-- File: TopCpld.vhd
-- Author: Daniel Jepson
-- Original Project: N310
-- Date: 24 October 2016
-- Copyright 2016-2017 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
-- Purpose:
-- Top level file for the Magnesium CPLD.
-- This file instantiates two SPI slave ports. One slave port comes from the PS
-- of the motherboard Zynq. It has three slave select pins, mapped as follows:
-- sPlsSpiLe = CPLD Internal Registers
-- aPsSpiAddr(0) = LMK Endpoint
-- aPsSpiAddr(1) = Phase DAC Endpoint
-- The other slave port comes from the PL of the motherboard Zynq. It also has
-- three slave select pins:
-- lPlSpiLe = CPLD Internal Registers
-- aPlSpiAddr(0) = TX Lowband LO
-- aPlSpiAddr(1) = RX Lowband LO
-- The final address line for the PL slave is used as a passthrough for the LMK
-- SYNC pin.
-- For either SPI interface, the CPLD has internal registers that can be addressed
-- whenever the appropriate slave select is driven asserted. These register groups
-- are completely independent from one another, meaning the PS SPI interface cannot
-- access the PL registers, and vice-versa.
-- See the register interface XML at the bottom of this file for details on how
-- each SPI port is expected to be driven, and for the register maps for the PS
-- and PL slaves.
-- In PkgSetup the kMinorRev and kMajorRev are defined. Whenever a change
-- is made to the CPLD, no matter how small, bump the kMinorRev value. If this change
-- breaks compatibility with current HW or SW drivers, increment the kMajorRev value
-- and reset the kMinorRev to zero. Similarly, there is a constant to define the build
-- code, kBuildCode. Currently this is simply the year, month, day, and hour the CPLD is
-- built, but could be user-definable.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
library work;
use work.PkgMgCpld.all;
use work.PkgSetup.all;
entity TopCpld is
-- SPI Port Incoming from FPGA --
PlSpiSck : in std_logic;
lPlSpiSdi : in std_logic;
lPlSpiSdo : out std_logic;
lPlSpiLe : in std_logic;
aPlSpiAddr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- SPI Port Incoming from PS --
PsSpiSck : in std_logic;
sPsSpiSdi : in std_logic;
sPsSpiSdo : out std_logic;
sPsSpiLe : in std_logic;
aPsSpiAddr : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- ATR bits from FPGA --
aAtrRx1 : in std_logic;
aAtrRx2 : in std_logic;
aAtrTx1 : in std_logic;
aAtrTx2 : in std_logic;
-- Ch 1 TX (15 bits) --
aCh1LedTx : out std_logic;
aCh1TxPaEn : out std_logic;
aCh1TxAmpEn : out std_logic;
aCh1TxMixerEn : out std_logic;
aCh1TxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh1TxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
aCh1TxSw3 : out std_logic;
aCh1TxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh1TxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- Ch 1 RX (29 bits) --
aCh1LedRx : out std_logic;
aCh1LedRx2 : out std_logic;
aCh1RxAmpEn : out std_logic;
aCh1RxMixerEn : out std_logic;
aCh1RxLna1En : out std_logic;
aCh1RxLna2En : out std_logic;
aCh1SwTrx : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw3 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw6 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw7 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh1RxSw8 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- Ch 2 TX --
aCh2LedTx : out std_logic;
aCh2TxPaEn : out std_logic;
aCh2TxAmpEn : out std_logic;
aCh2TxMixerEn : out std_logic;
aCh2TxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh2TxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
aCh2TxSw3 : out std_logic;
aCh2TxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh2TxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- Ch 2 RX --
aCh2LedRx : out std_logic;
aCh2LedRx2 : out std_logic;
aCh2RxAmpEn : out std_logic;
aCh2RxMixerEn : out std_logic;
aCh2RxLna1En : out std_logic;
aCh2RxLna2En : out std_logic;
aCh2SwTrx : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw1 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw2 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw3 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw4 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw5 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw6 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw7 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
aCh2RxSw8 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- LMK --
