// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Module: PkgRfnocBlockCtrlBfm // // Description: This package includes a high-level bus functional model (BFM) // for a block controller. This models a software block controller and allows // communication with a single RFNoC block. It includes the following: // // - A CtrlIfaceBfm for an AXIS-Ctrl port connection of a block // - One or more ChdrIfaceBfm for the AXIS-CHDR port connections // - A connection for the backend interface of a block // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SV Interface for the RFNoC Backend Iface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct packed { bit [476:0] reserved0; bit soft_chdr_rst; bit soft_ctrl_rst; bit flush_en; bit [31:0] flush_timeout; } backend_config_v1_t; typedef struct packed { bit [439:0] reserved0; bit [5:0] mtu; bit flush_done; bit flush_active; bit [31:0] noc_id; bit [7:0] ctrl_max_async_msgs; bit [5:0] ctrl_fifosize; bit [5:0] num_data_o; bit [5:0] num_data_i; bit [5:0] proto_ver; } backend_status_v1_t; typedef union packed { backend_config_v1_t v1; } backend_config_t; typedef union packed { backend_status_v1_t v1; } backend_status_t; interface RfnocBackendIf( input logic chdr_clk, input logic ctrl_clk ); backend_config_t cfg; backend_status_t sts; modport master ( input chdr_clk, input ctrl_clk, output cfg, input sts ); modport slave ( input chdr_clk, input ctrl_clk, input cfg, output sts ); endinterface : RfnocBackendIf //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RFNoC Block Controller Bus Functional Model //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package PkgRfnocBlockCtrlBfm; import PkgChdrUtils::*; import PkgChdrBfm::*; import PkgCtrlIfaceBfm::*; import PkgChdrIfaceBfm::*; export PkgChdrBfm::ChdrPacket; export PkgCtrlIfaceBfm::CtrlIfaceBfm; export PkgChdrIfaceBfm::ChdrIfaceBfm; export PkgChdrIfaceBfm::packet_info_t; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Block Controller BFM //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This class models a block controller in software // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RfnocBlockCtrlBfm #(CHDR_W = 64, ITEM_W = 32); local virtual RfnocBackendIf.master backend; local CtrlIfaceBfm ctrl; local ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) m_data[$]; local ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) s_data[$]; local bit running; localparam CMD_PROP_CYC = 5; typedef ChdrData #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W)::chdr_word_t chdr_word_t; typedef ChdrData #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W)::item_t item_t; // Class constructor to create a new BFM instance. // // backend: Interface for the backend signals of a block // m_ctrl: Interface for the CTRL master connection (EP's AXIS-Ctrl output) // s_ctrl: Interface for the CTRL slave connection (EP's AXIS-Ctrl input) // dst_port: Destination port to use in generated control packets // src_port: Source port to use in generated control packets // function new( virtual RfnocBackendIf.master backend, virtual AxiStreamIf #(32).master m_ctrl, virtual AxiStreamIf #(32).slave s_ctrl, input ctrl_port_t dst_port = 10'd2, input ctrl_port_t src_port = 10'd1 ); this.backend = backend; this.ctrl = new(m_ctrl, s_ctrl, dst_port, src_port); this.running = 0; endfunction : new // Add a master data port. This should connect to a DUT slave input. // // m_chdr: Virtual master interface to connect new port to. // max_payload_length: Maximum payload length (in bytes) to create when // building packets from data. // ticks_per_word: Number of timebase clock ticks to increment per // CHDR word. // function int add_master_data_port( virtual AxiStreamIf #(CHDR_W).master m_chdr, int max_payload_length = 2**$bits(chdr_length_t), int ticks_per_word = CHDR_W/ITEM_W ); ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) bfm = new(m_chdr, null, max_payload_length, ticks_per_word); m_data.push_back(bfm); return m_data.size() - 1; endfunction : add_master_data_port // Add a slave data port. This should connect to a DUT master output. // // s_chdr: Virtual slave interface to connect new port to // function int add_slave_data_port( virtual AxiStreamIf #(CHDR_W).slave s_chdr ); ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) bfm = new(null, s_chdr); s_data.push_back(bfm); return s_data.size() - 1; endfunction : add_slave_data_port // Add a master data port. This is equivalent to add_master_data_port() // except it accepts a port number and it waits until the preceding ports // are connected to ensure that ports are connected in the correct order. // // port_num: The port number to which m_chdr should be connected // m_chdr: Master CHDR interface to connect to the port // max_payload_length: Maximum payload length (in bytes) to create when // building packets from data. // ticks_per_word: Number of timebase clock ticks to increment per // CHDR word. // task connect_master_data_port( int port_num, virtual AxiStreamIf #(CHDR_W).master m_chdr, int max_payload_length = 2**$bits(chdr_length_t), int ticks_per_word = CHDR_W/ITEM_W ); ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) bfm = new(m_chdr, null, max_payload_length, ticks_per_word); wait (m_data.size() == port_num); m_data.push_back(bfm); endtask : connect_master_data_port // Add a slave data port. This is equivalent to add_slave_data_port() // except it accepts a port number and it waits until the preceding ports // are connected to ensure that ports are connected in the correct order. // // port_num: The port number to which m_chdr should be connected // s_chdr: Master CHDR interface to connect to the port // task connect_slave_data_port( int port_num, virtual AxiStreamIf #(CHDR_W).slave s_chdr ); ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) bfm = new(null, s_chdr); wait (s_data.size() == port_num); s_data.push_back(bfm); endtask : connect_slave_data_port // Start the data and control BFM's processes running. task run(); assert (backend.sts.v1.proto_ver == 1) else begin $fatal(1, "The connected block has an incompatible backend interface"); end if (!running) begin ctrl.run(); foreach (m_data[i]) m_data[i].run(); foreach (s_data[i]) s_data[i].run(); running = 1; end endtask : run // Return a handle to the control BFM function CtrlIfaceBfm get_ctrl_bfm(); return ctrl; endfunction : get_ctrl_bfm // Return a handle to the indicated master port BFM function ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) get_master_data_bfm(int port); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end return m_data[port]; endfunction : get_master_data_bfm // Return a handle to the indicated slave port BFM function ChdrIfaceBfm #(CHDR_W, ITEM_W) get_slave_data_bfm(int port); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end return s_data[port]; endfunction : get_slave_data_bfm // Set the maximum payload size for packets. This value is used to split // large send requests across multiple packets. // // port: Master port whose maximum length you want to set // max_length: Maximum payload length in bytes for each packet // function void set_max_payload_length(int port, int max_length); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].set_max_payload_length(max_length); endfunction // Return the maximum payload size for packets. This value is used to split // large send requests across multiple packets. // // port: Master port whose maximum length you want to get // function int get_max_payload_length(int port); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end return m_data[port].get_max_payload_length(); endfunction // Set the timestamp ticks per CHDR_W sized word. // // port: Master port whose timestamp increment you want to set // ticks_per_word: Amount to increment the timestamp per CHDR_W sized word // function void set_ticks_per_word(int port, int ticks_per_word); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].set_ticks_per_word(ticks_per_word); endfunction // Return the timestamp ticks per CHDR_W sized word. // // port: Master port whose timestamp increment you want to get // function int get_ticks_per_word(int port); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end return m_data[port].get_ticks_per_word(); endfunction // Get static info about the block function logic [7:0] get_proto_ver(); return backend.sts.v1.proto_ver; endfunction : get_proto_ver function logic [31:0] get_noc_id(); return backend.sts.v1.noc_id; endfunction : get_noc_id function logic [5:0] get_num_data_i(); return backend.sts.v1.num_data_i; endfunction : get_num_data_i function logic [5:0] get_num_data_o(); return backend.sts.v1.num_data_o; endfunction : get_num_data_o function logic [5:0] get_ctrl_fifosize(); return backend.sts.v1.ctrl_fifosize; endfunction : get_ctrl_fifosize function logic [5:0] get_mtu(); return backend.sts.v1.mtu; endfunction : get_mtu // Soft-Reset the CHDR path // // rst_cyc: Number of cycles to wait for reset completion // task reset_chdr(input int rst_cyc = 100); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call flush_and_reset until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end // Assert soft_chdr_rst then wait // Note: soft_chdr_rst must be driven in the ctrl_clk domain @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); backend.cfg.v1.soft_chdr_rst = 1; repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); backend.cfg.v1.soft_chdr_rst = 0; @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (rst_cyc) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); endtask : reset_chdr // Soft-Reset the Control path // // rst_cyc: Number of cycles to wait for reset completion // task reset_ctrl(input int rst_cyc = 100); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call flush_and_reset until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end // Assert soft_ctrl_rst then wait @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); backend.cfg.v1.soft_ctrl_rst = 1; repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); backend.cfg.v1.soft_ctrl_rst = 0; repeat (rst_cyc) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); endtask : reset_ctrl // Flush the data ports of the block // // idle_cyc: Number of idle cycles before done is asserted // task flush(input logic [31:0] idle_cyc = 100); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call flush until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end // Set flush timeout then wait backend.cfg.v1.flush_timeout = idle_cyc; repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.chdr_clk); // Start flush then wait for done @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); backend.cfg.v1.flush_en = 1; @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); while (~backend.sts.v1.flush_done) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); // Deassert flush then wait backend.cfg.v1.flush_en = 0; while (backend.sts.v1.flush_active) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.chdr_clk); endtask : flush // Flush the data ports of the block then reset the CHDR // path, wait then reset the ctrl path // // idle_cyc: Number of idle cycles before done is asserted // chdr_rst_cyc: Number of cycles to wait for chdr_rst completion // ctrl_rst_cyc: Number of cycles to wait for ctrl_rst completion // task flush_and_reset( input logic [31:0] idle_cyc = 100, input int chdr_rst_cyc = 100, input int ctrl_rst_cyc = 100 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call flush_and_reset until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end // Set flush timeout then wait backend.cfg.v1.flush_timeout = idle_cyc; repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.chdr_clk); // Start flush then wait for done @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); backend.cfg.v1.flush_en = 1; @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); while (~backend.sts.v1.flush_done) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); // Assert chdr_rst then wait reset_chdr(chdr_rst_cyc); // Assert ctrl_rst then wait reset_ctrl(ctrl_rst_cyc); // Deassert flush then wait backend.cfg.v1.flush_en = 0; while (backend.sts.v1.flush_active) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.ctrl_clk); repeat (CMD_PROP_CYC) @(posedge backend.chdr_clk); endtask : flush_and_reset // Send a CHDR data packet out the CHDR data interface. // // port: Port to send the CHDR packet on. // data: Data words to insert into the CHDR packet. // data_bytes: Size of data in bytes. If omitted or -1, data_bytes will // be calculated based on the number of words in data. // metadata: Metadata words to insert into the CHDR packet. Omit this // argument (or set to an empty array) to not include // metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure containing packet header information. // task send( input int port, input chdr_word_t data[$], input int data_bytes = -1, input chdr_word_t metadata[$] = {}, input packet_info_t pkt_info = 0 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call send until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].send(data, data_bytes, metadata, pkt_info); endtask : send // Send a CHDR data packet, filling the payload with items. // // port: Port to send the CHDR packet on. // items: Data items to insert into the CHDR packet's payload. // metadata: Metadata words to insert into the CHDR packet. Omit this // argument (or set to an empty array) to not include // metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure containing packet header information. // task send_items( input int port, input item_t items[$], input chdr_word_t metadata[$] = {}, input packet_info_t pkt_info = 0 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call send_items until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].send_items(items, metadata, pkt_info); endtask : send_items // Send data as one or more CHDR data packets. The input data and metadata // is automatically broken into max_payload_length'd packets. The // timestamp, if present, is set for the first packet and updated for // subsequent packets. The EOB and EOV are only applied to the last packet. // // port: Port to send the CHDR packet(s) on. // data: Data words to insert into the CHDR packets. // data_bytes: Size of data in bytes. If omitted or -1, data_bytes will // be calculated based on the number of words in data. // metadata: Metadata words to insert into the CHDR packet(s). Omit // this argument (or set to an empty array) to not include // metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure containing packet header information. // task send_packets( input int port, input chdr_word_t data[$], input int data_bytes = -1, input chdr_word_t metadata[$] = {}, input packet_info_t pkt_info = 0 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call send_packets until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].send_packets(data, data_bytes, metadata, pkt_info); endtask : send_packets // Send one or more CHDR data packets, filling the payload with items. The // input data and metadata is automatically broken into // max_payload_length'd packets. The timestamp, if present, is set for the // first packet and updated for subsequent packets. The EOB and EOV are // only applied to the last packet. // // port: Port to send the