// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

module chdr_16sc_to_12sc
  #(parameter BASE=0)
    // Clocks and resets
    input               clk,
    input               reset,
    // Settings bus
    input               set_stb,
    input [7:0]         set_addr,
    input [31:0]        set_data,
    // Input CHDR bus
    input [63:0]        i_tdata,
    input               i_tlast,
    input               i_tvalid,
    output              i_tready,
    // Output CHDR bus
    output [63:0]       o_tdata,
    output              o_tlast,
    output              o_tvalid,
    input               o_tready,
    // Debug
    output [31:0]       debug

  wire 		chdr_has_time = i_tdata[61];

  wire [11:0]   q0;
  wire [11:0]   i0;
  wire [11:0]   q1;
  wire [11:0]   i1;
  wire [11:0]   q2;
  wire [11:0]   i2;

  wire [16:0]   round_q0;
  wire [16:0]   round_i0;
  wire [16:0]   round_q1;
  wire [16:0]   round_i1;
  wire [16:0]   round_q2;
  wire [16:0]   round_i2;

  reg  [63:0]   curr_word;

  // Pipeline register
  reg [63:0]    buff;
  reg           buff_tvalid;
  reg           buff_tlast;

  // CHDR has either 8 bytes of header or 16 if VITA time is included.
  wire [15:0]   chdr_header_bytes = chdr_has_time? 16 : 8;
  // Calculate size of samples input in bytes by taking CHDR size filed and subtracting header length.
  wire [15:0]   sample_byte_count_in = i_tdata[47:32] - chdr_header_bytes;
  // Calculate size of samples to be output by taking input size and scaling by 3/4
  wire [15:0]   sample_byte_count_out = (sample_byte_count_in*3) >> 2;
  // Calculate size of output CHDR packet by adding back header size to new payload size.
  wire [15:0]   output_chdr_pkt_size = sample_byte_count_out + chdr_header_bytes;

  reg           odd;

  wire          set_sid;
  wire [15:0]   new_sid_dst;

  setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE), .width(17)) new_destination
    (.clk(clk), .rst(reset), .strobe(set_stb), .addr(set_addr), .in(set_data),
    .out({set_sid, new_sid_dst[15:0]}));

  // state machine

  localparam    HEADER    = 3'd0;
  localparam    TIME      = 3'd1;
  localparam    SAMPLE1   = 3'd2;
  localparam    SAMPLE2   = 3'd3;
  localparam    SAMPLE3   = 3'd4;
  localparam    SAMPLE4   = 3'd5;

  reg [2:0]     state;

  always @(posedge clk)
    if (reset) begin
      state <= HEADER;
      buff <= 64'd0;
      buff_tvalid <= 1'd0;
      buff_tlast <= 1'd0;
    end else begin

        // Process header
        // Check for timestamp.  Byte count conversion is done above.
        // If there is residual data in the buffer, store the header and
        // output the line in the buffer.  If not, output the header.
        HEADER: begin
          if (i_tvalid & i_tready) begin
            odd <= sample_byte_count_in [2];
            if (buff_tvalid) begin
              buff <= curr_word;
              buff_tvalid <= i_tvalid;
              buff_tlast <= i_tlast;
            end else begin
              buff <= 64'd0;
              buff_tvalid <= 1'd0;
              buff_tlast <= 1'd0;
            state <= i_tlast ? HEADER : (i_tdata[61]) ? TIME : SAMPLE1;
          end else if (buff_tvalid & o_tready) begin
              buff <= 64'd0;
              buff_tvalid <= 1'd0;
              buff_tlast <= 1'd0;

        // Process time field
        // If the header is in the buffer, output the header and
        // store the timestamp.  If not, output the timestamp.
        TIME: begin
          if (i_tvalid & i_tready) begin
            if (buff_tvalid) begin
              buff <= curr_word;
              buff_tvalid <= i_tvalid;
              buff_tlast <= i_tlast;
            end else begin
              buff <= 64'd0;
              buff_tvalid <= 1'd0;
              buff_tlast <= 1'd0;
            state <= i_tlast ? HEADER: SAMPLE1;

