////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// File name "wishbone.v" //// //// //// //// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "defines.v" module wishbone_if(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_int_o, ctrl_tx_enable, mdc, mdio_out, mdio_tri, xge_gpo, // Inputs wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_adr_i, wb_dat_i, wb_we_i, wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i, status_crc_error, status_fragment_error, status_txdfifo_ovflow, status_txdfifo_udflow, status_rxdfifo_ovflow, status_rxdfifo_udflow, status_pause_frame_rx, status_local_fault, status_remote_fault, mdio_in, xge_gpi ); input wb_clk_i; input wb_rst_i; input [7:0] wb_adr_i; input [31:0] wb_dat_i; input wb_we_i; input wb_stb_i; input wb_cyc_i; output [31:0] wb_dat_o; output wb_ack_o; output wb_int_o; input status_crc_error; input status_fragment_error; input status_txdfifo_ovflow; input status_txdfifo_udflow; input status_rxdfifo_ovflow; input status_rxdfifo_udflow; input status_pause_frame_rx; input status_local_fault; input status_remote_fault; output ctrl_tx_enable; output reg mdc; output reg mdio_out; output reg mdio_tri; // Assert to tristate driver. input mdio_in; input [7:0] xge_gpi; output reg [7:0] xge_gpo; // // State Declarations // parameter IDLE = 0, PREAMBLE1 = 1, PREAMBLE2 = 2, PREAMBLE3 = 3, PREAMBLE4 = 4, PREAMBLE5 = 5, PREAMBLE6 = 6, PREAMBLE7 = 7, PREAMBLE8 = 8, PREAMBLE9 = 9, PREAMBLE10 = 10, PREAMBLE11 = 11, PREAMBLE12 = 12, PREAMBLE13 = 13, PREAMBLE14 = 14, PREAMBLE15 = 15, PREAMBLE16 = 16, PREAMBLE17 = 17, PREAMBLE18 = 18, PREAMBLE19 = 19, PREAMBLE20 = 20, PREAMBLE21 = 21, PREAMBLE22 = 22, PREAMBLE23 = 23, PREAMBLE24 = 24, PREAMBLE25 = 25, PREAMBLE26 = 26, PREAMBLE27 = 27, PREAMBLE28 = 28, PREAMBLE29 = 29, PREAMBLE30 = 30, PREAMBLE31 = 31, PREAMBLE32 = 32, START1 = 33, C22_START2 = 34, C45_START2 = 35, OP1 = 36, OP2 = 37, PRTAD1 = 38, PRTAD2 = 39, PRTAD3 = 40, PRTAD4 = 41, PRTAD5 = 42, DEVAD1 = 43, DEVAD2 = 44, DEVAD3 = 45, DEVAD4 = 46, DEVAD5 = 47, TA1 = 48, TA2 = 49, TA3 = 50, READ1 = 51, READ2 = 52, READ3 = 53, READ4 = 54, READ5 = 55, READ6 = 56, READ7 = 57, READ8 = 58, READ9 = 59, READ10 = 60, READ11 = 61, READ12 = 62, READ13 = 63, READ14 = 64, READ15 = 65, READ16 = 66, WRITE1 = 67, WRITE2 = 68, WRITE3 = 69, WRITE4 = 70, WRITE5 = 71, WRITE6 = 72, WRITE7 = 73, WRITE8 = 74, WRITE9 = 75, WRITE10 = 76, WRITE11 = 77, WRITE12 = 78, WRITE13 = 79, WRITE14 = 80, WRITE15 = 81, WRITE16 = 82, C45_ADDR1 = 83, C45_ADDR2 = 84, C45_ADDR3 = 85, C45_ADDR4 = 86, C45_ADDR5 = 87, C45_ADDR6 = 88, C45_ADDR7 = 89, C45_ADDR8 = 90, C45_ADDR9 = 91, C45_ADDR10 = 92, C45_ADDR11 = 93, C45_ADDR12 = 94, C45_ADDR13 = 95, C45_ADDR14 = 96, C45_ADDR15 = 97, C45_ADDR16 = 98, PREIDLE = 99; /*AUTOREG*/ // Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs) reg [31:0] wb_dat_o; reg wb_int_o; // End of automatics reg [0:0] cpureg_config0; reg [8:0] cpureg_int_pending; reg [8:0] cpureg_int_mask; reg cpuack; reg status_remote_fault_d1; reg status_local_fault_d1; reg [15:0] mdio_read_data; reg [15:0] mdio_write_data; reg [15:0] mdio_address; reg [12:0] mdio_operation; reg mdio_control; reg [7:0] mdc_clk_count; reg mdc_falling_edge; reg mdio_running; reg mdio_done; reg [7:0] state; reg [7:0] xge_gpi_reg; reg [7:0] xge_gpo_reg; /*AUTOWIRE*/ wire [8:0] int_sources; //--- // Source of interrupts, some are edge sensitive, others // expect a pulse signal. assign int_sources = { status_fragment_error, status_crc_error, status_pause_frame_rx, status_remote_fault ^ status_remote_fault_d1, status_local_fault ^ status_local_fault_d1, status_rxdfifo_udflow, status_rxdfifo_ovflow, status_txdfifo_udflow, status_txdfifo_ovflow }; //--- // Config Register 0 //TODO //assign ctrl_tx_enable = cpureg_config0[0]; assign ctrl_tx_enable = 1'b1; //--- // Wishbone signals assign wb_ack_o = cpuack && wb_stb_i; always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin if (wb_rst_i == 1'b1) begin cpureg_config0 <= 1'h1; cpureg_int_pending <= 9'b0; cpureg_int_mask <= 9'b0; wb_dat_o <= 32'b0; wb_int_o <= 1'b0; cpuack <= 1'b0; mdio_address <= 0; mdio_operation <= 0; mdio_write_data <= 0; mdio_running <= 0; xge_gpi_reg <= 0; xge_gpo <= 0; xge_gpo_reg <= 0; // status_remote_fault_d1 <= status_remote_fault; // status_local_fault_d1 <= status_local_fault; // IJB. Original code was unsynthesizable and a little bizzare // implying reset would latch data. status_remote_fault_d1 <= 0; status_local_fault_d1 <= 0; end else begin wb_int_o <= |(cpureg_int_pending & cpureg_int_mask); cpureg_int_pending <= cpureg_int_pending | int_sources; cpuack <= wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i; status_remote_fault_d1 <= status_remote_fault; status_local_fault_d1 <= status_local_fault; // Handshake to MDIO state machine to reset running flag in status. // Wait for falling MDC edge to prevent S/W race condition occuring // where done flag still asserted but running flag now cleared (repeatedly). if (mdio_done && mdc_falling_edge) mdio_running <= 0; // Register GPIO to allow regs placed in the I/O cells and provide some metastability prot xge_gpi_reg <= xge_gpi; xge_gpo <= xge_gpo_reg; //--- // Read access if (wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i && !wb_we_i) begin case ({wb_adr_i[7:2], 2'b0}) `CPUREG_CONFIG0: begin wb_dat_o <= {31'b0, cpureg_config0}; end `CPUREG_INT_PENDING: begin wb_dat_o <= {23'b0, cpureg_int_pending}; cpureg_int_pending <= int_sources; wb_int_o <= 1'b0; end `CPUREG_INT_STATUS: begin wb_dat_o <= {23'b0, int_sources}; end `CPUREG_INT_MASK: begin wb_dat_o <= {23'b0, cpureg_int_mask}; end `CPUREG_MDIO_DATA: begin wb_dat_o <= {16'b0, mdio_read_data}; end `CPUREG_MDIO_STATUS: begin wb_dat_o <= {31'b0, mdio_running}; end `CPUREG_GPIO: begin wb_dat_o <= {24'b0, xge_gpi_reg}; end default: begin end endcase end //--- // Write access if (wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i && wb_we_i) begin $display("reg write @ addr %x",({wb_adr_i[7:2], 2'b0})); case ({wb_adr_i[7:2], 2'b0}) `CPUREG_CONFIG0: begin cpureg_config0 <= wb_dat_i[0:0]; end `CPUREG_INT_PENDING: begin cpureg_int_pending <= wb_dat_i[8:0] | cpureg_int_pending | int_sources; end `CPUREG_INT_MASK: begin cpureg_int_mask <= wb_dat_i[8:0]; end `CPUREG_MDIO_DATA: begin mdio_write_data <= wb_dat_i[15:0]; end `CPUREG_MDIO_ADDR: begin mdio_address <= wb_dat_i[15:0]; end `CPUREG_MDIO_OP: begin mdio_operation <= wb_dat_i[12:0]; end `CPUREG_MDIO_CONTROL: begin // Trigger mdio operation here. Cleared by state machine at end of bus transaction. if (wb_dat_i[0]) mdio_running <= 1; end `CPUREG_GPIO: begin xge_gpo_reg <= wb_dat_i[7:0]; end default: begin end endcase end end end // always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) // // Produce mdc clock as a signal synchronously from Wishbone clock. // always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) if (wb_rst_i) begin mdc_clk_count <= 1; mdc <= 0; mdc_falling_edge <= 0; end else if (mdc_clk_count == `MDC_HALF_PERIOD) begin mdc_clk_count <= 1; mdc <= ~mdc; mdc_falling_edge <= mdc; end else begin mdc_clk_count <= mdc_clk_count + 1; mdc_falling_edge <= 0; end // // MDIO state machine // always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) if (wb_rst_i) begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_out <= 0; mdio_done <= 0; mdio_read_data <= 0; state <= IDLE; end else if (mdc_falling_edge) // // This is the MDIO bus controller. Use falling edge of MDC. // begin // Defaults mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_out <= 0; mdio_done <= 0; case(state) // IDLE. // In Clause 22 & 45 the master of the MDIO bus is tristate during idle. // IDLE: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_out <= 0; if (mdio_running) state <= PREAMBLE1; end // Preamble. All MDIO transactions begin witrh 32bits of 1 bits as a preamble. PREAMBLE1: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE2; end PREAMBLE2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE3; end PREAMBLE3: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE4; end PREAMBLE4: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE5; end PREAMBLE5: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE6; end PREAMBLE6: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE7; end PREAMBLE7: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE8; end PREAMBLE8: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE9; end PREAMBLE9: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE10; end PREAMBLE10: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE11; end PREAMBLE11: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE12; end PREAMBLE12: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE13; end PREAMBLE13: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE14; end