CHDR packet(s) on. // items: Data items to insert into the payload of the CHDR packets. // metadata: Metadata words to insert into the CHDR packet(s). Omit // this argument (or set to an empty array) to not include // metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure containing packet header information. // task send_packets_items( input int port, input item_t items[$], input chdr_word_t metadata[$] = {}, input packet_info_t pkt_info = 0 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call send_packets_items until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].send_packets_items(items, metadata, pkt_info); endtask : send_packets_items // Receive a CHDR data packet on the CHDR data interface and extract its // contents. // // port: Port to receive the CHDR packet from. // data: Data words from the received CHDR packet. // data_bytes: The number of data bytes in the CHDR packet. This // is useful if the data is not a multiple of the // chdr_word_t size. // metadata: Metadata words from the received CHDR packet. This // will be an empty array if there was no metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure to receive packet header information. // task recv_adv( input int port, output chdr_word_t data[$], output int data_bytes, output chdr_word_t metadata[$], output packet_info_t pkt_info ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call recv_adv until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].recv_adv(data, data_bytes, metadata, pkt_info); endtask : recv_adv // Receive a CHDR data packet on the CHDR data interface and extract its // contents, putting the payload into a queue of items. // // port: Port to receive the CHDR packet from. // items: Items extracted from the payload of the received packet. // metadata: Metadata words from the received CHDR packet. This // will be an empty array if there was no metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure to receive packet header information. // task recv_items_adv( input int port, output item_t items[$], output chdr_word_t metadata[$], output packet_info_t pkt_info ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call recv_items_adv until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].recv_items_adv(items, metadata, pkt_info); endtask : recv_items_adv // Receive a CHDR data packet on the CHDR data interface and extract the // data. Any metadata or timestamp, if present, are discarded. // // port: Port number for the block to receive from // data: Data words from the received CHDR packet // data_bytes: The number of data bytes in the CHDR packet. This // is useful if the data is not a multiple of the // chdr_word_t size. // task recv( input int port, output chdr_word_t data[$], output int data_bytes ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call recv until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].recv(data, data_bytes); endtask : recv // Receive a CHDR data packet on the CHDR data interface and extract its // payload into a queue of items. Any metadata or timestamp, if present, // are discarded. // // port: Port number for the block to receive from. // items: Data items extracted from payload of the received packet. // data_bytes: The number of data bytes in the CHDR packet. This // is useful if the data is not a multiple of the // chdr_word_t size. // task recv_items( input int port, output item_t items[$] ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call recv_items until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].recv_items(items); endtask : recv_items // Receive one ore more CHDR data packets and extract their contents, // putting the payload into a queue of items. Any metadata or timestamp, if // present, are discarded. // // port: Port number for the block to receive from. // items: Items extracted from the payload of the received packets. // num_items: (Optional) Minimum number of items to receive. This must be // provided, unless eob or eov are set. Defaults to -1, which // means that the number of items is not limited. // eob: (Optional) Receive up until the next End of Burst (EOB). // Default value is 1, so an entire burst is received. // eov: (Optional) Receive up until the next End of Vector (EOV). // task recv_packets_items( input int port, output item_t items[$], input int num_items = -1, // Receive a full burst by default input bit eob = 1, input bit eov = 0 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call recv_items_adv until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].recv_packets_items( items, num_items, eob, eov); endtask : recv_packets_items // Receive one or more CHDR data packets and extract their contents, // putting the payload into a queue of items and the metadata into a queue // of CHDR words. // // port: Port number for the block to receive from. // items: Items extracted from the payload of the received packets. // metadata: Metadata words from the received CHDR packets. This will be // an empty array if there was no metadata. // pkt_info: Data structure to receive packet information. The // timestamp, if