# # Copyright 2008 Ettus Research LLC # proc set_props {process options} { if ![string compare $options ""] { return } set state 1 foreach opt $options { if $state { set key $opt set state 0 } else { puts ">>> Setting: $process\[$key\] = $opt" if ![string compare $process "Project"] { project set $key $opt } else { project set $key $opt -process $process } set state 1 } } } if [file isfile $env(ISE_FILE)] { puts ">>> Opening project: $env(ISE_FILE)" project open $env(ISE_FILE) } else { puts ">>> Creating project: $env(ISE_FILE)" project new $env(ISE_FILE) ################################################## # Set the project properties ################################################## set_props "Project" $env(PROJECT_PROPERTIES) ################################################## # Add the sources ################################################## foreach source $env(SOURCES) { puts ">>> Adding source to project: $source" xfile add $source } ################################################## # Add the custom sources ################################################## foreach source $env(CUSTOM_SRCS) { puts ">>> Adding custom source to project: $source" xfile add $source -include_global } ################################################## # Set the top level module ################################################## project set top $env(TOP_MODULE) ################################################## # Set the process properties ################################################## set_props "Synthesize - XST" $env(SYNTHESIZE_PROPERTIES) set_props "Translate" $env(TRANSLATE_PROPERTIES) set_props "Map" $env(MAP_PROPERTIES) set_props "Place & Route" $env(PLACE_ROUTE_PROPERTIES) set_props "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing" $env(STATIC_TIMING_PROPERTIES) set_props "Generate Programming File" $env(GEN_PROG_FILE_PROPERTIES) set_props "Generate Post-Place & Route Simulation Model" $env(SIM_MODEL_PROPERTIES) } if [string compare [lindex $argv 0] ""] { puts ">>> Running Process: [lindex $argv 0]" process run [lindex $argv 0] } project close exit