# # Copyright 2021 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # # NOTE: All comments prefixed with a "##" will be displayed as a part of the "make help" target ##------------------- ##USRP N32x CPLD Help ##------------------- ##Usage: ## make ## ##Output: ## build/usrp_n320_rh_cpld.pof: Bitstream to use with JTAG programmer ## build/usrp_n320_rh_cpld.svf: Bitstream to use with PS JTAG engine # Definitions 10M04_ID = "10M04SAU169I7G" TARGET = bin TOP ?= rhodium_top # quartus_build($1=Device, $2=Definitions) quartus_build = make -f Makefile.cpld.inc $(TARGET) NAME=$@ ARCH="MAX10" PART_ID="$1" $2 TOP_MODULE=$(TOP) EXTRA_DEFS="$2" # post_build($1=Artifact Name) ifeq ($(TARGET),bin) post_build = @\ mkdir -p build/; \ echo "Exporting bitstream files..."; \ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP).pof build/$(1).pof; \ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP).svf build/$(1).svf; \ echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: CPLD ready!\n"; \ echo -ne " Use build/$(1).pof via JTAG programmer or\n"; \ echo -ne " build/$(1).svf via PS JTAG-engine\n"; else post_build = @echo "Skipping bitfile export." endif ## ##Supported Targets ##----------------- all: N320_CPLD_10M04 ##(Default target) ##N320_CPLD_10M04: N320/1 CPLD targeted to 10M04SAU169I7G. N320_CPLD_10M04: $(call quartus_build,$(10M04_ID),$(DEFS)) $(call post_build,"usrp_n320_rh_cpld") clean: ##Clean up all target build outputs. @echo -ne "\nCleaning targets and git repo...\n"; @rm -rf build-N320_CPLD* @rm -rf build @git clean -Xdf cleanall: ##Clean up all target and ip build outputs. @echo -ne "\nCleaning targets, IP, and git repo...\n"; @rm -rf build-N320_CPLD* @rm -rf build @rm -rf build-ip @git clean -Xdf help: ##Show this help message. @grep -h "##" Makefile | grep -v "\"##\"" | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//' SIM_SRCS=rh_tb.v rhodium_top.v rhodium_gain_ctrl.v rhodium_gain_table.v rhodium_lo_gain.v a.out: $(SIM_SRCS) iverilog -tvvp -D$(SHORT_HASH) -s rh_tb $(SIM_SRCS) ## ##Supported Options ##----------------- ##