present, will correspond to the time of the // first sample, whereas vc/eob/eov will correspond to the // state of the last packet. // num_items: (Optional) Minimum number of items to receive. This must be // provided, unless eob or eov are set. Defaults to -1, which // means that the number of items is not limited. // eob: (Optional) Receive up until the next End of Burst (EOB). // Default value is 1, so an entire burst is received. // eov: (Optional) Receive up until the next End of Vector (EOV). // task recv_packets_items_adv( input int port, output item_t items[$], output chdr_word_t metadata[$], output packet_info_t pkt_info, input int num_items = -1, // Receive a full burst by default input bit eob = 1, input bit eov = 0 ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call recv_items_adv until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].recv_packets_items_adv( items, metadata, pkt_info, num_items, eob, eov); endtask : recv_packets_items_adv // Transmit a raw CHDR packet. // // port: Port number on which to transmit the packet // packet: Packet to transmit // task put_chdr( input int port, input ChdrPacket #(CHDR_W) packet ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call put_chdr until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].put_chdr(packet); endtask : put_chdr // Receive a raw CHDR packet. // // port: Port number on which to receive the packet // packet: Data structure to store received packet // task get_chdr( input int port, output ChdrPacket #(CHDR_W) packet ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call get_chdr until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].get_chdr(packet); endtask : get_chdr // Receive a raw CHDR packet, but don't remove it from the receive queue. // // port: Port number on which to peek // packet: Data structure to store received packet // task peek_chdr( input int port, output ChdrPacket #(CHDR_W) packet ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call peek_chdr until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].peek_chdr(packet); endtask : peek_chdr // Return the number of packets available in the receive queue for the // given port. // // port: Port for which to get the number of received packets // function int num_received(int port); assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end return s_data[port].num_received(); endfunction // Wait until packets have completed transmission. // // port: Port for which to wait // num: Number of packets to wait for. Set to -1 or omit the argument // to wait for all currently queued packets to complete // transmission. // task wait_complete(int port, int num = -1); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call wait_complete until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].wait_complete(num); endtask // Set the stall probability for the indicated slave port. // // port: Port for which to set the probability // stall_prob: Probability as a percentage (0-100) // function void set_slave_stall_prob(int port, int stall_prob); assert (port >= 0 && port < s_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid slave port number"); end s_data[port].set_slave_stall_prob(stall_prob); endfunction // Set the stall probability for the indicated master port. // // port: Port for which to set the probability // stall_prob: Probability as a percentage (0-100) // function void set_master_stall_prob(int port, int stall_prob); assert (port >= 0 && port < m_data.size()) else begin $fatal(1, "Invalid master port number"); end m_data[port].set_master_stall_prob(stall_prob); endfunction // Send a read request packet on the AXIS-Ctrl interface and get the // response. // // addr: Address for the read request // word: Data word that was returned in response to the read // task reg_read( input ctrl_address_t addr, output ctrl_word_t word ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call reg_read until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end ctrl.reg_read(addr, word); endtask : reg_read // Send a a write request packet on the AXIS-Ctrl interface and get the // response. // // addr: Address for the write request // word: Data word to write // task reg_write( ctrl_address_t addr, ctrl_word_t word ); assert (running) else begin $fatal(1, "Cannot call reg_write until RfnocBlockCtrlBfm is running"); end ctrl.reg_write(addr, word); endtask : reg_write // Compare data vectors static function bit compare_data( input chdr_word_t lhs[$], input chdr_word_t rhs[$], input int bytes = -1 ); int bytes_left; if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) return 0; bytes_left = (bytes > 0) ? bytes : ((lhs.size()*$size(chdr_word_t))/8); for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size(); i++) begin chdr_word_t mask = {$size(chdr_word_t){1'b1}}; if (bytes_left < $size(chdr_word_t)/8) begin mask = (1 << (bytes_left * 8)) - 1; end else if (bytes_left < 0) begin return 1; end if ((lhs[i] & mask) != (rhs[i] & mask)) return 0; end return 1; endfunction : compare_data endclass : RfnocBlockCtrlBfm endpackage : PkgRfnocBlockCtrlBfm