------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- File: DaughterboardRegs.vhd -- Author: Daniel Jepson; mods by Humberto Jimenez -- Original Project: N310; N32x -- Date: 27 April 2016 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2016-2018 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Purpose: -- -- Register interface to the semi-static control lines for the Mg -- Daughterboard. -- -- XML register definition is included below the module. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library work; use work.PkgDaughterboardRegMap.all; use work.PkgRegs.all; entity DaughterboardRegs is port( -- Async reset. Can be tied low if desired. aReset : in boolean; -- Sync reset... used in the same places as the async one. bReset : in boolean; BusClk : in std_logic; bRegPortOut : out RegPortOut_t; bRegPortIn : in RegPortIn_t; -- Slot and DB ID values. These should be tied to constants! kDbId : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); kSlotId : in std_logic ); end DaughterboardRegs; architecture RTL of DaughterboardRegs is --vhook_sigstart --vhook_sigend signal bRegPortOutLcl : RegPortOut_t := kRegPortOutZero; begin -- Read Registers : ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ReadRegisters: process(aReset, BusClk) begin if aReset then bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero; elsif rising_edge(BusClk) then if bReset then bRegPortOutLcl <= kRegPortOutZero; else -- De-assert strobes bRegPortOutLcl.Data <= kRegPortDataZero; -- All of these transactions only take one clock cycle, so we do not have to -- de-assert the Ready signal (ever). bRegPortOutLcl.Ready <= true; if RegRead(kDaughterboardId, bRegPortIn) then bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kDbIdValMsb downto kDbIdVal) <= kDbId; bRegPortOutLcl.Data(kSlotIdVal) <= kSlotId; end if; end if; end if; end process ReadRegisters; -- Local to output bRegPortOut <= bRegPortOutLcl; end RTL; --XmlParse xml_on --<regmap name="DaughterboardRegMap"> -- <group name="StaticControl" order="1"> -- -- <register name="DaughterboardId" size="32" offset="0x30" attributes="Readable"> -- <info> -- </info> -- <bitfield name="DbIdVal" range="15..0"> -- <info> -- ID for the DB with which this file is designed to communicate. Matches the DB -- EEPROM ID. -- </info> -- </bitfield> -- <bitfield name="SlotIdVal" range="16"> -- <info> -- ID for the Slot this module controls. Options are 0 and 1 for the N310 MB. -- </info> -- </bitfield> -- </register> -- -- </group> -- -- --</regmap> --XmlParse xml_off