#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # import argparse import os import sys import subprocess import logging import re import time import datetime from queue import Queue from threading import Thread #------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities #------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) BASE_DIR = os.path.split(os.path.split(SCRIPT_DIR)[0])[0] _LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) _LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO) _STDOUT = logging.StreamHandler() _LOG.addHandler(_STDOUT) _FORMATTER = logging.Formatter('[%(name)s] - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') _STDOUT.setFormatter(_FORMATTER) RETCODE_SUCCESS = 0 RETCODE_PARSE_ERR = -1 RETCODE_EXEC_ERR = -2 RETCODE_COMPILE_ERR = -3 RETCODE_UNKNOWN_ERR = -4 def retcode_to_str(code): """ Convert internal status code to string """ code = int(code) if code > RETCODE_SUCCESS: return 'AppError({code})'.format(code=code) else: return {RETCODE_SUCCESS:'OK', RETCODE_PARSE_ERR:'ParseError', RETCODE_EXEC_ERR:'ExecError', RETCODE_COMPILE_ERR:'CompileError', RETCODE_UNKNOWN_ERR:'UnknownError' }[code] def log_with_header(what, minlen = 0, ch = '#'): """ Print with a header around the text """ padlen = max(int((minlen - len(what))/2), 1) toprint = (' '*padlen) + what + (' '*padlen) _LOG.info(ch * len(toprint)) _LOG.info(toprint) _LOG.info(ch * len(toprint)) #------------------------------------------------------- # Simulation Functions #------------------------------------------------------- def read_excludes_file(excludes_fname): if excludes_fname: return [ l.strip() for l in open(excludes_fname) if (l.strip() and '#' not in l)] else: return [] def find_sims_on_fs(basedir, excludes): """ Find all testbenches in the specific basedir Testbenches are defined as directories with a Makefile that includes viv_sim_preamble.mak """ sims = {} for root, _, files in os.walk(basedir): name = os.path.relpath(root, basedir) if 'Makefile' in files: with open(os.path.join(root, 'Makefile'), 'r') as mfile: for l in mfile.readlines(): if re.match('.*include.*viv_sim_preamble.mak.*', l) is not None: if name not in excludes: sims.update({name: root}) break return sims def gather_target_sims(basedir, targets, excludes): """ Parse the specified targets and gather simulations to run Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically """ fs_sims = find_sims_on_fs(basedir, excludes) if not isinstance(targets, list): targets = [targets] sim_names = set() for target in targets: for name in sorted(fs_sims): if re.match(target, name) is not None: sim_names.add(name) target_sims = [] for name in sorted(sim_names): target_sims.append((name, fs_sims[name])) return target_sims def parse_output(simout): # Gather results (basic metrics) results = {'retcode': RETCODE_SUCCESS, 'stdout': simout, 'passed': False} # Look for the following in the log: # - A start timestamp (indicates that Vivado started) # - The testbench infrastructure start header (indicates that the TB started) # - A stop timestamp (indicates that the TB stopped) tb_started = False compile_started = False results['start_time'] = '<unknown>' results['wall_time'] = '<unknown>' for line in simout.split(b'\n'): tsm = re.match(rb'TESTBENCH STARTED: (.+)', line) if tsm is not None: tb_started = True csm = re.match(rb'source .*viv_sim_project.tcl', line) if csm is not None: compile_started = True vsm = re.match(rb'# Start of session at: (.+)', line) if vsm is not None: results['start_time'] = str(vsm.group(1), 'ascii') tfm = re.match(rb'launch_simulation:.*; elapsed = (.+) \..*', line) if tfm is not None: results['wall_time'] = str(tfm.group(1), 'ascii') # Parse testbench results # We have two possible formats to parse because we have two simulation # test executors. tb_match_fmt0 = ([ b'.*TESTBENCH FINISHED: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )? - Time elapsed: (.+) ns.*\n', b'(?:# )? - Tests Expected: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )? - Tests Run: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )? - Tests Passed: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )?Result: (PASSED|FAILED).*', ]) m_fmt0 = re.match(b''.join(tb_match_fmt0), simout, re.DOTALL) tb_match_fmt1 = ([ b'.*TESTBENCH FINISHED: (.*)\n', b'(?:# )? - Time elapsed: (.+) ns.*\n', b'(?:# )? - Tests Run: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )? - Tests Passed: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )? - Tests Failed: (.+)\n', b'(?:# )?Result: (PASSED|FAILED).