// // Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // Module: PkgChdrData // // Description: This package defines the data types used to represent CHDR // words and data samples in RFNoC as well as utilities for converting between // them. // package PkgChdrData; // Default value for ITEM_W needs to be 64 due to a bug in Vivado 2019.1. class ChdrData #(int CHDR_W = 64, int ITEM_W = 64); // CHDR bus word (CHDR_W bits) typedef logic [CHDR_W-1:0] chdr_word_t ; typedef chdr_word_t chdr_word_queue_t[$]; // The item/sample word type (user-defined width, a multiple of 8 bits) typedef logic [ITEM_W-1:0] item_t ; typedef item_t item_queue_t[$]; function new(); assert ((ITEM_W % 8 == 0) && (CHDR_W % ITEM_W == 0)) else begin $fatal(1, "RfnocData::new: Invalid CHDR_W and/or ITEM_W"); end endfunction // Convert a queue of items to a queue of CHDR words static function chdr_word_queue_t item_to_chdr(ref item_queue_t items); int items_per_word = CHDR_W / ITEM_W; int num_chdr_words = ((items.size() + items_per_word - 1) / items_per_word); chdr_word_queue_t chdr_words; chdr_word_t word; for (int i = 0; i < num_chdr_words; i++) begin for (int j = 0; j < items_per_word; j++) begin word[j*ITEM_W +: ITEM_W] = items[i*items_per_word + j]; end chdr_words.push_back(word); end return chdr_words; endfunction : item_to_chdr // Convert a queue of CHDR words to a queue of items. The optional // num_bytes argument indicates how many bytes are in the item queue that // you want to convert. static function item_queue_t chdr_to_item( ref chdr_word_queue_t chdr_words, input int num_bytes = -1 ); int items_per_word = CHDR_W / ITEM_W; int bytes_left; item_queue_t item_words; if (num_bytes < 0) bytes_left = chdr_words.size() * (CHDR_W / 8); else bytes_left = num_bytes; foreach (chdr_words[i]) begin for (int j = 0; j < items_per_word; j++) begin if (bytes_left > 0) begin item_words.push_back(chdr_words[i][j*ITEM_W +: ITEM_W]); bytes_left -= (ITEM_W/8); end end end assert (bytes_left == 0) else begin $warning("ChdrData::chdr_to_item: num_bytes is not a multiple of items"); end return item_words; endfunction : chdr_to_item // Return a string representation of the contents of the CHDR queue static function string chdr_string( ref chdr_word_queue_t chdr_words, input string format = "%X" ); string str = $sformatf("%0d-bit CHDR words (%0d words or %0d bytes):\n", CHDR_W, chdr_words.size(), chdr_words.size() * (CHDR_W/8)); foreach (chdr_words[i]) begin str = { str, $sformatf({"%5d> ", format, "\n"}, i, chdr_words[i]) }; end return str; endfunction : chdr_string // Return a string representation of the contents of the item queue static function string item_string( ref item_queue_t items, input string format = "%X" ); string str = $sformatf("%0d-bit items (%0d items or %0d bytes)\n", ITEM_W, items.size(), items.size() * (ITEM_W/8)); foreach (items[i]) begin str = { str, $sformatf({"%5d> ", format, "\n"}, i, items[i]) }; end return str; endfunction : item_string // Display a string representation of the contents of a CHDR word queue static function void print_chdr( ref chdr_word_queue_t chdr_words, input string format = "%X" ); $display(chdr_string(chdr_words, format)); endfunction : print_chdr // Display a string representation of the contents of an item queue static function void print_item( ref item_queue_t items, input string format = "%X" ); $display(item_string(items, format)); endfunction : print_item // Check if the contents of two CHDR queues is equal static function bit chdr_equal( ref chdr_word_queue_t left, ref chdr_word_queue_t right ); if (left.size() != right.size()) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) begin if (left[i] != right[i]) return 0; end return 1; endfunction : chdr_equal // Check if the contents of two item queues is equal static function bit item_equal( ref item_queue_t left, ref item_queue_t right ); if (left.size() != right.size()) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) begin if (left[i] != right[i]) return 0; end return 1; endfunction : item_equal endclass : ChdrData endpackage : PkgChdrData