NUM_DBOARDS; db = db+1) begin : gen_db_ctrlport

      // CtrlPort Breakdown

      wire         nco_ctrlport_req_wr;
      wire         nco_ctrlport_req_rd;
      wire [ 19:0] nco_ctrlport_req_addr;
      wire [ 31:0] nco_ctrlport_req_data;
      reg          nco_ctrlport_resp_ack;
      reg  [ 31:0] nco_ctrlport_resp_data;
      wire [  1:0] nco_ctrlport_resp_status = 2'b0;

      assign nco_ctrlport_req_wr    = s_ctrlport_req_wr   [ 1*db+: 1];
      assign nco_ctrlport_req_rd    = s_ctrlport_req_rd   [ 1*db+: 1];
      assign nco_ctrlport_req_addr  = s_ctrlport_req_addr [20*db+:20];
      assign nco_ctrlport_req_data  = s_ctrlport_req_data [32*db+:32];

      assign s_ctrlport_resp_ack     [ 1*db+: 1] = nco_ctrlport_resp_ack;
      assign s_ctrlport_resp_status  [ 2*db+: 2] = nco_ctrlport_resp_data;
      assign s_ctrlport_resp_data    [32*db+:32] = nco_ctrlport_resp_status;

      // RF Reset Control

      always @(posedge clk) begin
        if (rst) begin
          nco_ctrlport_resp_ack   <= 0;
          reg_nco_reset_start[db] <= 0;
          nco_ctrlport_resp_data  <= 'bX;
        end else begin
          // Default assignments
          reg_nco_reset_start[db] <= 0;
          reg_adc_reset_pulse[db] <= 0;
          reg_dac_reset_pulse[db] <= 0;
          nco_ctrlport_resp_ack   <= 0;
          nco_ctrlport_resp_data  <= 0;

          // Handle register reads
          if (nco_ctrlport_req_rd) begin
            case (nco_ctrlport_req_addr)
              NCO_RESET_REG: begin
                nco_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1;
                nco_ctrlport_resp_data[NCO_RESET_DONE] <= nco_reset_done;
              GEARBOX_RESET_REG: begin
                nco_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1;

          // Handle register writes
          if (nco_ctrlport_req_wr) begin
            case (nco_ctrlport_req_addr)
              NCO_RESET_REG: begin
                nco_ctrlport_resp_ack   <= 1;
                reg_nco_reset_start[db] <= nco_ctrlport_req_data[NCO_RESET_START];
              GEARBOX_RESET_REG: begin
                nco_ctrlport_resp_ack   <= 1;
                reg_adc_reset_pulse[db] <= nco_ctrlport_req_data[ADC_RESET];
                reg_dac_reset_pulse[db] <= nco_ctrlport_req_data[DAC_RESET];


  // Merge Resets
  // There are multiple DBs but only one reset signal for each RF component.
  // Since the reset is simply a single cycle pulse, we OR the reset registers
  // for each daughter board together.

  always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (rst) begin
      start_nco_reset <= 0;
      adc_reset_pulse <= 0;
      dac_reset_pulse <= 0;
    end else begin
      start_nco_reset <= |reg_nco_reset_start;
      adc_reset_pulse <= |reg_adc_reset_pulse;
      dac_reset_pulse <= |reg_dac_reset_pulse;


`default_nettype wire

//XmlParse xml_on
//<regmap name="RFDC_TIMING_REGMAP" readablestrobes="false" generatevhdl="true" ettusguidelines="true">
//  <group name="RFDC_TIMING_REGS">
//    <register name="NCO_RESET_REG" offset="0x00" size="32" readable="true" writable="true">
//      <info>NCO reset control register.</info>
//      <bitfield name="NCO_RESET_START" range="0" readable="false" strobe="true">
//        <info>Write a 1 to this bit to start a reset the RFDC's NCO.</info>
//      </bitfield>
//      <bitfield name="NCO_RESET_DONE" range="1" writable="false">
//        <info>When 1, indicates that the NCO reset has completed.</info>
//      </bitfield>
//    </register>
//    <register name="GEARBOX_RESET_REG" offset="0x04" size="32" readable="true" writable="true">
//      <info>Gearbox reset control register.</info>
//      <bitfield name="ADC_RESET" range="0" readable="false" strobe="true">
//        <info>
//          This reset is for the gearbox on the ADC data path that is used to
//          move data from one clock domain to another outside the RFDC. Write
//          a 1 to this bit to send a reset pulse to the ADC gearbox.
//        </info>
//      </bitfield>
//      <bitfield name="DAC_RESET" range="1" readable="false" strobe="true">
//        <info>
//          This reset is for the gearbox on the DAC data path that is used to
//          move data from one clock domain to another outside the RFDC. Write
//          a 1 to this bit to send a reset pulse to the DAC gearbox.
//        </info>
//      </bitfield>
//    </register>
//  </group>
//XmlParse xml_off