aLmkSpiSdio : out std_logic;
aLmkSpiSck : out std_logic;
aLmkSpiCs_n : out std_logic;
aLmkClkinSel : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- SDO
aLmkSync : out std_logic; -- direct connect to aPlSpiAddr(2)
-- Phase DAC --
aDacDin : out std_logic;
aDacSync_n : out std_logic;
aDacSck : out std_logic;
aVcxoCtrl : out std_logic; -- @PS-REG-WR
-- RX and TX LOs -- (timed)
aLoSpiSync : in std_logic; -- Clock! (unused atm, only for reclocking
aRxLoSck : out std_logic; -- the SPI bus if needed for sync)
aRxLoDin : out std_logic;
aRxLoCs_n : out std_logic;
aRxLoMuxOut : in std_logic;
aRxLoLockDetect : in std_logic; -- @PS-REG-RD
aTxLoSck : out std_logic;
aTxLoDin : out std_logic;
aTxLoCs_n : out std_logic;
aTxLoMuxOut : in std_logic;
aTxLoLockDetect : in std_logic; -- @PS-REG-RD
-- Mykonos Interface --
aMkReset_n : out std_logic; -- @PS-REG-WR
aMkRx1En : out std_logic;
aMkRx2En : out std_logic;
aMkTx1En : out std_logic;
aMkTx2En : out std_logic
end TopCpld;
architecture RTL of TopCpld is
signal sCpldPsSpiActive : boolean;
signal sPsMosiIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
signal sPsMosiBuffer : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
signal sPsRd : boolean := false;
signal sPsRegAddr : unsigned(kAddrWidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal sPsCpldMiso : std_logic;
signal sPsMisoIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
signal sPsMisoBuffer : std_logic_vector(kTotalWidth-1 downto 0);
-- PS Register Signals
signal aRxLoLockDetect_ms, sRxLoLockDetect,
aTxLoLockDetect_ms, sTxLoLockDetect : std_logic := '0';
signal sReset : boolean := false;
signal sScratchVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
signal sVcxoControl : std_logic := '1';
signal sMykonosReset : std_logic := '0';
signal lCpldPlSpiActive : boolean;
signal lPlMosiIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
signal lPlMosiBuffer : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
signal lPlRd : boolean := false;
signal lPlRegAddr : unsigned(kAddrWidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal lPlCpldMiso : std_logic;
signal lPlMisoIndex : unsigned(integer(ceil(log2(real(kTotalWidth)))) downto 0);
signal lPlMisoBuffer : std_logic_vector(kTotalWidth-1 downto 0);
-- PL Register Signals
signal lScratchVal : InterfaceData_t := (others => '0');
signal lReset : boolean := false;
-- See PkgSetup for each Default definition.
signal lTxCh1IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefault;
signal lTxCh2IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefault;
signal lTxCh1TxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefaultRun;
signal lTxCh2TxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kTxChDefaultRun;
signal lRxCh1_0IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0;
signal lRxCh1_1IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1;
signal lRxCh2_0IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0;
signal lRxCh2_1IdleReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1;
signal lRxCh1_0RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0Run;
signal lRxCh1_1RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1Run;
signal lRxCh2_0RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault0Run;
signal lRxCh2_1RxOnReg : InterfaceData_t := kRxChDefault1Run;
signal lTxCh1 : InterfaceData_t;
signal lTxCh2 : InterfaceData_t;
signal lRxCh1_0 : InterfaceData_t;
signal lRxCh1_1 : InterfaceData_t;
signal lRxCh2_0 : InterfaceData_t;
signal lRxCh2_1 : InterfaceData_t;
-- Direct Pass-through Pins : ---------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- LMK SYNC assignment for direct passthrough to LMK from SPI Addr line.
aLmkSync <= aPlSpiAddr(2);
-- PS SPI Interface : -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Composed of a few modules:
-- 1) PsMosiIndex - generate pointer for MOSI Buffer
-- 2) PsMosiBuffer - actually implement the buffer, only when the CPLD is targeted.
-- 3) PsMosiProcessing - process the MOSI data: sort into Rd/!Wt, Address, and Data.
-- This process works on the falling edge of the clock to register the pieces
-- of the MOSI packet as they are complete. The final falling edge registers
-- the data into the individual registers, so it is critical that the clock idle
-- LOW after the transaction is complete such that this final falling edge occurs.
