// // Copyright 2021 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Module: ctrlport_to_spi // // Description: // // This module wraps a SPI master and provides a ControlPort interface. // // Parameters: // // BASE_ADDRESS : Base address for CtrlPort registers. // `default_nettype none module ctrlport_to_spi #( parameter BASE_ADDRESS = 0 ) ( //--------------------------------------------------------------- // ControlPort Slave //--------------------------------------------------------------- input wire ctrlport_clk, input wire ctrlport_rst, input wire s_ctrlport_req_wr, input wire s_ctrlport_req_rd, input wire [19:0] s_ctrlport_req_addr, input wire [31:0] s_ctrlport_req_data, output reg s_ctrlport_resp_ack, output reg [ 1:0] s_ctrlport_resp_status = 0, output reg [31:0] s_ctrlport_resp_data = 0, //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SPI Signals //--------------------------------------------------------------- output wire sclk, output wire mosi, output wire [15:0] ss, input wire miso ); `include "../../../lib/rfnoc/core/ctrlport.vh" `include "./regmap/spi_regmap_utils.vh" //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Translating CtrlPort <-> Wishbone //--------------------------------------------------------------- reg wb_cyc_i; // Active bus cycle reg wb_we_i = 1'b0; // Write access reg [ 4:0] wb_adr_i = 5'b0; reg [31:0] wb_dat_i = 32'b0; wire wb_ack_o; wire [31:0] wb_dat_o; wire wb_err_o; // Check for address to be in range [base_addr..base_addr+32) localparam NUM_ADDRESSES = 32; wire address_in_range = (s_ctrlport_req_addr >= BASE_ADDRESS) && (s_ctrlport_req_addr < BASE_ADDRESS + NUM_ADDRESSES); // Following chapter 3.2.3 (classic standard SINGLE WRITE cycle) of // https://cdn.opencores.org/downloads/wbspec_b4.pdf always @(posedge ctrlport_clk) begin // Reset internal registers and responses if (ctrlport_rst) begin wb_cyc_i <= 1'b0; s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0; end else begin // Request independent default assignments s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0; // Wait for ack on active bus transactions if (wb_cyc_i) begin if (wb_ack_o) begin // End bus cycle and generate response wb_cyc_i <= 1'b0; s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b1; s_ctrlport_resp_data <= wb_dat_o; if (wb_err_o) begin s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_CMDERR; end else begin s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_OKAY; end end // Write requests end else if (s_ctrlport_req_wr) begin // Assume there is a valid address wb_cyc_i <= 1'b1; wb_we_i <= 1'b1; wb_dat_i <= s_ctrlport_req_data; case (s_ctrlport_req_addr) BASE_ADDRESS + TX_DATA_LOW: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h00; end BASE_ADDRESS + TX_DATA_HIGH: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h04; end BASE_ADDRESS + CONTROL: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h10; end BASE_ADDRESS + CLOCK_DIVIDER: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h14; end BASE_ADDRESS + SLAVE_SELECT: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h18; end // Error on undefined address default: begin wb_cyc_i <= 1'b0; if (address_in_range) begin s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_CMDERR; // No response if out of range end else begin s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0; end end endcase // Read requests end else if (s_ctrlport_req_rd) begin // Assume there is a valid address wb_cyc_i <= 1'b1; wb_we_i <= 1'b0; case (s_ctrlport_req_addr) BASE_ADDRESS + RX_DATA_LOW: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h00; end BASE_ADDRESS + RX_DATA_HIGH: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h04; end BASE_ADDRESS + CONTROL: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h10; end BASE_ADDRESS + CLOCK_DIVIDER: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h14; end BASE_ADDRESS + SLAVE_SELECT: begin wb_adr_i <= 5'h18; end // Error on undefined address default: begin wb_cyc_i <= 1'b0; if (address_in_range) begin s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_CMDERR; // No response if out of range end else begin s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0; end end endcase // No request end else begin s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0; end end end //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SPI Master //--------------------------------------------------------------- spi_top spi_master ( .wb_clk_i (ctrlport_clk), .wb_rst_i (ctrlport_rst), .wb_adr_i (wb_adr_i), .wb_dat_i (wb_dat_i), .wb_dat_o (wb_dat_o), .wb_sel_i (4'hF), .wb_we_i (wb_we_i), .wb_stb_i (wb_cyc_i), .wb_cyc_i (wb_cyc_i), .wb_ack_o (wb_ack_o), .wb_err_o (wb_err_o), .wb_int_o (), .ss_pad_o (ss), .sclk_pad_o (sclk), .mosi_pad_o (mosi), .miso_pad_i (miso) ); endmodule `default_nettype wire //XmlParse xml_on //<regmap name="SPI_REGMAP" readablestrobes="false" markdown="true" generatevhdl="true" ettusguidelines="true"> // // <group name="SPI_REGS"> // <info> // This register map is present for each SPI master. // // For information about the register content and the way to interact with the core see the // <a href="https://opencores.org/websvn/filedetails?repname=spi&path=%2Fspi%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fspi.pdf" target="_blank">documentation</a> // of the SPI master from opencores used internally. // // The core is configured to operate with 16 slave signal signals, up to 128 bits per transmission and 8 bit clock divider. // Only 64 bits of data are available via this register interface. // // For the different SPI modes use the following table to derive the bits in @.CONTROL register. Only option 0 (CPOL=0, CPHA=0) has been tested. // //| CPOL | CPHA | TX_NEG | RX_NEG | //| ------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | //| 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | //| 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | //| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | //| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | // </info> // // <register name="RX_DATA_LOW" offset="0x00" writable="false" size="32"> // <info>Lower 32 bits of the received word. (RxWord[31:0])</info> // </register> // // <register name="RX_DATA_HIGH" offset="0x04" writable="false" size="32"> // <info>Higher 32 bits of the received word. (RxWord[63:32])</info> // </register> // // <register name="TX_DATA_LOW" offset="0x08" readable="false" size="32"> // <info>Lower 32 bits of the received word. (TxWord[31:0])</info> // </register> // // <register name="TX_DATA_HIGH" offset="0x0C" readable="false" size="32"> // <info>Higher 32 bits of the received word. (TxWord[63:32])</info> // </register> // // <register name="CONTROL" offset="0x10" size="32"> // <info>Control register</info> // </register> // <register name="CLOCK_DIVIDER" offset="0x14" size="8"> // <bitfield name="Divider" range="7..0"> // <info> // Clock Divider. // </info> // </bitfield> // </register> // <register name="SLAVE_SELECT" offset="0x18" size="16"> // <bitfield name="SS" range="15..0"> // <info> // Slave select. // </info> // </bitfield> // </register> // // </group> //</regmap> //XmlParse xml_off