*', ]) m_fmt1 = re.match(b''.join(tb_match_fmt1), simout, re.DOTALL) # Remove escape characters (colors) from Vivado output ansi_escape = re.compile(r'(?:\x1B[\(@-_]|[\x80-\x9F])[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') plain_simout = ansi_escape.sub('', simout.decode("utf-8")) # Check for $error() and $fatal() output, which may be missed by the # testbench or may occur in a subsequent instance, after a pass. tb_match_error = ([ '\n', '(Error|Fatal): .*\n', 'Time: .+\n', ]) m_error = re.search(''.join(tb_match_error), plain_simout) # Figure out the returncode retcode = RETCODE_UNKNOWN_ERR if m_fmt0 is not None or m_fmt1 is not None: retcode = RETCODE_SUCCESS if m_fmt0 is not None: results['passed'] = (m_fmt0.group(6) == b'PASSED' and m_error is None) results['module'] = m_fmt0.group(1) results['sim_time_ns'] = int(m_fmt0.group(2)) results['tc_expected'] = int(m_fmt0.group(3)) results['tc_run'] = int(m_fmt0.group(4)) results['tc_passed'] = int(m_fmt0.group(5)) else: results['passed'] = (m_fmt1.group(6) == b'PASSED' and m_error is None) results['module'] = m_fmt1.group(1) results['sim_time_ns'] = int(m_fmt1.group(2)) results['tc_expected'] = int(m_fmt1.group(3)) results['tc_run'] = int(m_fmt1.group(3)) results['tc_passed'] = int(m_fmt1.group(4)) elif tb_started: retcode = RETCODE_PARSE_ERR elif compile_started: retcode = RETCODE_COMPILE_ERR else: retcode = RETCODE_EXEC_ERR results['retcode'] = retcode return results def run_sim(path, simulator, basedir, setupenv): """ Run the simulation at the specified path The simulator can be specified as the target A environment script can be run optionally """ try: # Optionally run an environment setup script if setupenv is None: setupenv = '' # Check if environment was setup if 'VIVADO_PATH' not in os.environ: return { 'retcode': RETCODE_EXEC_ERR, 'passed': False, 'stdout': bytes('Simulation environment was not initialized\n', 'utf-8') } else: setupenv = '. ' + os.path.realpath(setupenv) + ';' # Run the simulation return parse_output( subprocess.check_output( 'cd {workingdir}; /bin/bash -c "{setupenv} make {simulator} 2>&1"'.format( workingdir=os.path.join(basedir, path), setupenv=setupenv, simulator=simulator), shell=True)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return {'retcode': int(abs(e.returncode)), 'passed':False, 'stdout':e.output} except Exception as e: _LOG.error('Target ' + path + ' failed to run:\n' + str(e)) return {'retcode': RETCODE_EXEC_ERR, 'passed':False, 'stdout':bytes(str(e), 'utf-8')} except: _LOG.error('Target ' + path + ' failed to run') return {'retcode': RETCODE_UNKNOWN_ERR, 'passed':False, 'stdout':bytes('Unknown Exception', 'utf-8')} def run_sim_queue(run_queue, out_queue, simulator, basedir, setupenv): """ Thread worker for a simulation runner Pull a job from the run queue, run the sim, then place output in out_queue """ while not run_queue.empty(): (name, path) = run_queue.get() try: _LOG.info('Starting: %s', name) result = run_sim(path, simulator, basedir, setupenv) out_queue.put((name, result)) _LOG.info('FINISHED: %s (%s, %s)', name, retcode_to_str(result['retcode']), 'PASS' if result['passed'] else 'FAIL!') except KeyboardInterrupt: _LOG.warning('Target ' + name + ' received SIGINT. Aborting...') out_queue.put((name, {'retcode': RETCODE_EXEC_ERR, 'passed':False, 'stdout':bytes('Aborted by user', 'utf-8')})) except Exception as e: _LOG.error('Target ' + name + ' failed to run:\n' + str(e)) out_queue.put((name, {'retcode': RETCODE_UNKNOWN_ERR, 'passed':False, 'stdout':bytes(str(e), 'utf-8')})) finally: run_queue.task_done() #------------------------------------------------------- # Script Actions #------------------------------------------------------- def do_list(args): """ List all simulations that can be run """ excludes = read_excludes_file(args.excludes) for (name, path) in gather_target_sims(args.basedir, args.target, excludes): print(name) return 0 def do_run(args): """ Build a simulation queue based on the specified args and process it """ run_queue = Queue(maxsize=0) out_queue = Queue(maxsize=0) _LOG.info('Queueing the following targets to simulate:') excludes = read_excludes_file(args.excludes) name_maxlen = 0 for (name, path) in gather_target_sims(args.basedir, args.target, excludes): run_queue.put((name, path)) name_maxlen = max(name_maxlen, len(name)) _LOG.info('* ' + name) # Spawn tasks to run builds num_sims = run_queue.qsize() num_jobs = min(num_sims, int(args.jobs)) _LOG.info('Started ' + str(num_jobs) + ' job(s) to process queue...') results = {} for i in range(num_jobs): worker = Thread(target=run_sim_queue, args=(run_queue, out_queue, args.simulator, args.basedir, args.setupenv)) worker.setDaemon(False) worker.start() # Wait for