-- 4) PsMisoBuffer - generate pointer for the MISO buffer. The buffer itself is
-- completely async.
-- 5) PsMisoBufferMux - Mux all the register data back into the MISO buffer.
-- 6) StatusSynchronizer - double-synchronizers for status bits from the LMK and LOs.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Decode the PS SPI Address bits... which are actually going to be used as individual
-- chip selects coming from the PS.
sCpldPsSpiActive <= sPsSpiLe = '0';
aLmkSpiCs_n <= aPsSpiAddr(0);
aDacSync_n <= aPsSpiAddr(1);
-- Assign the remainder of the SPI lines to the LMK and DAC.
aLmkSpiSck <= PsSpiSck;
aLmkSpiSdio <= sPsSpiSdi;
aDacSck <= PsSpiSck;
aDacDin <= sPsSpiSdi;
-- Output mux for data back to the FPGA (PS core). The LMK and CPLD are the only
-- endpoints that have readback enabled.
sPsSpiSdo <= aLmkClkinSel(0) when aPsSpiAddr(0) = '0' else
-- Use the LE signal (Cs_n) as the asynchronous reset to the shift register counter.
-- LE will hold the counter in reset until this endpoint is targeted, when it will
-- release the reset (long before the clock toggles) and allow the shift operation
-- to begin.
-- This counter starts safely from reset because the PsSpiSck will not start toggling
-- until long after the asynchronous reset (sCpldPsSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
-- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
PsMosiIndex : process(PsSpiSck, sCpldPsSpiActive)
if not sCpldPsSpiActive then
sPsMosiIndex <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(PsSpiSck) then
sPsMosiIndex <= sPsMosiIndex + 1;
end if;
end process PsMosiIndex;
-- Shift in SDI (MOSI) data from the PS on the rising edge of the clock. Only use
-- synchronous resets from here on out.
PsMosiBuffer : process(PsSpiSck)
if rising_edge(PsSpiSck) then
if sReset then
sPsMosiBuffer <= (others => '0');
if sCpldPsSpiActive then
sPsMosiBuffer <= sPsMosiBuffer(sPsMosiBuffer'high-1 downto 0) & sPsSpiSdi; -- left shift
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process PsMosiBuffer;
-- As portions of the command and data packets become available, register them here
-- using the falling edge of the PS SPI clock.
PsMosiProcessing : process(PsSpiSck)
if falling_edge(PsSpiSck) then
if sReset then
-- sReset is intentionally self-clearing. It clears on the first falling edge of
-- the next SPI transaction after it is set. Logic on the first rising edge of
-- that next transaction is therefore held in reset. This will not matter
-- as long as SW follows the recommended reset procedure (writing a '1' to reset
-- then writing a '0'), since the first bit of the transaction is '0' for a
-- write operation.
sReset <= false;
sScratchVal <= (others => '0');
sVcxoControl <= '1';
sMykonosReset <= '0';
sPsRd <= false;
sPsRegAddr <= (others => '0');
-- After the first bit is captured, we can determine if it is a write or read.
if (sPsMosiIndex = (kRdWtWidth)) then
sPsRd <= sPsMosiBuffer(0) = '1';
end if;
-- After the entire command word is captured, the address is ready for capture.
if (sPsMosiIndex = (kAddrWidth + kRdWtWidth)) then
sPsRegAddr <= unsigned(sPsMosiBuffer(kAddrWidth - 1 downto 0));
end if;
-- And finally after the entire transaction is complete we can save off the data
-- on the final falling edge of the SPI clock into it's appropriate place, based
-- off the address value captured above.
if (sPsMosiIndex = kTotalWidth) and (not sPsRd) then
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Assign writable register values here! --------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (sPsRegAddr = kScratch) then
sScratchVal <= sPsMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (sPsRegAddr = kCpldControl) then
sReset <= sPsMosiBuffer(kCpldReset) = '1';
end if;
if (sPsRegAddr = kLmkControl) then
sVcxoControl <= sPsMosiBuffer(kVcxoControl);
end if;
if (sPsRegAddr = kMykonosControl) then
sMykonosReset <= sPsMosiBuffer(kMykonosReset);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process PsMosiProcessing;
-- Send MISO back to FPGA (PS) on the falling edge as well.
