initial $dumpfile("axi_crossbar_tb.vcd"); initial $dumpvars(0,axi_crossbar_tb); reg [15:0] x; initial begin @(posedge clk); reset <= 1; repeat (5) @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); reset <= 0; @(posedge clk); // 2x2 Switch so only mask one bit of SID for route dest. // Each slave must have a unique address, logic doesn't check for this. // // Network Addr 0 & 1 go to Slave 0. write_setting_bus(0,0); // 0.X goes to Port 0 write_setting_bus(1,0); // 1.X goes to Port 0 // Local Addr = 2 write_setting_bus(512,2); // Host Addr 0 & 2 go to Slave 0... write_setting_bus(256,0); // 2.0 goes to Port 0 write_setting_bus(258,0); // 2.2 goes to Port 0 // ...Host Addr 1 & 3 go to Slave 1... write_setting_bus(257,1); // 2.1 goes to Port 1 write_setting_bus(259,1); // 2.3 goes to Port 1 // @(posedge clk); fork begin // Master0, addr 0.0 to Slave0 enqueue_vita_pkt(0,10,0,{16'h0,8'h0,8'h0}); // Master0, addr 2.0 to Slave0 enqueue_vita_pkt(0,11,'h12345678,{16'h0,8'h2,8'h0}); // Master0, addr 2.3 to Slave1 enqueue_vita_pkt(0,14,'h45678901,{16'h0,8'h2,8'h3}); // Master0, addr 2.2 to Slave0 enqueue_vita_pkt(0,11,'h67890123,{16'h0,8'h2,8'h2}); end begin // Master1, addr 1.0 to Slave0 enqueue_vita_pkt(1,12,'h23456789,{16'h0,8'h1,8'h0}); // Master1, addr 2.1 to Slave1 enqueue_vita_pkt(1,13,'h34567890,{16'h0,8'h2,8'h1}); // Master1, addr 2.3 to Slave1 enqueue_vita_pkt(1,14,'h56789012,{16'h0,8'h2,8'h3}); end join repeat (1000) @(posedge clk); $finish; end // initial begin