PREAMBLE14: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE15; end PREAMBLE15: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE16; end PREAMBLE16: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE17; end PREAMBLE17: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE18; end PREAMBLE18: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE19; end PREAMBLE19: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE20; end PREAMBLE20: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE21; end PREAMBLE21: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE22; end PREAMBLE22: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE23; end PREAMBLE23: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE24; end PREAMBLE24: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE25; end PREAMBLE25: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE26; end PREAMBLE26: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE27; end PREAMBLE27: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE28; end PREAMBLE28: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE29; end PREAMBLE29: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE30; end PREAMBLE30: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE31; end PREAMBLE31: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= PREAMBLE32; end PREAMBLE32: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= START1; end // // Start code for Clause 22 is 01 and Clause 45 is 00 // START1: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 0; if (mdio_operation[12]) // Clause 45 bit set. state <= C45_START2; else state <= C22_START2; end // // 2nd Clause 22 start bit is a 1 // C22_START2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= OP1; end // // 2nd Clause 45 start bit is a 0 // C45_START2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 0; state <= OP1; end // // Both Clause 22 & 45 use 2 bits for operation and are compatable. // Note we don't screen here for illegal Clause 22 ops. // OP1: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[11]; state <= OP2; end OP2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[10]; state <= PRTAD1; end // // Both Clause 22 & 45 use 2 sucsessive 5 bit fields to form a hierarchical address // though it's used slightly different between the 2 standards. // PRTAD1: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[9]; state <= PRTAD2; end PRTAD2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[8]; state <= PRTAD3; end PRTAD3: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[7]; state <= PRTAD4; end PRTAD4: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[6]; state <= PRTAD5; end PRTAD5: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[5]; state <= DEVAD1; end DEVAD1: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[4]; state <= DEVAD2; end DEVAD2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[3]; state <= DEVAD3; end DEVAD3: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[2]; state <= DEVAD4; end DEVAD4: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[1]; state <= DEVAD5; end DEVAD5: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_operation[0]; state <= TA1; end // // Both Clause 22 & Clause 45 use the same turn around on the bus. // Reads have Z as the first bit and 0 driven by the slave for the 2nd bit. // Note that slaves drive the bus on the rising edge of MDC. // Writes and Address cycles have 10 driven by the master. // TA1: begin if (mdio_operation[11] == 0) // Write/Address begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 1; state <= TA2; end else // Read begin mdio_tri <= 1; state <= TA3; end end TA2: begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= 0; if (!mdio_operation[12]) // Clause 22 Write state <= WRITE1; else if (mdio_operation[10]) // Clause 45 Write state <= WRITE1; else // Clause 45 ADDRESS state <= C45_ADDR1; end TA3: begin mdio_tri <= 1; state <= READ1; end // // Clause 22 Reads and both forms of clause 45 Reads have the same bus transaction from here out. // READ1: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[15] <= mdio_in; state <= READ2; end READ2: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[14] <= mdio_in; state <= READ3; end READ3: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[13] <= mdio_in; state <= READ4; end READ4: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[12] <= mdio_in; state <= READ5; end READ5: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[11] <= mdio_in; state <= READ6; end READ6: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[10] <= mdio_in; state <= READ7; end READ7: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[9] <= mdio_in; state <= READ8; end READ8: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[8] <= mdio_in; state <= READ9; end READ9: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[7] <= mdio_in; state <= READ10; end READ10: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[6] <= mdio_in; state <= READ11; end READ11: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[5] <= mdio_in; state <= READ12; end READ12: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[4] <= mdio_in; state <= READ13; end READ13: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[3] <= mdio_in; state <= READ14; end READ14: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[2] <= mdio_in; state <= READ15; end READ15: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[1] <= mdio_in; state <= READ16; end READ16: begin mdio_tri <= 1; mdio_read_data[0] <= mdio_in; state <= PREIDLE; mdio_done <= 1; end // // Write 16bits of data for all types of Write. // WRITE1:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[15]; state <= WRITE2; end WRITE2:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[14]; state <= WRITE3; end WRITE3:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[13]; state <= WRITE4; end WRITE4:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[12]; state <= WRITE5; end WRITE5:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[11]; state <= WRITE6; end WRITE6:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[10]; state <= WRITE7; end WRITE7:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[9]; state <= WRITE8; end WRITE8:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[8]; state <= WRITE9; end WRITE9:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[7]; state <= WRITE10; end WRITE10:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[6]; state <= WRITE11; end WRITE11:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[5]; state <= WRITE12; end WRITE12:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[4]; state <= WRITE13; end WRITE13:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[3]; state <= WRITE14; end WRITE14:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[2]; state <= WRITE15; end WRITE15:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[1]; state <= WRITE16; end WRITE16:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[0]; state <= PREIDLE; mdio_done <= 1; end // // Write 16bits of address for a Clause 45 Address transaction // C45_ADDR1:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[15]; state <= C45_ADDR2; end C45_ADDR2:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[14]; state <= C45_ADDR3; end C45_ADDR3:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[13]; state <= C45_ADDR4; end C45_ADDR4:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[12]; state <= C45_ADDR5; end C45_ADDR5:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[11]; state <= C45_ADDR6; end C45_ADDR6:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[10]; state <= C45_ADDR7; end C45_ADDR7:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[9]; state <= C45_ADDR8; end C45_ADDR8:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[8]; state <= C45_ADDR9; end C45_ADDR9:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[7]; state <= C45_ADDR10; end C45_ADDR10:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[6]; state <= C45_ADDR11; end C45_ADDR11:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[5]; state <= C45_ADDR12; end C45_ADDR12:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[4]; state <= C45_ADDR13; end C45_ADDR13:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[3]; state <= C45_ADDR14; end C45_ADDR14:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[2]; state <= C45_ADDR15; end C45_ADDR15:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[1]; state <= C45_ADDR16; end C45_ADDR16:begin mdio_tri <= 0; mdio_out <= mdio_address[0]; state <= PREIDLE; mdio_done <= 1; end // // PREIDLE allows the mdio_running bit to reset. // PREIDLE: begin state <= IDLE; end endcase // case(state) end // if (mdc_falling_edge) endmodule