-- This counter starts safely from reset because the PsSpiSck will not start toggling
-- until long after the asynchronous reset (sCpldPsSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
-- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
PsMisoBuffer : process(PsSpiSck, sCpldPsSpiActive)
if not sCpldPsSpiActive then
sPsMisoIndex <= to_unsigned(kTotalWidth-1, sPsMisoIndex'length);
elsif falling_edge(PsSpiSck) then
if sPsMisoIndex > 0 then
sPsMisoIndex <= sPsMisoIndex - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process PsMisoBuffer;
sPsCpldMiso <= sPsMisoBuffer(to_integer(sPsMisoIndex));
-- Mux the register data from the CPLD back to the FPGA.
PsMisoBufferMux : process(sPsRegAddr, sScratchVal, sVcxoControl,
sTxLoLockDetect, sRxLoLockDetect, sMykonosReset)
sPsMisoBuffer <= (others => '0');
case to_integer(sPsRegAddr) is
when kSignatureReg => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kSignature;
when kMinorRevReg => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kMinorRev;
when kMajorRevReg => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kMajorRev;
when kBuildCodeLSB => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kBuildCode(15 downto 0);
when kBuildCodeMSB => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= kBuildCode(31 downto 16);
when kScratch => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= sScratchVal;
when kLmkControl => sPsMisoBuffer(kVcxoControl) <= sVcxoControl;
when kLoStatus => sPsMisoBuffer(kTxLoLockDetect) <= sTxLoLockDetect;
sPsMisoBuffer(kRxLoLockDetect) <= sRxLoLockDetect;
when kMykonosControl => sPsMisoBuffer(kMykonosReset) <= sMykonosReset;
when others => sPsMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
end case;
end process PsMisoBufferMux;
-- Double-synchronize the async inputs to the PS clock domain. However, this clock
-- isn't toggling all the time. Whenever it is toggling, let's capture these bits.
StatusSynchronizer : process(PsSpiSck)
if rising_edge(PsSpiSck) then
aRxLoLockDetect_ms <= aRxLoLockDetect;
sRxLoLockDetect <= aRxLoLockDetect_ms;
aTxLoLockDetect_ms <= aTxLoLockDetect;
sTxLoLockDetect <= aTxLoLockDetect_ms;
end if;
end process;
-- PS SPI locals to outputs.
aVcxoCtrl <= sVcxoControl;
aMkReset_n <= not sMykonosReset;
-- PL SPI Interface : -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Composed of a few modules:
-- 1) PlMosiIndex - generate pointer for MOSI Buffer
-- 2) PlMosiBuffer - actually implement the buffer, only when the CPLD is targeted.
-- 3) PlMosiProcessing - process the MOSI data: sort into Rd/!Wt, Address, and Data.
-- This process works on the falling edge of the clock to register the pieces
-- of the MOSI packet as they are complete. The final falling edge registers
-- the data into the individual registers, so it is critical that the clock idle
-- LOW after the transaction is complete such that this final falling edge occurs.
-- 4) PlMisoBuffer - generate pointer for the MISO buffer. The buffer itself is
-- completely async.
-- 5) PlMisoBufferMux - Mux all the register data back into the MISO buffer.
-- 6) StatusSynchronizer - double-synchronizers for status bits from the LMK and LOs.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Decode the PL SPI Address bits... which are actually going to be used as individual
-- chip selects coming from the PL.
lCpldPlSpiActive <= lPlSpiLe = '0';
aTxLoCs_n <= aPlSpiAddr(0);
aRxLoCs_n <= aPlSpiAddr(1);
-- Assign the remainder of the SPI lines to the LOs.
aRxLoSck <= PlSpiSck;
aRxLoDin <= lPlSpiSdi;
aTxLoSck <= PlSpiSck;
aTxLoDin <= lPlSpiSdi;
-- Output mux for data back to the FPGA (PL core). The LMK and CPLD are the only
-- endpoints that have readback enabled.
lPlSpiSdo <= aTxLoMuxOut when aPlSpiAddr(0) = '0' else
aRxLoMuxOut when aPlSpiAddr(1) = '0' else
-- Use the LE signal (Cs_n) as the asynchronous reset to the shift register counter.
