# # Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC # # NOTE: All comments prefixed with a "##" will be displayed as a part of the "make help" target ##------------------- ##USRP B2XXXmini FPGA Help ##------------------- ##Usage: ## make <Targets> <Options> ## ##Output: ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga.bit: Configuration bitstream with header ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga.bin: Configuration bitstream without header ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga.syr: Xilinx system report ## build/usrp_<product>_fpga.twr: Xilinx timing report print_report = \ echo "========================================================================"; \ cat $(1)/b205.syr | grep "Device utilization summary:" -A 30; \ echo "========================================================================"; \ echo "Timing Summary:\n"; \ cat $(1)/b205.twr | grep constraint | grep met | grep -v "*"; \ echo "========================================================================"; # pre_build($1=Device) ifeq ($(EXPORT_ONLY),1) pre_build = @test -s build-$(1)/b205.bit || { echo "EXPORT_ONLY requires the project in build-$(1) to be fully built."; false; } else pre_build = @echo "ISE Version: $(shell xtclsh -h | head -n1)" endif # ise_build($1=Device, $2=Definitions) ifeq ($(PROJECT_ONLY),1) ise_build = make -f Makefile.b205.inc proj NAME=$@ DEVICE=$1 else ifeq ($(EXPORT_ONLY),1) ise_build = @echo "Skipping ISE build and exporting pre-built files."; else ise_build = make -f Makefile.b205.inc bin NAME=$@ DEVICE=$1 endif # post_build($1=Device) ifeq ($(PROJECT_ONLY),1) post_build = \ @echo "Generated $(shell pwd)/build-$(1)/b205.xise"; \ echo "\nProject Generation DONE ... $(1)\n"; else post_build = \ @$(call print_report,build-$(1)) \ mkdir -p build; \ echo "Exporting bitstream files..."; \ cp build-$(1)/b205.bin build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga.bin; \ cp build-$(1)/b205.bit build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga.bit; \ echo "Exporting logs..."; \ cp build-$(1)/b205.syr build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga.syr; \ cp build-$(1)/b205.twr build/usrp_`echo $(1) | tr A-Z a-z`_fpga.twr; \ echo "\nBuild DONE ... $(1)\n"; endif ## ##Supported Targets ##----------------- all: B200mini B205mini ##(Default target) B200mini: ##Build USRP B200mini design. $(call pre_build,B200mini) $(call ise_build,XC6SLX75) $(call post_build,B200mini) B205mini: ##Build USRP B205mini design. $(call pre_build,B205mini) $(call ise_build,XC6SLX150) $(call post_build,B205mini) clean: ##Clean up all build output. rm -rf build-* rm -rf build help: ## Show this help message. @grep -h "##" Makefile | grep -v "\"##\"" | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//' ## ##Supported Options ##----------------- ##PROJECT_ONLY=1 Only create a Xilinx project for the specified target(s). ## Useful for use with the ISE GUI. ##EXPORT_ONLY=1 Export build targets from a GUI build to the build directory. ## Requires the project in build-*_* to be built. .PHONY: all clean help B200mini B205mini