        // There are 3 lines of output data for each 4 lines of input data.
        // The 4 sample states below represent the 4 lines of input.
        // They are repeatedly cycled until all data is consumed.
        // Process first line
        // The 8 bytes are converted to 6 bytes, so there is not enough for an
        // 8-byte output line.  Store the data unless this is the last line in
        // the packet.  If the timestamp is in the buffer, output it.
        SAMPLE1: begin
          if (i_tvalid & i_tready) begin
            buff <= curr_word;
            buff_tvalid <= i_tlast;
            buff_tlast <= i_tlast;
            state <= i_tlast ? HEADER : SAMPLE2;

        // Process second line
        // Output a line comprised of the 6 bytes from the fist line and
        // 2 bytes from this line.  Store the remaining 4 bytes.
        SAMPLE2: begin
          if (i_tvalid & i_tready) begin
            buff <= {i0[7:0],q1,i1,32'd0};
            buff_tvalid <= i_tlast;
            buff_tlast <= i_tlast;
            state <= i_tlast ? HEADER : SAMPLE3;

        // Process third line
        // Output line comprised of the 4 remaining bytes from the second line
        // and 4 bytes from this line.  Store the remaining 2 bytes unless this
        // is the last line in the packet and the number of samples is odd.
        SAMPLE3: begin
          if (i_tvalid & i_tready) begin
            buff <= {q1[3:0],i1,48'd0};
            buff_tvalid <= i_tlast & ~odd;
            buff_tlast <= i_tlast & ~odd;
            state <= i_tlast ? HEADER : SAMPLE4;

        // Process fourth line
        // Output line comprised of the remaining 2 bytes from the third line
        // and the 6 bytes from this line.
        SAMPLE4: begin
          if (i_tvalid & i_tready) begin
            buff <= 64'd0;
            buff_tvalid <= 1'd0;
            buff_tlast <= 1'd0;
            state <= i_tlast ? HEADER : SAMPLE1;

        // Should never get here.
        default: state <= HEADER;


  // Add rounding value into 16bit samples before trunctaion
  assign	round_q0 = ({i_tdata[63],i_tdata[63:48]} + 'h0008);
  assign	round_i0 = ({i_tdata[47],i_tdata[47:32]} + 'h0008);
  // Truncate with saturation to 12bits precision.
  assign 	q0 = (round_q0[16:15] == 2'b01) ? 12'h7FF : ((round_q0[16:15] == 2'b10) ? 12'h800 : round_q0[15:4]);
  assign	i0 = (round_i0[16:15] == 2'b01) ? 12'h7FF : ((round_i0[16:15] == 2'b10) ? 12'h800 : round_i0[15:4]);
  // Add rounding value into 16bit samples before trunctaion
  assign 	round_q1 = ({i_tdata[31],i_tdata[31:16]} + 'h0008);
  assign 	round_i1 = ({i_tdata[15],i_tdata[15:0]} + 'h0008);
  // Truncate with saturation to 12bits precision.
  assign 	q1 = (round_q1[16:15] == 2'b01) ? 12'h3FF : ((round_q1[16:15] == 2'b10) ? 12'h800 : round_q1[15:4]);
  assign	i1 = (round_i1[16:15] == 2'b01) ? 12'h3FF : ((round_i1[16:15] == 2'b10) ? 12'h800 : round_i1[15:4]);

  // Mux for current word
  always @(*) 
      HEADER:   curr_word <= {i_tdata[63:48], output_chdr_pkt_size, set_sid ?
                            {i_tdata[15:0], new_sid_dst[15:0]}:i_tdata[31:0]};
      TIME:     curr_word <= i_tdata;
      SAMPLE1:  curr_word <= {q0,i0,q1, i1, 16'b0};
      SAMPLE2:  curr_word <= {buff[63:16], q0, i0[11:8]};
      SAMPLE3:  curr_word <= {buff[63:32], q0, i0,q1[11:4]};
      SAMPLE4:  curr_word <= {buff[63:48], q0, i0, q1, i1};

  assign  o_tdata   = buff_tvalid ? buff : curr_word;
  assign  o_tvalid  = (state == HEADER && buff_tvalid) || (i_tvalid &&
                      (state != SAMPLE1 || (state == SAMPLE1 && buff_tvalid)));
  assign  o_tlast   = buff_tvalid ? buff_tlast : i_tlast && (state == HEADER ||
                      state == TIME || (state == SAMPLE3 && odd) || state == SAMPLE4);
  assign  i_tready  = o_tready;