-- LE will hold the counter in reset until this endpoint is targeted, when it will
-- release the reset (long before the clock toggles) and allow the shift operation
-- to begin.
-- This counter starts safely from reset because the PlSpiSck will not start toggling
-- until long after the asynchronous reset (lCpldPlSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
-- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
PlMosiIndex : process(PlSpiSck, lCpldPlSpiActive)
if not lCpldPlSpiActive then
lPlMosiIndex <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(PlSpiSck) then
lPlMosiIndex <= lPlMosiIndex + 1;
end if;
end process PlMosiIndex;
-- Shift in SDI (MOSI) data from the PL on the rising edge of the clock. Only use
-- synchronous resets from here on out.
PlMosiBuffer : process(PlSpiSck)
if rising_edge(PlSpiSck) then
if lReset then
lPlMosiBuffer <= (others => '0');
if lCpldPlSpiActive then
lPlMosiBuffer <= lPlMosiBuffer(lPlMosiBuffer'high-1 downto 0) & lPlSpiSdi; -- left shift
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process PlMosiBuffer;
-- As portions of the command and data packets become available, register them here
-- using the falling edge of the PL SPI clock.
PlMosiProcessing : process(PlSpiSck)
if falling_edge(PlSpiSck) then
if lReset then
-- lReset is intentionally self-clearing. It clears on the first falling edge of
-- the next SPI transaction after it is set. Logic on the first rising edge of
-- that next transaction is therefore held in reset. This will not matter
-- as long as SW follows the recommended reset procedure (writing a '1' to reset
-- then writing a '0'), since the first bit of the transaction is '0' for a
-- write operation.
lReset <= false;
lScratchVal <= (others => '0');
lTxCh1IdleReg <= kTxChDefault;
lTxCh1TxOnReg <= kTxChDefault;
lTxCh2IdleReg <= kTxChDefault;
lTxCh2TxOnReg <= kTxChDefault;
lRxCh1_0IdleReg <= kRxChDefault0;
lRxCh1_1IdleReg <= kRxChDefault1;
lRxCh1_0RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault0;
lRxCh1_1RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault1;
lRxCh2_0IdleReg <= kRxChDefault0;
lRxCh2_1IdleReg <= kRxChDefault1;
lRxCh2_0RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault0;
lRxCh2_1RxOnReg <= kRxChDefault1;
lPlRd <= false;
lPlRegAddr <= (others => '0');
-- After the first bit is captured, we can determine if it is a write or read.
if (lPlMosiIndex = (kRdWtWidth)) then
lPlRd <= lPlMosiBuffer(0) = '1';
end if;
-- After the entire command word is captured, the address is ready for capture.
if (lPlMosiIndex = (kAddrWidth + kRdWtWidth)) then
lPlRegAddr <= unsigned(lPlMosiBuffer(kAddrWidth - 1 downto 0));
end if;
-- And finally after the entire transaction is complete we can save off the data
-- on the final falling edge of the SPI clock into it's appropriate place, based
-- off the address value captured above.
if (lPlMosiIndex = kTotalWidth) and (not lPlRd) then
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Assign writable register values here! --------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (lPlRegAddr = kPlScratch) then
lScratchVal <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kPlCpldControl) then
lReset <= lPlMosiBuffer(kCpldReset) = '1';
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh1_Idle) then
lTxCh1IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh1_TxOn) then
lTxCh1TxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh2_Idle) then
lTxCh2IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kTxCh2_TxOn) then
lTxCh2TxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_0_Idle) then
lRxCh1_0IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_1_Idle) then
lRxCh1_1IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_0_RxOn) then
lRxCh1_0RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh1_1_RxOn) then
lRxCh1_1RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_0_Idle) then
lRxCh2_0IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_1_Idle) then
lRxCh2_1IdleReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_0_RxOn) then
lRxCh2_0RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
if (lPlRegAddr = kRxCh2_1_RxOn) then
lRxCh2_1RxOnReg <= lPlMosiBuffer;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process PlMosiProcessing;
-- Send MISO back to FPGA (PL) on the falling edge as well.
