// // Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Module: PkgChdrUtils // // Description: Various types, constants, and functions for interacting with // the RFNoC CHDR bus infrastructure. // package PkgChdrUtils; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Type Definitions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CHDR Definitions // ---------------- // The fundamental unit of the CHDR bus, which is always a multiple of 64-bits typedef logic [63:0] chdr_word_t; typedef chdr_word_t chdr_word_queue_t[$]; // CHDR header fields typedef enum bit [2:0] { CHDR_MANAGEMENT = 3'd0, CHDR_STRM_STATUS = 3'd1, CHDR_STRM_CMD = 3'd2, CHDR_RESERVED_0 = 3'd3, CHDR_CONTROL = 3'd4, CHDR_RESERVED_1 = 3'd5, CHDR_DATA_NO_TS = 3'd6, CHDR_DATA_WITH_TS = 3'd7 } chdr_pkt_type_t; // CHDR Packet Type typedef bit [ 5:0] chdr_vc_t; // CHDR Virtual Channel field typedef bit [ 4:0] chdr_num_mdata_t; // CHDR Num Metadata field typedef bit [15:0] chdr_seq_num_t; // CHDR SeqNum field typedef bit [15:0] chdr_length_t; // CHDR Length field typedef bit [15:0] chdr_epid_t; // CHDR EPID field // CHDR Context Field Identifiers typedef enum bit [3:0] { CONTEXT_FIELD_HDR = 4'd0, CONTEXT_FIELD_HDR_TS = 4'd1, CONTEXT_FIELD_TS = 4'd2, CONTEXT_FIELD_MDATA = 4'd3 } chdr_context_type_t; // AXIS-Ctrl Definitions // --------------------- // The fundamental unit of the AXIS-Ctrl (control) bus, which is always 32 bits typedef logic [31:0] ctrl_word_t; typedef enum bit [3:0] { CTRL_OP_SLEEP = 4'd0, CTRL_OP_WRITE = 4'd1, CTRL_OP_READ = 4'd2, CTRL_OP_WRITE_READ = 4'd3, CTRL_OP_RESERVED_0 = 4'd4, CTRL_OP_RESERVED_1 = 4'd5, CTRL_OP_RESERVED_2 = 4'd6, CTRL_OP_RESERVED_3 = 4'd7, CTRL_OP_RESERVED_4 = 4'd8, CTRL_OP_RESERVED_5 = 4'd9 } ctrl_opcode_t; // Control OpCode Type typedef enum bit [1:0] { CTRL_STS_OKAY = 2'd0, CTRL_STS_CMDERR = 2'd1, CTRL_STS_TSERR = 2'd2, CTRL_STS_WARNING = 2'd3 } ctrl_status_t; // Control OpCode Type typedef bit [5:0] ctrl_seq_num_t; // AXIS-Ctrl SeqNum field typedef bit [3:0] ctrl_num_data_t; // AXIS-Ctrl NumData field typedef bit [9:0] ctrl_port_t; // AXIS-Ctrl source/destination port field typedef bit [3:0] ctrl_byte_en_t; // AXIS-Ctrl ByteEnable field typedef bit [19:0] ctrl_address_t; // AXIS-Ctrl Address field // CHDR Type-Specific Definitions // ------------------------------ // CHDR Status packet fields typedef enum bit [3:0] { STRS_OKAY = 4'd0, STRS_CMDERR = 4'd1, STRS_SEQERR = 4'd2, STRS_DATAERR = 4'd3, STRS_RTERR = 4'd4 } chdr_strs_status_t; // CHDR stream status packet status field // CHDR Control packet fields typedef enum bit [3:0] { STRC_INIT = 4'd0, STRC_PING = 4'd1, STRC_RESYNC = 4'd2 } chdr_strc_opcode_t; // CHDR stream command packet opcode filed // CHDR Management packet field typedef enum bit [2:0] { CHDR_W_64 = 3'd0, CHDR_W_128 = 3'd1, CHDR_W_256 = 3'd2, CHDR_W_512 = 3'd3, CHDR_W_INVALID = 3'd7 } chdr_mgmt_width_t; // CHDR management packet CHDR Width field function automatic chdr_mgmt_width_t translate_chdr_w(int bitwidth); case (bitwidth) 64: return CHDR_W_64; 128: return CHDR_W_128; 256: return CHDR_W_256; 512: return CHDR_W_512; default: return CHDR_W_INVALID; endcase endfunction : translate_chdr_w typedef enum bit [7:0] { MGMT_OP_NOP = 8'd0, MGMT_OP_ADVERTISE = 8'd1, MGMT_OP_SEL_DEST = 8'd2, MGMT_OP_RETURN = 8'd3, MGMT_OP_INFO_REQ = 8'd4, MGMT_OP_INFO_RESP = 8'd5, MGMT_OP_CFG_WR_REQ = 8'd6, MGMT_OP_CFG_RD_REQ = 8'd7, MGMT_OP_CFG_RD_RESP = 8'd8 } chdr_mgmt_opcode_t; // CHDR management packet OpCode field //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Packet Data Structures //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CHDR packet header typedef struct packed { chdr_vc_t vc; bit eob; bit eov; chdr_pkt_type_t pkt_type; chdr_num_mdata_t num_mdata; chdr_seq_num_t seq_num; chdr_length_t length; chdr_epid_t dst_epid; } chdr_header_t; // AXIS-Ctrl packet header typedef struct packed { // Word 1 bit [ 5:0] _rsvd_0; ctrl_port_t rem_dst_port; chdr_epid_t rem_dst_epid; // Word 0 bit is_ack; bit has_time; ctrl_seq_num_t seq_num; ctrl_num_data_t num_data; ctrl_port_t src_port; ctrl_port_t dst_port; } axis_ctrl_header_t; // AXIS-Ctrl packet header typedef struct packed { ctrl_status_t status; bit [ 1:0] _rsvd_0; ctrl_opcode_t op_code; bit [ 3:0] byte_enable; bit [19:0] address; } ctrl_op_word_t; // Ctrl packet header when in the payload of a CHDR packet typedef struct packed { bit [15:0] _rsvd_0; chdr_epid_t src_epid; bit is_ack; bit has_time; ctrl_seq_num_t seq_num; ctrl_num_data_t num_data; ctrl_port_t src_port; ctrl_port_t dst_port; } chdr_ctrl_header_t; // CHDR stream status packet payload typedef struct packed { // Word 3 bit [47:0] status_info; bit [15:0] buff_info; // Word 2 bit [63:0] xfer_count_bytes; // Word 1 bit [39:0] xfer_count_pkts; bit [23:0] capacity_pkts; // Word 0 bit [39:0] capacity_bytes; bit [ 3:0] _rsvd_0; chdr_strs_status_t status; chdr_epid_t src_epid; } chdr_str_status_t; // CHDR stream command packet payload typedef struct packed { // Word 1 bit [63:0] num_bytes; // Word 0 bit [39:0] num_pkts; bit [ 3:0] op_data; chdr_strc_opcode_t op_code; chdr_epid_t src_epid; } chdr_str_command_t; // CHDR management packet header typedef struct packed { bit [15:0] prot_ver; chdr_mgmt_width_t chdr_width; bit [18:0] _rsvd_0; bit [ 9:0] num_hops; chdr_epid_t src_epid; } chdr_mgmt_header_t; // CHDR management packet operation typedef struct packed { bit [47:0] op_payload; chdr_mgmt_opcode_t op_code; bit [ 7:0] ops_pending; } chdr_mgmt_op_t; // CHDR management packet typedef struct { chdr_mgmt_header_t header; chdr_mgmt_op_t ops[$]; } chdr_mgmt_t; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the queues have the same contents, otherwise returns 0. This // function is equivalent to (a == b), but this doesn't work correctly yet in // Vivado 2018.3. function automatic bit chdr_word_queues_equal(ref chdr_word_t a[$], ref chdr_word_t b[$]); chdr_word_t x, y; if (a.size() != b.size()) return 0; foreach (a[i]) begin x = a[i]; y = b[i]; if (x !== y) return 0; end return 1; endfunction : chdr_word_queues_equal // Returns 1 if the queues have the same contents, otherwise returns 0. This // function is equivalent to (a == b), but this doesn't work correctly yet in // Vivado 2018.3. function automatic bit chdr_mgmt_op_queues_equal(ref chdr_mgmt_op_t a[$], ref chdr_mgmt_op_t b[$]); chdr_mgmt_op_t x, y; if (a.size() != b.size()) return 0; foreach (a[i]) begin x = a[i]; y = b[i]; if (x !== y) return 0; end return 1; endfunction : chdr_mgmt_op_queues_equal endpackage : PkgChdrUtils