# # Copyright 2018-2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand # ################################################## # Project Setup ################################################## TOP_MODULE = <Input arg> # NAME = <Input arg> # PART_ID = <Input arg> # ARCH = <Input arg> ################################################## # Include other makefiles ################################################## BASE_DIR = $(abspath ..) IP_DIR = $(abspath ./ip) include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_design_builder.mak include $(IP_DIR)/Makefile.inc include ../n3xx/coregen_dsp/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/ip/Makefile.inc include $(LIB_DIR)/hls/Makefile.inc include $(LIB_DIR)/control/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/fifo/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/simple_gemac/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/axi/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/timing/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/packet_proc/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/xge/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/xge_interface/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/dsp/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/io_cap_gen/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/rfnoc/Makefile.srcs # For sake of convenience, we include the Makefile.srcs for DRAM FIFO, DDC, and # DUC, and of course the radio. Any other block needs to use the # RFNOC_OOT_MAKEFILE_SRCS variable (see below). include $(LIB_DIR)/rfnoc/blocks/rfnoc_block_axi_ram_fifo/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/rfnoc/blocks/rfnoc_block_radio/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/rfnoc/blocks/rfnoc_block_ddc/Makefile.srcs include $(LIB_DIR)/rfnoc/blocks/rfnoc_block_duc/Makefile.srcs # If out-of-tree modules want to be compiled into this image, then they need to # pass in the RFNOC_OOT_MAKEFILE_SRCS as a list of Makefile.srcs files. # Those files need to amend the RFNOC_OOT_SRCS variable with a list of actual # source files. include $(RFNOC_OOT_MAKEFILE_SRCS) IMAGE_CORE ?= $(DEFAULT_RFNOC_IMAGE_CORE_FILE) EDGE_FILE ?= $(DEFAULT_EDGE_FILE) ################################################## # Sources ################################################## TOP_SRCS = \ e320.v \ e320_core.v \ e320_clocking.v \ n3xx_sfp_wrapper.v \ n3xx_mgt_io_core.v \ $(IMAGE_CORE) MB_XDC = \ mb_pins.xdc \ mb_timing.xdc ifdef BUILD_10G MB_XDC += $(abspath e320_10ge.xdc) endif ifdef BUILD_1G MB_XDC += $(abspath e320_1ge.xdc) endif ifdef BUILD_AURORA MB_XDC += $(abspath e320_aurora.xdc) endif ifdef SFP_10GBE MB_XDC += $(abspath e320_10ge_port0.xdc) endif ifndef NO_DRAM_FIFOS DRAM_SRCS = $(IP_DRAM_XCI_SRCS) $(abspath e320_dram.xdc) else DRAM_SRCS = endif # The XDC files must be read in a specific order, motherboard first and then daughterboard. # Outside of that, all the other sources can be read in any order desired. DESIGN_SRCS = \ $(abspath $(TOP_SRCS)) \ $(CONTROL_LIB_SRCS) \ $(IP_XCI_SRCS) \ $(TEN_GIGE_PHY_SRCS) \ $(XGE_SRCS) \ $(XGE_INTERFACE_SRCS) \ $(PACKET_PROC_SRCS) \ $(AXI_SRCS) \ $(FIFO_SRCS) \ $(ONE_GIGE_PHY_SRCS) \ $(SIMPLE_GEMAC_SRCS) \ $(AURORA_PHY_SRCS) \ $(BD_SRCS) \ $(TIMING_SRCS) \ $(CAT_CAP_GEN_SRCS) \ $(DRAM_SRCS) \ $(COREGEN_DSP_SRCS) \ $(DSP_SRCS) \ $(LIB_IP_XCI_SRCS) \ $(LIB_HLS_IP_SRCS) \ $(EXTRAM_SRCS) \ $(CAP_GEN_GENERIC_SRCS) \ $(RFNOC_SRCS) \ $(RFNOC_OOT_SRCS) \ $(RFNOC_FRAMEWORK_SRCS) \ $(RFNOC_BLOCK_AXI_RAM_FIFO_SRCS) \ $(RFNOC_BLOCK_DUC_SRCS) $(RFNOC_BLOCK_DDC_SRCS) \ $(RFNOC_BLOCK_RADIO_SRCS) \ $(abspath $(MB_XDC)) EDGE_TBL_DEF="RFNOC_EDGE_TBL_FILE=$(EDGE_FILE)" ################################################## # Dependency Targets ################################################## .SECONDEXPANSION: VERILOG_DEFS=$(EXTRA_DEFS) $(CUSTOM_DEFS) $(GIT_HASH_VERILOG_DEF) $(EDGE_TBL_DEF) # DESIGN_SRCS and VERILOG_DEFS must be defined bin: .prereqs $$(DESIGN_SRCS) ip $(call BUILD_VIVADO_DESIGN,$(abspath ./build_e320.tcl),$(TOP_MODULE),$(ARCH),$(PART_ID)) synth: .prereqs $$(DESIGN_SRCS) ip $(call BUILD_VIVADO_DESIGN,$(TOOLS_DIR)/scripts/viv_synth.tcl,$(TOP_MODULE),$(ARCH),$(PART_ID)) rtl: .prereqs $$(DESIGN_SRCS) ip $(call CHECK_VIVADO_DESIGN,$(TOOLS_DIR)/scripts/viv_check_syntax.tcl,$(TOP_MODULE),$(ARCH),$(PART_ID)) .PHONY: bin rtl