-- This counter starts safely from reset because the PlSpiSck will not start toggling
-- until long after the asynchronous reset (lCpldPlSpiActive) de-asserts. Similarly,
-- the reset will only assert long after the last clock edge is received.
PlMisoBuffer : process(PlSpiSck, lCpldPlSpiActive)
if not lCpldPlSpiActive then
lPlMisoIndex <= to_unsigned(kTotalWidth-1, lPlMisoIndex'length);
elsif falling_edge(PlSpiSck) then
if lPlMisoIndex > 0 then
lPlMisoIndex <= lPlMisoIndex - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process PlMisoBuffer;
lPlCpldMiso <= lPlMisoBuffer(to_integer(lPlMisoIndex));
-- Mux the register data from the CPLD back to the FPGA.
PlMisoBufferMux : process(lPlRegAddr, lScratchVal, lTxCh1IdleReg, lTxCh1TxOnReg,
lTxCh2IdleReg, lTxCh2TxOnReg, lRxCh1_0IdleReg,
lRxCh1_1IdleReg, lRxCh1_0RxOnReg, lRxCh1_1RxOnReg,
lRxCh2_0IdleReg, lRxCh2_1IdleReg, lRxCh2_0RxOnReg,
lPlMisoBuffer <= (others => '0');
case to_integer(lPlRegAddr) is
when kPlScratch => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lScratchVal;
when kTxCh1_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh1IdleReg;
when kTxCh1_TxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh1TxOnReg;
when kTxCh2_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh2IdleReg;
when kTxCh2_TxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lTxCh2TxOnReg;
when kRxCh1_0_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_0IdleReg;
when kRxCh1_1_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_1IdleReg;
when kRxCh1_0_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_0RxOnReg;
when kRxCh1_1_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh1_1RxOnReg;
when kRxCh2_0_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_0IdleReg;
when kRxCh2_1_Idle => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_1IdleReg;
when kRxCh2_0_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_0RxOnReg;
when kRxCh2_1_RxOn => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= lRxCh2_1RxOnReg;
when others => lPlMisoBuffer(kDataWidth-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
end case;
end process PlMisoBufferMux;
-- Use the ATR bits to mux the output values.
lTxCh1 <= lTxCh1IdleReg when aAtrTx1 = '0' else lTxCh1TxOnReg;
lTxCh2 <= lTxCh2IdleReg when aAtrTx2 = '0' else lTxCh2TxOnReg;
lRxCh1_0 <= lRxCh1_0IdleReg when aAtrRx1 = '0' else lRxCh1_0RxOnReg;
lRxCh1_1 <= lRxCh1_1IdleReg when aAtrRx1 = '0' else lRxCh1_1RxOnReg;
lRxCh2_0 <= lRxCh2_0IdleReg when aAtrRx2 = '0' else lRxCh2_0RxOnReg;
lRxCh2_1 <= lRxCh2_1IdleReg when aAtrRx2 = '0' else lRxCh2_1RxOnReg;
-- PL SPI locals to outputs. All the register values are set for Channel 1. Channel 2
-- values are mixed around here in order for the same register settings to work for
-- Channel 1 and Channel 2, even though Ch2 switch configuration is different in HW.
