# # Copyright 2012-2016 Ettus Research LLC # # NOTE: All comments prefixed with a "##" will be displayed as a part of the "make help" target ##------------------- ##USRP X3X0 FPGA Help ##------------------- ##Usage: ## make <Targets> <Options> ## ##Output: ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.bit: Configuration bitstream with header ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.bin: Configuration bitstream without header ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.lvbitx: Configuration bitstream for PCIe (NI-RIO) ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.rpt: Build report (includes utilization and timing summary) # Debug Options # Uncomment the following line to add a debug UART on GPIO 10 & 11 #OPTIONS += DEBUG_UART=1 CREATE_LVBITX=python ../../lib/io_port2/create-lvbitx.py GIGE_DEFS=BUILD_1G=1 SFP0_1GBE=1 SFP1_1GBE=1 $(OPTIONS) HG_DEFS=BUILD_1G=1 BUILD_10G=1 SFP0_1GBE=1 SFP1_10GBE=1 $(OPTIONS) XG_DEFS=BUILD_10G=1 SFP0_10GBE=1 SFP1_10GBE=1 $(OPTIONS) HA_DEFS=BUILD_1G=1 BUILD_AURORA=1 SFP0_1GBE=1 SFP1_AURORA=1 $(OPTIONS) XA_DEFS=BUILD_10G=1 BUILD_AURORA=1 SFP0_10GBE=1 SFP1_AURORA=1 $(OPTIONS) # Set build option (check RTL, run synthesis, or do a full build) ifndef TARGET ifdef CHECK TARGET = rtl else ifdef SYNTH TARGET = synth else TARGET = bin endif endif TOP ?= x300 DEFAULT_IMAGE_CORE_FILE_X300=x300_rfnoc_image_core.v DEFAULT_IMAGE_CORE_FILE_X310=x310_rfnoc_image_core.v DEFAULT_EDGE_FILE_X300=$(abspath x300_static_router.hex) DEFAULT_EDGE_FILE_X310=$(abspath x310_static_router.hex) # vivado_build($1=Device, $2=Definitions) vivado_build = make -f Makefile.x300.inc $(TARGET) NAME=$@ ARCH=$(XIL_ARCH_$1) PART_ID=$(XIL_PART_ID_$1) $2 TOP_MODULE=$(TOP) EXTRA_DEFS="$2" DEFAULT_RFNOC_IMAGE_CORE_FILE=$(DEFAULT_IMAGE_CORE_FILE_$1) DEFAULT_EDGE_FILE=$(DEFAULT_EDGE_FILE_$1) # post_build($1=Device, $2=Option) ifeq ($(TARGET),bin) post_build = @\ mkdir -p build; \ echo "Exporting bitstream files..."; \ cp build-$(1)_$(2)/x300.bin build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga_$(2).bin; \ cp build-$(1)_$(2)/x300.bit build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga_$(2).bit; \ echo "Generating LVBITX..."; \ $(CREATE_LVBITX) --input-bin=build-$(1)_$(2)/x300.bin --output-lvbitx=build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga_$(2).lvbitx --device="USRP $(1)" x3x0_base.lvbitx; \ cp -f x3x0_base.lvbitx build/`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`.lvbitx_base; \ echo "Exporting build report..."; \ cp build-$(1)_$(2)/build.rpt build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga_$(2).rpt; \ echo "Build DONE ... $(1)_$(2)"; else post_build = @echo "Skipping bitfile export." endif ## ##Supported Targets ##----------------- ##all: X300_HG X310_HG X300_XG X310_XG (Default target) all: X300_HG X310_HG X300_XG X310_XG ##X310_1G: 1GigE on both SFP+ ports. X310_1G: $(call vivado_build,X310,$(GIGE_DEFS) X310=1) $(call post_build,X310,1G) ##X300_1G: 1GigE on both SFP+ ports. X300_1G: $(call vivado_build,X300,$(GIGE_DEFS) X300=1) $(call post_build,X300,1G) ##X310_HG: 1GigE on SFP+ Port0, 10Gig on SFP+ Port1. X310_HG: $(call vivado_build,X310,$(HG_DEFS) X310=1) $(call post_build,X310,HG) ##X300_HG: 1GigE on SFP+ Port0, 10Gig on SFP+ Port1. X300_HG: $(call vivado_build,X300,$(HG_DEFS) X300=1) $(call post_build,X300,HG) ##X310_XG: 10GigE on both SFP+ ports. X310_XG: $(call vivado_build,X310,$(XG_DEFS) X310=1) $(call post_build,X310,XG) ##X300_XG: 10GigE on both SFP+ ports. X300_XG: $(call vivado_build,X300,$(XG_DEFS) X300=1) $(call post_build,X300,XG) ##X310_HA: 1Gig on SFP+ Port0, Aurora on SFP+ Port1. X310_HA: $(call vivado_build,X310,$(HA_DEFS) X310=1) $(call post_build,X310,HA) ##X300_HA: 1Gig on SFP+ Port0, Aurora on SFP+ Port1. X300_HA: $(call vivado_build,X300,$(HA_DEFS) X300=1) $(call post_build,X300,HA) ##X310_XA: 10Gig on SFP+ Port0, Aurora on SFP+ Port1. X310_XA: $(call vivado_build,X310,$(XA_DEFS) X310=1) $(call post_build,X310,XA) ##X300_XA: 10Gig on SFP+ Port0, Aurora on SFP+ Port1. X300_XA: $(call vivado_build,X300,$(XA_DEFS) X300=1) $(call post_build,X300,XA) clean: ##Clean up all target build outputs. @echo "Cleaning targets..." @rm -rf build-X3*_* @rm -rf build cleanall: ##Clean up all target and ip build outputs. @echo "Cleaning targets and IP..." @rm -rf build-ip @rm -rf build-X3*_* @rm -rf build help: ##Show this help message. @grep -h "##" Makefile | grep -v "\"##\"" | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//' ## ##Supported Options ##----------------- ##GUI=1 Launch the build in the Vivado GUI. ##CHECK=1 Launch the syntax checker instead of building a bitfile. ##SYNTH=1 Launch the build but stop after synthesis. ##TOP=<module> Specify a top module for syntax checking. (Optional. Default is the bitfile top) .PHONY: all clean cleanall help