build queue to become empty start = datetime.datetime.now() try: while out_queue.qsize() < num_sims: tdiff = str(datetime.datetime.now() - start).split('.', 2)[0] print("\r>>> [%s] (%d/%d simulations completed) <<<" % (tdiff, out_queue.qsize(), num_sims), end='\r', flush=True) time.sleep(1.0) sys.stdout.write("\n") except (KeyboardInterrupt): _LOG.warning('Received SIGINT. Aborting... (waiting for pending jobs to finish)') # Flush run queue while not run_queue.empty(): (name, path) = run_queue.get() raise SystemExit(1) results = {} result_all = 0 while not out_queue.empty(): (name, result) = out_queue.get() results[name] = result log_with_header(name) sys.stdout.buffer.write(result['stdout']) if not result['passed']: result_all += 1 sys.stdout.write('\n\n\n') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1.0) hdr_len = name_maxlen + 62 # 62 is the report line length log_with_header('RESULTS', hdr_len) for name in sorted(results): r = results[name] if 'module' in r: _LOG.info('* %s : %s (Expected=%02d, Run=%02d, Passed=%02d, Elapsed=%s)', name.ljust(name_maxlen), ('Passed' if r['passed'] else 'FAILED'), r['tc_expected'], r['tc_run'], r['tc_passed'], r['wall_time']) else: _LOG.info('* %s : %s (Status = %s)', name.ljust(name_maxlen), ('Passed' if r['passed'] else 'FAILED'), retcode_to_str(r['retcode'])) _LOG.info('='*hdr_len) _LOG.info('SUMMARY: %d out of %d tests passed. Time elapsed was %s'%(num_sims - result_all, num_sims, str(datetime.datetime.now() - start).split('.', 2)[0])) _LOG.info('#'*hdr_len) return result_all def do_cleanup(args): """ Run make cleanall for all simulations """ setupenv = args.setupenv if setupenv is None: setupenv = '' # Check if environment was setup if 'VIVADO_PATH' not in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('Simulation environment was not initialized') else: setupenv = '. ' + os.path.realpath(setupenv) + ';' excludes = read_excludes_file(args.excludes) for (name, path) in gather_target_sims(args.basedir, args.target, excludes): _LOG.info('Cleaning up %s', name) os.chdir(os.path.join(args.basedir, path)) subprocess.Popen('{setupenv} make cleanall'.format(setupenv=setupenv), shell=True).wait() return 0 def do_report(args): """ List all simulations that can be run """ keys = ['module', 'status', 'retcode', 'start_time', 'wall_time', 'sim_time_ns', 'tc_expected', 'tc_run', 'tc_passed'] with open(args.report, 'w') as repfile: repfile.write((','.join([x.upper() for x in keys])) + '\n') excludes = read_excludes_file(args.excludes) for (name, path) in gather_target_sims(args.basedir, args.target, excludes): results = {'module': str(name), 'status':'NOT_RUN', 'retcode':'<unknown>', 'start_time':'<unknown>', 'wall_time':'<unknown>', 'sim_time_ns':0, 'tc_expected':0, 'tc_run':0, 'tc_passed':0} logpath = os.path.join(path, args.simulator + '.log') if os.path.isfile(logpath): with open(logpath, 'rb') as logfile: r = parse_output(logfile.read()) if r['retcode'] != RETCODE_SUCCESS: results['retcode'] = retcode_to_str(r['retcode']) results['status'] = 'ERROR' results['start_time'] = r['start_time'] else: results = r results['module'] = name results['status'] = 'PASSED' if r['passed'] else 'FAILED' results['retcode'] = retcode_to_str(r['retcode']) repfile.write((','.join([str(results[x]) for x in keys])) + '\n') _LOG.info('Testbench report written to ' + args.report) return 0 # Parse command line options def get_options(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Batch testbench execution script') parser.add_argument('-d', '--basedir', default=BASE_DIR, help='Base directory for the usrp3 codebase') parser.add_argument('-s', '--simulator', choices=['xsim', 'vsim', 'modelsim'], default='xsim', help='Simulator name') parser.add_argument('-e', '--setupenv', default=None, help='Optional environment setup script to run for each TB') parser.add_argument('-r', '--report', default='testbench_report.csv', help='Name of the output report file') parser.add_argument('-x', '--excludes', default=None, help='Name of the excludes file. It contains all targets to exlude.') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', default=1, help='Number of parallel simulation jobs to run') parser.add_argument('action', choices=['run', 'cleanup', 'list', 'report'], default='list', help='What to do?') parser.add_argument('target', nargs='*', default='.*', help='Space separated simulation target regexes') return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = get_options() actions = {'list': do_list, 'run': do_run, 'cleanup': do_cleanup, 'report': do_report} return actions[args.action](args) if __name__ == '__main__': exit(main())