aCh1LedTx <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxLed);
aCh1TxPaEn <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxPaEn);
aCh1TxAmpEn <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxAmpEn);
aCh1TxMixerEn <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxMixerEn);
aCh1TxSw1 <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxSw1Msb downto kCh1TxSw1);
aCh1TxSw2 <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxSw2Msb downto kCh1TxSw2);
aCh1TxSw3 <= lTxCh1(kCh1TxSw3);
aCh1TxSw4 <= "01" when lTxCh1(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
aCh1TxSw5 <= "10" when lTxCh1(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
aCh1SwTrx <= lTxCh1(kCh1SwTrxMsb downto kCh1SwTrx);
aMkTx1En <= lTxCh1(kCh1MykEnTx);
aCh2LedTx <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxLed);
aCh2TxPaEn <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxPaEn);
aCh2TxAmpEn <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxAmpEn);
aCh2TxMixerEn <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxMixerEn);
aCh2TxSw1 <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxSw1Msb downto kCh1TxSw1);
aCh2TxSw2 <= Tx2Switch2Mod(lTxCh2(kCh1TxSw2Msb downto kCh1TxSw2));
aCh2TxSw3 <= lTxCh2(kCh1TxSw3);
aCh2TxSw4 <= "10" when lTxCh2(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
aCh2TxSw5 <= "01" when lTxCh2(kCh1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
aCh2SwTrx <= Tx2TrxMod(lTxCh2(kCh1SwTrxMsb downto kCh1SwTrx));
aMkTx2En <= lTxCh2(kCh1MykEnTx);
aCh1RxSw1 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw1Msb downto kCh1RxSw1);
aCh1RxSw2 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw2Msb downto kCh1RxSw2);
aCh1RxSw3 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw3Msb downto kCh1RxSw3);
aCh1RxSw4 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw4Msb downto kCh1RxSw4);
aCh1RxSw5 <= lRxCh1_0(kCh1RxSw5Msb downto kCh1RxSw5);
aCh1RxSw6 <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxSw6Msb downto kCh1RxSw6);
aCh1RxSw7 <= "01" when lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
aCh1RxSw8 <= "01" when lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "10";
aCh1LedRx <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLed) and not lTxCh1(kCh1TxLed);
aCh1LedRx2 <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1Rx2Led);
aCh1RxAmpEn <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxAmpEn);
aCh1RxMixerEn <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxMixerEn);
aCh1RxLna1En <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLna1En);
aCh1RxLna2En <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1RxLna2En);
aMkRx1En <= lRxCh1_1(kCh1MykEnRx);
aCh2RxSw1 <= Rx2Switch1Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw1Msb downto kCh1RxSw1));
aCh2RxSw2 <= Rx2Switch2Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw2Msb downto kCh1RxSw2));
aCh2RxSw3 <= Rx2Switch3Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw3Msb downto kCh1RxSw3));
aCh2RxSw4 <= Rx2Switch4Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw4Msb downto kCh1RxSw4));
aCh2RxSw5 <= Rx2Switch5Mod(lRxCh2_0(kCh1RxSw5Msb downto kCh1RxSw5));
aCh2RxSw6 <= Rx2Switch6Mod(lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxSw6Msb downto kCh1RxSw6));
aCh2RxSw7 <= "10" when lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
aCh2RxSw8 <= "10" when lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect) = '1' else "01";
aCh2LedRx <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLed) and not lTxCh2(kCh1TxLed);
aCh2LedRx2 <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1Rx2Led);
aCh2RxAmpEn <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxAmpEn);
aCh2RxMixerEn <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxMixerEn);
aCh2RxLna1En <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLna1En);
aCh2RxLna2En <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1RxLna2En);
aMkRx2En <= lRxCh2_1(kCh1MykEnRx);
end RTL;
--XmlParse xml_on
-- These registers are accessed via the PS SPI interface to the CPLD. They are all
-- internal to the CPLD. The SPI format is 24 bits total. On MOSI, shift (msb first)
-- Rd/!Wt | Addr(6:0) | Data(15:0) (lsb). The SPI clock {b}MUST{/b} idle LOW before
-- and after the transaction. CPOL=CPHA=0. To access these registers, use the chip
-- select line named "CPLD-PS-SPI-SLE-33" as an active-low select.
-- This register contains the device signature.
-- Represents the product family name/number. This field reads back as
-- 0xCAFE.
-- This register contains the device revision numeric code.
-- Contains minor revision code (0,1,2,...).
-- This register contains the major revision value.
-- Contains major revision code.
-- Build code... right now it's the date it was built. LSB in this register.
-- Contains build code hour code.
-- Contains build code day code.
-- Build code... right now it's the date it was built. MSB in this register.
-- Contains build code month code.
-- Contains build code revision year code.
-- Contains scratch value for testing. The state of this register has
-- no effect on any other operation in the CPLD.
-- Asserting this bit resets all the CPLD logic.
-- This reset will return all registers on the PS SPI interface to their default
-- state! To use this reset correctly, first write CpldReset to '1', then write
-- it to '0'. Registers will be reset on the _falling_ edge of CpldReset.
-- Setting this bit to '0' will allow the Phase DAC to exclusively control the
-- VCXO voltage. Defaults to '1', which allows the Phase DAC to adjust the
-- voltage (but the LMK still has control as well).
-- Live lock detect status from the RX LO.
-- Live lock detect status from the TX LO.
-- Drives the Mykonos hard reset line. Defaults to de-asserted. Write a '1' to
-- assert the reset, and a '0' to de-assert.
-- These registers are accessed via the PL SPI interface to the CPLD. They are all
-- internal to the CPLD. The SPI format is 24 bits total. On MOSI, shift (msb first)
-- Rd/!Wt | Addr(6:0) | Data(15:0) (lsb). The SPI clock {b}MUST{/b} idle LOW before
-- and after the transaction. CPOL=CPHA=0. To access these registers, use the chip
-- select line named "CPLD-PL-SPI-LE-25" as an active-low select. {br}{br}
-- The ATR bits ultimately control which of these registers actually control
-- the RF front end.
-- Contains scratch value for testing. The state of this register has no effect
-- on any other operation in the CPLD.
-- Asserting this bit resets all the CPLD logic on the PL SPI interface.
-- This reset will return all registers to their default state! To use this
-- reset correctly, first write PlCpldReset to '1', then write it to '0'.
-- Registers will be reset on the _falling_ edge of PlCpldReset.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 1 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 0, RX = don't-care.
-- Controls Switch 1. Filter bank receive switch.
-- Controls Switch 2. Filter bank distribution switch.
-- Controls Switch 3. Bypasses the filter bank and PA, or doesn't.
-- Controls Switches 4 and 5. Write a '1' to select the Lowband Mixer path.
-- Writing '0' will select the bypass path around the mixer. Default is '0'. Note:
-- Individual control over these switches was removed as an optimization to
-- allow all TX controls to fit in one 16 bit register.
-- Write a '1' to enable the lowband mixer. Note that Ch1TxLowbandMixerPathSelect
-- must be properly configured to select the mixer path.
-- Write a '1' to enable the TX path Amp in between TX switches 3 and 4. The path
-- (from Mykonos) is: TxSw4 -> Amp -> DSA -> TxSw3.
-- Write a '1' to enable the TX path PA in between TX switches 2 and 3.
-- TRX switch control.
-- Red/Green combo LED for the TRX channel.
-- Drives the Mykonos input port TX1_ENABLE.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 1 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 1, RX = don't-care. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the Tx1_Off register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 2 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 0, RX = don't-care. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the Tx1_Off register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel TX 2 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = 1, RX = don't-care. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the Tx1_Off register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0.
-- Controls Switch 1. Selects between the cal, bypass, RX2, and TRX paths.
-- Controls Switch 2. First filter switch. Selects between bypass path and
-- the upper/lower filter banks.
-- Controls Switch 3. Lower filter bank transmit switch.
-- Controls Switch 4. Upper filter bank receive switch.
-- Controls Switch 5. Lower filter bank receive switch.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0.
-- Controls Switch 6. Selects between the upper and lower filter banks and
-- bypass path.
-- Controls Switches 7 and 8. Write a '1' to select the Lowband Mixer path.
-- Writing '0' will select the bypass path around the mixer. Default is '0'. Note:
-- Individual control over these switches was removed as an optimization to
-- allow all TX controls to fit in one 16 bit register... so the same was done
-- for the RX path for continuity.
-- Write a '1' to enable the lowband mixer. Note that Ch1RxLowbandMixerPathSelect
-- must be properly configured to select the mixer path.
-- Write a '1' to enable the RX path Amp directly before the Mykonos inputs.
-- Write a '1' to enable the RX path LNA1 between RxSw4 and RxSw6.
-- Write a '1' to enable the RX path LNA2 between RxSw5 and RxSw6.
-- Green LED for RX2 channel.
-- Red/Green combo LED for the TRX channel.
-- Drives the Mykonos input port RX1_ENABLE.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the RxCh1_0_Idle register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 1 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the RxCh1_1_Idle register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the RxCh1_0_Idle register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 0. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the RxCh1_1_Idle register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the RxCh1_0_Idle register.
-- Load this register with the front-end configuration for channel RX 2 when the
-- ATR bits are configured: TX = don't-care, RX = 1. The bitfields are the same
-- as for the RxCh1_1_Idle register.
--XmlParse xml_off